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Position Paper Quiz (10 Questions)

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the main purpose of a position paper? a) To inform the reader about a complex
issue. b) To present a factual overview of both sides of an issue. c) To advocate for a
specific stance on an issue. d) To analyze personal experiences related to an issue.
2. Which of the following is NOT typically included in the introduction of a position paper?
a) Background information on the issue. b) Definition of key terms. c) Statement of the
writer's thesis or claim. d) Personal anecdotes about the issue.
3. What is the best way to present arguments in the body of a position paper? a) List them
in chronological order. b) Organize them by strength, with the strongest first. c) Group
them according to the type of evidence they use. d) Alternate arguments for and against
your position.
4. What is the most effective type of evidence to use in a position paper? a) Opinions and
personal beliefs. b) Anecdotal stories and hearsay. c) Credible sources like research
studies and expert opinions. d) Emotional appeals and dramatic language.
5. How should a position paper address opposing viewpoints? a) Ignore them completely.
b) Briefly mention them and then dismiss them. c) Acknowledge them and offer counter-
arguments. d) Attack the credibility of those who hold opposing views.
6. Which of the following is NOT a good way to conclude a position paper? a) Summarize
your main points. b) Restate your thesis or claim. c) Introduce a new argument not
previously addressed. d) Make a call to action.
7. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a good position paper? a) Clear and
concise writing style. b) Logical and well-organized structure. c) Objective and unbiased
language. d) Strong emotional appeals.
8. What is the main difference between a position paper and an essay? a) A position paper
has a stronger thesis statement. b) An essay is longer and more detailed. c) A position
paper focuses on advocating for a stance. d) An essay is more informal and personal.
9. What is the biggest mistake to avoid when writing a position paper? a) Using factual
errors or unreliable sources. b) Presenting a weak or unclear argument. c) Failing to cite
your sources properly. d) Writing in a tone that is too aggressive or hostile.
10. What is the best way to improve your writing of position papers? a) Read well-written
examples of position papers. b) Practice argumentative writing techniques. c) Seek
feedback from others on your drafts. d) All of the above.
1. c) To advocate for a specific stance on an issue.
2. d) Personal anecdotes about the issue.
3. b) Organize them by strength, with the strongest first.
4. c) Credible sources like research studies and expert opinions.
5. c) Acknowledge them and offer counter-arguments.
6. c) Introduce a new argument not previously addressed.
7. d) Strong emotional appeals.
8. c) A position paper focuses on advocating for a stance.
9. a) Using factual errors or unreliable sources.
10. d) All of the above.

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