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Joining into Simple Sentence:

By Using Participle:

A participle, like an adjective, places before a noun or pronoun and qualifies to the noun or pronoun it
refers to.

Present participle: If verb + ing behaves like an adjective.

How to identify:

1.Sentences will contain same subjects.

2.When actions happen at the same time.

3.When one action is happened after another.

e.g. Ram saw a snake. He became senseless.

= Seeing a snake, Ram became senseless.

By using perfect participle:

e.g. Shreya was tired. She took a little rest.

=Being tired, Shreya took a little rest.

Rashmi saw a tiger. She started running at once.

=Having seen a tiger, Rashmi started running at once.

By using past participle:

e.g. I saw a tattered shirt. It was lying on the mud.

=I saw a tattered shirt lying on the mud.

By using infinitive:

1.In order to express cause or purpose,

2.To express positive or negative result,

e.g. I am too weak. I cannot walk further.

=I am too weak to walk further.

By using Gerund: If verb +ing behaves like a noun or noun equivalent.

1.To give a general reference to an action,

2.To express cause or means with a preposition,

e.g. Rima likes a thing very much. It is eating sugar.

= Rima likes eating sugar very much.

I heard her speaking in English. I learnt from her how to speak.

= On hearing her speaking in English, I learnt how to speak.

Nominative Absolute: If verb+ing is used with a noun or pronoun, then it is said to be in the absolute
phrase or nominative absolute.

How to identify:

1.If sentences have different subjects.

2.If there is cause and effect relation between the sentences.

e.g. The sun is set. The boys stop their playing.

= The sun being set, the boys stop their playing.

The sun set. The birds came back to their nests.

= The sun having set, the birds came back to their nests

By using a noun or a phrase in apposition:

*To give identity or more information,

e.g. Gandhiji is the Father of the nation. He devoted his life for the independence of his country.

= Gandhiji, the Father of the nation, devoted his life for the independence of his country.

By using a preposition with a noun or a Gerund:

e.g. Ram arrived at the station. You already left the place.

= Ram arrived at the station after your departure.

By using preposition or prepositional phrase:

How to identify:

To detail a situation, an action or an event,

e.g. Riyanka works in a multi-national company. She works in place of Tithi.

In a multi-national company Riyanka works in place of Tithi.

By using as an adverb or adverb phrase:

How to identify:

1.To give more information of action or event,

2To indicate the attitude and point of view of the speaker,

e.g. She will improve. It is certain.

= Certainly, she will improve.

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