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Analysis Planning and Insight Development for Marketing Strategy

Review of Key Questions:

In the planning document, key questions were identified to guide the data collection and
analysis process. These questions were crafted to address specific aspects related to
online engagement, cart abandonment, product returns, and customer loyalty.

Review of Problem Statement:

The problem statement highlighted challenges in these areas, urging the need for a
strategic analysis that can unearth insights to inform a targeted marketing campaign.

Analysis Plan:

​ Inferential Analysis:
● Objective: Understanding the impact of online engagement on cart
● Analysis: Conduct correlation and regression analyses to infer whether a
correlation exists between high online engagement metrics and reduced
cart abandonment rates. This will involve assessing the statistical
significance of the relationship.
​ Descriptive Analysis:
● Objective: Describing the patterns in product returns.
● Analysis: Utilize descriptive statistics to identify common reasons for
returns, categorize returned products, and explore patterns such as time
trends and product categories with higher return rates.
​ Predictive Analysis:
● Objective: Predicting customer loyalty based on purchase behavior.
● Analysis: Implement predictive modeling using machine learning
algorithms to forecast customer loyalty. Factors such as repeat purchase
rates, satisfaction scores, and engagement metrics can be inputs for this
​ Exploratory Analysis:
● Objective: Exploring potential factors influencing online engagement.
● Analysis: Use data mining techniques to explore patterns and relationships
within online engagement data. This could involve clustering algorithms to
identify segments with distinct engagement behaviors.
Type of Benchmarks:

​ Reducing Cart Abandonment:

● Benchmark: Achieving a target cart abandonment rate below a certain
threshold (e.g., 15%).
​ Minimizing Product Returns:
● Benchmark: Decreasing return rates by a specific percentage, aiming for a
benchmark like a 10% reduction in the overall return rate.
​ Enhancing Customer Loyalty:
● Benchmark: Increasing repeat purchase rates, with a goal of achieving a
20% uplift in customer loyalty metrics.

Summarizing the Analysis:

● Visualization 1: Correlation Heatmap

● Visual representation of correlations between online engagement metrics
and cart abandonment rates. This helps identify which engagement
factors are most strongly correlated with lower cart abandonment.
● Visualization 2: Return Pattern Timeline
● Time series visualization depicting patterns in product returns over
different periods. This aids in understanding seasonality or specific events
impacting return rates.
● Visualization 3: Predictive Model Accuracy
● Visualization showing the accuracy of the predictive model in forecasting
customer loyalty. This could be presented through a confusion matrix or
ROC curve to demonstrate the model's performance.

Colleague Test:

Before finalizing insights, the colleague test will be performed by presenting the
visualizations and analyses to a colleague for feedback. This ensures clarity, coherence,
and effectiveness in conveying the findings.

In conclusion, the planned analyses encompass various approaches to extract

actionable insights from the collected data. Benchmarks provide measurable goals, and
visualizations aid in presenting complex findings in an accessible manner.

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