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Moon Education & Careers

Moon will gear towards these areas of interest

If the MOON is in a Kendra, or a part of a larger grouping, or very strong in the chart.

Aesthetics, agriculture,
c h a n g e a b i l i t y, c h i n a ,
clothing, common fashion,
dairy, emotions, Epicurean
p h i l o s o p h y, e v e r y d a y
r o u t i n e s , f e m i n i n i t y,
family, females, fertility,
fluids, food, glassware,
grooming, habits, heredity,
h o m e , h o s p i t a l i t y,
imagination, kitsch
symbols, lakes, laundry,
liquor, livestock, masses,
midwives, mothering,
nurses, opinions, popularity, porcelain, public,
ocean, restlessness, rivers, sailors, sea, sustenance,
waiters/waitresses, and women, milk


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