Offering Service

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Offering Service

1. Offering service dengan modal verb

Can, May, dan Must.
Can dapat digunakan untuk mengungkapkan ekspresi informal sedangkan May dan Must dapat
digunakan dalam percakapan formal. Tidak ada perbedaan makna antara modal verb tersebut,
hanya saja perbedaan terletak pada tingkat kesopanan atau politeness. May dan Must dianggap
lebih sopan untuk digunakan dalam percakapan yang resmi.
Berikut ini adalah contoh kalimat penawaran bantuan menggunakan modal verb Can:
– Can I help you?
– Can I do something for you?
– Can I do you a favor?
Contoh kalimat diatas dapat digunakan untuk percakapan yang tidak terlalu formal/ informal.
Untuk menawarkan bantuan dengan lebih sopan, Anda bisa membuat kalimat menggunakan May
atau Must seperti contoh di bawah ini:

– May I get the meals for you?

– May I bring the book for you?
– Must I close the door for you?
– Must I write something?

Modal Verb + Subject (I) + Verb + Object / Adverb

2. Offering service tanpa modal verb

Selain menggunakan modal verb, Anda juga mempunyai cara lain untuk membuat sebuah
kalimat offering service. Kalimat ini biasanya menggunakan kata “Do you want me” atau “Do
you mind if I”.

– Do you want me to buy the drink?

– Do you want me to change the schedule?
– Do you mind if I pour the tea?
– Do you mind if I help you?
Do you want me + to + Verb + Object / Adverb, atau
Do you mind if I + Verb + Object / Adverb

Dialog 1
James : Hey, Betty. Where have you been?
Betty : Hello, James. I just bought some books from the bookstore.
James : It sounds great. How many books did you buy?
Betty : About 8 to 10 books. They are quite heavy, though.
James : Sure, they are. Can I bring the book for you?
Betty : Of course. That is very kind of you. Thank you so much.
James : Never mind.
Dialog 2
Waiter : Good evening, Sir. Have you decided the order?
Mr. John: Yes, I would like to have cheese steak with mushroom.
Waiter : Sure. Do you want me to get the champagne now?
Mr. John: Yes, of course.
Dialog 3:

Harry : Hey, Jane. Do you know the latest news about Marry?
Jane : No, I haven’t heard anything about her. What is it about?
Harry : She got an accident yesterday. She rode a bicycle and hit a parked car.
Jane : That sounds terrible. I want to visit her then. What if we go this afternoon?
Harry : That’s a good idea. Do you mind if I pick you up at 3 pm?
Jane : Sure. Thanks a lot, Harry.
Harry : With my pleasure, Jane.

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