2 Precepts Transcript

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Congratulations! You are enrolled in the Trading Psychology Mastery Course.

the next 2 weeks or so, you’ll embark on a journey that will hopefully arm you with
some deep insights about the nature of your mind (but also the markets), and this
will provoke some deep changes within yourself – changes that you’ll witness
firsthand as you begin trading. You’ll see the change in your behavior and therefore
your results (We’ll get to that a little bit later on).

Now, the only thing that is required of you is that you commit yourself fully,
during these 2 weeks. Because this is a home study course, I know there is a
propensity to distract yourself from what it is that you have to do. You’re more
inclined to slack off or do things half way through, without any real personal
commitment. But the technique I will be showing you isn’t something that you
can do half-way through (unfortunately). You have to go all the way in order to
reap the rewards.

When you fully commit yourself, in essence, you are giving yourself
completely to yourself. And I know this statement doesn’t really make sense to
you at the moment, but it will later.

If you commit yourself fully (body and mind) to this course, something of
significant importance will happen within you. You will be showing to your
subconscious that you want that market success strong enough that you’re willing to
“erase” conflicting beliefs (and resistances) in your mind. ** You will be showing to
your subconscious mind** that you’re willing to do whatever it takes! And the
subconscious mind always listens!

So in essence what I am stating is that the work has to come from you, and
only you! This course is just a bunch of words spoken and written.
Intrinsically, they don’t mean anything (really) unless YOU give meaning to

That being said, I would expect of you that you conscientiously observe the following
precepts before starting:

1. Acceptance of the Technique.

You must declare yourself willing to follow my guidance and instructions at all times,
that is, to practice the technique exactly as instructed, without ignoring any part of
the instructions, nor adding anything to them. This acceptance should be one of trust
and understanding. Only with an attitude of trust can you work diligently and
thoroughly, and such confidence in me; in what I am teaching you and in the
technique itself is essential for the success of this approach.

2. I want you to cease any market-related activity for at least 2 weeks.

In short, you are doing this to give a fair trial to the technique I’m about to teach you.
You are also giving yourself an opportunity to extrapolate yourself from a given
problem (and in this case in trading), and this will provide you with much-needed
perspective. Well get to that later on, but, know this: failure to do so (failure to cease
any market-related activity for at least 2 weeks) may impede and even reverse your
progress.So, this is very important. Make sure you exit any existing short-term
positions; make sure you do not check the market-related news for 2 weeks, or that
you do not check your PnL, place trades, etc., etc..
I should probably put an addendum here since I receive a lot of questions about this.
View these 2 weeks away from the markets as vacations. And you are going to this
location with no internet, so no trading, no news... All you can grab is a couple of
books and it's ok if they are trading-related, but this is the only exception.
What I'm attempting to do with this precept (of no market-related activity) that I've set
is that when you're trading or even looking at the markets, what happens is that there
are all kinds of emotions that arise. For instance, wanting to get out, fear of missing
out, greed, etc., etc.. I want you to take a break from that, only then can you gain
Here's an analogy, when you stand too close to a tree; when you literally have your
face glued to the tree, you can't even see that there's a tree there. You just see a
bunch of colors. It's only when you step back that you see that there's a tree there.
You can't analyze your behavior objectively when you don't step back for a moment
because you're constantly being clouded by thoughts and emotions. You're not
seeing things for how they are.
I assure you, you're not missing out on anything. If you think you are missing out on
something in the markets, then you haven't understood what trading is all about. It's
not opportunities that are lacking in the markets (there are always opportunities
arising and passing, arising and passing), what's lacking is the ability to take
advantage of those opportunities with a balanced and equanimous mind.

3. I want your full focus for the entirety of the course.

Make sure that you’re in a quiet environment when you listen to the course or when
you practice the exercises. Make sure that no one disturbs you; make sure that you
do not take calls, check your internet browser, etc. This is to emphasize the strictly
practical nature of the technique I’m about to teach you.

4. You will have to do the homework as instructed with each new section of the
course. Again, I want your full commitment, and with this in mind, I want you to fill
and sign the commitment form provided, and keep it at arm’s reach. Every line of this
form has been written with you and your practice in mind.

So here you go, 4 precepts that I want you to observe as they are and
unconditionally. I am confident that it is one of the best investments you’ve made
so far in regards to aiding you in the attainment of any kind of durable success in
trading. But again, you have to be willing to do the work as prescribed.

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