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Constructing Survey Questionnaires Quiz (Blooms Taxonomy)

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

Bloom's Level:
 Remembering: Recalling facts and concepts.
 Understanding: Explaining ideas and concepts.
 Applying: Using knowledge and skills in new situations.
 Analyzing: Breaking down information and examining relationships.
 Evaluating: Making judgments based on criteria.
 Creating: Developing new ideas or products.
1. Remembering: Which of the following is NOT a type of survey question? (Level 1)
o a) Multiple choice

o b) Open-ended

o c) Ranking

o d) Essay

2. Understanding: What is the main purpose of piloting a survey before launch? (Level 2)
o a) Increase public awareness

o b) Identify and fix errors

o c) Generate interest in the topic

o d) Measure data distribution

3. Applying: You want to know consumers' preference for new soda flavors. Which question
format is most suitable? (Level 3)
o a) "Do you like soda?" (Yes/No)

o b) "Rank your favorite soda flavors." (1-5)

o c) "Describe your ideal soda flavor." (Open-ended)

o d) "Choose from cherry, vanilla, and orange." (Multiple choice)

4. Analyzing: Two answer choices in your multiple choice question are ambiguous. What
potential problem does this create? (Level 4)
o a) Respondents will skip the question.

o b) Data analysis will be inaccurate.

o c) The survey becomes too long.

o d) Questions become repetitive.

5. Evaluating: You notice leading language in one of your survey questions. How can you
improve it? (Level 5)
o a) Add more answer choices.

o b) Rephrase the question neutrally.

o c) Include examples for clarity.

o d) Shorten the question length.

d) Essay
b) Identify and fix errors
b) Rank your favorite soda flavors. (1-5)
b) Data analysis will be inaccurate.
b) Rephrase the question neutrally.

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