Rubrics 2023

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Rubrics for Answers in Discussion Questions (Individual)

Understanding of Key Concepts (0-5 points):

0 points: The response indicates a lack of understanding of essential physiology concepts.

1 point: The response demonstrates minimal understanding but contains major misconceptions.
2 points: The response shows basic comprehension but lacks depth.
3 points: The response displays a good understanding of core concepts.
4 points: The response exhibits a strong grasp of key physiological principles.
5 points: The response demonstrates an exceptional understanding of complex concepts.

Integration of Course Material or other references (0-5 points):

0 points: The response does not incorporate any course material or references.
1 point: The response briefly mentions course material but lacks meaningful integration.
2 points: The response includes some relevant course material but could provide more context.
3 points: The response effectively integrates course material to support key points.
4 points: The response skillfully incorporates course content, enhancing the answer's depth.
5 points: The response seamlessly integrates course material to create a comprehensive and
insightful answer.

Clarity and Conciseness (0-5 points):

0 points: The response is unclear and overly verbose, making it difficult to understand.
1 point: The response is somewhat clear but contains unnecessary details or wordiness.
2 points: The response is clear and concise, with minor room for improvement.
3 points: The response is very clear and concise, effectively conveying ideas in a brief format.
4 points: The response is exceptionally clear and concise, with no room for improvement.

Critical Thinking and Synthesis (0-5 points):

0 points: The response lacks critical thinking and fails to synthesize ideas.
1 point: The response shows limited critical thinking and minimal synthesis of information.
2 points: The response demonstrates some critical thinking but lacks in-depth synthesis.
3 points: The response displays good critical thinking and synthesizes ideas effectively.
4 points: The response exhibits strong critical thinking and skillful synthesis of complex
5 points: The response showcases exceptional critical thinking and masterful synthesis of

Total Possible Points: 0-20

Rubrics for Answers in Discussion Questions (Group)

Understanding of Key Concepts (0-5 points):

0 points: The response indicates a lack of understanding of essential physiology concepts.

1 point: The response demonstrates minimal understanding but contains major misconceptions.
2 points: The response shows basic comprehension but lacks depth.
3 points: The response displays a good understanding of core concepts.
4 points: The response exhibits a strong grasp of key physiological principles.
5 points: The response demonstrates an exceptional understanding of complex concepts.

Integration of Course Material (0-5 points):

0 points: The response does not incorporate any course material or references.
1 point: The response briefly mentions course material but lacks meaningful integration.
2 points: The response includes some relevant course material but could provide more context.
3 points: The response effectively integrates course material to support key points.
4 points: The response skillfully incorporates course content, enhancing the answer's depth.
5 points: The response seamlessly integrates course material to create a comprehensive and
insightful answer.

Clarity and Conciseness (0-5 points):

0 points: The response is unclear and overly verbose, making it difficult to understand.
1 point: The response is somewhat clear but contains unnecessary details or wordiness.
2 points: The response is clear and concise, with minor room for improvement.
3 points: The response is very clear and concise, effectively conveying ideas in a brief format.
4 points: The response is exceptionally clear and concise, with no room for improvement.

Critical Thinking and Synthesis (0-5 points):

0 points: The response lacks critical thinking and fails to synthesize ideas.
1 point: The response shows limited critical thinking and minimal synthesis of information.
2 points: The response demonstrates some critical thinking but lacks in-depth synthesis.
3 points: The response displays good critical thinking and synthesizes ideas effectively.
4 points: The response exhibits strong critical thinking and skillful synthesis of complex
5 points: The response showcases exceptional critical thinking and masterful synthesis of

Active Participation in the Activity (To be rated by groupmates using the following Rubrics, 0-5

Respectful Interaction (0-2 points):

0 points: The student is consistently disrespectful, interruptive, or dismissive of others.

1 point: The student occasionally shows disrespect or disrupts the discussion.
2 points: The student consistently demonstrates respect for others, allowing for a
constructive discussion environment.

Active Participation (0-3 points):

0 points: The student rarely actively participates in group activities and discussions.
1 point: The student sometimes takes an active role but is not consistently engaged.
2 points: The student generally participates actively but may need encouragement at
3 points: The student consistently takes an active role, initiates discussions, and
encourages participation among peers.

Total Possible Points: 0-25

Video Presentation Rubric (Individual)

Content (0-7 points):

Accuracy of Information (0-3 points):

0 points: The content is factually incorrect or misleading.

1 point: The content contains significant inaccuracies or lacks depth.
2 points: The content is reasonably accurate but could be more detailed.
3 points: The content is highly accurate, well-researched, and provides a comprehensive
understanding of the chosen topic.

Relevance to Course Material (0-4 points):

0 points: The video is entirely unrelated to the course material.

1 point: The video has minimal relevance to the course material.
2 points: The video is somewhat related but lacks a clear connection to course content.
3 points: The video effectively ties the topic to course material, demonstrating a strong
4 points: The video seamlessly integrates course material, reinforcing key concepts.

Presentation (0-4 points):

Clarity and Engagement (0-2 points):

0 points: The video is confusing and lacks engagement.

1 point: The video is somewhat clear but struggles to engage the audience.
2 points: The video is clear, engaging, and effectively conveys the message within the 1-
minute time frame.

Visual and Audio Quality (0-2 points):

0 points: The video has poor audio and visual quality, making it difficult to follow.
1 point: The video has some technical issues but is generally watchable.
2 points: The video is of decent quality with minor technical glitches.

Creativity and Engagement (0-4 points):

Creativity and Originality (0-2 points):

0 points: The video lacks creativity and originality, following a generic approach.
1 point: The video attempts some creativity but relies on common tropes.
2 points: The video demonstrates creativity and originality in its presentation.

Audience Engagement (0-2 points):

0 points: The video fails to engage the audience and lacks a clear message.
1 point: The video attempts engagement but struggles to maintain viewer interest.
2 points: The video effectively engages the audience for most of its duration.

Total Possible Points: 0-15

Laboratory Exercise Report Rubric:

Data Presentation (0-7 points):

Data Clarity (0-3 points):

0 points: The data presentation is unclear and difficult to interpret.

1 point: The data presentation lacks clarity but is somewhat understandable.
2 points: The data is presented clearly, making it easy to understand.
3 points: The data is exceptionally clear and effectively communicated.

Visual Representation (0-4 points):

0 points: Visual representations (graphs, charts, tables) are missing or poorly executed.
1 point: Visual representations are included but are not well-organized or effective.
2 points: Visual representations are included and reasonably well-organized.
3 points: Visual representations are well-executed, enhancing data understanding.
4 points: Visual representations are outstanding, adding significant value to data

Discussion of Data (0-8 points):

Data Analysis (0-4 points):

0 points: The analysis of the data is missing or incorrect.

1 point: The data analysis is present but lacks depth or contains inaccuracies.
2 points: The data analysis is accurate and provides meaningful insights.
3 points: The data analysis is thorough and insightful.
4 points: The data analysis is exceptional, demonstrating a deep understanding of the data.

Interpretation and Insights (0-4 points):

0 points: The interpretation of data lacks depth or is entirely absent.

1 point: The interpretation is present but lacks depth or contains inaccuracies.
2 points: The interpretation is reasonable and provides some valuable insights.
3 points: The interpretation is insightful and provides a thorough understanding of the data.
4 points: The interpretation is exceptional, offering profound insights.
Discussion Questions (0-3 points):

Correctness of Answers (0-3 points):

0 points: The answers to discussion questions are incorrect or missing.

1 point: The answers are partially correct but contain significant inaccuracies.
2 points: The answers are correct and demonstrate a good understanding of the questions.
3 points: The answers are highly accurate and showcase a deep comprehension of the

Active Participation in the Activity (To be rated by groupmates using the following Rubrics, 0-5

Active Contribution (0-3 points):

0 points: The student made minimal or no contributions to the group effort.

1 point: The student contributed occasionally but lacked active engagement.
2 points: The student actively participated and contributed to the group's success.
3 points: The student's contributions were exceptional and significantly benefited the group.

Collaboration and Communication (0-2 points):

0 points: The student did not collaborate effectively or communicate with group members.
1 point: The student occasionally collaborated but faced communication challenges.
2 points: The student effectively collaborated and communicated with group members.

Total Possible Points: 0-23

Rubric for Animal/Animal Part Model

Accuracy and functionality (0-7 points):

Anatomical Accuracy (0-4 points):

0 points: The model lacks accuracy in representing the anatomy of the animal or animal
1 point: The model demonstrates minimal anatomical accuracy.
2 points: The model represents some anatomical features accurately but has notable
3 points: The model is reasonably anatomically accurate, with minor discrepancies.
4 points: The model is highly anatomically accurate, closely resembling the actual animal or

Functionality (0-3 points):

0 points: The model lacks functionality for blood collection practice.

1 point: The model has limited functionality and is not practical for blood collection practice.
2 points: The model is somewhat functional but has significant limitations.
3 points: The model is highly functional and suitable for realistic blood collection practice.
Creativity (0-10 points):

Innovative Design (0-4 points):

0 points: The model lacks innovation and creative design.

1 point: The model shows minimal innovation and lacks creative elements.
2 points: The model displays some innovative design elements but could be more creative.
3 points: The model features reasonably innovative design concepts.
4 points: The model demonstrates highly innovative and creative design.
Use of Recycled Materials (0-3 points):

0 points: The model does not incorporate recycled materials.

1 point: The model includes minimal use of recycled materials.
2 points: The model integrates recycled materials effectively.
3 points: The model creatively utilizes recycled materials, contributing significantly to its
Resourcefulness (0-3 points):

0 points: The model lacks resourcefulness in using available materials.

1 point: The model shows minimal resourcefulness in utilizing available materials.
2 points: The model displays some resourcefulness in using available materials.
3 points: The model is highly resourceful, effectively utilizing readily-available materials.

Repeatability and Documentation (0-8 points):

Ease of Reproduction (0-4 points):

0 points: The model is not reproducible or lacks instructions for reproduction.

1 point: The model is challenging to reproduce, with limited instructions.
2 points: The model is somewhat reproducible, with moderate instructions.
3 points: The model is reasonably easy to reproduce, with clear instructions.
4 points: The model is highly reproducible, with detailed and user-friendly instructions.

Documentation of the Making Process (0-4 points):

0 points: The model lacks documentation of the making process.

1 point: The model includes minimal documentation with incomplete details.
2 points: The model provides some documentation of the making process.
3 points: The model offers adequate documentation, facilitating understanding.
4 points: The model is extensively documented, allowing for easy replication.

Total Possible Points: 0-25

Animated Illustration Rubric:

Accuracy of Representation (0-4 points):

0 points: The animation contains significant inaccuracies in representing the process or
1 point: The animation is mostly incorrect and misrepresents key elements.
2 points: The animation contains some inaccuracies but generally represents the process or
3 points: The animation is mostly accurate but has minor inaccuracies.
4 points: The animation is highly accurate, effectively representing the chosen process or

Synthesis of Understanding (0-3 points):

0 points: The animation lacks clarity in explaining the process or pathway.

1 point: The explanation is somewhat clear but lacks depth or coherence.
2 points: The explanation is clear and sufficiently detailed.
3 points: The explanation is highly clear, concise, and effectively communicates the process or

Reference Integration (0-3 points):

0 points: The animation lacks references or fails to integrate them effectively.

1 point: The animation references sources but struggles to integrate them seamlessly.
2 points: The animation reasonably integrates references to support the content.
3 points: The animation effectively and seamlessly integrates references, enhancing credibility.

Total Possible Points: (0-10)

Animation or Illustration Supplementary Explanation Rubric:

Content (11 points):

- Clarity and Accuracy of Explanation (0-3 points)
0 points: The explanation is unclear and difficult to understand.
1 point: The explanation is somewhat unclear but is still understandable.
2 points: The explanation is clear and easy to understand.
3 points: The explanation is exceptionally clear and effectively communicates the content of
the animation or illustration.
- Relevance of Content (0-4 points)
0 points: The explanation is irrelevant to the animation or illustration.
1 point: The explanation is only somewhat relevant to the animation or illustration.
2 points: The explanation is relevant to the animation or illustration.
3 points: The explanation is highly relevant and enhances the understanding of the animation
or illustration.
4 points: The explanation is essential to understanding the animation or illustration.
- Use of Supporting Evidence (0-4 points)
0 points: There is no supporting evidence provided.
1 point: The supporting evidence is insufficient or poorly chosen.
2 points: The supporting evidence is relevant and enhances the understanding of the
animation or illustration.
3 points: The supporting evidence is sufficient and clearly supports the explanation.
4 points: The supporting evidence is extensive and thoroughly supports the explanation.
Organization and Clarity (6 points):
- Organization (0-10 points)
0 points: The explanation is disorganized and difficult to follow.
1 points: The explanation is somewhat disorganized but still understandable.
2 points: The explanation is well-organized and easy to follow.
3 points: The explanation is exceptionally well-organized and easy to follow.
- Clarity (0-10 points)
0 points: The explanation is unclear and difficult to understand.
1 points: The explanation is somewhat unclear but still understandable.
2 points: The explanation is clear and easy to understand.
3 points: The explanation is exceptionally clear and effectively communicates the content of
the animation or illustration.

Total Score: 17 points

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