Questionnaire NCM 101 Sir Q lp3

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1. the area on the anterior chest directly overlying the heart.

2. This organ extends vertically from the ______________ left intercostal space
3. carry blood to and away from the heart.
4. return blood to the right atrium from the upper and lower torso
5. is a tough, fibrous, double-walled sac that protects the heart and contains pericardial fluid
that ensures smooth and friction-free movement of heart muscles.
6. he muscle wall of the heart that does the pumping.
7. a thin layer of endothelial tissues lining the inner surface of the organ
8. The right and left side of the heart is separated by the
9. separate the atria and the ventricles.
10. separates the right atrium and ventricle
11. separates the left atrium and ventricle.
12. embedded in the floor of the ventricles which closes during contraction of ventricles to
prevent regurgitation.
13. consist three cusps that look like halfmoons and are found in the opening between the
ventricles and arteries
14. ___________________ in the right side of the heart and _____________ in the left which
opens during pumping of blood from the ventricles.
15. is the rhythmic movement of blood through the heart and has two phases: diastole and
16. ventricles relax and AV valves are open with high pressure in the atria
17. allowing blood to pour rapidly into the ventricles or what is called as
18. While moving towards the end of diastole, the atria contracts and pushes the remaining
amount of blood (about 25% of stroke volume) into the ventricles or what is called
19. now that ventricles’ pressure is higher than that of the atria, the AV valves swing shut to
prevent regurgitation
20. allows contraction without any signal or stimulation from the body.
21. Waves on ECG are labelled PQRST which stands:
22. depolarization of atria
23. from the beginning of the P wave to the beginning of the QRS complex
24. depolarization of the ventricles
25. repolarization of the ventricles
26. measured as stroke volume or the volume of blood in each systole multiplied by the rate or
the number of beats per minute
27. is the venous return that builds or the length of ventricular muscle stretching at the end of
the diastole
28. is the opposing pressure that the ventricles must generate to open the aortic valve against
the high aortic pressure.
29. is a central artery and is located in the groove between the trachea and
30. Carotid artery pulse has a smooth rapid _________ and gradual ____________
31. empty oxygenated blood directly into the superior vena cava
32. is an important cardiac symptom which may be characterized as squeezing “clinched fist”
33. occurs when a person has heart failure.
34. Assumes a more upright position to breathe.
35. can often be associated to pulmonary disease but can occur in mitral stenosis.
36. is bilateral and is worse in evening and better in the morning.
37. position at night promotes fluid resorption and excretion which occurs with heart failure in
the person who is ambulatory during the day.
38. for the auscultation and palpation of neck vessels and inspection, palpation, and
auscultation of the precordium.
39. for the palpation of the apical impulse.
40. is a condition in which pressure over the carotid artery causes decreased blood pressure,
heart rate, and cerebral ischemia with syncope.
41. is present caused by turbulent blood flow and is a marker of atherosclerotic disease and
increases the risk of transient ischemic stroke.
42. Lower, more lateral, under or behind the sternocleidomastoid muscle.
43. Higher and medial to this muscle
44. Brisk and localized; one wave per cycle
45. Undulant and diffuse with two visible waves per cycle
46. Varies with respiration. Level descends with inspiration when intrathoracic pressure is
47. Light pressure at the base of the neck easily obliterates
48. Level of pulse drops and disappears as the person is brought to a sitting position
49. may be present in clients with enlarged ventricles as a result of increased workload.
50. is a palpable vibration which signifies turbulent blood flow.
51. occurs normally in young adults and children and may affect the rhythm which varies with
52. are high pressure systems responsible in transporting oxygenated blood to all body tissues.
53. supplies blood flow to the arm which runs in the biceps-triceps
54. run distally and form two arches called the
55. passes under the inguinal ligament, travels down the thigh which courses posteriorly into
the popliteal artery
56. are parallel to the arteries but the direction of flow is opposite.
57. are in the subcutaneous tissue and responsible for most of the venous return
58. run alongside the deep arteries and conduct most of the venous return.
59. are connecting veins that join two sets of veins.
60. is when veins drain the deoxygenated blood and waste products from the tissues to be
returned to the heart.
61. are small vessels that connect arterioles and venules that facilitate equilibrium between the
vascular and interstitial spaces.
62. complementary component of the circulatory system that functions to drain excess fluid
and plasma proteins and returns them to the venous system.
63. Warm skin, edema, or brownish discoloration or pigmentation of the skin on the ankle area
may be associated wit
64. Cold, pale, clammy, thin, shiny skin, and loss of hair are associated with
65. develop over a lifetime and symptoms usually occur when there is 60% blockage
66. is usually the first sign characterized by weakness, cramping, aching and fatigue in areas of
the calves, thighs and buttocks and is usually relieved by rest
67. are hereditary but may develop from venous pressure and pooling and increased risk when
standing for prolonged periods
68. ulcers are painful usually found on the toes, foot, or lateral ankle.
69. ulcers are painless and occurs in the lower legs or medial ankle
70. Edema may result from
71. be the result of lymphatic blockage.
72. ED may occur if there is impeded blood flow or
73. Pallor persists or sluggish return of color suggests
74. Loss of hair, thin and shiny skin suggest
75. Ulcers with smooth and even margins found in toes or ankles result from arterial
insufficiency while those irregular edges and bleeding results from
76. may result from systemic problems such as heart failure
77. may be characterized by difference of 1cm at the ankles or 2cm at the calf.
78. is associated with systemic problems.
79. Change in temperature from warm to cold as you go through to the feet may suggest
80. Increase warmth suggest
81. three layers of muscles
82. lines the abdominal cavity
83. covering the internal abdominal organs
84. which maintains a characteristic shape and often palpable
85. which changes shape depending on the contents and not palpable
86. Right Upper Quadrant (RUQ)
87. Left Upper Quadrant (LUQ)
88. Left Lower Quadrant (LLQ)
89. Right Lower Quadrant (RLQ)
90. is a burning sensation in stomach and esophagus from reflux of gastric acid.
91. expelling air from the stomach through the mouth
92. from an internal organ
93. from inflammation of overlying peritoneum
94. occurs with stomach or duodenal ulcers and esophageal varices.
95. occur when person is exposed to new pathogens in developing countries.
96. Bluish-purple discoloration (Cullen sign) indicates
97. which is characterized by rushing, tinkling and highpitched sound may indicate rapid
motility in an early bowel obstruction, gastroenteritis and diarrhea.
98. indicate decreased bowel motility and may indicate paralytic ileus following surgeries,
inflammation of the peritoneum or late bowel obstruction.
99. signify the absence of bowel motility which requires immediate referral.
100. is present with gaseous distention.
101. exceeds normal liver span and is a characteristic of liver tumors, abscesses and
vascular engorgement.
102. is characterized by dullness greater than 7 cm which may be the result of traumatic
injury, portal hypertension and mononucleosis.
103. re freely moveable as bones are enclosed in a joint cavity which contains lubricating
fluid or synovial fluid
104. is the place where two or more bones connect and they are the functional unit of the
musculoskeletal system as they permit mobility for activities.
105. which are united by fibrous tissue or cartilage and are immovable
106. which are united by fibrous tissue or cartilage and are immovable (sutures in the
skull) or slightly movable (vertebrae),
107. are fibrous bands running directly from one bone to another bone that strengthen
the joint and help prevent movement in undesirable direction.
108. is an enclosed sac filled with viscous synovial fluid located in areas of potential
friction and help muscles and tendons glide smoothly over the bone.
109. account 40-50 percent of the body weight and produces movement when they
110. There are three types of muscle:
111. are voluntary muscles that are composed of bundle of muscle fibers called
112. They are attached to the bones by strong fibrous cord called
113. is the articulation of the mandible and temporal bone that you can feel it in the
depression anterior of the tragus of the ear.
114. is a 33 connecting bones stacked in a vertical column and can be felt in the furrow
area down the midline of the back.
115. These 33 connecting bones are divided into __ cervical, __ thoracic, __ lumbar, __
sacral, and __ or __ coccygeal vertebrae.
116. are elastic fibrocartilaginous plates that constitute a fourth of the length of the
column and each disk center has a nucleus pulposus, a soft, semifluid, mucoid material like
the consistency of a toothpaste in young adults.
117. is the articulation of the humerus with the glenoid fossa of the scapula.
118. helps during abduction
119. is felt at the very top of the shoulder.
120. of the humerus a few centimeters down and laterally
121. is the articulation of the radius and a row of carpal bones and its condyloid action
permits flexion, extension, and side-to-side deviation.
122. is the articulation between the two parallel rows of carpal bones.
123. permit finger flexion and extension.
124. is the articulation between the acetabulum and the head of the femur and ball-and-
socket action allows a wide range of motion.
125. The entire iliac crest can be felt from the
126. is the articulation of three bones: the femur, tibia, and patella
127. This is the largest joint and synovial membrane in the body
128. at the superior border of the patella extends up as much as 6 cm behind the
quadriceps muscle.
129. cushion the tibia and femur and stabilized by two set of ligaments: cushion the tibia
and femur and stabilized by two set of ligaments:
130. the cruciate ligaments that give anterior and posterior stability, and the collateral
ligaments connect the joint at both sides and give medial and lateral stability.
131. is the articulation of the tibia, fibula, and talus.
132. involves symmetric joints while other musculoskeletal illness maybe isolated or
133. is worse later in the day
134. worse in the morning but improves during the day.
135. is usually felt as cramping or aching.
136. associated with fever, chills, or the “flu” may suggest viral illness.
137. produces swelling and tenderness around the whole joint and limits all planes of
ROM both passive and active motion.
138. Produces numbness or burning sensation in
139. produces a burning and tingling sensation along its distribution in carpal tunnel
140. Difficulty and pain in ROM such as inability to abduct hip is common in hip disease
and pain or decrease internal hip rotation may be sign of

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