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PROCEDURE: (8086 Development Kit)

1. Power on and start 8086 development kit.

2. Press Reset key. (⏎)
3. Press “E” (⏎) key followed by “A” key (⏎) on the Keyboard. Then default code address and
segment address will be appeared on the LCD. (1000:0100)
4. Write the assembly program through the Keyboard.
5. Press “INT A5” and then Q from the Keyboard.
6. Make the connections as per interference diagram for external hardware interface (like LED
array, Stepper motor etc.). {* optional (if any)}
7. Press the “S” key on the Keyboard. A message Sub MIR?" is displayed on the LCD. Press enter
(⏎) key. The system displays a message Memory". Press <Space> key to access memory,
input/output or register.
8. To access the specific memory locations, select code address and offset address respectively.
9. Press ESC to exit from the memory section.
10. Now to execute the program, press “G” Key (⏎) and the system will display a message" Go
To?". Press (⏎) key and you are prompted with a message "Burst" Press enter (⏎) and the
system will ask for the segment address of the memory location and offset address. Provide the
address followed by ⏎ and the program will be executed.
11. Finally, the system will display you a message according to your program. Check the output.

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