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Answer the ff.

1. As a student, explain each of the 10 Global Issues that confront us at present.

2. Write a 5 paragraph Essay based from the Top 10 Global Issues and The 17 SDGs chose 3 Global
Issues/ SDG which you think have greatly affected our country and give suggestions on how
schools must address these issues.

3. Write a 5 paragraph reflection paper on the given questions as a student teacher. Have I
involved myself in school and community partnership? In what ways?

4. Teacher observe that when students submit report the more ornate and artistic the folder is,
the less substantial the report. Which weakness in the Filipino character is painted to ? If you
were the teacher how do you counter act such?

5. School and Community partnership enhances some of ownership and sense of belonging. What
do these mean? How will these impact on school and communities?

6. In what way on I involved in school and community? What else can I do ?

7. Think of your favorite teacher. Why is he/she your favorite? What qualities did he/she possess?
Is he/she your ideal teacher? What influence did he/she have in your life? Did she act in
accordance to the expectations of the community?

8. Some parents got dismayed by the teacher adviser of their children because he has been
proselyting his students, and forcing students to attend Church to where he belongs, and worst,
he promised that those who would be baptized in his Church will pass his exams. One parent
shared this problem to one of the teachers in the same school. As a teacher, you want to help
the parents of the students. You talked to the concerned teacher but he would not listen to you.
The next step is, you want to bring now the problem to higher level by writing a letter of
complaint to the Principal. Pretend that you are now the teacher, you write a letter of complaint
against the concerned teacher addressed to your Principal.

9. Here is what one Dean of College of Education told her freshmen teacher education students in
her Welcome Address on Orientation Day:

Believing that you don’t learn everything in classroom, the College of Education,
which will be your home for four years has prepared a menu of annual co-
curricular activities for you. All of these are meant to help you become the true
professional teacher that this College and University have envisioned you to
a. What message do you get from the Dean’s Welcome

b. In the context of this Welcome Address, what does this statement’… do

more, learn more , and have more…’ ( Pope Paul VI, Populorum
Progressio, 1967) What message do you get in relation to your pre-
service education?

10. “ I don’t hear what you are saying because who you are speaks louder than what you say”. How
does this quote apply to the professional teacher as a community leader? Discuss.

11. As a community leader, what will you do if you see something negative in the community
culture? Example.

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