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1. Explain different types of bonding in solids and their
2. What is a unit cell? Discuss the BCC, FCC and HCP types of
unit cell.
3. Write Gibb's phase rule used for phase diagrams
4. Explain working of blast furnace or cupola furnace with
schematic diagram
5. Draw the iron-carbon equilibrium diagram and explain it.
6. What is eutectoid T.T.T. diagram of steel? Explain various steps
of construction of T.T.T. diagram.
7. What are the objectives of heat treatment? List the various heat
treatment processes.
8. Explain the following –
(i) Normalizing
(ii) Annealing
(iii) Spheroidizing
(iv) Hardening
9. Discuss the different types of plain carbon steel with the
composition and applications.
10. On what principle colorimetric method work.

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