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Spectral Properties of polynomial or power series in n variables.

Noncommuting Operators However there are various approaches to

Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1843 defining a joint spectrum σ(L) of L, and
to constructing a functional calculus of L.
When the operators satisfy the property
Brian Jefferies
that σ(< ξ, L >) ⊂ R for all ξ ∈ Rn , then
Springer–Verlag 2004
one possibility is to use Clifford algebras,
ISBN: 3-540-21923-4
and to replace the use of the Cauchy inte-
gral in the Riesz–Dunford functional calcu-
lus by a higher dimensional Clifford–Cauchy
There are many ways to form a function f integral.
of a matrix L, or more generally of an oper- When the operators Lj do not commute
ator L acting on a Banach space X. If f is with one another, then it becomes more
the polynomial f (z) = k=0 ck z k , then just difficult to construct a reasonable theory.
define f (L) =
PN k Nevertheless, this is important. For exam-
k=0 ck L . Slightly more
generally, suppose a holomorphic function ple, the Weyl functional calculus was in-
f is defined by f (z) =
c z k
when troduced to consider functions of position
k=0 k
|z| < R, where the radius of convergence (Qj ) and momentum (Pj ) under the canon-
R is larger than ||L|| of L. Then ical commutation relations Qj Pj − Pj Qj =
P∞the norm k i~I of quantum theory. In the Weyl func-
set f (L) = k=0 ck L . Much more gen-
eral is the Riesz–Dunford functional calcu- tional calculus, one takes symmetric prod-
lus. Suppose f is a holomorphic function de- ucts in forming polynomials. For example,
fined on a neighbourhood Ω of the spectrum if L = (L1 , L2 ) and f (x1 , x2 ) = x1 x2 , then
σ(L) of L. The spectrum is the compact set f (L) = 12 (L1 L2 + L2 L1 ). The Clifford ap-
of all λ in the complex plane C for which the proach generalizes quite well to this context,
resolvent RL (λ) = (λI − L)−1 does not ex- though not easily, and gives us the opportu-
ist as a bounded operator on X. (For a ma- nity to extend the Weyl functional calculus
trix L, this is just the set ofR eigenvalues of to more general situations, and to identify
L.) Then define f (L) = 2πi 1
R (ζ)f (ζ) dζ a type of spectral set as the support of the
γ L
where γ is a curve in Ω which winds anti- functional calculus.
clockwise around σ(L). These definitions A seminal paper on the use of Clifford
are all consistent, they have natural prop- analysis to study functional calculi of com-
erties such as (αf + βg)(L) = αf (L) + muting operators is: Alan Mc Intosh and
βg(L), (f g)(L) = f (L)g(L) and σ(f (L)) = Alan Pryde, A functional calculus for sev-
f (σ(L)), and moreover are useful in a va- eral commuting operators, Indiana Univer-
riety of contexts. A particular mapping sity Math. Journal 36 (1987), 421–439;
f 7→ f (L) is called a functional calculus of while a seminal paper on non-commuting
L. operators is: Brian Jefferies, Alan Mc Intosh
When L = (L1 , L2 , . . . Ln ) is a commut- and James Picton–Warlow, The monogenic
ing family of matrices or operators, then functional calculus, Studia Mathematica
it is clear how to define f (L) when f is a 136 (1999), 99–119.
Book Reviews 283

Rather than say more, let me urge you Arnold’s Problems

to read the very clear account by Brian Jef-
feries in the book under review. Jefferies V.I. Arnold (Ed.)
tells us about the background material, and Springer-Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg 2004
presents all definitions and results in a pre- ISBN: 3-540-20614-0
cise way which is a pleasure to read. He does
not give detailed proofs of all those theo- The statement “To ask the right question
rems which are already in the published lit- is harder than to answer it” is attributed
erature, though, on a number of occasions, to Georg Cantor and one might add that
he does prove results which go beyond what to ask such a question is perhaps the most
was previously known, sometimes in impor- fruitful and creative action leading to new
tant ways. mathematical knowledge. The book edited
These new results apply even in the by Arnold is full of such questions that were
simplest noncommuting situation, namely posed in the famous Arnold seminars at the
when L = (L1 , L2 , . . . Ln ) is a family of her- Moscow State University spanning a 50 year
mitian matrices, acting as operators on Cn , period ranging from 1956 in the era of So-
and f is a continuous function from Rn to viet Union through to present day Russia of
C with Fourier transform fˆ ∈ L1 (Rn ). The 2003.
Weyl functional calculus gives a natural def- There are without doubt many legends
inition of f (L) as surrounding the discussions of problems
raised in Arnold’s seminars and subsequent
Z attempts at solving them, and many read-
f (L) = (2π)−n exp(i < ξ, L > fˆ(ξ) dξ . ers may have their own anecdotes to relate
about this.
The support γ(L) of this functional calcu- The wide scope of mathematics that took
lus is a type of spectral set of L. But what centre stage at the seminars is amazing —
is it? The definition using Fourier trans- dynamical systems, number theory, group
forms can give no information other than theory, representation theory and combi-
an estimate of sup |γ(L)| obtained from the natorics, classical and functional analysis
Payley–Wiener theorem. Jefferies goes to to name a few. The diversity that was
great pains to show how further informa- embraced within the seminars attests to a
tion can indeed be obtained by using Clif- strong belief in the fundamental unity of
ford analysis. This is very interesting mate- a mathematical description of the natural
rial. world.
The book extends but is in no way the It seems that mathematical life in the So-
last word on the subject. In the final viet Union in the seminars of Arnold and
chapter there is an explanation of connec- others — Gel’fand, Sinai, Kirillov, Manin,
tions between the Weyl calculus and Feyn- Novikov to name a few — was and per-
man’s operational calculus, and mention of haps is rather different from that experi-
intriguing possibilities for future research. enced elsewhere and a formative experience
This could be a fruitful field of endeavour. for generations of mathematicians. However
through this book the outsider from another
era may participate, even if in a vicarious
Alan Mc Intosh way, in the circle of discussions that took
Centre for Mathematics and its Applications, place then.
Australian National University Canberra ACT 0200 The book is divided into two parts —
E-mail: the first containing the problems posed in
chronological order and the second part
      with the comments on the problems. In
284 Book Reviews

this latter part solutions are given where dom matrix theory based on the 1922 work
these have been found along with an ex- of E.H. Moore.
tensive historical bibliography of work on Every working mathematician will find
the particular problem. Otherwise one can something of direct value to their own in-
gain an immediate and succinct overview of terests and find it an invaluable resource to
the current status of a particular open prob- dip into from time to time. One hopes that
lem from the comments part. One novel this is an on-going project and that updates
and fascinating aspect of the book is that will make their appearance regularly. Fi-
while Arnold has edited the work many of nally it is necessary to end with a caveat to
the comments are written by researchers the quotation made at the opening of this
who have contributed directly to the un- review and which serves as a warning —
derstanding of or solutions to the problems. “You are never sure whether or not a
Besides Arnold there are some 58 other con- problem is good unless you actually solve
tributors, mostly Arnold’s former students, it” (M. Gromov).
but there are others outside of the Moscow
Now we wish to get down to discussing Nicholas Witte
some specific problems. Some of the prob- Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The
lems are really the enunciation of programs University of Melbourne, VIC 3010
as in problem 1997-9 about the analo-
gies between various mathematical trini-
ties. Others are very concrete and this re-      
viewer liked the inclusion of problems 1984-
7 and 1987-12 regarding the study of de-
compositions of the space of linear complex Algebraic Integrability,
ordinary differential equations with singu- Painlevé Geometry and Lie algebras
larities into isomonodromy classes and the
consequent questions — limits of isomon-
Mark Adler, Pierre Van Moerbeke
odromic systems with coalescing singular
and Pol Vanhaecke
points, namely their versal deformations, bi-
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2004
furcation diagrams, etc. Another beautiful
ISBN: 3-540-22470-x
topic, treated in 1991-11, 1993-33 and 2000-
12, is the generalisation of Gauss-Kuz’min-
Khinchin statistics of simple continued frac- The aim of this book is to explain “how al-
tions of real numbers in the interval (0, 1) gebraic geometry, Lie theory and Painlevé
to higher dimensional analogues. While the analysis can be used to explicitly solve in-
discussion of problems is even-handed it can tegrable differential equations”. It covers
be patchy or incomplete — for example the many important subjects in the theory of
1990-9 problem asking for a precise meaning integrable systems and can be also used as
to M.V. Berry’s assertion that the asymp- an introductory teaching textbook for many
totics of an oscillatory integral, after sub- classical topics like Lie algebras, Poisson
tracting all terms polynomial in the wave- manifolds, algebraic and differential geome-
length, exhibits exponentially small ‘jumps’ try. Usually a study of the theory of inte-
with an universal form of the error function grable systems assumes a solid mathemat-
has no comment. Also the 1998-15 problem ical background and requires serious pre-
of the quaternionic analog of the determi- liminary studies in many areas of mathe-
nant fails to mention the application of such matics. One of the main advantage of this
determinants by F.J. Dyson in 1972 to ran- book is that the authors almost succeeded
to present a material in a self-contained
Book Reviews 285

manner with numerous examples. As a re- a flat complex n-dimensional space and un-
sult it can be also used as a reference book der the proper choice of coordinates one can
for many subjects in mathematics. reveal the whole geometry of the system
The book opens with a short introduc- and explicitly compute all their character-
tion to the differential geometry on com- istics. This part of the book is quite diffi-
plex manifolds and Lie groups and algebras. cult for reading since it combines some facts
This chapter also contains a Cartan classifi- from algebraic geometry together with com-
cation of simple Lie algebras and introduc- putational algorithms more appropriate for
tion to twisted affine Lie algebras. physicists. Although authors tried to illus-
The purpose of the next two chapters is trate the material with some simple exam-
to give a comprehensive introduction into ples, you still need to be either a mathemati-
the theory of Liouville integrable systems on cian interested in practical computations or
Poisson manifolds. The authors start with a physicist with a very good mathematical
a notation of Poisson manifolds, hamilton- background.
ian dynamics on such manifolds and explain The concluding part of the book con-
how to introduce a natural Poisson struc- tains applications to some particular alge-
ture on the dual of finite-dimensional and braic completely integrable systems. The
infinite-dimensional Lie algebras. Further first type of examples is related to investiga-
they explain a concept of Liouville integra- tions of integrable geodesic flows on orthog-
bility and a notation of Lax operator which onal group in 4 dimensions. This chapter is
is the main ingredient of the modern ap- of more interest to specialists in this partic-
proach to algebraic integrability. This part ular area. Then the authors apply the de-
of the book completes with the introduction veloped techniques to periodic Toda lattice
of the r-matrix structure associated with the associated with different root systems and
L-operator algebras. investigate their geometry. Surely these ex-
The second part of the book is devoted to amples will attract many scientist’s atten-
a description of the algebraic completely in- tion working in the area of integrable sys-
tegrable systems on affine varieties. It starts tems. The last set of examples concerns the
with the chapter which explains the geom- theory of integrable tops. Among others au-
etry of Abelian varieties. However, due to thors consider the famous Kowalevski top
a complexity of the subject the material in and analyze its algebraic structure.
this chapter assumes some basic knowledges In summary, Algebraic Integrability,
in differential and Riemann geometry. This Painlevé Geometry and Lie algebras is a
part of the book can serve as a good source very good book which covers many in-
to refresh reader’s knowledges in algebraic teresting subjects in modern mathematical
geometry. Based on this authors introduce physics. Although its complete study will
algebraic completely integrable systems on require a substantial amount of time and
affine varieties. This is the central part of efforts for a non-specialist, the reader will
the book. Starting with simple examples profit in a much better understanding of the
authors explain necessary conditions for al- theory of integrable systems, their geometry
gebraic complete integrability and explain and applications in both mathematics and
connections with Lax equations with a pa- physics.
rameter. They also formulate a complex
version of the Liouville theorem.
Vladimir Mangazeev
The next chapter describes a special class Department of Mathematics, Australian National
of weight homogeneous algebraic completely University ACT 0200
integrable systems. Such systems “live” in E-mail:
286 Book Reviews

Tolerance Graphs graphs, comparability graphs, cocompara-

bility graphs, parallelogram graphs, trape-
zoid graphs, threshold graphs, etc. (A typ-
M.C. Golumbic and A.N. Trenk
ical result of this kind may assert that any
Cambridge Studies in Adv. Math. 89
graph in class A is in class B, or a graph
Cambridge University Press 2004
is in class A if and only if it is in the in-
ISBN 0-521-82758-2
tersection of classes B and C. For exam-
ple, tolerance graphs are perfect graphs, in-
A graph is called an interval graph if it ad- terval graphs are precisely tolerance graphs
mits an interval representation, that is, each with constant tolerances, etc.) Tolerance-
vertex can be assigned a closed interval on related graphs discussed in the book in-
a real line such that two vertices are adja- clude bounded tolerance graphs, unit tol-
cent if and only if the corresponding inter- erance graphs, proper tolerance graphs, in-
vals have a non-empty intersection. Interval terval probe graphs, bitolerance graphs,
graphs are well known for their applications unit bounded bitolerance graphs, proper
to scheduling, resource allocation, microbi- bounded tolerance graphs, directed toler-
ology, VLSI circuit design, etc., and they ance graphs, and so on. Partially ordered
form an important class of perfect graphs. sets, recognition problems and algorithms
As a generalization of interval graphs, tol- relating to tolerance graphs are covered in
erance graphs were introduced by the first- the book as well.
named author of this book and Monma in The book starts with an introductory
1982 so as to reflect the flexibility for shar- chapter, where tolerance graphs and other
ing resources in some application problems. well known intersection graphs are intro-
In a tolerance graph, each vertex v can be duced. In the next chapter the authors
represented by an interval Iv together with a present early work on tolerance graphs,
tolerance tv , which is a positive real number highlighted with a complete hierarchy of
or ∞, such that two vertices x, y are adja- classes of perfect graphs. Chapter 3 gives
cent if and only if |Ix ∩ Iy | ≥ min{tx , ty }. In characterizations of trees, cotrees and bi-
other words, two vertices are adjacent if and partite graphs which are tolerance graphs.
only if the intersection of the corresponding Chapter 4 discusses interval probe graphs,
intervals is large enough to “bother”at least which were introduced in studying phys-
one of them. ical mappings of DNA, and proves the
This monograph is a comprehensive and NP-completeness of the sandwich prob-
thorough treatment of tolerance graphs and lem for such graphs. This chapter also
their generalizations, and is the first book gives a hierarchy of interval graphs, in-
on the topic. It contains major results on terval probe graphs and other families of
tolerance graphs, often with proofs, that tolerance graphs. The next two chapters
were produced during the last more than deal with bounded bitolerance orders and
two decades. Although the book was in- unit tolerance orders, respectively. Chap-
tended primarily for researchers and gradu- ter 7 investigates tolerance-related orders
ate students, as stated in the preface, most which are comparability invariant. Chapter
parts of it are accessible by those who have 8 is devoted to the problem of recognizing
only limited background in graph theory. A bounded bitolerance orders, and Chapter 9
large part of the book is devoted to rela- to algorithms on tolerance graphs. In Chap-
tionships among various classes of tolerance ter 10 the authors consider various classes
or generalized tolerance graphs, and their of bounded bitolerance orders and present
relationships with some well known classes a hierarchy of them. In the next two chap-
of graphs such as interval graphs, chordal ters they explore generalizations of toleran-
graphs, weakly chordal graphs, permutation
Book Reviews 287

ce graphs in two different directions: in results on tolerance graphs, it will be in-

Chapter 11 the real line is replaced by a dispensable for researchers and graduate
tree and intervals are replaced by subtrees, students working on tolerance graphs and
and in Chapter 12 the function min{tx , ty } other related graph classes. It will also
is replaced by a symmetric binary function be a very useful reference book for anyone
such as max{tx , ty }, tx +ty , symmetric poly- who is interested in algorithmic aspects of
nomials in tx and ty , etc. Chapter 13 deals graph theory. In this regard the reader
with directed tolerance graphs, and the last may use this book in conjunction with the
chapter (Chapter 14) lists a number of open first author’s well known book “Algorithmic
problems and further research directions in Graph Theory and Perfect Graphs” (Aca-
the area of tolerance graphs. demic Press, 1980), whose second edition
The book is well written and easy to appeared in 2004. The book under review
follow. Definitions, results, algorithms and can be tailored to suit a graduate course
proofs are explained and presented clearly. with emphasis on graph classes and inter-
A large number of graphs, tables and fig- section graphs.
ures are included, and they are very helpful
to understanding the context. Exercises are
provided at the end of each chapter, except Sanming Zhou
Department of Mathematics and Ststistics, The
the final one where 21 research problems University of Melbourne, VIC 3010
are listed. Since the book collects major E-mail:

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