69thMains-Essay Merged

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20/Fl/CC/M- 2023- 03 Student's Copy
General Studies-II
Time : 3 Hours ] [ Full Marks : 300

Section- I

1. Write short answer of the following questions :

Rl--lRifurn ~ ~ ~ "3W ~ :

(a) Critically examine the basic structure theory regarding the Indian
Constitution. .,.,_.....,..,.."""T 8
~ zjfcf~ i t ~ ~ ffi ~ ffi-&Hl cfiT ~lctl-i:l-llf4ch ~ich-1 ~ I
(b) Is reservation for Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) justified? Comment. 8
cp:fT ~ ~ it ~ q11 (~o ~ o ~o) %g 3m:~ ach-i,,a t? f?:cquft
(c) Critically describe about the amendment process of the Indian Constitution. 8
~ ~ cfi1 Bm~ ~ cfiT ~IC'fl-i:l--tl f '-lch cfUR ~I
(d) Explain how Preamble of the Indian Constitution provides a blueprint about
the goals of the Constitution. 7
~ fen fcnB m ~~ cfi1 Sl«llcl--11 ~ ~ ~ cfi1 cf)fll-~
(e} Describe how caste census is going to influence the politics of Bihar. 7
~ '5HJIOHI fcfiB m it ~ cfi1 {1'1!-i7@ 'chT >NW@ cg.ft, ~ ffl ~ I
2. (a} Discuss the institutional relationship between the President and the Prime
Minister as per the Indian Constitutional text. Discuss their changing role in
the present context. 38

Or I 31WJ11
(b) "In?ian federalism is fundamentally rooted in two simultaneous pursuits of
nationhood : an embrace of state-based cultural diversities and a commitment
to ~e larger Indian political community." Examine critically the nature of
Indian model of federalism in the light of the above statement. . 38
" ~ ~ l@' ~ ~ {1tl;qa1 ~ G"t ~ - m~ wmn -q f.nwr i : ~-~
fl 'f$@cf> ~an ~ 3fR ~ ~ {1 '11.ft@cf> ~ ~ '5rIB
mti~,s.err 1' ' ~ ~ ~ 3TTfficfi -q ~ ~ ~ ~ cfi1 WfIB cfiT
r ~lil-lk4ch 'Wa;lUT ~I

20/Fl/CC/M- 2023- 03/503 ( 1 ) ( Turn Over)

3 · (a) Discuss and analyze the fundamental principles of coalition politics in Bihar l
from the point of view of the fulfilment of the national interests specifically. 38 4

~ -q ~ ~ (l~.ft@ ~ ~ ffi.&l--<11 cfil, ~ : "CTzy:r Wffi ~ 'lRf ~

~fuchl 0 t B, fu~fuct ~ fu~ ~Mct ~ I
Or I 3lW-IT

(b) Elucidate and evaluate the local government and its working from the point of
view of the empowerment of the Panchayat Raj and the City Institutions with
the examples from the grassroot level in Bihar. 19+ 19=38
~ ~ ~ ~ cfi1lfq4ffi cn1 ~ ~ n~ ~ ~3:it ~ wmh)cfi( 0 1 ~
~fi!cti1°1 B, ~ -q- ~Hlctffill «n: B 3c;l~(on ~ m~, ~ ~ 'ff4ifcha ~ ,

4. Write short answer "Of the follow ing questions : 1
Pti:.:iR-tfurn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : ·~
(a) Analyze the mechanism and characteristics of Indian monsoon system. 8 "'
~ ~ ~ ~ Rtill1f¾R.l ~ Pcl:i'l~a,;m cfiT fcl~Jlt101 ~I
' '
(b) What are the sources of energy in India? Are they sufficient to meet domestic ,
needs? What are the possible alternative sources of energy for India? Present I ~

a critical review. 8
~ -q- ~ ~ m<f ~ i? ~ "4 ~ 1TT7T ~ ~ ~ ~ ffl %? ~ ~ ~
zjmfc@ acfif<Tqcfi ~ ~ m<f ~ %? Blfi~ fcrcRur ~ ~ I ~

(c) Discuss the state of tourism industry in India and analyze its future in the
country. 8
mm -q- 'Qfu '3ffl1T ~ W-i@ cf>l fclcltj-11 ~ w.n ~ -q- ~ ~ cfiT fcl~Jlt1oi

(d) Describe the distribution of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe population
in Bihar and comment on their level of socio-economic conditions. 7
~-q- 3lj.aj¾i:1 ~ ~ ~jaj¾a W+:i1i@ WH1@.tl ~ ~ cfil qUf.l ~ ~
~ ~1q1f¾cfi- ~ ~:m ~ ~ -q( w:quft ~ I

(e) Divide India into major physiographic divisions and descri·be th . •m

e region
which the land of Bihar State is included.
mm cfi1 ~ ~ fcNrn -q- ~ ~ n~ ~ ~ 'cfiT cfUR ~ ~
~~~ ~ ~fiitR,ia 'ITTI

20/Fl/CC/M- 2023- 03/5O3 ( 2 )

{ Continued)

y an d in ho w
in the fac tor s aff ect ing the climate of Bihar. In wh at wa
Expla Ho w ma ny
5. (a)
ts the agr o-c lim ati c zon e ha s be en divided in the Sta te?
ma ny par s on
fou nd her e in a yea r? Dis cuss the effect of the se sea son 38
sea son s are
-ij ~
cf@ cfiTm cft olll &-U cfi)~Q,I ~
~ cnT >fmfcrn cfiB
~ -i j ~ ~
c€t s:i!cicll~

s:ilcicfl~ ~ (agro-climatic
zon e) cnT fcfiu m it ~ FfirR
?~~~~'CR >N m cft ftj~
~H I
rr.n ~? ~ ~ - i j fcR R 1fm1:T ~ ~ ~
Or I 312/cfT
es cla ssified by the Dir ect ora te of Po pu lat ion in Ind ia? Th row
(b) How are citi var iou s
al pop ula tio n an d the ir rat e of growth as pe r 2011 Ce nsu s of
on the tot d als o
es. Dis cus s the po pu lat ion of Bih ar as pe r 2011 Ce nsu s an
classified citi 38
t on the tre nd of wo rki ng po pu lat ion in the Sta te.
throw ligh fcrr~
m« f -ij '51·Hi&ll R~~11a;q IDU
ff i cfiT c1 1 ffcti<o1 ~ m fcfim ip;rr ~? ~
~~ ~~~~
m 'B cPff1>a ~ cf;t 2011 cfiT -;iJ..jllOHI ~ FIBR cfiT -5HB&U cft fclcl,:HI cf)f¾v,
1 IOHI ~ ~
1:f\ >fcfim ~ , 2011 c€t >J1-i
~ 1:f\ tjr ~ ~ I
~ ~ -q cf>llf~AM ;;ii.:ifi&ll cfiT
-do wn ' the ory of eco nom ics , its ma jor ele me nts benefi
6. (a) Explain 'trickle ' ' 38
s and criticis ms in con tex t to Indian planning.
i ~ ~ · ~ - ~ ' ffi-&Hf
~ ~ mq '
~ R.!.!1'31-l ~ ~, f -q 3 '~.
mmm ~ ~lctl't:I.Jld-11 'cf>T ~ ~I '

Or I -3lUc11
nature typ es, c1·1mate ch an ge ,
(b) Describe 'monsoon system of India', its ,
d' trib r , eas t and west jet str eam an d feasibility.
is u ion, synonyms 38
~ >flJTTffi' ~ fcrm"ur, BB HI ~
t ,
'Q,q q~ 4) ~$
' ~ , m,
w.n ollcft:14<.if
~c icll ~ qf{c1J..i
cfiT qlJf.l ~ , '

Se cti on -II I
ing questions .
7. Write short answer of the follow
RRR-ifuia ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
What is the role of com put .
~ = - - er m mo dem society? 8

. ~ -q cfii-l<(~ ~ cRlT ~ ~?
(b) With suitable examples d' the relationship bet we en technolo
gy an d
social development. ' iscuss
~ ~l~<an- ~ m~
~ ~I cf>-1 cfi (+-c.cfi::r-.fl~M..:;:.T;Jft-A) ~ ~1'-ll~c
'd' i) 4 :f)' ~ if ~ q <fil
~ 20/FI/CC/M-2023--03fso3 ( 3 ) ( Tu rn Ov er)
(c) Discuss the role of science and technology in industrial development of Bihar. 7
~ ~ Jl18ifrlch ~ ~ fu=rR ~ sflciW1ch1 cfiT ~ 91T qUfi ~ I

(d) Discuss how modern technology helped us during corona pandemic. 7

cFiRRT ii01ii1D ~ ~ ~ acn.ficn ~ 0i.iz.,i) 1n ;:Ft fcR:T m fl61"-@ cfi't, ~
fq~~'HT ~ I

(e) Write a note on the role of technology in sustainable development. 7

"ff(@ fcrcnm ~ acn.fich (2cR1aT41) ;:Ft ~ l:fl: ~ :nz ~ 1
8. (a) Misuse of technology and its wrong application lead to pollute the
✓ environment and cause climatic changes. Discuss with suitable examples, how
misuse of technology has become a curse to the environment of India. 36
cich•flchl cfll ~~94)11 ~ ~ ~ WW, q;qfcHOI ~ ~ cfiT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
\lJcicll~ qf{qJ-, chT ~ ~ ~ I ~ 3~16~:UO cITT fl61llcil ~ fcl~-i:HI ~ fcn
fcR:T m m{(l ~ 9l!Tcl{OI ~ ~ acn.ftch1 cf>1 ~~9-i'P, ~ ~ ~ rmr ~ 1
Or I 37w;rr
(b) Nanotechnologies have a huge potential to revolutionise our life. Discuss the ◄
emerging applications of nanotechnology in human health. 36 ~

t;'-l01 1n~~ii solRichl{l qf{qJ., 'ci'R' ii ~..fllcfilciT'5fl ~ '9Tft' 3TTW1 w ~ 41

%1 ~ ~?:f ~~~ii ~'11lcfilciT'5fl ~ ~ >flfTTrt cfiT fclcl=cH1 ~ I ~

( 4 )

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