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This research work has indeed been a very interesting and enriching

experience. It has indeed made me see life in a better and fuller form besides

making Shakespeare dearer to me. For this, my foremost thanks are due to my

guide and mentor Professor R. A. Malagi, who at every step had set me on the

right course of action. It was with his constant guidance and deep insight that I

could find a proper direction in my study, thus enabling me to achieve the

objectives I had set down for myself. My gratitude is due to him for providing

illuminating guidelines and helping me out whenever I found myself stumbling. I

would also like to thank Mrs Malagi for her motherly affection and care during the

course of the strenuous pursuit.

I am grateful to the librarians of all the Ahmedabad libraries and my special

thanks should go to those of the M J Library, The British Library and The Gujarat

Vidyapeeth Library.

I cannot miss expressing my thankfulness to the internet service with its

vast store of material which I constantly consulted.

Last but not the least, I would love to extend my sincere gratitude to my

husband Sanjay and the loving children Swapnil and Siddharth for being so

supportive and patient, and all my friends for being extremely helpful.


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