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Are you stuck in a rut? Do you have unsolved problems clouding your mind?

Are you
worried about life? Well, this guide should help you win those battles in your mind
though deep journalling!


Table of Contents:


Introduction (Highly recommend. It will make the guide and why I made this guide
make sense)

Actual Guide (Important part you can skip to this part)






What is the purpose of this guide?


This guide covers the method I call deep journalling, which I have found to be
immensely helpful in many instances in life such as:

Mental Clarity

Solving a problem clouding my mind (E.g. Lack of direction in life)

Personal mindset development (E.g. Learning from my experiences in life)

Learning the purpose of life (E.g. Thinking about ideas from different religions to
create multiple frameworks for a successfully lived life)

Creating mental realisations of situation in life (E.g. Realising your current

friends are crabs and holding you back)

Seeing life in an objective way (E.g. Seeing life in the eyes god, watching
everything change but then creating a story of it)

***** Important*****

Know that this form of journalling is highly thought based and is similar to
contemplations. Which I see much more helpful than regular journalling in most
situations. Regular journalling and other forms of journalling have their place
however, a lot of the time this type of journalling helps me much better organise
my thoughts.

Contemplations as Aristotle put it as:


"Contemplation is the highest form of activity".


Correlation to Marcus Aurelius: Meditations


I believe Marcus Aurelius used this form of journalling as well. You can see
through analysis of this quote.

Marcus Aurelius Quote:

"We must take into our reckoning not only that life is expended day by day and the
remaining balance diminishes, but also this further consideration; if we live
longer, there is no guarantee that our mind will likewise retain that power to

This is not something someone writes randomly (even though he is a smart man). He
truly put thought into it. There is too much meaning and is too concise to not be.
He was probably thinking of many ideas and searching for answers and trying to
represent/ articulate his thoughts in the best manor possible. (I know that
Meditations was his journal, but I think that this could have a way that allowed to
properly write what was on his mind).


2.Actual Guide


Alright no more waffling, this is the 4 step method that I use.

Please remember I'm not a master, I just find the way I'm doing it helpful. Feel
free to modify it to your liking.


Step 1: Environment


This is a very important step in it own right, I'll just say: Your environment will
influence your mind. If its cluttered, your mind will be cluttered, if its noisy,
your mind will be noisy.


What you want:

Have your journal sitting somewhere where its easily accessible (in your hand, on a
desk on a chair, doesnt matter)

You want to be calmed by your environment. External distraction such as people

talking can make it very hard to get into this flow state of thought.

You want there to not be very many visual distractions. If lets say you are trying
to do this while watching your phone or doing something else, you will quickly
become detached or at least it will be much harder to get into this state.

~~~~Remember: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Your mind can only focus on one thing at a time, multi-tasking is bullshit.

Just make sure the environment doesn't visually stimulate you to much (I'm able to
get into a good state of thinking by walking around my front yard)


In a sentence: Make your environment devoid of distractions and make it so you can
solely focus on your thoughts.


Step 2: Foreplay


Foreplay? Why foreplay? Well this is the build up to the actual thing.

In this section you are going to become a student, submit your mind to the power of
your thoughts and submit your thoughts to the power of your mind.

You need to ask the questions and make your mind answer them. Be relentless, figure
out everything.

You might get distracted a lot but answer those questions as well, try to connect
them to what you have thought already.

(I remember I used a distraction of thinking of a bug and integrating it as "why do

bugs exist; they have no purpose" etc).




"What is life, whats the purpose of it? What is the reason anything exists? Should
I strive for a higher purpose or be grateful of where I am?

"Life is suffering but in our existance we always try to solve that suffering no?"

"So life is the solving of suffering?"

"Well that's why jobs exist, roles in society and most things in our life"



During this, any questions and answers those that you think are truly significant
write down. I can't tell you what exactly those will be because we are all so
individual, but just remember these things should be problems that you have been
pondering or things that you think are best remembered.


Step 3: The meat


Congratulations you made it to the phase of deep thought. This is the meaty yummy
part that you have been wating for.

You might not even realise that you are here in this phase yet, if you're so deep
in, symptoms of being in this phase is highly elevated levels of mental clarity,
intense focus and constant pursuit to questioning and answering.

At this point, copy exactly what you have been doing, in fact you might not even
have to think about it. Just keep thinking.

One more important thing to do is to always try to connect the things you have
thought through this section. Draw from life experiences, quotes, books, famous
people's experiences. Anything that might be useful to anyone. I can't stress this
enough, so I'll put it in capitals:


A lot of what you think will be significant. Due to it being so much consider
thinking for a longer period of time and distilling it then returning back to

It might even be better to go for longer so that you can create more points and
connect those dots.

You should be able to remember most thoughts as your focus and memory should be




"But what about Christianity? Isn't their whole concept of serving god, being good,
loving humanity and Christ." (I don't know much of Christianity, forgive me if I'm
totally wrong).
"Maybe so but what's the point? For afterlife?"

"But then what's the point of life then?"

"If people of the sacrificed so much, would it be better to just be good and be

"No that would create be a waste of the hard work from the past and would hardship
in the future for the future generation".

"So, what then?"

"Maybe the purpose of life is to not be selfish and extend the human race for the
purpose of creating a brighter future for others."

"Maybe I will get my reward after, and give opportunity to others to do the same."


Step 4: The post thought clarity

Congratulations, you have finished!!!!

This process should of thought you immensely about life and of yourself. Most
likely you will remember most of what you thought about and should build your

I've used this to get a better grasp of life HOWEVER, I will assure you this won't
completely change you instantly. But honestly, I believe this is a higher ROI
activity that others as it's given me immense benefits however that might change
from person to person.


3. End:


Thank you for reading this guide, I hope it was helpful to you. I'm sorry that it
was a bit long, but I've tried to make it concise enough but not too much to the
point where I don't say what I wanted to say.

But regardless please leave comments on things I could improve or anything you
don't agree with.

I would be honoured to discuss any points that don't sit right with you guys.

But besides that, thank you!

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