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* Interaction des igo Qnic 4 — Interacts i i dilfhy a Ha On design plouys.a.cucid wiesn usability and Lea) ace of digital products. . ahs eign) in. htertechon design enhances we codig fasion ae feAcY) and overald usadsility- ieee Bud design canitead to hustrutfoy confusion , ae Wer expemence, © Good besign: Otrood deaign priomitices the needs and P cferences of Or: jf hyalveathe User researth fo undercrand User behavrurs, goals and expectul on: ral Ue jn yertace. USOr can esally th Phe oystem ait ® Provides o clear and I undertrand hea to: interach wl unbessesary complenitt Qs contichency ditierent & © Good design mainterns a deaten ae Joyouts and: terminatogy across ERIN) Yhe interface - Tiled @ Focuses op Making thieracHons ateps Fo complete Huks- © Enswres accessibility For users Geog: weit designed UL forany appli wiertrendly and easly understandable! ett dent, reducing the with diverse, Dees cadanealtich t's ® pad Design* ‘ 3 ; cis . t a Bay design overcomplcatss ee a ee peahrnen orinkotinsdi6n leading fo nfusie cognh Ne overload: @ Lack of consigtency 1 design ements sreading +0 confusion akwoud the meaning of different elements end OGH ONS: © Nosligat on fs confusing or Wogicad making it challenging For ws to Hind Har L904 ground the produc Scanned with CamScanner A) Neglegets the accescjbi ily Considesattons excluding wes ” ith Kcabilitey and limlHng He overall: uscebiithy- yp Deg: application which oonsiits of a ULLUser intent ce) Whore novigasion is not properly design, button donk wsOrk G eapected , complexe asabjlity’ VAARAAAARAR Ante an wUSeY experience: \ Er Bow vases pescseve W produc) such 03 yes a. Kmart pordth ig Geen os leek or chunky, a4 a “cinsweia) reactor) sO Ve, such G2 letter people PO a pose expemrence when usieg it at eee ‘ \ Veith or syste. 5) yser.experien® '8 2 : Ourer Re pyhen Wnterachg Gnd dUsy it goes, beyond gust | eno rona) , prycrolog} Uses JOH - “Lassenzahls Model: 2 ne pe zoJW's wrodel breaks dow user eperirence into 2 parts. : Mprogmati c - sey oF | penaviors) oupet oF hous ear 4 and proc ca) JETS FOr ase 40. aghuve their gow © Pesonic- how Stim 0) osthg umd enjoyable the User (nterFuce Is- EEE Scanned with CamScanner AThe Double Diamond Process: . There are four phased in adetign proceay: thal ore Gsuasly Creed among multiple design discp tinea OD DiseNrer @) define & pevdop &) pulver W023 introduced by detign wound! and represents Oe Fromessor le: Hed ‘ahlowd ‘compat, oT bus esse So ee ThUrd Chebicticg to And cree solution Ve 1WOOs egiApple and MicrOse He proceac iL divided: ip 2) park © Pouble umone W problems Codiswuer, ‘PEHNE), cD solubey-Cpevelop, Peliver>) f peiver Piscover DeHine— | den C19P Ingight lar tre HE Owen potenti) colt ons prod tery yo fous al galucions hod WOK Scanned with CamScanner QD DiseNer: i — explore she probiems | 7 ~ Bind fre vot carte Cmain purpase) oe - mepnod He a used while dicover phose E © mind mops ; @)Mulh perspeuive problem framing ee eo @ Broinstor min Whad ereanee (2) DeHne: = Comergi ng Tne ds uv by Pho = And Hhep pur it in Fre problem pon it 5 PO) je ACHPS Pate dora Prod it collected, during the ond FOUN oP Perkuwoy, arta grodemenk, fo eork = method wed ro) < or cowse a7 i eel es ot BS ys COSRING wry un) 9) BD UME STO TY re om - AISINity agram : ot CHPeNUop: oe DP i pycaly yo the poowlen ier in rig d moultipe. gplugiory Uill && for) pnw ‘ je = pmerhods Us - au ynlque & f “oO intone Nioble Product digs aH ines 6 5 sip nid SE as ee Rapid PPOMENG : as @ sroyy HTS 1g) ~ &) copsurnee spend a Scanned with CamScanner WG) deliver: ~ A\\ the protetypey tad psore excated In the dewel Phe will be pested herein deliver Phase - Orcs Phe Heitingiy done The patty pe. which wore< eFficfenty wil be delivered - follow-ups and saumey’s ave *aken otter the delivery of gelution- *Pesign thinking Process: COEmpPathize Yekne @ Tdeake WY Prototyp 4 PAP Oee, Boe 5 murenadize © amplement i undecsund xhurnan centered Problem - eaving coving approuch Yhod focuses on Understanding: the need? and desires of He end User. Scanned with CamScanner x Usability ynd user experrence goals (1) VtFechve 4 Use CeHedHven es) 2 eicienc ' @) Satery 4) vbitity WS learnobii W) Mememob iltty * Design pindple — used by thteraction designe 10 aid thdr: Phinking when deaigning for The user exper OV ce, — Grenerpoble absrrmdions for Phin wing odoud dUbfertnt ospeus of design P = do's and don't Of inierostor design ; _ what tp poovlde and whad not to pavid of UL i Jodvel) twm they posed Knadledye, expenrenc am caMNMON CNC, Uvielot hy @ Feedbucr @) Congo @) ean cistene] © pftor AUNCR -tpvisibility | The pindiple of visibility emphoulza grok He stotus ond qroments of a ayaren should be clearly ond eavily perdvabte by Users: eg: important foatury coud be tee Asp eyo! emoning WY eS dor agers \yeroch Scanned with CamScanner -|@feedbak: = Sending in Fermadi oD pack to Phe User abouk whit" has been done. L . aincludes sound phigh Vignting sanimad on, ond, combs nations of tae. 28: TF Pre submit, button is icked Tr Chowd makedome sound or the pop vP gowld appemr OS > waceees tu) cubmission wos oF mea TURY can TRE Place = BY conspulNts: — constraints reP ers “f gerecm i NG Phe Kinds OF OSE Farerortory Th ara gven moment” : = commen deny preacurree, iy Gut is FO geatHvare the certain ment op Hom by gnading thes Groy- _ Ca) CONS SEN © ‘ — Pesign yreckeces 10 hove similar pperedtens and use similor elements fr gimnar XOSRS . seg abesmd USE crr\ Key HERE ynera) of command ee Evev XC for COPYING em Cee F for Pashnng- — & ce LopeFers 79 an Orr ss BUIE. OF, an sujet Prob aliowss peaple fo know How 36) Use id: 2 og, scmoltboss fo MOVE Ap and; dow - Scanned with CamScanner Px Fromeworks + ~ Mental Moda: ~ USS deNeLOF on anders randing of & syreM Hugh yedrning «bows and using it — kosustedge ik comedimar gescri ub = PEOPI Make: {nferences UAT Ng manta) mode oF he bo cary ou TAX ku: # congnikon: @) Gulf oF exeuation ond esaluodion O digsibuied cynition @ Externa) cogniti) _ ® design implicadons @ Embed od Cagni 10 tre mento model * Cralt of execution and evaluation: ps _- 2 —Pesunbey the gops pemseen the user and the caxexatfen) and the pryid yen x Informodion poocersing © ¢ ; ceat) we Pescrbes sng niwWwe yriss > ywrvemodtoy PO! ng So. ge ; = Hymat) Prossegor model presived COM PUrV™ yw DY). cagnvte prouias dugg % Disrabuted og nitfon- d 7 7 wowe interache” $ among — cogmnve aurwines rf as guolS; ach tacts, and iwkeenod jexreenal represen FOrtons { rh _ cockpit asa 9M Hue cysterm inwolV'NG | among plot: oP run and erniron ment: chong in niereuhe © © degerbe Inter Jerms of iniprmodiy ” Scanned with CamScanner xextemo) cognition. (’ = Interaction with externe 1/dV mepresenvortont to ald cognition: + chrategity © Cogn bye of Heading : Q) congnhwe comparedien ot Hload) 9 \ (2> Annetating, and ‘eognerve troclng A Embodied iNeraurans: k — Deseaiibles pruciced engagement with gre. GoGo) and physica) envivon ment - h hs _ Ww Fuenced prerontions wih soonnelea4d pemonon Jhiero.chons ; and posi), Prinking- 3 howd edt then: A ge srep jnteracey -aiciting rented paoders 73 aM design 10 Umdertrand & gygrer Pregedes OF process » (& interviews ‘ @ gurvays and quabonnars ei onating 4B) ovservas7ons y 4 XO ad\ 19 & Prototype and rearing dered! w covrabsrod Ne Workchops 6 contex two) jnqulny (3) wie Hashing nd werorwe design Scanned with CamScanner & Vifecyde model for interactton design: nod product wo bisevering Requirements: —process beging with the discovery of requirements understanding what the, ayer need dnd expert fm Phe podduct re ge! the design ences 4 gaa Foundahoy, for ThIC Croge SU ke FON nj Cyecsives that design | iby ident tying the goods now) mee @ i Ae . e ) Designing anternodt ape, unbUSTD od alternasive cealpry once Seed. “thts ¥ anpdlN OS pralrsrorony ct ore § p goluriors ‘| j deg erating dierent u - This nee QhLouvaged creer ity and eapiorallon sar rus design posdiliie addrat the lsentifiod requiremen bb Scanned with CamScanner Lg Prototy ping : ~ Postotype version oF design) are dayelo ped c- Tee, Protoyp® MOY he lows- fidelity oF hign Fidel art prestntanoy of Phe Khod product: peed = Prototyping, allows designers 4s viswize *he tect CONCEPLE , gaining Insyh's Mts hoo the product wilt Sun ction and hoy Gres oil interac vith (&) Evaluating + i Trhar Trg) — The developed proretypes Ore dyohaited fa ug UOT feiting or orher evaltiaxion ™m . - Evaluation helps 1 rcHalng phedesign ,1'denti ying Usability Issues and ensur'ng Hrod The prodadr aligns usith wer needs and expedtstons - i : . é AAI these ACHVIR® Oe iWeradive, meaning Te ge design process may (Sop. bac ** % p based od feedback and Rydungs. Kaneneut eas. yn pavement and retinene wtris adios conti design: Scanned with CamScanner Unit -§, «Mer pa~hors in iprertoce design’ (a) Inrertace merapher- (a> Mera phos are Whe centrul amponenk of conceprua) model in rer Fale design wide a. sirucrure SE tar FO oapens = eee ent Hes bur have heir oD penaviour ond peportd- CD arverface metaphors OYE yittasined iw the user Whrertace like He Gea \erop merapner 07 the search engine merapne’: WO aAntend to poovide. entities (eames PCS +o undessyund Whe and erlyin g concep ra moded eo" \prerFace (deg. Cord erro pror WW the card ne become he craple 1D WICK Saprion. (ox) daaigh geen in gece) meal OPM Vike. Her and pinterest- ro) curds dre posed on tre iden wehind pooul ding afumlior and yntative, Te! » Digh physica) cards wo to organi2€ egntent- Scanned with CamScanner xinrerounien Types: Cad The design cpace Car pe conceptnalt zed in 4erms of interaction YUP that undertie fhe User Veparience- : Q) in erochon types represents fhe waye a pers Teract with the pwducror ospplicaion Y An SHUT AG Q) conversing @ rloripwaring (Y Exploring (D Reaponding { a Ingpuching 4 ee WsSue_inyrwcrtons pretyster és b Non ous penny, CBPins, cerecHny ophors, eaten, Qesturing ert am = £8, command based mens: Q (onversing: : ae = MVNA 0} corals moe the sycrem OS Gg & MOldgue PF er. . wae. oH OAe (Cvt)> cnarbo® E (omnes a (oceogwere eusront: onk jntera.uron! a 3 using s wrere (e)) fan pusating 5 _ User jnteroct uit? obyents in vita) °° physiow Spaces by manpudtitys Yhen- ; © Direce manip oF89 qnrerko.ces Crone oskion! nysic® word ynseractony. ann egud \ Scanned with CamScanner r C4) Exploring: a — = users Tove Prrough virtua or Physicd eminnner, - 29. BD virtua) enuwonmenty, Agu mente d readity; virtua) vepresentadion ot prysicd Space. WD Responding. = the Systun takes the. fei or show fe fomeehI Fy act \evant r -eg- preacive no hcodtont on Smartphones “4 and wearable deulces - “1 ss “a Prototyping : : + (a) prototyping plays a virad role tn: Fe serign and dew epement process, OFFONS a Fung ble as 7 representation of idensy Where For neo products or modi Hcagions fe appigring 0 NE: _ : y commu chy ib seven OF % meuns for gesigness TO Oy por concep and allaws srakeholders Fe I pith and grwuore then: - ger rhe aniwed g—— Co Profotyping nelps designers we ts the guesHons and Fake the informed decision € (serve various PUrpae like reching reennica] ANS AVOUT Feasibility j charitying, regain in the designs DF eraurity compa iy a pro ONY Sereropenant PCS: pave to wert, deseribe t te we. be Scanned with CamScanner cd Prototyping types) Low-Hdelity a) High: HOA ce) low Hdaiy: bse dehy prrtotypes like paper base MockupsS Of sRercny ort eimple 1COst eFFECH Ve and gwick produce they are port cw orly usetod in the early Grogs oF product derielo pene NICO) for Bexibi lity nd explo sn OS abternadie desigas- €§-groryboording SRerhiNg, POTS 5 curds and Phe pszart oF > rewhntque ore example Ve” Rdelity prorotyPINS meso @) High Bdelity _ High Adelity prototy pes casesy recembles the Had peduch nO GEER SKS pun Gonali ty - -They ar eh hecive? ye, LSE STEGe produ Yerakionc and OF provide & pore, oa HenBe Uae RAPETENCE - However Here is roy perder hi peo) predur, mitt they can Pe Jeraaped © exis ning om por ens or WING Soy Ww ore. a HIER whet sroreholded rdeliey pOmBPE © ag tnor gy: a wy woes open source Scanned with CamScanner Onit G »Wenristic Evaluation: @) eaalshic evaluation Involves INKerFace Vementt cuch as Mel online hOp eke. aguint Phe cer OF usalallity heuristics. i tb) heuristics ve highlerel design Vike cons}ien ey reducing meno eyaluaroe Accessing user nus, navigatiors, sounds principles or pandples , resembling paadpla ry load and using der undersreyndable terms: G) HeuricHics : GDvusibitity OF fystery erarus x G) march beter) syste and Reals sornd . 1B) userc CORT and freedom ps" ) cangsrency and crandard ‘Le (9 EevOr prevention < (oO Recognition Razer Hoan recall od G)Hedbility and EReici ancy of We od ® Reghertc und eninimalictic. desig) sibve —_— CAD besigners and vecedrcheré may adapt or meee ey = heurishces based on the context of he, produce 9 € S evolucred - S (t) Recearchers Use He adapred heuristics # evaluate es interfaces by inspechng sannous jntercunons elementy eS and comparing them againtt the useibitity cia ee CH mot sets huve between. § bo 1° items for & bal anvesl we crunge ot usability on tena _ (3) Empiricnd teats suggest thot th can typically tdenhty Wp te 75): wee to Five resenchers of usability pablems- KECCECE pe Scanned with CamScanner x Advantuger + *Dioduantuges ”. os ; «> or es 2 cs) K Wal Through: wo DUBE ATR pane eet fos precdiGing use probleme either acta user testing - : cog five and pluralistic sel Pyrough are THO Hyped - © Cognitive walk-through ‘ @ simalae each skep io human cempurernterearan: v) fowus oP evoluusion designs for empha2ing the congnusive, Gey steps: () sdenHfy and document Qneosr effective @ QiCR results &) Barly detection of issues 4) Independent Qua UCSTOD UL) Educaiond) ueue- () Important prbiers may se missed © many bivad problems ofien idenhised,, Fait? eda @) Experts have biases @& can be aditAcult and expeniwe to tind experts (D Wimited bo dentitying usability #iscues- ater nad ve, method > neunche how pesple go about problem solving oF ease oF Veurning » penpesNe- Cnaractensti cs of Mypica) users and develop satmple Tasks @ walk Prough acto cequence for euch rs Focusiag oF questions related to ULeIS Understanding necidng and auto ating currect adions: B) Gmpihea record of cnihca) tntormation) assumption side issues and desigy change2 UW) veNiSe the design posed on jdentitied problems - Scanned with CamScanner r oo PluraLlisHc Walkthrough : = Winvower developed and csability recearched esorkiny “ Adgether fo Sep through o bask scnerio - ' ©) Pari cipants assume the rele of typicd used wete dowah. the ¢ equence 6 acont Hey would rake, Gnd discuss tre Usability issues: @) focuc on detest ceps Jn compleHing task @ well suited for Parti pabury design practices + A/B Testing: (a) AIB testing is a large scwe experment Mat eualuccy, how Huo groups of uses perform using Two ditteest designs- a cOntwol (existing) design and and experimen ey (need) desig) - ain tb) cimilar td controlled experiment bud octen INVOes hundreds or Thousands oF partidpants - te experimented design ts , ees employed where too irae gRmURs oF a ee are randomly Selected from large. caer popwation such thir os soda) Media. site WS: a) Avanable oF (nrerest ,.cuch oS the desig’ of an adverHsement ;)S ydenttided - Tso groups |p and B are. ceed difterent designs (dependent nreasurts jlike cick- Phrough wore) jar jdevsHed and compared besueen groups over Spend c pes od UF) SoSH CA analycis Used to esreblish the orsketility = Prod observed cifferences in result are due fo tne Treadment (design) amd not by Chan Ce. co A “ketseen-participan Scanned with CamScanner @) done on darge ccwle, partdpants are uae usualy not AbsUre Yor they arc the part of experiment - Ch) vsed for cearch engine, retailers, socia) netootking, Trave serviey ete. ~MaKINg daky driven deciaions. 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