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Nursing Care Plan Template for Clinical Applications

Student Name: ID#: Date: Week: Client Initials: Clinical Professor:

Assessment equals Data Nursing Problem Goals Nursing Outcome/Evaluation

Collection + Analysis Statements/Concerns – Use RUMBA or Interventions/Actions with Data Analysis
Actual/Potential SMART Rationale
Subjective Priority
• Patient states” I feel • Acute pain related to • By the end of the • Proper repositioning, • Elevation increases venous
heavy and tight on both bilateral pitting edema shift patient will such as elevating the return to the heart and, in
my legs especially my +1 of the dorsal foot, have reduced legs with mild edema, turn, decreases edema.
ankles and it is also lower extremity pain in the lower focused on removing or Edematous skin is more
painful when you touch weakness as evidenced extremities rated decreasing swelling. To susceptible to injury. Thus,
it. I think it has to do by patient stating” I 3 on a scale of relieve pain in both repositioning the patient
with my swollen legs.” feel heavy and tight on 0 – 10. ankles and the dorsal will help to improve
• Patient is experiencing both my legs region of the foot, the comfort, functional ability,
pain on both ankles and especially my ankles • The patient will patient will be and safety. (Potter, Perry,
dorsal region of the foot, and it is also painful have limited repositioned and a Stockert &Hall, 2019,
he rated 6 on a pain scale when you touch it. I ambulation on supportive pillow will be p.424)
of 0-10. think it has to do with the lower placed under the ankle
my swollen legs.”, and extremities by the area of both feet for
Objective rating pain 6 on a pain end of the shift. comfort.
• Age: 87 scale of 0-10.
• Male • Acetaminophen • This will enhance patient’s
• Undergoing treatment (TYLENOL) two tabs, pain management, enhance
for compression fracture 650 mg PRN, will be patient perception of pain,
of Lumbar 3 vertebra, administered to the and lessen patient anxiety
high cholesterol and patient as ordered to related to being immobile

Elsevier. (n.d.). Lewis's medical-surgical nursing in Canada. Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing in Canada - 5th Edition. Retrieved July 9,
2022, from

Potter, P. A., Perry, A.G., Stockert, P.A., & Hall, A.M. (Eds.). (2019). Canadian fundamentals of nursing (6th Cdn. ed.) (B. J. Astle & W.
Duggleby, Cdn. Adapt.). Toronto, ON: Elsevier Canada.

S121-George Brown College - Practical Nursing Program 2018/2019

Assessment equals Data Nursing Problem Goals Nursing Outcome/Evaluation
Collection + Analysis Statements/Concerns – Use RUMBA or Interventions/Actions with Data Analysis
Actual/Potential SMART Rationale
hypertension. treat pain. from pain. (Potter, Perry,
• Patient has history of Stockert &Hall, 2019, p.
myocardial infraction, Secondary 426).
hyponatremia, lower • Risk of skin integrity • The patient will • Assist the patient with • The patient will be able to
extremities weakness related to immobility be free from skin minimal lower ankle perform range of motion
and constant falls. as evidenced by breakdown. muscle exercises as activities within the limits
• Fluid intake 868 ml redness, itching, tolerated to prevent of his toleration (Pottery,
(Daily fluid restrict of swelling and distended • Patient localized swelling, Perry, Stockert & Hall,
1200ml). epithelial tissue on the demonstrates redness, skin 2019, p.424).
• Output 1100 ml dorsal foot. measure to breakdown, and muscle
• Diet - consumes 75% of increase mobility weakness exacerbated
meal on average. by prolonged immobility
• VS Temp 37.2c, HR 81, (Lewis's Medical-
RR 18, BP 143/60, SpO Surgical Nursing in
93%, Pulse 61 (0720 h). Canada - 5th
• Alert and oriented to Edition,2019, p.774).
person, place, time and
situation (0740 h).

Medications and/ or lab

results (if applicable)
• predniSONE tab 10mg
• calcium carbonate tab

Elsevier. (n.d.). Lewis's medical-surgical nursing in Canada. Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing in Canada - 5th Edition. Retrieved July 9,
2022, from

Potter, P. A., Perry, A.G., Stockert, P.A., & Hall, A.M. (Eds.). (2019). Canadian fundamentals of nursing (6th Cdn. ed.) (B. J. Astle & W.
Duggleby, Cdn. Adapt.). Toronto, ON: Elsevier Canada.

S121-George Brown College - Practical Nursing Program 2018/2019

Assessment equals Data Nursing Problem Goals Nursing Outcome/Evaluation
Collection + Analysis Statements/Concerns – Use RUMBA or Interventions/Actions with Data Analysis
Actual/Potential SMART Rationale
• acetaminophen
(TYLENOL) tab 650mg
• acetylsalicylic acid
(ASA) tab 80mg Daily
• brinzolamide (AZOPT)
suspension 1 drop BID
• brimonidine
ophthalmic suspension
solution 1 drop BID
• furosemide (LASIX) tab
20mg Daily
• Multivitamins tab 1
• saccharomyces boulardii
• silodosin (RAPAFLO)
capsule 4mg TID
• amLODIPine
(NORVASC) tab 5mg
• potassium chloride oral

Elsevier. (n.d.). Lewis's medical-surgical nursing in Canada. Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing in Canada - 5th Edition. Retrieved July 9,
2022, from

Potter, P. A., Perry, A.G., Stockert, P.A., & Hall, A.M. (Eds.). (2019). Canadian fundamentals of nursing (6th Cdn. ed.) (B. J. Astle & W.
Duggleby, Cdn. Adapt.). Toronto, ON: Elsevier Canada.

S121-George Brown College - Practical Nursing Program 2018/2019

Assessment equals Data Nursing Problem Goals Nursing Outcome/Evaluation
Collection + Analysis Statements/Concerns – Use RUMBA or Interventions/Actions with Data Analysis
Actual/Potential SMART Rationale
solution 40mmol BID
• sodium chloride 4g TID
• hypromellose (ISOPTO
TEARS) 0.5%
ophthalmic solution 1
drop TID
• Vitamin D3(VITAMIN
D-3) tab 2000units Daily
• levothyroxine
(SYNTHROID) tab 0.2
• loperamide (IMODIUM)
tab 1mg Daily

Elsevier. (n.d.). Lewis's medical-surgical nursing in Canada. Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing in Canada - 5th Edition. Retrieved July 9,
2022, from

Potter, P. A., Perry, A.G., Stockert, P.A., & Hall, A.M. (Eds.). (2019). Canadian fundamentals of nursing (6th Cdn. ed.) (B. J. Astle & W.
Duggleby, Cdn. Adapt.). Toronto, ON: Elsevier Canada.

S121-George Brown College - Practical Nursing Program 2018/2019

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