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Authority and social-order maintaining orientation is a conventional level of ________

Answer: 2nd level

2. What is not true about impartiality?

Answer: individual's interest are equally important

3. Principled conscience is a _______________ level of moral development.

Answer: 3rd level

4. Social contract orientation is stage 5 of Post-conventional level of moral development.

Answer: False

5. Gathering facts is important in ethical decision-making.

Answer: True

6. Positive relativism states that Truth does not exist or it cannot be reached.
Answer: False

7. Schulman defines moral behavior as “acts intended to produce kind and/or fair ________.
Answer: outcomes

8. "You shall not steal" is a divine law. How can this divine law help us understand the nature of
Answer: Necessary for the directing of human conduct

9. Which of the following statements best describe Natural Law Theory?

10. A culture would not always be ______ in raising its members into its full development.
Answer: absolute

11. Filipino values varies in subjects through norms and traditions.

12.“How can I avoid punishment?” is given emphasis in Post-conventional level.

Answer: False

13. What’s in it for me is a question of self-interest.

Answer: True

14. Good boy/girl attitude is related to intrapersonal accord and conformity.

Answer: False
Explanation interpersonal dapat
15. Culture refers to the total lifestyle of a people, including all of ideas, values, knowledge,
behaviors, and material objects that they share.

16. When can an action becomes right according to John Stuart Mill?
Answer: an action is right if and only if it conforms to a set of rules

17. John Stuart Mill is best known for his related defenses of ____________ and
Answer: utilitarianism and liberalism

18. What is Philosophy?

Answer: Greek word “ philia “ and “ Sophia” means

19. All statements below are principles of morality, except:

20. St. Thomas Aquinas “Natural law” is one of the important moral frameworks.
Answer: True

21. Ethical absolutism holds that moral commands are ____ all times.
Answer: True

22. Why is to do right necessarily follows from right thinking?

23. Culture has ______ influence in the moral behavior of an individual.

24. What is the greatest good that we should seek according to Jeremy Bentham?
Answer: happiness

25. Actions are good according to Jeremy Bentham, when:

Answer: actions who's results increase happiness or diminish pain

26. How can the dilemma affect the moral agent in the decision-making process?
Answer: it obliged him/her to do certain acts between two or more conflicting moral
27. The action is right according to Jeremy Bentham, when...
Answer: An action is right if and only if it produces greatest balance of pleasure over pain for the
greatest number

28.. What is true about the Theory of Relativity?

29. All statements below are true about relativism except:

30. Relativism is the idea that views are relative to differences in personal interest and biases.
Answer: False

31. Some find happiness in eating chocolate and fries. Others find happiness in helping the poor.
What does this situation explain about happiness?
Answer: it considers the quality of happiness not merely the quantity.

32. Natural Law is the philosophy that there are _____ laws found in nature.
Answer: moral

33. Authority and social-order maintaining orientation is a conventional level of psychological

Answer: True

34. Universal ethnological principles lead to principled conscience.

Answer: False
Explanation: universal ethical principles dapat

35. Which of the following Philosophers wrote Summa Theologica?

Answer: Thomas Aquinas
36. What is not true about the concept: "Natural"?
Answer: it is found in nature and not involving anything made or done by people and it is natural
ability or characteristics is one that you were born with
37. The leading Philosopher in the 19th century intellectual life:
Answer: John Stuart Mill

38. What is true about Natural Law?

Answer: the rational creature's participation in Eternal Law. Derives their acts and ends from
natural law and basic formulation of “ do good, avoid evil

39. What is the Natural Law according to Thomas Aquinas?

Answer: It is to do good and avoid evil

40. Which of the following statements is not a law?

Answer: directed towards specific ends, something that induces us to act in a certain way and
something that restrains us from acting certain ways
Patalang: exist to govern internal actions (why do we need divine law)

41. All statements below are true about Eternal law, except:
Answer: Law which exists because of God's divine providence, as god created the universe the
universe is governed by his laws and basis for all other kinds of law.
Patalang: basic formulation: “do good, avoid evil” ( natural law)

42. It refers to the process through which a human being acquires sensibilities, attitudes, beliefs,
skills and dispositions.
Answer: Influence or affect of culture to moral behavior

43. The concept that refers to action or actions that produce good outcomes for the individuals
as members of a community, or society.
Answer: moral behavior

44.St. Thomas Aquinas “Natural law” is one of the important moral frameworks.
Answer: True

45. Nowadays, it's rare to see people do good to others without expecting anything in return. In
the real world and social media. Such mindset best explains what category of moral
Answer: 3rd level of morality: Post conventional or social contract orientation

46. A response to a stimuli based on past experience which is made instinctively.

Answer: emotion
47. A form of personal justification which changes from person to person based on their own
ethical and moral code, as well as prior experience.
Answer: Reason
48. Which of the following statements is false about the role of emotions in ethical decision-
Answer: emotion can be used to form an initial opinion on a situation, and it allows the knower
to connect with the subject on a person level

49. Which of the following statements is true about the role of reason in ethical decision-
Answer: reason can be used to justify the initial opinion and allows the knower to understand
the consequences of this opinion

50. It refers to the specific formulations of the Eternal law:

Answer: divine law

51. Why there's a need for Divine Law?

Answer: because man's faculties are insufficient to direct him to his proper end.
52. All the statements below are true about Human law, except:
Answer: Formulations human reason concerning particular determinations of natural law,
concerned with transient/contingent realities and a means to enable man to live virtuously
Patalang: necessary for the directing of human conduct ( divine law ni say)
53. When can we say that laws are just?
Answer: it is based on right reason and ordained towards the common good.

54. If lying, stealing, killing leads to the happiness of the greatest number, will you do it too?
Answer: Yes

55. Natural law is the rational creature's participation in the _______ _____
Answer: eternal law

56.Theory of relativity states that there are no permanent universal standards and principles of
Answer: True

57. Culture has little influence in the moral behavior of an individual.

58. Filipino values are particular to all human beings but with a distinctive Filipino flavour.

59. Filipino values through historical accounts and influences, changes throughout each

60. Filipino values have similarities with other cultures but different in situations.

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