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‘Course outtine Sieve Fate Bardia. sey Dope (tec 18 Sat Chal cae 1 xpreanon ef oral sa ‘ut: Assignment DDoWNLoAD VIDEOS: Tent ranserte ‘About the Course Ask a Q. Assignment 4 ‘eae dete for suming i ssgnment hs essa sper ourrecores you have not submtea ths esr The rms delay spread in a channel is found to be 30ns, The 50% and 90% co- Ietence bandwidth of the channel are respectively:= a, 6.666 H =, 086K H> b, 883M H2,393KH2 ©, SBM Hs, 93,.3M Hz dd. Nome of the above ‘ Accente Answers: 2 Consider the power delay profile for « given geographical region, “)] Pe | Detavia) ‘The maximum delay spread, average delay spread and rims delay spread are respec. tively. a. Sys, LAps and 09s. bby 2931ps and 1.5915 ps, 6, 00,0.76jis and 2.2, d. None of the above. to, america Seon ‘Aecenteg Aree: 5) 4 wireless communication system is using BPSK modulation with bit rate of 50 Kbps, ‘A mobile nscr in a moving train measures the coherence time of the channel 5 ys. "The rms delay spread for that particular scenarios is fond to be (ys. The channel experienced by the mobile ser is a, Flat and fast fading, b. Flat and slow fading. cc. Frequency selective and slow fading. 4, Fequeney selective and fast fading te, anomeric. ‘Aecentes Aree: © Various parameters related to characterization of wireless channel ane given in the columns of fllossing table, Choese the proper relationship among then: Column A Column Coherence | time Coherence | = Iandwidth Coherence | 7 distance [Where ‘as Bone and fo are rs delay spread, angle spread and maxim spread respectively] a AlxBI,A2xB2,A90B3, bb. AlocE2,A2%B9,A902, 6. MlxB3,A2xB2,436eB1, d. AlocBS,A2xB1,ASxB2, fo,rmanmerisnoract. Accept newer: © Consider a Multiple Input Multiple Outpnt wireless system with 3 transinit ane ‘teunas and 4 receive antennas. What can be a probable channel matrix? o7 as os a lor 6 asa 0.75] p, [or -03) loa ou 02 09 07 nz o4 —o3| ns 09 —0s| ns os —o9| fo2 —09 a jor o4 05 09 fo,rmanmerisnoract. Accepted newer: © The Bigen values of the channel matzix H for & 2x2 MIMO System, (6 0. 03 02| 8. 05, 1. b, 0.25, 0. ©. 0, 080, 4. 0, 060, en sneer icome ‘Accepted Aree: Consider a 2x3 MIMO system where spatial correlation exists both in transmit ter and receiver side. The principle square root of transmit. and receive correlation matrix are given respectively = 1 03 OL =Joa 1 02 Jo 02 4 aie 2 a4] Consider an instance of spatially white chanel being: & 02 07 0. y= [td 08 ou Compute the spatially correlated channel matrix = 1.0100 1.3580. 0.5850) [1.3900 1.5400 0.7800] p, [t2or 02925 va lo.8375 0.470 1.180) ¢, [0.6200 0.8975. 0.5850 [0.7900 1.189 0.7800] 4. None of these Bo,egnmer incon. ‘copie Answer 8) For isotropic scattering, the correlation of real part of channel at distance Ar) is given by() is wavelength of operation ):- a. Sesin( 292) b. net €. Myla BA) 4. S288) dbo ‘The power delay profile for a specific region lias been modeled as having a onc sided exponential distribution with respect to delay (7) as following — Tr. where, Ty = Ths Por) Caleutlate the average delay spread for the ease Ss b. Sys ©. Ths. 4. None of these Bo,egnmer incon. ‘econ Answers “9 Following. are statements related to poor and rich seattering: (i) Rich seattori (Gi)Poor scattering experiences larger coberence distance. (Gln tho caso of poor seattering, the signal arrives from all directions (iv)ln the case of Fich scattering, the signal arrives over a narvinr-angle experiences smaller eohorence distance () and (i) are correct. (ii) and (ii) are correct ©. All are correct, 4. None of these ‘Aesop Anewors: ™) Channel gains of channels with differont coherence bandwidth are shown in the figure The rms delay spread for the legends P,Q. and Bar arma trma-@ att rine Which statement is trie ? 8 rms = Oren be rma > Grms-@ > Orme-it ©. Orme P< Ory < Somat A. Opme-P > Srme-R > Orme-@ te, anor iio. ‘Accept Anewer: “91 Consider a 2x2 MIMO system where spatial correlation exists both in transmitter ‘and receiver side, The transmit and receive correlation matrix are given respectively ‘Compute the eovntience matrix: 1 og] Bm [oo — [os aa 1.0000. 0.5000 0.6000 0.3000" 0.5000 1.0000 0.3000 0.6000 ™ !o.6000 0.3000 1.0000. 0.5000 0.3000 0.6000 0.5000. 1.0000. 0.5000. 0.2500 0.6000 0, 6000" 0.8000 0.5000 0.2000 0.6000) 0.4000 0.2000 5000 0.5000) 0.2000. 0.4000 0.5000 1.0000, 0.5000 0.2500 0.6000 0.3000" 0.2500. 0.5000 0.3000 0.6000 4000 0.2000 1.0000 0.5000) 8.4000. 0.8000 0.6000 1.0000) . None of these te neanower income, Sean's ‘Accented Aree: *) Consider a Single Input Multiple Output wireless system with 1 transmit antenna rnd 2 receive antennas, What can be a probable covariance matrix? fo.6000 9.4000 ® To.snn0 0.2000) p, [2000-03000 4000 0.500 3000 0.4000 © Jo.eov0 0.5000} 4. None of these te, sneorinicome scores owes: 4 Following. ate statements related to spatially while channel matrix, Fy (i) Fly is full rank matrix with probability "I (Gi) Hy is » full rank matrix with probability ‘0. (ii) ATI the elements of Hy are eo! (iv) Hy consisting of Mp x Mp mu plex gaussian zero mean cireular sym tric her of elements, (i) and (i) are correct. (, Gi), and (ii) are correct (), (ii), and (iv) are correct. (Gi) and (ii) are correct. ‘Accent Anewers: 79) Following are statements related to classical iid channel, Hw (§) Delay spread is signin. (a) EL Hw fs) (ii) BH sl (iy) ELH hs {Hiv dn Osi Am& IAD, 2. (9) and (ii) are correct. b. G), (i, and (ii) are correct, ©. (9 i), and (iv) are comet. 4. Gi), (i), and (iv) are corte eset Aras: reviowet@rptlimacin y Due on 2020-02-26, 23:59 IST, 1 point pom pom 1 ome 1 point + point + pom: 1 point pom 1 point pom

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