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Batman:Last Laugh: Final

You are Jack in this story, don't get confused with the POV of other characters now
onto the story

As Jack walked down the alleyways, he had noticed something following him or maybe
someone. He arrived at his hideout and had removed the broken mask on his face, he
was angry, sad, and happy?

He was a mix of emotions, he felt like he was about to break. He snapped out of his
trans when a voice was heard from the dark, he took his gun out pointing it at the
figure speaking.
Mysterious lady: Hello Puddin
Jack: Puddin?
Mysterious lady: Oh im sorry I got you confused with him.

The lady stepped out of the shadows revealing Harley Quinn, you look back at the
mirror and start cleaning your wounds again, as she comes to help you.
Harley: Have to admit, you would've been a good Joker. You rival Bats in mind and
strength, very impressive.

Jack: I am Joker, dont compare me to those 2 Especially the Bat. I am better,

smarter, and stronger, I am the Joker.

Harley: Stop lying to yourself you aren't the Joker or the Bat Jack, please.


Tears rolling down your face as you turn around to face Her. She suddenly hugs you
and you are caught of guard.
Harley: Don't do it Jack, don't go down the same path I did, the path Jason did,
the path He went down.

You fall deeper into the void you call the light. You fall into Harley's arms as
you cry on her shoulder, you could do nothing as your world crumbles in front of
you. You a hear laugh, as you stand up pushing Harley away.

Jack: Go, I need to finish what i started.

As you say that, she sadly smiles at you with a tear rolling down her right cheek,
you wipe her tear and walk away.
You knew what needed to be done, and what will happen. You might just lose the only
mother figure you ever had, you might lose your friends, you might lose your only
companion through this journey. You accepted this as you knew these were the
consequences for walking down this path.

Timeskip to the next day, this time in the Wayne Manor

Characters: Terry(Batman Beyond), Bruce Wayne, Matt(Robin, Terry's younger brother)

Terry's POV

It's currently 7am, I've been awake for an hour now, I can't get my mind of Jack
being the Joker. "Unbelievable" you scoff and walk down the stairs, you see your
brother Matt drinking cofee with Bruce sitting beside him. "Morning" you say to
both of them as they Matt looks at you with a worried look.
Matt: Morning... uh Terry you wanna talk about what happened yesterday?
He asks as you brush him off and say
" lets talk about it later, I need to talk with Bruce first"
Terry, Matt, and Bruce arrive in the Batcave as Terry turns on the computer and
sits down getting all the info they have on the old Joker and this new villian
named Smile.

Terry: Dammit, I can't find anything on how the Joker turned Jack into him. The
only thing that might lead to the answer is this Gas he released back in the day.

Bruce: Terry calm down, lets talk about what we have on Smile first.

Terry: Okay, Smile's name is James Calvin, he is an ex convict here in Gotham. He

was charged for the murder of 10 people and the attempted murder of 1 person. He
recently escaped Arkham Asylum and has teamed up with the new Joker. Terry says the
last part with a sad look on his face, still wondering how Jack could turn into him
and if the Jack he knew was still there.

Matt saw this and had come over to comfort his brother knowing how close him and
Jack were.

Matt: Terry what do we currently have on Jack.

Terry: Well Jack was born in December 26 of 2023, his mother died when he was 4 of
a mysterious illness. His father became an alchoholic and abused him till his death
August 5 of 2043. He was killed by Jack as reported by his 2 best friends Rain
Rivera and John Hawkman.

Terry explains as he wonders what Jack could be planning at this moment.

Jack's/Your POV

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