Chapter 3 SST Notes of Class 6

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Chapter - 3

Civilization and Cities

New Words

1. Civilisation : an advanced stage of human development with achievement in art,

Science ,writing and governance.

2. Type site : an archaeological site regarded as characteristic of particular culture

and whose name is often applied to the culture.

3. Estuary : Mouth of a river where the rivers current meets the sea's tide.

4. Decipherd : (here) underst or interpret what is written in a script.

5. Pictographic : a picture representing a word , a phrase or an idea, especially one used

in early writing system.

6. Seal (here) : an official mark of a document that shows that it is legal or has been

officially approved.

7. Citadel : a fort like structure built on raised ground

8. Granary : a building where grains are stored.

9. Dockyard : a place where ships are repaired and also loaded and also unloaded.

10.Steatite : soft soapstone

11. Bichrome. : having two colours


I. Tick the correct option.

1. The archaeologist who discovered the ruins of Harappa was

a. Daya Ram Sahani ✓ b. Rakhaldas Banerji c. John Marshall.

2. The largest building found in mohenjodaro was

a. a town hall b. granary✓ c. the citadel

3. Which of the following statements is not true for mohenjodaro?

a. Bricks were used for making buildings in mohenjodaro.

b. The citadel was a rectangular structure resembling a swimming pool. ✓

c. The city had a well constructed drainage system.

4. The Harappan cities were divided into

a. The upper and the middle town

b. The town hall and the granary

c. The citadel and lower town✓

5. The Harappan site in India that has a dockyard is

a. Ropar b. Lothal✓ c. Rakhigarhi

6. The harappans sourced gold from

a. Karnataka in India ✓ b. Rajasthan in India c. Afghanistan

7. The Harappan seals were made of

a. steatite ✓ b. gold c. copper

8. The people of the Indus valley were possibly the first in the world to grow

a. cotton ✓ b. silk c. wheat

9. The Harappan civilization disappeared around

a. 2500 bce b. 1500 bce ✓ c. 1400 bce

10. The kings of the ancient Egypt were called

a. pharaoh ✓ b. rajan c. emperor

II. State whether the following statements are true or false rewrite the statements to
correct them.

1. The Harappan civilization flourished on banks of the river Yamuna. F

The Harappan civilization flourished on banks of the river Indus.

2. The houses in the Harappan cities were built of baked bricks. T

3. Historians have been able to read the script of the Harappan people F
Historians have been unable to read the script of the Harappan people

4. Sindh and Rajasthan were not deserts during the Harappan civilization. T

5. Harappan people probably worshipped only trees and animals T

and no god

**Answer the following questions in one sentence.

1. In which year excavation at Harappa begin?

Ans : in 1921 the excavation at Harappa began.

2. Who discovered the site of Mohenjodaro?

Ans: R D Banerji discovered the site of Mohenjodaro.

3. What is the use of granaries?

Ans: Granaries are used for storing surplus grains.

4. Name the special buildings of Indus civilization.

Ans: The special buildings of Indus civilization are granary and great bath

5. What stone was used to make the Harappan seals?

Ans : Steatite was used to make the Harappan seals.

III. Answer the following questions briefly.

1. Give four reasons why the Harappan people can be said to have led a highly civilized


Ans: Four reasons why the Harappan people can we said to have led highly civililised life
i) There was a well maintained drainage system.

ii) There were long and broad Streets.

iii) The buildings were made of stones and burnt bricks.

iv) In almost every houses ,there was a bathroom and near the bath there was well.

2. Write a short note on town planning of Harappan cities.

Ans: Town Planning

=> Cities of the Indus valley were well planned.

=> Many cities were divided into two parts

1) Upper Town

The upper part to west was smaller and higher. This was the citadel where some

special buildings were located.

The special buildings are granary, great bath and town hall.

2) Lower Town

The part to the east was bigger and lower. this was the lower town. It was led out

in a grid pattern with houses , straight roads and a proper sanitation.

3. How do we know that Harappan people carried on trade with other contemporary


Ans : Harappan people carried on trade with other countries. some Harappan sales have

been found in the cities of ancient Mesopotamia while mesopotamian seals have

been found in Harappan cities.

This confirms that trade exist between both these civilization.

4. Describe Great Bath found at Mohenjodaro.

Ans: Great Bath

=> Well known structure at Mohenjodaro is the Great Bath.

=> It is a rectangular structure resembling a swimming pool.

=> People probably used it for religious purpose.

5. Write about the religious beliefs of the Harappan people.

Ans: Religious Beliefs

=> Harappan people probably worshipped trees and animals.

=> The pipal tree and bull are commonly seen on seals.

=> The most commonly found figurine is that of a female deity, who has generally

been identified as a mother goddess.

=> They believed in life after death.

IV. Answer the following questions in detail

1. Discuss the extent of Harappan civilization on the basis of the maps given in the


Ans: The Indus valley civilization flourished in the North Western part of the Indian

subcontinent. It spreads over Sindh, Baluchistan, Punjab, Haryana ,Gujarat,

Rajasthan and from Jammu in the north to the Narmada estuary in the west.

A major portion of it is now in Pakistan. Shortugai in Afghanistan was a Harappan

trading post.

2. Write a note on the features of the Indus valley civilization.

Ans: The features of the Indus valley civilization are

=> The cities of this civilization were well developed urban centres.

=> The buildings were made of stones and burnt bricks.

=> The drainage system of the Harappan cities was one of the best in ancient times.

=> The roads led at Harappa were based on a grid system.

3. How did people live their lives in the Indus valley civilization?

Ans: The conditions prevailing on banks of the river Indus and its a tributaries were

favourable for settlement of people. the climate was warm and moist and the

fertile soil was used for growing different crops.

4. What do you know about the trade carried out by the people of the Indus valley


Ans: Harappan people carried on trade with other countries

=> Some Harappan seals have been found in the cities of ancient Mesopotamia

while mesopotamian seals have been found in Harappan cities.

=> This confirms that trade existed between both these civilization.

=> Harappan people got copper from Oman in west Asia and Rajasthan, tin from

Afghanistan and Iran and gold from Karnataka.

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