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Name: Ramos, Janne R.


Activity 2 CBMEC 1 Operations Management

Answer the following:
In your own perspective, explain what is total quality management?
- Total Quality Management (TQM) is a complete management strategy that aims to continuously
enhance an organization’s performance in all areas, including the quality of its processes,
products, and services.

Define the following based on your own understanding:

Scatter plots – This are valuable tools in business organizations for visualizing and analyzing data
PDCA Cycle – The PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle, also known as the Deming Cycle, is a management
methodology widely used for continuous improvement in various organizations.
PDSA cycle – The PDSA (Plan-Do-Study-Act) cycle is a management and continuous improvement
framework that is similar to the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle. It is often used in business
organizations, also PDSA cycle allows organizations to adapt to changing circumstances and continuously
refine their operations.
Pareto Analysis – Pareto Analysis helps organizations prioritize their efforts and resources by
concentrating on the most critical areas for improvement. It’s a valuable tool for decision-making and
resource allocation, ensuring that limited resources are used efficiently to address the most pressing
Ethics – Refer to the principles, values, and moral standards that guide the behavior and decision-
making of individuals and the organization as a whole in the business context.
Integrity – The integrity refers to the ethical and moral principles that guide its behavior and decision-
making processes. It involves being honest, transparent, and fair in all business dealings
Trust – This is a crucial for the successful implementation of Total Quality Management, requiring open
communication, consistent behavior, and dedication to continuous development. Employees are more
likely to engage, and customers and suppliers also trust the organization’s commitment to quality.
Benchmarking – It is an essential tool for TQM since it enables organisations to adopt the best practises,
establish performance benchmarks, track their progress, and continuously enhance their procedures
and quality standards. It’s a methodical strategy for fostering excellence and competitiveness.
Continuous improvement – This is an ongoing, systematic, and collaborative effort aimed at achieving
and maintaining excellence in quality, processes, and customer satisfaction. It is not a one-time project
but a fundamental philosophy that drives organizational success.
Employee Involvement – The employ involvement is to encourage a collaborative atmosphere where
every employee feels respected, empowered, and inspired to support the organization’s quality
objectives. This goes beyond simply assigning duties. A more competitive organisation, improved levels
of customer satisfaction, and increased efficiency can all result from employees actively participating in
quality improvement.
Differentiate managers to leaders.
- The managers provide structure and stability, while leaders provide vision and inspiration.

What are the 14 Deming Points? Explain it by presenting an example for each point.
- Create constancy of purpose for improving products and services
- Adopt the new philosophy
- Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality
- End the practice of awarding business on price alone instead minimize total cost by working
with a single supplier
- Improve constantly and forever every process for planning production and service
- Institute training on the job
- Adopt and institute leadership
- Drive out fear
- Break down barriers between staff areas
- Eliminate slogans exhortations and targets for the workforce
- Eliminate numerical quotas for the workforce and numerical goals for management
- Remove barriers that rob people of pride of workmanship and eliminate the annual rating or
merit system
- Institute a vigorous program of education and self improvement for everyone
- Put everybody in the company to work accomplishing the transformation

Enumerate and discuss the TQM tools.

- They have 4 TQM tools 1st is benchmarking it is evaluation and comparison of an organizations
own products 2nd outsourcing it is the process of subcontracting some of the jobs to other
organizations 3rd speed it is the time required to perform a specific activity for an organization
and lastly statistical quality control it applied to monitor the quality of the goods

What are the 10 elements of TQM? Enumerate and explain each.

- Continuous improvement- The philosophy that seeks to improve all factors related to the
process of converting inputs into outputs on an ongoing basis
- Competitive benchmarking- This involves identifying other organizations that are the best at
something and studying how they do it to learn how to improve your operation.
- Employee empowerment- Giving workers the responsibility for improvements and the authority
to make changes to accomplish them provides strong motivation for employees.
- Team approach- The use of teams for problem solving and to achieve consensus takes
advantage of group synergy, gets people involved, and promotes a spirit of cooperation and
shared values among employees.
- Decisions based on facts rather than opinions- Management gathers and analyzes data as a basis
for decision making.
- Knowledge of tools- Employees and managers are trained in the use of quality tools.
- Supplier quality- Suppliers must be included in quality assurance and quality improvement
efforts so that their processes are capable of delivering quality parts and materials in a timely
- Champion- A TQM champion’s job is to promote the value and importance of TQM principles
throughout the company.
- Quality at the source- Refers to the philosophy of making each worker responsible for the
quality of his or her work.
- Suppliers- Suppliers are partners in the process, and long-term relationships are encouraged.
This gives suppliers a vital stake in providing quality goods and services
What are the three different ways of communication? Give at least one example for each.
- Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
- Formal and Informal Communication
- Downward and Upward Communication
Example: Verbal Communication is email, phone call and face to face meeting
Differentiate Leaders to Managers. Elaborate your answers.
Authority and control:
Managers often derive their authority from their position in the organizational hierarchy. They use this
authority to direct and control their team members, making decisions based on their official roles.
Implementation and effectiveness: Their role is focused on achieving specific short-term goals and
objectives. Managers are responsible for daily operations and ensuring that work is done as efficiently as
Leadership style: Managers often rely on transactional leadership, which involves setting clear
expectations, rewarding good performance, and addressing shortcomings with corrective action.
Trouble solvers: They excel at identifying and resolving problems as they arise, focusing on
troubleshooting and maintaining the stability of existing systems and processes.

Focus on vision and people:
Leaders are more concerned with setting a vision, inspiring and motivating people to work towards a
common goal. They focus on the big picture and long-term direction of the organization. Also Leaders
often lead through influence, charisma, and the ability to inspire others. They don’t always have formal
power but can bring people together around a vision.
Innovation and change: Leaders encourage innovation, change and adaptation. They are willing to take
calculated risks and disrupt the status quo to promote progress.
Transformational Leadership: Leaders often practice transformational leadership, which involves
inspiring and empowering team members to achieve higher levels of performance and personal growth.
Role models: Leaders often set an example, modeling the behavior and values they expect from others
in the organization. They set the standard for others to follow

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