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Internal Audit Services

Credit Card Security Audit Program


The purpose of this audit program is to identify specific audit procedures to be performed in
conjunction with our review of the controls in place to safeguard the confidentiality of customer
credit card information stored in databases or application software administered by company
personnel. We will review our findings with the legal department to ascertain our legal risk
associated with storage of this customer data.

Wkppr Performed
Procedures Ref. by

1) Develop an inventory of all operations that accept credit cards
for payment of receivables.
2) Develop a questionnaire to use for interviews of IT and operation
managers for all such businesses. Review questionnaire with legal
department to ensure all areas of risk are targeted for questions.

Field Work
1) Interview Operations Managers regarding different systems
credit card data is stored on.
2) Interview IT Managers responsible for safeguarding this
information regarding controls in place to protect customer credit
card information in the various locations.
3) Obtain a list of employees with access to customer credit card
information on the various systems.
4) Interview IT Manager responsible for firewall protection to
understand firewall controls.
5) Review findings with legal department to assess our legal risk..


Risk from Outside Access -

1) a) When was the last time an external audit was
conducted to review the effectiveness of the firewall?
b) What were the results? c) Implementation status of
any action items.
2) Is there a process in place to monitor and follow up on
security breaches?
3) Is there any on-going internal or external testing of

Contributed April 15, 2002 by

Internal Audit Services
Credit Card Security Audit Program
firewall effectiveness? How often? Who is copied on
test results?

Risk from Illegal Internal access / use of information:

1) Is the need to keep customer credit card information
secure clearly documented and communicated to
internal personnel with access to the information? Is
there a policy stating where the data can be saved and
how it can be used?
2) Walk me through all of the systems a customer’s credit
card information is stored on from the front end system
that takes the order. Is the data passed on to the data
warehouse? To Siebel? To other systems other than
3) Is there a list of who has access to credit card
information in the various systems? Where in each
system is the credit card data stored? Does everyone on
the list need to see the credit card information to
complete their job assignments?
4) Is there a process in place to periodically monitor
access rights for those with access to credit card
information in the front end and transaction system
5) Is it possible for a user to download credit card
information from a source system (i.e., SAP, Edge
etc.) to a PC? Are there any user restrictions in place
or password permissions to prevent this capability for
those who do not need it for their jobs?
6) Through what process is our credit card data
transmitted to our credit card processor? What steps
are taken to ensure this transmission is secure?
7) Does our contract with our processor limit or negate
our liability should the processor’s database be
illegally hacked by a 3rd party?
8) Does our processor send any credit card information
back to us when we receive cash from them? What
steps are taken to ensure this data is secure?
9) Is credit card information stored in a central location in
any of our systems such that an individual could query
that location and access numerous customer card #s.
10) Walk me through the controls in placed in each system
to prevent unauthorized access to credit card
11) Who has access to “back end” data repositories where
credit card information is stored? Is there a process to
monitor queries? Is the monitoring process used?

Contributed April 15, 2002 by

Internal Audit Services
Credit Card Security Audit Program
12) Is the entire credit card number available in the “back
end” repositories? Is it necessary to have the entire
number? What other personal information is stored
here (i.e., social security #’s, phone #’s etc.).

Contributed April 15, 2002 by

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