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"Duel the Referee" Adventure Pack.

with the Official MAGIC VIEWER™System!
Duel the Referee or adventure together as Indiana Jones plunges into
African danger!
Attribute Ratings
Characters/Type Weapon ST MV PR BK IN AP

Mciver, Ian (villain) pistol 72 64 52 76 72 68

Monks (goons) sub. 72 76 64 52 44 48
Natives (goons) spears 80 80 64 48 88 72
Nazis (goons) sub. 76 72 60 80 40 64
Outback Charlie
(villain) pistol 72 64 56 84 80 36
Shintay warriors
(goons) spears 84 80 64 68 64 72
Vogel, Colonel
(villain) pistol 64 80 68 76 52 76
Vyperion (villain) knife 88 80 68 76 64 76

Attribute Ratings
Creature Special ST MV PR BK IN AP

Boa Constrictor See 1 below 80 52 84 44 28 32

Crocodile 80 56 36 60 36 32
Elephant 88 48 44 36 56 52
Panther 84 64 76 64 68 48
Hippopotamus See 2 below 76 28 48 56 28 40
Black Leopard 80 72 72 44 48 60
(1) A boa constrictor must make a successful Prowess Check to wrap (2) If the hippo attacks a raft , use the following Prowess Check results.
itself around a victim . Treat as a Hold result on the Action Results If the hippo's Check is greater than ½ , the creature bumps the raft.
Table. The victim can't do anything until he breaks free of the hold . Everyone on it must make a successful Prowess Check or fall in the
Every round after the boa successfully wraps a victim up , the snake water. If the hippo's Check is lower than or equal to ½ , the creature
inflicts punching damage on the victim at a Danger Rating of 80. tips the raft over completely, spilling anyone and anything on it into the

ST Strength MV Movement
PR Prowess BK Backbone
IN Instinct AP Appeal
SUB Submachine gun

© 1984 Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

MASTER CLOCK (for Episode 5 only)


10 20 30 40 50

1 [!] 1 [!] 1 [!] 1 [!] 1 [!]

2 [!] 2 [!] 2 [!] 2 [!] 2 [!]
3 [!] 3 [!] 3 ~ 3 [!] 3 [!]
4 [!] 4 [!] 4 [!] 4 [!] 4 [!]
5 [!] 5 [!] 5 [!] 5 [!] 5 [!]
6 [!] 6 [!] 6 [!] 6 [!] 6 ~
7 [!] 7 [!] 7 [!] 7 [[] 7 ~
8 [!] 8 [!] 8 [!] 8 [!] 8 ~
9 [!] 9 [!] 9 [!] 9 ~ 9 [!]
10 [!] 10 @] 10 [!] 10 [!] 10 [!]


60 70 80 90 100

1 [!] 1 [!] 1 [!] 1 [!] 1 ~

2 [!] 2 [!] 2 [I] 2 [!] 2 [I]
3 [!] 3 [!] 3 [!] 3 ~ 3 [!]
4 ~ 4 [I] 4 ~ 4 [I] 4 [!]
5 [!] 5 [!] 5 ~ 5 ~ 5 [!]
6 [!] 6 [!] 6 [I] 6 [!] 6 00
7 [!] 7 [!] 7 [!] 7 [!] 7 [!]

8 [!] 8 [I] 8 ~ 8 [I] 8 ~

9 [!] 9 [!] 9 [!] 9 [!] 9 [!]
10 [I] 10 [!] 10 [I] 10 [!] 10 [!]
© 19114 Lucasfilm Ltd. AU Rights Reserved.
s . Screen En ·
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ToScene2 t Scale: 1 square • 5 feet

Key Entry 8
Iron Reinforced
Stained Glass

Window To


6 Pillar

Cl 196' luc•rllla Ltd. AD RJsi,h 8-rved.

EXPEDITION CAMP MAP Scale: 1 square • 5 feet

C 19N LucMffla Lid. AU Rights ~rved.

-- _·_ :I
- - I

Die Encounter Used

Roll for Hazard
1-4 Encounter 5
5-8 Encounter 7
9 Encounter 9
10 Encounter 10
.~-.-:ua;,~9 µQC!;~iWry-~~
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Magic Viewer™Action

- ~
Scale: 1 hex = 2 miles

[fli] The Village


1--------J Jungle Trail

□ Jungle
"' • INDIANA JONES, CRYSTAL DEATH. game elements, and character names and likenesses are trademarks of
Lucasfilm Ltd used under authorization C 1984 Lucasfilm ltd. All Rights Reserved MAGIC VIEWER is a trade-
mark owned by TSR, Inc
Cr,stal Death :y•Tracy Hickman

A Duel the Referee Adventure Pack for use with

Tim Kilpin Editing
John C. Meyers Graphic Design
Jeff Easley Illustrations
Dave Laforce Cartography
David Michelinie "Crystal Death" Story
INTRODUCTION ................. .. ........ . ...................... 2
EPISODE 1: MONASTERY MADNESS ................ . ...... . ... . .... 3
EPISODE 2: DARKEST AFRICA! . . ....... . ........ . . . . .. ... . . . . .. . . .. 5
EPISODE 3: JUNGLE ESCAPE .... . ... . .............. . . . ........ .. .... 6
EPISODE 4: SKULL PALACE . .. . .. . . . ......... . .. . ... . .. . ... . .. . .... 12
EPISODE 5: THE WALLS COME TUMBLING DOWN ... . .. . ... ... .... 14
EPILOGUE: FROM THE JAWS OF DEFEAT .... . ... . .. ... ....... .. ... 16
Player A Combat Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Player B Combat Clock .. . .................. . ...................... 8
Major NPCs ... . ........... . ..... .. . ... . .... . . .... .. ........ ... ... 9
Table 6: Action Point Awards .. . .. . .... . . . .. .. .. . .. . ........ . . . ... 10
Table 7: Bonus Point Awards ...................................... 10
MAGIC VIEWER"" Entries 1-21 . .... . . . .. . ... . .............. .. Side One
Treasury Room Map .............. . ...... . . . ......... . ...... Side Two
Expedition Camp Map .......................... . ........... Side Two
Master Clock ....... . . . . . ........................ . .. . ...... Side Two
Jungle Map/Skull Palace Map
Table 5 : Skull Palace Hazards
Table 3: Adventure Attribute Ratings ... . . . ...... : .. . . Inside Front Cover
Table 4: Attribute Divisions .. . .... .. ... . .. . .. . ...... Inside Back Cover
Jungle Encounter List .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . . . ....... Inside Back Cover
"'* THE ADVENTURES OF INDIANA )ONES, CRYSTAL DEATI-1. µm,el=tsand character names and Ukmnses are trademarks ofLuca,IUm
ltd. used under authorization. 0 1984 Lucasfilm ltd. All RighlS R...rved.
The names of characters used herein a~ fictitious a nd do not refer to any pt:r$0n S living or dead. Any similarity to any ptrsons llving or dead Is mue-ly
!... This advtntutt pad i$ protect~ under the copyright laws of the United Stat.!$ of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized~ of the mat~
rial or anwork cont~ M:rein is prohibitfd without lM' exprus writtm ~rmwion of lucasfilm lid. and TSR. lnc •
Dislril>\lled to th, book tndo by Random Houx. Inc. and in Canada by Random Ho - of Canada. ltd. Distributed to th, toy and hobby trade by
5 regional di,tributors. o..tn1>uted in the United Kingdom by TSR UK ltd.
0 TSR, Inc. ',¾_ TSR UK Ltd .

i.. Lake~~~e:!~ 't-& . The Mill, Rathmore Road

Cambridge CBI 4AD
~,.._, __ Printed in U.S.A.
WI 53147 TSII, Inc. United Kingdom
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. PRODUCTS OF mtJR IMAGINATION, MAGIC VIEWER and th< TSR logo•~ t.-.demarl<a owned by TSR. Inc.
Cl 1984 TSR, Inc. All R,ghtt Reserved.
ISBN 0-88038-178-7 394-54372-6TSR0600

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<\. .
HGo od evening, Dr. Jones:'
University life starting to get a little,
well, tame? Feeling that unmistakable
itch under your collar again? Got that
distant look in your eye? Well, all right.
The National Museum has planned a ~ ·i,, I JJ,

little trip for you. ,,._ ;, I,/

Prepare yourself for a special assign-
ment. Have your ADVENTURES OF
INDIANA JONES"' rules at the ready, '
- '..,I

. i
but don't be surprised if we toss in some /

new twists ... just for fun. ~

Crystal Death is designed for use with
TSR's MAGIC VIEWER"' screen. Certain /I
parts of the text and maps are hidden, and ,-~
can be read only with the special screen ~ ~(
that's enclosed with the adventure pack.
This adventure pack comes with:
• a 16-page adventure b.o oklet
. ·~!_:.:J
. ---
• a 4-page MAGIC VIEWER™
Screen Evide nce File
• a 4-page pull-out Referee Guide to some degree. In the final episode, both USING THE SCREEN
• a 2-sided, MAGIC VIEW ER'" you and your friend play at the same time. In case you didn't know what to call
screen action map So if this is a competition adventure, that red strip that came with this pack,
• a MAGIC VIEWER™screen how do you tell who wins? it's a MAGIC VIEWER screen. You can
use it to read hidden passages in text and
HOW TO RUN THIS ADVENTURE ONE AGAINST ONE on maps during the adventu re. In fact, if
Crystal Death, from the files of Indiana
Jones, is a special adventure pack: it can
SCORIN G SYSTEM you don't use it, you could get lost pretty
You can earn points in each episode quickly!
be played either as a regular group Throughout the adventure, the text
adventure, or as a one-on-one competi- that can help you win the adventure.
You win Action Po ints each time your tells you when the Referee or player
tion adventure. should read a certain piece of MAGIC
character successfully uses one of his
This adventure's main characters are
attributes. For instance, if the Referee VIEWER screen text. Most of this text is
Indiana Jones and Marion Ravenwood. If
tells you that Indy must make a Move- included in the 4-page Evidence File,
you run this adventure for a group of although the MAGIC VIEWER screen
ment Check to leap across a creek, you
more than two players, you can easily
earn Action Points if your Check suc- map also holds hidden surprises.
add extra characters. Make sure you read
ceeds. The Referee then checks Table 6
the entire adventure before you run it for
a group. Whenever the text asks a player
on page 10. He cross-references the THE REFEREE GUIDE
column that lists the Attribute your Also included in Crystal Death is a 4-
to read MAGIC VIEWER screen text,
character used with the row that tells page pull-out Referee Guide that featu res
you should read the text yourself before
what modifier is applied to the Check Attribute Ratings of major NPCs, a nd
showing it to players.
(•2, normal, 1/z, or ¼). If Indy made a special game aids used in playing the
If you decide to play this adventure as
successful Strength Check at ½ , then one-on-one competition.
a one-on-one competition, read the spe-
you earn 66 Action Points.
cial rules below before you start playing.
Remember, it's up to you, not the OTHER FEATURES
PLAYING ONE AGAINST ONE Referee, to keep track of your Action The inside adventure pack cover fea-
First, decide who will be Player A and Points. List them on a separate piece of tures a complete table of Attribute Rat-
who will be Player B. Both you and your paper. ings for all characters and animals that
friend should roll ldlO. The person who You earn Bonus Po ints when your Indy and Marion will encounter in this
rolls highest gets to choose which player character meets his objectives for an adventure.
he wants to be. episode. After you've finished an epi- Also included is a special Indy game
Each episode of this adventure lists at sode, go to Table 7 on page 10. This table aid. Table 4 lists several Attribute Rat-
the beginning whether Player A or B will lists the Bonus Point awards for each ings, along with their •2, ½, and ¼
take the part of Indiana Jones for that episode. If your character did everything values. This table should come in handy
episode. Whenever a re not playing Dr. right, you get the points listed. It's up to if you don't want to slow your game
Jones, you act as the Referee. You and you to keep track of these as well. down for math.
your friend trade off these roles from Finally, you can earn Player Points
episode to episode. The player who is during the adventure. Yo u earn l Player
Referee does all the things that a Referee Point for every 1,000 Action Points you
in a regular Indiana Jones game would do. earn. You can use Player Points as out-
Since both Indy and Marion take part lined in the Indiana Jones rule booklet.
in this adventure, the player who run Bonus Points don't count toward Player
Indy in an episode also controls Marion, Points.

i'M't!J: . 'WST.tBMAD~I "-."'- .
,',·'Slt(iJt2!;'.")~1:._ :•·,11-. ; , . ___-' _tJ\::·.--.
Et;:~ic:,;,:;•,··:r- \. ;,_,:;,:p " •..·, • f'f", ~-t..,•.. .r ,..<, ,,•. :, / ·<!\J"' .. . ,
! .•. : . -. •. ·..
"'-e ';

I n which Dr, Jones confronts an old

nemesis, the slimy so-called archaeologist
an Mclver, and finds he must escape
a monastery with some old relics ... and
his life!
In this episode, Player A runs Indiana
list above correspond to the hidden
letters on the Treasury Room Map. When
Indy enters a Square containing one of
these items, you must tell him which item
is in sight. Use the screen to find out
which items are located where.
Read the following boxed text to the

Suddenly, the door bursts open! Great.

Jones. Before beginning this episode, give Mclver isn't particularly surprised to Four guards, dressed in monk's robes
Player A the Indiana Jones Character see Jones raiding his turf. He doesn't and armed to the teeth, are snarling and
Dossier from the boxed game. challenge Indy directly; he's tangled with advancing toward you. So this is what
the hot-headed archaeologist enough they mean by answering the calling .. ,
SCENE 1: CLOISTERS! times to know better than that. He would
Read the following boxed text to the rather have his henchmen do the dirty
work of disposing of Jones, so he tries to
sound an alarm from the treasury room.
It is 1936, and even though the threat of The alarm button is hidden on the
war hangs like a gathering storrncloud pillar in the southwest corner of the
over all of Europe, the hillside vine- room. If Indy is in the room when
yards of France offer a traditional Mclver tries to press the button, have
haven of solitude and tranquility, Indy make an Instinct Check at ½. If the
Here at the ancient monastery of the Check succeeds, have the player read
Mere D'amitie' monks, the scene is one MAGIC VIEWER screen Entry 20 in the
of peace, harmony, and fellowship. Evidence File.
Of course, appearances can be Unless Indy acts quickly, Mclver suc-
deceiving! cessfully pushes the button, and the
alarm is sounded. Go to Scene 2.
Have the player use the MAGIC if Indy keeps Mclver from pushing the
VIEWER™ screen to read Entry 1 in the button, Mclver starts a fistfight.
Evidence File. Do not read it yourself! There are several items in the room
Then continue with the episode, that would make handy helpers in a
Indiana Jones is inside the monastery, fistfight. Either character may try to grab
searching for an artifact he knows his old one of these items (listed on Table 1). If a
friend Mc/ver has taken. To avoid detec- character states he wants to grab an item,
tion, Indy is dressed as a monk. Another roll ld10. On a roll of 1-7, character If Indy doesn't ge t moving, the guards
monk, his head bowed, approaches him in grabs the item (determined randomly on blast him until he is unconscious. If Indy
the quiet corridor. Table 1; roll ldl0). falls unconscious (at any time during this
The monk approaching Indy is none episode), go to option 2 of this episode's
other than Mc/ver himself, infamous TABLE 1 Cliffhanger.
antiquities thief (see the Referee Guide for TREASURY ROOM WEAPONS If Indy takes off, the guards chase him.
Mc/ver's Attribute Ratings). Unfortunately Mclver has ordered them to try to take
for him, Mc/ver isn't aware that he's about Jones alive, however.
to run into his old pal Dr. Jones. Use the Chase Flow Chart from the
Roll Weapon
The two enemies should meet in the boxed game for this chase. The treasury
monastery hallway. Have Mc/ver make an 1-2 Phoenician Vase (range - O; room (where the chase starts) is on the
Instinct Check at 'h If the Check suc- type of combat - Brawling; third floor of the monastery. The monas-
ceeds, Mc/ver recognizes Indy, bolts Severity - •1) tery has a total of six floors, including a
through a near by door to his treasury, and 3-4 Pharaoh's Crook (range - O; dungeon basement. Each of.the floors
sounds the alarm. If the Check fails, type of combat - Brawling; (except for the dungeon) has windows
Mclver is caught off-guard. Mclver is Severity - •2) from which Indy can jump. There is a
unarmed in this encounter. 5-6 Barovian Cross (range 0; distance of 10 feet between each floor of
type of combat - Brawling; the monastery. Apply normal falling dam-
THE TREASURY ROOM Severity - •2) age if Indy jumps. If Indy gets a Lucky
Use The Treasury Room Map (from 7-8 Steel Lance of St. George Break on a fall, he lands in a vat filled
the Evidence File) for this encounter. You (range - as spear; with grapes, reducing the fall's Danger
can show the map to the player, but not type of combat - both; Rating by 40,
with the MAGIC VIEWER screen. Severity in Brawling - •l) Roll ldl0 to determine where Indy starts
Several tables are set up around this 9-10 Chest of Black Opals (if cast the chase on the flow chart. Windows
room, each holding dozens of artifacts. on floor, character who steps should appear only at even numbered
These specific items can be found here: on them must make a successful circles. There is only a 10% chance that a
A. a Piute Summoning Stone Movement Check at ½ or fall) window is open. If Indy tries to.jump
8 , a set of ancient Tarot cards through a closed window, give the action a
C. a Hellenistic death mask If a fight breaks out in the treasury Danger Rating of 70.
D. an ancient, 6-inch-tall statue room, guards rush in 4 combat turns Roll ldlO again to determine in which
E. an ancient, soft cloth map later. If nothing happens, guards enter circle on the flow chart the stairs down to
Indy has come to claim one of these the room 8 combat turns after Indy does. the next monastery floor are located. Roll
items. Mclver doesn't know which one When this happens, go to Scene 2. 1d10 a third time to find out where stairs
he wants, however. The letters from the lead up to the next floor. If Indy is on the


ground floor, roll ld10 again to determine Attribute Ratings for Mclver's goons are
the location of the monastery's main gate. given on the inside cover of the adventure babbled on, smiles broadly. 'Well,
Whenever Indy enters a Hazard circle on pack. Indiana, perhaps you should go see for
the chart, roll ldl0 on Table 2 to find out yourself? Certainly the National
SCENE 3: HOLY ROLUNG Museum would be, er, interested in any
what happens.
Read the following boxed text to the artifacts of Shintay culture you might
TABLE 2 player. be able to scare up." Before he's finished
MONASTERY HAZARD TABLE speaking, you've started repacking.
So much for quiet French countryside. "Now you wouldn' t want to go to
The hills are ringing with the sound of deep dark Africa all alone, would you
Die Roll: 1-2 gunfire. Boy, people around here are Jones?" Marioni You turn to see tha t
Hazard: Guards' Quarters - Five guards, really going to wonder about these Marion's been sitting in your darkened
all disguised as monks, attack Indy or monks now, what with all of them study all the time ... she heard the
join the chase after him as he runs tearing out of the monastery after you. whole thing! And now she's telling you
through this area. guns blazing. that she insists on going along- to get a
Die Roll: 3-4 Well. look at that! A truck parked scoop for that newspaper she's working
Hazard: Bell Tower Shaft - The hallway right in front of th~ monastery, and for now- or she'll blow the whistle on
suddenly ends in a bell tower shaft, with the motor running. Now there's a the whole thing here and now. Well,
which is 20 feet in diameter. A thick real miracle. And ii looks like the you think, maybe some company
bell rope hangs down the center of the driver (dressed like a monk, of course) wouldn't be such a bad thing after all.
shaft. Indy must make a successful hasn't even noticed you.
Movement Check to jump and grab the OPTION 2: IF INDY FALLS
rope. lf the Check fails, Indy falls 10 Allow Indy to reach the truck before it
feet down to the next level. If the Check pulls away. Four monk~ armed with UNCONSCIOUS
machine guns are 4 Areas behind Indy. Read the following boxed text to the player.
succeeds, Indy can climb down the rope
to the ground floor (in 1 combat tum) Two unarmed monks are in the back of the
or up to the next level (in 2 combat truck; the driver is armed with a pistol. If Fireworks! Rockets! All going off in
turns). Of course, there's probably Indy gains control of the truck, go to your head as you slowly come to.
going to be some lead flying during all Option 1 of the Cliffhanger. If Indy is Searing pain blinds you when you
of this. knocked unconscious, go to Option 2. shake your head. Where are you? And
who the heck is shaking you so hard?
Die Roll: 5-6 CLIFFHANGER: AFRICA CALLING Mom? Slowly your vision clears.
Hazard: Dead End - The hallway ends at a Marion!
locked door. Indy must make a success- OPTION 1: IF INDY ESCAPES "Jones. Welco me back to the living. I
ful Prowess Check to shoot the lock off Read the following boxed text to the chase you all over Europe and now
the door. If he rolls a Bad Break, the player. Africa, and I find you dead drunk in
gun jams. Otherwise, the door delays some hole in the wall. What are you
Indy for only 1 combat tum. Indy can Whew. This job just gets crazier every doing here, anyway?"
try to break the door down, but he day. At least you got away from that That's a very good question. As far
must make a successful Strength Check so-called monastery. But there's still a as you can figure, the boys at the
at ¼ (and have a running start) to do long road ahead: the rough ride to French monastery must have dumped
so. If the door doesn' t give, it has a Paris, a race to catch your plane out of you here. But why Africa?
Danger Rating of 20. France, and a series of cramped con- The air is sticky a nd ho t, and it
Die Roll: 7-8 necting flights that take you, finally, doesn't help your head much, but
Hazard: Chanting Monks - Ten chanting back to Connecticut and your home. Marion here, she's all decked out in
monks sway down the hallway here. But forget resting. because as you safari clothes and ready to go . You tell
These monks are also Mclver's goons. If unpack, you find that you accidentally her about the monastery, but she
it's obvious to these monks that Indy is picked up some extra baggage at that doesn't seem to believe you. You search
being pursued by their brethnm, they monastery. You wrapped yot1r artifact through your pockets trying to find
try to hold him back, although they are in some old cloth map that was in some shred of evidence to support your
not armed. On the other hand, if Indy Mdver's treasury room .. . a map that story, but all you find is this scrap, this
has given his pursuers the slip, he may seems to detail the movements of a clan old cloth map-obviously something
be able to join these monks undetected. of people around 1600 B.C. The clan you picked up in the monastery.
Make an Instinct Check at ¼ to see if moved from the African coast into the You stare for a moment at the map,
the monks realize that Indy is a stran- Congo; could they possibly be ... the and suddenly your head clears. It's an
ger. lf the Check fails, Indy falls into Shintay? ancient map that shows the route of the
the ranks. Indy's pursuers no w make The Shintay- you want so badly to Shintay, a race that supposedly splin-
Instinct Checks at ¼. To make things believe it. They were a race of people tered off from ... Atlantis! They appar-
interesting, have this procession avoid that supposedly splintered off from the ently settled in Africa. So that's what's
any stairs o r exits. fabled Atlantis-the lost continent that going on here. Mclver's hot for some
no one has ever been able to prove Shintay ru ins, so he dumped you here
Die Roll: 9-10
existed. If the Shintay once lived, then along the way. The map indicates that
Hazard: Mclver Again - As Indy rounds maybe... there could be remnants of Shintay
the comer, he runs straight into Mclver
Marcus Brody, who has been stand- settlements very close by! Suddenly the
and four of his goons.
ing beside you listening calmly as you African climate doesn't feel so bad.

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n which Indiana Jones and Marion Each of the hexes has a letter, number,
takin' an expedition into the jungle or combination of the two written in it.
Ravenwood journey through Africa in there. But every last one of them was
search of the ancient Shintay and find The letters correspond to the encounters
hired away by some Dutch expedition listed on the inside back cover. When the
more than a few pitfalls along the way. just yesterday. This Dutch doctor said
In this episode, Player B runs both characters enter a lettered hex, run the
they were huntin' for some rare orchid encounter given for that letter.
Indy and Marion. He receives Action to use for medical research. Sorry I
Points for both characters during play. The numbers in the hexes correspond
can't help you today, mate, but they to screen entries in the Evidence File.
SCENE 1: DEALING IN CAMEROON should be back in two weeks or so:• When the characters enter a numbered
Indy and Marion start their African hex, give the screen to the player and let
journey in the small, steamy village of lf the characters press Charlie for more him read that entry in the Evidence File.
Cameroon. Several native huts surround information about the expedition, start If both of the characters get so badly
the only Western structure in the village: making Appeal Checks. Charlie could get chewed up in one of these encounters that
the local trading post. suspicious about having to answer too neither can go on, have them both fall
The natives here are friendly, and are many questions. Charlie knows the Dutch unconscious. At that point, Dr. Vogel of
willing to help outsiders. Very few of expedition took rafts up the river into the the Dutch expedition appears like the
them (only 10%) speak English, how- darkest part of the jungle. He also sold cavalry and saves them. He invites the
ever. If a character speaks to a native them his last case of hand grenades (this he characters to his camp, and offers medical
who speaks some English, make an reveals only on a Lucky Break result). attention, as well as food and a place to
Instinct Check for the native to see if he Of course, Charlie may be more inclined sleep. He gently insists that the characters
understands the character. to talk if the characters want to do some join his expedition. Then go to the Cliff-
The natives direct the characters to the business. He gladly sells anything in his hanger at the end of the episode.
trading post for information, The propri- store for twice the normal price. He's got If Vogel has to rescue the characters, the
etor of the post is the only "Westerner" plenty of weapons, although he's no army. player earns no Bonus Points for this
the natives know, Charlie also tells the characters that they episode. If the characters refuse to go with
If characters inspect any villager's hut, could wait for the next regular barge up Vogel, the Dutchman disappears into the
they find only spears and a 1-day supply river, but it won't come through for jungle. The player still receives no Bonus
of food. If characters enter a hut without another week or so, Points. Continue running jungle encount-
an invitation, the natives (5% cumulative After the characters have dealt with ers. If necessary, Vogel tries to rescue them
chance per hut entered) get a little testy Charlie, have Indy make an Instinct again.
about it. If the characters enrage the Check. If he gets The Big Picture, have
natives, a group of five natives attacks. the player read screen Entry 2 in the JUNGLE ENCOUNTERS
driving the characters into the jungle. Evidence File. No matter what Indy When characters must fight someone or
The characters may try to charm the learns from this encounter, Charlie something in one of these encounters, go
natives out of attacking, but their Appeal should help him realize that waiting a to Table 3 for the opponent's Attribute
Ratings are cut to ¼ in this case. week for the next barge would be foolish. Ratings. Since the jungle encounters are
None of the natives will serve the Charlie does have a few rafts left that used in more than one episode, they are
characters or act as porters for them. he can rent or sell to the characters. The listed on the inside back cover.
The characters should probably go to raft's statistics are given below.
the trading post before setting off into CUFFHANGER: THECIVILIZED MAN
the jungle, but if they want, they may RIVER RAFT Read the following boxed text to the player,
head straight for the jungle trails that Maximum: 30 Redline: 20 Braking: 10 no matter how the characters meet Vogel.
wind inward from the village (in this Turn Speed: 10 Acceleration: 10
case, go to Scene 2). Vogel'.s camp has obviously been laid
THE TRADING POST Read the following boxed text to the playe r. out very carefully. It seems a little
Cameroon's trading post is filled with crazy-suddenly, smack in the middle
an odd mixture of native craft and West- Your journey into the dark heart of the of the wildest part of the jungle, here
ern wares. The post is run by Outback Congo has begun. Huge, twisted vines sits this perfect camp, with a bright,
Charlie, a burly barrel of a man. O rigi- dangle from the thick canopy of trees cheery fire blazing in the center. The
nally from Australia, Charlie has lived in overhead. The air here is thick as tents are all arranged perfectly, and
the African jungles for more years than water-you can hardly breathe. several of Vogel's assistants, armed with
he'd care to remember. Like so many Lush tropical growth stands all submachine guns, stand guard around
others here, he is hiding from some dark around you. The sounds of the black, the camp. The jungle heat has subsided
deed in his past and finds the obscurity gurgling river and the millions of considerably since nightfall, and Vogel
of the jungle much to his liking. insects are ceaseless. This is beautiful is getting ready to sit down to dinner.
Charlie takes no guff from anyone, territory, but not the kind of place And it's no beans-and-franks affair!
least of all from strangers. He's not a you'd want to stay in forever! Pheasant! Most pleasant, as Vogel
violent man, but he's not stupid either. says. Indeed, why not make the best of
He's also quite famous with the natives, Use the Jungle Map and the MAGIC it while out on safari? But something
and they would most certainly attack VIEWER"' screen for this encounter. You smells here, and it's not the food. This
anyone who tried to do Charlie harm. can show this map to the player, but only Dutch doctor asks a lot of questions,
If characters approach Charlie cor- you can use the screen on it. As the and not about orchids. If everything's
dially, he does what he can to cooperate. characters move into the jungle, have the on the up and up here, why are all
player point to the map hex that he wants these scientists carrying automatic
"Now, normally I would have all
kinds of native bearers, were you to be I the characters to enter. Then place the
MAGIC VIEWER screen over that hex.


night. The assistants refuse to allow the SCENE 2: PAJAMA PARTY/

characters to do any kind of investigating, The characters will probably want to
although they remain polite, even if they take a peek inside some of the tents in the
must use force. If the characters start camp. To do so, however, they must
fighting the assistants, go to Vogels Mis- successfully sneak out of their tents after
sion in Scene 3. the rest have gone to sleep. Four natives,
If the characters decide to take a look armed with spears, stand guard around
SCENE 1: COMFORTS OF HOME around the camp, go to Scene 2.
Read the following boxed text to the the camp throughout the night. Four of
If the characters join Vogels expedition Vogels assistants also stand guard; they
player. and don't do any poking around, the night switch off with other assistants sometime
passes peacefully. Vogel is up early the in the middle of the night.
Well, this is just one fine setup! A next morning, rousing his men for the
blazing fire keeping the jungle darkness day's journey. Vogel marches his crew
at bay, an exquisitely set table, and a farther into the jungle toward the east. INVESTIGATING THE TENTS
fine dinner of pheasant, potatoes, and (On the Jungle Map, the expedition moves Use the Expedition Camp Map from
wine. You haven't quite figured this 3 hexes eastward and then stops to set up the Evidence File if characters investigate
Vogel guy out yet, but he sure does live camp.) tents. The player should point to the tent
right. Use the list of jungle encounters from he wants the characters to check out. All
the inside cover while the expedition of the tents are lettered, but you can see
During dinner, Vogel tells the characters marches through the jungle. If the charac- the letters only when you look at them
that he is a Dutch scientist searching for a ters have not yet figured out that the expe- through the MAGIC VIEWER"' screen.
rare orchid. The orchid, he explains, may dition is a bunch of Nazis, use only The letters correspond to the list of tents
possess the secret to longer lives, as some encounters Kand L during the march. below. The p layer cannot use the screen
of its components may increase cells' abil- Treat all other encounter letters as "X" -no during this encounter.
ity to regenerate and repair damage to encounter. The expedition continues east- A. Supply tent: This tent is filled with
themselves. Vogel should sound as if he ward until it runs across the encounter food supplies. There is nothing else of
really knows his stuff. listed in K or L. interest here.
The characters should realize, though,
that the expedition seems to be carrying an
unusually large number of weapons with
it. Vogel explains this away, however,
without blinking an eye. "Africa, as you
know, is an extremely dangerous place, QI
and I am nothing if not cautious." ~
Vogel goes out of his way to be kind to
the characters. "My expedition heads C
eastward tomorrow, I would be greatly a.
honored if the eminent Dr. Jones and his QJ
lovely companion were to join me. You ·;
might even find some items of an archaeo- C)
logical nature in this jungle, Dr. Jones, ~
even though I am looking only for a ~
Rower:• ~
Horsefeathers. QI
Dr. Vogel is really Colonel Vogel of the 0
German Reich. Since the difference ~
between the Dutch and German languages
is slight, Vogel has easily pulled off his ~
deception. The last thing he really wants is
Jones tagging along on his expedition, but
he would rather have him in sight than
wandering around and getting tangled up
in his mission. Vogels Attribute Ratings
are listed in the Referee Guide.
While the characters are eating, 5 of
Vogels 10 assistants take up positions
around the camp's perimeter. Each is
armed with a submachine gun.
After dinner, Vogel insists that everyone
retire for the night. Two of his assistants
(actually Nazi goons) show Indy and
Marion to their tents.
If the characters try to leave the camp,
the assistants gently lead them back, tell-
ing them that the jungle is bad enough in
the daytime, but it is simply deadly at
From the Files of INDIANA JONES 1

PLAYER A COMBAT CLOCK (for Episodes only)
10 20 30 40 50
1 □ 1 □ 1 □ 1 □ 1 □
2 □ 2 □ 2 □ 2 □ 2 □
3 □ 3 □ 3 □ 3 □ 3 □
4 □ 4 □ 4 □ 4 □ 4 □
5 □ 5 □ 5 □ 5 □ 5 □
6 □ 6 □ 6 □ 6 □ 6 □
7 □ 7 □ 7 □ 7 □ 7 □
8 □ 8 □ 8 □ 8 □ 8 □
9 □ 9 □ 9 □ 9 □ 9 □
10 □ 10 □ 10 □ 10 □ 10 □
60 70 80 90 100
1 □ 1 □ 1 □ 1 □ 1 □
2 □ 2 □ 2 □ 2 □ 2 □
3 □ 3 □ 3 □ 3 □ 3 □
4 □ 4 □ 4 □ 4 □ 4 □
5 □ 5 □ 5 □ 5 □ 5 □
6 □ 6 □ 6 □ 6 □ 6 □
7 □ 7 □ 7 □ 7 □ 7 □
8 □ 8 □ 8 □ 8 □ 8 □
9 □ 9 □ 9 □ 9 □ 9 □
10 □ 10 □ 10 □ 10 □ 10 □
START LOCATION: _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _
EXIT CIRCLE: _ _ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _
LOCATION OF YOUR ITEMS: _ _ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __
(A) _ __ _ __ (B) _ _ _ _ __
(C) - - - - - -
1 □ 5 □ 9 □ ACTION POINTS
2 □ 6 □ 10 □ BONUS POINTS
3 □ 7 □

ij From
the Files of INDIANA JONES™
PLAYER B COMBAT CLOCK (for Episodes only)
10 20 30 40 50

1 □ 1 □ 1 □ 1 □ 1 □
2 □ 2 □ 2 □ 2 □ 2 □
3 □ 3 □ 3 □ 3 □ 3 □
4 □ 4 □ 4 □ 4 □ 4 □
5 □ 5 □ 5 □ 5 □ 5 □
6 □ 6 □ 6 □ 6 □ 6 □
7 □ 7 □ 7 □ 7 □ 7 □
8 □ 8 □ 8 □ 8 □ 8 □
9 □ 9 □ 9 □ 9 □ 9 □
10 □ 10 □ 10 □ 10 □ 10 □


60 70 80 90 100

1 [l □1 1 □ 1 □ 1 □
2 □ 2 □ 2 □ 2 □ 2 □
3 □ 3 □ 3 □ 3 □ 3 □
4 □ 4 □ 4 □ 4 □ 4 □
5 □ 5 □ 5 □ 5 □ 5 □
6 □ 6 □ 6 □ 6 □ 6 □
7 □ 7 □ 7 □ 7 □ 7 □
8 □ 8 □ 8 □ 8 □ 8 □
9 □ 9 □ 9 □ 9 □ 9 □
10 □ 10 □ 10 □ 10 □ 10 □
START LOCATION: _ _ __ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __
EXIT CIRCLE: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ __ _ __ __
LOCATION OF YOUR ITEMS: _ _ __ __ __ __ _ __ __
(A) _ _ __ __ (B) _ __ __ _ (C) - - - - --
1 □ □ 9 □
2 □ 6 □ 10 □ BONUS POINTS
3 □ 7 □
Front the£ileSt1n£ INDIANA JONES'-*
CRYSTAi:. DEATH ,, Ian Mciver
(Jan) is a mercenary whose idea of archaeology
w- ft is to steal whatever someone else has found.

Attributes Normal x2 11:z 1/4

Strength 72 144 36 18
Movement 64 128 32 16
Prowess 52 104 26 13
Backbone 76 152 38 19
Instinct 72 144 36 18
Appeal 68 136 34 17
.o~:~ . ~» >· ....- ·'· •. t)'9 }~ ::~, ~
MOVEMEN'I1~RATE (nd:ining): 20 Squares (4 Areas)/tum
WEAPON: pistol

Colonel "Doctor'~\Harts Vdgel

The "Dutch doctor" is in charge of an expedition
that's after more_than just orchids! •·
·,:i 1.W•··
Attributes Normal x2 11:z 114
Strength 64 128 32 16
Movement 80 160 40 20
Prowess 68 136 34 17
Backbone 76 152 38 19
Instinct 52 104 26 13
Appeal 56 112 28 14

MO~ENT RATE (running): 25 Squares (5 Areas}/tlll'n

, pistol < •~;;, :; w

_;~;,;;:; ,(½
->~~J;-;..• ~t

Vyperion, King of the Shintay

From h~ Skull PaJace, Vype.,rion r4t~ his arim~nt cult of
death Wtth an iron fist and a very cold heart.

Attributes Normal x2 11:z 1/4

;,,,p:•: ,;,;

Strength 88 176 44 22
Movement 80 160 40 20
Prowess 68 136 34 17
Backbone 76 152 38 19
At • " Instinct
MOVEMENT RATE (running): 25 Squares (5 Areas)/tum
WEAPON: knife

,. * lNOlANA JONES, CRYSTAL DEATH. game tl,ments. and character namf'S and liktncsw-s an- tr.t<l#m:ar\-c. of 1 " "~c-m..-. J trl .,-.,1 ,._,4,._.. ~ .,.L,...:......; _ _
From the Files of INDIANA JONEsTII•
Indiana Jones
Att. Modifiers (No. of pts. awarded for successful Check)
x2 0 0 0 0 0 0
Normal 32 20 24 28 20 12
1h 66 60 62 64 60 56
¼ 33 80 81 82 80 88
lucky Break 95 95 95 95 95 95

Marion Ravenwood
Att. Modifiers (No. of pts. awarded for successful Check)
x2 0 0 0 0 0 0
Normal 48 36 44 20 40 8
1}2 74
Lucky Break 95 95 95 95 95 95

EPISODE 1 (Player A)
For recovering the artifact 500 points
For getting out of the monastery alive 500 points
EPISODE 2 (Player B)
For finding Vogel before needing to be rescued 1,000 points
EPISODE 3 (Player A)
For discovering that the Vogel expedition is a bunch of Nazis 500 points
For escaping from Nazi expedition's camp 500 points
For discovering the Skull Palace alone 1,000 points
EPISODE 4 (Player B)
For meeting Vyperion, King of the Shintay 500 points
For escaping from the Sun Trap Room 1,500 points
EPISODE 5 (Players A & B)
For finding the specified item 1,000 points
For escaping the palace before it explodes 1,000 points
"'* Character names and likenesses are trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd. used under authorization.
© 1984 Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
To remove Referee Guide, open staples, pull out center sheet, and bend staples back.

B. Ian Mciver: Mciver, Indy's pal from his characters out of this. If nothing the following encounter: J2. Vogel's
France {see Episode 1), is Vogel's partner happens, go to Vogel's Mission below. troops: Eight Nazi goons have spread
on this little trip. He's sleeping in this out in a line and are searching for the
tent. Any character who enters the tent VOGEL'S MISSION characters. The line is moving eastward.
must make a Movement Check. If the If the characters are caught while The characters can't cross the line with-
Check fails, Mciver wakes up and imme- investigating tents, or if they have started out being spotted and attacked. If the
diately sounds an alarm. Then go to a fight with some of the natives or assist- characters keep moving east, however,
Scene 3. ants, read the following boxed text to the they can avoid the goons. If they don't
player. move, the goons are bound to find them!
An open box marked "Quinine" rests
{If at any time the characters are really
at the foot of Mclver's bed. The box You turn around to see Vogel standing
holds German hand grenades and several about to buy the farm, go to Option 1 of
before you, all decked out in a sharp the Cliffhanger. Shintay warriors rescue
cartons of ammunition. Swastikas are Nazi uniform. He's got his Luger aimed
painted on the cartons. Mclver's Luger the characters and take them to the Shin-
right at your heart. "You can call me tay Skull Palace {Option 2 of the Clif-
pistol rests atop the cartons of ammo. An Colonel now, rather than Doctor-at
unlit oil lamp stands next to the box. fhanger). If Vogel and his goons are close
least the short time you have left on behind, the warriors stop them and
C. Ammo dump: Several boxes marked this earth. escort them to the palace as well.
"Quinine" are stored in this tent. The "I recognize you from intelligence
sides of the boxes are marked with swas- photographs, Herr Jones. I'd hoped to CUFFHANGER: LEGEND COMES TO UFE
tikas. If the characters open one of these keep you alive a bit longer-to make
boxes, they find that it's filled with 9mm full use of your archaeological exper- OPTION 1:
ammunition. Have the player read screen tise-but my partner convinced me that A LEGEND HELPS OUT
Entr:y 3 in the Evidence File. Then allow such a luxury was too much risk. I Read the following boxed text to the
1 combat tum to pass. believe you have met my partner:· player if the characters are about to be
If the character doesn't act, the light of From behind a tent flap appears Ian captured or badly mangled in a fight
an oil lamp suddenly shines into the Mclver. "I suppose there ain't no reason with some animal.
tent's entrance. Go to Scene 3. to hide no more, Indiana, since this
here is my expedition . I planned it from Suddenly, a crystal-tipped arrow whis-
D. Vogel's tent: Vogel is here, changing tles through the air. Somebody's on
a copy of that map you stole from me!
into his Nazi uniform, which he finds Vogel here was good enough to put up your side! But who?
quite a bit more comfortable than his Out of the blackness of the jungle, 20
some funds-seems these soldier boys
safari disguise. A burning oil lamp stands natives-each one white and 8 feet tall,
are interested in the part of the Shintay
on the tent floor, and an opened crate of for cryin' out loud- emerge. carrying
legend that deals with the Atlanteans'
hand grenades rests near the tent entrance. bows and arrows. It's the Shintay!
mysterious source of power. Can't say
If the characters are clumsy, Vogel
as I blame them:•
spots them.
E. Natives' quarters: Five natives sleep in Have Indy make an Instinct Check. If the VALLEY OF THE SHINTAY
this tent. Their spears lie near their sleep- Check succeeds, let the player read MAGIC If the characters reach encounter L on
ing mats. Characters must make Move- VIEWER'" screen Entry 18. Note what items the Jungle Map (either with or without
ment Checks if they enter the tent to see Indy has around him {if he's in a tent) that he the Nazi expedition), read the following
if they startle the natives. If awakened, could use to create a diversion. If Indy cooks boxed text to the player.
the natives sound an alarm; go to Scene 3. up a diversion that buys him at least a few The characters may have been led here
seconds, he has time to grab Marion and by members of the Shintay tribe.
F. Assistants' quarters: Three of Vogel's
goons sleep in this tent. A leather bag escape from the camp.
rests at the foot of each bed. Each bag If the characters escape into the jungle, The jungle here is even darker than
Vogel orders Mciver and his goons to before. But it doesn't seem like a natu-
contains a Nazi uniform and several
chase them . He tells the natives to stay ral darkness. Suddenly, the foliage thins
rounds of 9mm ammo. A burning oil
behind. Go to Scene 4 . out, and a deep ravine stretches before
lamp stands between the beds. As soon
If the characters don't escape, Vogel you.
as characters discover the contents of the
bags, go to Scene 3. takes any weapons they might have This valley seems almost timeless-
{including Indy's whip). Vogel doesn't take like centuries upon centuries are
away Marion's reporting gear, however. trapped here. Looming over the valley
She still has her camera, notebook, and at the far end is a monstrous palace,
FRYING PAN ... sketchbook. shaped in the form of a human skull.
Have the player make an Instinct Check Indy and Marion must now march along You've found the Shintay!
for whichever character is investigating with the expedition as prisoners. As the But this time, you haven't just found
the tents. If the characters a re both inves- expedition continues into the jungle, use relics. You've found the real thing. The
tigating separate tents, go to the tent the Jungle Map, but ignore all encounters valley is populated with living, breath-
Indy is in and use his Instinct Rating for except K and L. ing Shintay! And they've got all of you
this Check. now-including Vogel, Mclver, and
If the Check succeeds, let the player SCENE 4: .. .AND INTO THE FIRE
their goons.
read screen Entry 21 in the Evidence File. Use the Jungle Map for this scene as you
Then allow the characters 1 combat turn used it in Episode 2. Remember that Player A receives Bonus
to act before starting the fun. Don't tell Run aU encounters as they are given on Points only if the characters discover Skull
the player that the characters have 1 the inside cover. If the characters enter a Palace on their own-not with Vogel's
tum; see if he can think quick and hex with the letter J, however, substitute expedition either as guests or prisoners.

n which the Shintay warriors lead map, a soft brush, a wooden pencil, a
ndiana and Marion to a fortress made of doorways-it's all made of bone! Your book of matches, his house keys, an
one: the Skull Palace. archaeological instincts have taken unfired bullet, and five sticks of bubble
In this episode, Player B runs Indy. over, and you're sure that a lot of those gum. Marion has a makeup compact with
Marion is an NPC for this episode, bones came from animals that have a mirror, a set of keys, and some loose
although her actions should be the same never even been seen by civilized man! change.
as Indy's. And-oh great-some of those bones Vogel and Mclver are just as interested
look like they came from civilized men. in the palace as Indy is. Neither tries to
SCENE 1: ENTERING THE PALACE escape. The Nazi goons make no moves
Read the following boxed text to the player. The 20 Shintay warriors are leading their unless ordered to do so by Vogel, so
prisoners to the Throne Room of the Shin- they're keeping calm, although they seem
It was bad enough stuck in an expedi- lay Crystals. lost without their weapons.
tion full of Nazis, but this whole Shin- The Shintay have taken all of their Have Indy make an Instinct Check. If
tay thing really looks like trouble! prisoners' weapons away (the goons' sub- the Check succeeds, let the player read
The Shintay herd you, Marion, and machine guns, Vogel's and Mclver's Lug- Magic Viewer Entry 19 in the Evidence
all the Nazi creeps into their palace, ers, and Indy's pistol), but they let lndy File.
and what a palace! Its gaping mouth keep his whip. The warriors also take If the characters try to escape, six of the
seems to swallow you up. Everything in away all of Marion's reporting gear. Oth- Shintay warriors chase them. Use the
this place-walls, ceiling, furniture, erwise, Indy and Marion have only what Chase Flow Chart from the rules booklet
was left in their pockets. Indy has the cloth in this case. One ·additional Shintay war-


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rior joins the chase for each numbered Seconds later, a low, rumbling sound fills The wooden door is the only exit. If a
circle on the chart that the characters the palace. The goon begins to shake and character tries to reach the door, he must
enter. If the Shintay catch the characters, then sweat as the rumbling grows louder. make a Movement Check (at normal) for
they brawl until the characters either sur- The goon seems to lose control of his every 5 feet crossed. If a Check fails, the
render or fall unconscious. If the charac- body, as some dark force takes over. He character is hit by a beam.
ters fall unconscious, go to Scene 3. screams, and then his body bursts into The iron lock on the door is old but
lf the characters go quietly with the flames! Within seconds, the goon is fairly solid. If Indy tries his house key on
Shintay, go to Scene 2. reduced to a smoldering skeleton. the lock, have him make a Prowess Check
'This," says Vyperion coldly, ··will be at ¼. If the Check succeeds, the door
SCENE 2: THE POWER OF ATLANTIS your fate tomorrow:· The Shintay king opens. Indy may also try using Marion's
As the characters enter the throne room, has the prisoners led away. The warriors compact mirror to deflect one of the beams
read the following boxed text to the player. take them to a large, roughly circular onto some target. Indy can do so by mak-
room. A pillar of bones rises from the ing a successful Prowess Check . lf Indy
A latticework of thousands of bones floor to the ceiling in the center of the deflects a beam onto the lock, the lock
arches upward, forming the ceiling of room. A single, wooden door, secured melts to slag within seconds.
this bizarre throne room. Shards of with a large, iron lock, is the room's only Indy can also use the bullet in his pocket
crystal, which give off a soft, eery light, exit. It's too dark in the room for the char- to blow the lock off the door (with a suc-
are scattered about the room. acters to make out any other details. cessful Prowess Check at ½), if he can
The crystals illuminate a tall, lean Explain that there is little the characters find a way to make the bullet go off. Heat
figure that rests on a throne at the far can do until daybreak, when there is more (from any source) or a sharp blow should
end of the room. Thirty Shintay war- light in the room. The Nazis, having been do the trick. Anyone within 5 feet of the
riors stand along the throne room's humbled by Lhc Shintay king, remain bullet when it goes off must make a Back-
walls. Each is armed with a crystal- silent during the night. bone Check. lf the Check fails, give the
tipped spear. bullet a Danger Rating of 32, and then
Several bone pillars stand about the SCENE 3: THE SUN TRAP ROOM check to see if it damaged the character.
room. To one side of the throne, a large Read the following boxed text to the If the characters can't get out of the Sun
pedestal holds a magnificent crystal. player. Trap Room, go to Option 1 of the Cliff-
hanger. If the characters escape, go to
Sitting on the throne is Vyperion, the The pale light of early morning is creep- Option 2.
Shintay king. He speaks English, which he ing into the room. You start to come
says he learned from a missionary who around, wondering how you ever man- CLIFFHANGER: ESCAPE FROM
chanced upon this palace long ago. Vype- aged to get any sleep in this crazy THE SUN TRAP
rion even points out the missionary's place. At least it's lighter in here than it OPTION 1: TRAPPED!
bones-they are now part of the crystal was last night. As you look around, Read the following boxed text to the
pedestal by the throne. you notice that the floor of the room player.
While the other Shintay warriors seemed has been charred black. Dozens of
noble in their silence, an aura of evil hangs crystals are imbedded in the ceiling. Oh, brother. You're about to become
over Vyperion. He is quite confident that cooked archaeologist. You'd better pray
none of his prisoners will leave the palace Have Indy make an Instinct Check. If the for a ... the beams, they're disappear-
alive, so he freely answers any questions Check succeeds, Indy realizes that the ing! The sun's gone under a cloud! It's
they put to him. Vyperion's Attribute crystals in the ceiling are just like the one now or never, pal. You slam your
Ratings are listed in the Referee Guide. that destroyed the Nazi goon in the throne shoulder against the door, and it bursts
Vyperion confirms that his people are room. Allow the characters 3 combat turns open in a shower of splinters. You're
indeed the Shintay, descendants of Atlan- in which to act, and then read the follow- back in the halls of the Shintay palace,
tis. While Atlanteans revered life, Vype- ing boxed text to the player. and this time without an escort. It's up
rion explained, the Shintay worshipped to the Nazis to get out on their own.
death. When the Shintay gained enough Slowly, the tropical sun begins to rise, Hey, you're not the Red Cross.
power to pose a threat to Atlantis, they and the room gets brighter. The crystals But nvw you've got to get out of this
were banished forever. in the ceiling glow warmly, and then place, and yet, without some proof,
The Shintay managed in their exile to suddenly shoot out blinding rays of who is ever going to believe that the
take with them many of the power crystals heat and light. No wonder the floor is Shintay existed at all? You've got to
that they had planned to use against charred! find some artifacts ... and fast!
Atlantis. Those crystals, which were quar- The Nazi goons stumble out of their
ried from Atlantean soil eons ago, posses sleep, some screaming as they step into OPTION 2: ESCAPE!
the unique ability to focus the elemental the deadly rays.
energy that courses through the planet You slam your shoulder against the
itself. Several of these crystals adorn the The beams of light have a Danger Rating door, and it bursts open in a shower of
Shintay's palace. of 200. They shoot down to the floor at splinters. You're back in the halls of the
Just so no one doubts Vyperion's story, dozens of angles, shifting slowly as the sun Shintay palace, and you've got to get
the king gives his prisoners a demonstra- climbs into the sky. The characters must out of here fast!
tion of the crystals' awesome power. He make a Movement Check at½ every 4 But you can't leave ... not without
points to one of the Nazi goons in the turns. If a Check fails, the character is hit some proof that this place existed.
room, and has two warriors tie the goon by a beam. You've got to find some artifacts ...
to one of the room's pillars. Vyperion goes The characters are going to have to act but how?
to the main crystal and turns it slightly. pretty fast, or they're going to be cooked.
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n which Indy and Marion must find "Exit Circle" box on the Combat Clock. sent rooms. Numbered circles represent
ome item that proves the existence of This number corresponds to numbered rooms with obstacles. No matter how
he Shintay before Skull Palace is circles on the Skull Palace Map. Your long the lines are between circles, it takes
destroyed forever. characters must reach this circle on the your characters 4 combat turns to move
Both Players A and B take part in this map to escape from the palace. Don't from one room to another. If your char-
episode. Both of you may read the spe- worry if you can't see any numbered acters are not working together, take
cial rules for playing the episode before circles on the map right now; they're turns moving through the palace (deter-
you actually start play. hidden in red and you can see them only mine randomly who should go first).
You can decide among yourselves with the screen. When your character
which of you will play Indy and which finds the Exit Circle, you must state that USING THE COMBAT CLOCKS
will play Marion. Roll dice if both want your character is leaving the palace. Each time your character moves from
the same character. Even though Indy's 3. Determine the location of your op- one room to another, he uses up 4 com-
Attribute Ratings are higher than ponent's item. The screen entries you just bat turns. The boxes next to the combat
Marion's, the Action Point rewards are read listed three items (A, B, and C) that turns on your Combat Clock are to help
pretty fairly balanced between the two. your character could search for. Now you keep track of time. For each turn
If your character intentionally kills the you're going to determine where in the your character uses, mark off one box. If
other player's character, the game is over palace each of your character's items is your character is fighting someone or
and you lose! You're probably going to located (you must find a place for all something, make sure you keep track of
find that the two characters will be best three, even though the other character is how many combat turns pass during the
served by working through this episode looking for only one of them). fight.
together. For each of your opponent's items, Your character can use up to 4 combat
choose a number between 1 and 10 (you turns at one time before the other player
HOW TO RUN THIS EPISODE can roll a die, if you wish). Don't let moves his character.
In this episode, each character searches your opponent see these numbers. Write
for an item that he or she can use to down these numbers in the "Opponent's ACTING AS REFEREE
prove that the Shintay exist. Item Locations" spaces on the Combat Since both you and your opponent are
The Indy player should read screen Clock. These numbers also correspond to players in this episode, who's going to act
entry 9 in the Evidence File. Then the the hidden, numbered circles on the Skull as Referee? You do. If both characters
Marion player should read Entry 10. Palace Map. Anytime the other character face some danger in a room that requires
Both characters are rushing against the enters a numbered circle where one of his a Referee's actions, one of you should
clock to find their items. This adventure or her items is located, you must say so. temporarily act as Referee while the
features special rules that take you Tell your opponent which item is there other controls the characters. Make sure
through the episode, tum by tum. Fol- (since it may or may not be the one he the two of you decide beforehand how
low the steps outlined below, and then actually needs). These items are always you want the characters to react. Doing
you'll be ready to go! in plain sight. However, most of the so will keep one player from intention-
Start by getting out the Skull Palace numbered circles hold some kind of ally doing dirt to the other player's char-
Map. You'll be using this map for the obstacle (Nazis, Shintay, or animals). acter. Remember, be fair!
chase through the palace. Your character must defeat or get around Even though one player controls both
Go to pages 7 and 8 of this booklet an obstacle in a room before claiming his characters in some encounters, any
(part of the Referee Guide). These pages or her item. What? Did you think this Action Points earned by a character for
list the Player A Combat Clock and the was going to be easy? successful Attribute Checks go to the
Player B Combat Clock. If you want to player who would normally run that
make photocopies of these sheets, do so PLAYING THE EPISODE character, not the player who has tempo-
before you start filling them in. If you Your characters will be racing through rary control.
plan on playing this adventure more than Skull Palace, trying to find their item.
once, photocopying might be a good Two things stand in their way. First, there USING THE MASTER CLOCK
idea. Otherwise, be sure to use a pencil! is a time limit, because the palace is The Master Clock (in the Evidence
FILLING OUT THE COMBAT about to come tumbling down. The File) really adds pizzazz to this episode
CLOCKS Combat Clocks regulate how much time because it throws another wrench into
1. Determine the Start Location. One your characters have. Second, there are works! Whenever you mark off a num-
of you should roll ldl0. Let the other several obstacles in the way. Several bered tum box on your Combat Clock,
player see the die roll. Both of you rooms in the palace contain some kind of use the MAGIC VIEWER screen to check
should write down this number in the obstacle that the characters must over- that same numbered box on the Master
"Start Location" box on the Combat come before they can move on. The Clock. If the box contains an "X;' nothing
Clock. This number corresponds to the contents of these rooms are listed below happens, and you can go on. If the box
numbered start areas on the Skull Palace in Skull Palace Room Encounters. contains a number, however, then you go
Map. For example, if you roll 8, your to that numbered screen entry in the
characters start their race through the
USING THE MAGIC VIEWER"' Evidence File and read it. Whatever is
palace in area 8 (in the upper right cor- SCREEN ON THE MAP happening in that entry doesn't replace
ner). When your characters bust out of The Skull Palace Map is made up of whatever encounter your character is
the Sun Trap Room (in Episode 4), this is black Start areas and viewing boxes. currently experiencing, it adds to it.
the location they are in. When your character starts moving Whooeee!
2. Determine the Exit Circle. One of through the palace, use the Magic Viewer When you read one of these entries,
you should roll ldl0. Let the other to show what else is on the map. The read it aloud so the other player can
player see the die roll. Both of you lines that lead through the map represent hear. These entries affect both characters,
should write down this number in the hallways in the palace. The circles repre- no matter where they are in the palace.

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SKULL PALACE ROOM ENCOUNTERS 2. ARCHERY RANGE Movement Checks at ½. The floor then
The characters suddenly find themselves begins to tumble end over end. If the
Whenever a character enters a num-
standing among wicker target dolls. At Checks fail ... char-broiled heroes.
bered circle on the Skull Palace Map, go
the far end of the room (about 20 feet 2. The characters may run to the iron
to the corresponding numbered room
away), four Shintay warriors see the railing, grab it, and swing with the floor
encounter listed below. Remember that
characters and stalk forward. The char- to the opposite door. A character can
one player should act as Referee.
acters have interrupted their target prac- grab the rail by making a successful
tice, and now they want to make the Movement Check. The heat from the
characters into new targets! coals as the characters swing over them
Colonel Vogel, who is obsessed with the The warriors fire one volley of arrows has a Danger Rating of 30.
power of the crystals and its potential for at the characters, but do not chase them. 3. If there are two characters in the
Nazi Germany, is in this room. He has If characters are searching for an item room, each can move toward an opposite
just broken the pedestal on which the here, they find it behind one of the tar- door, counterbalancing the floor. Of
main crystal rests. Vogel's Luger lies next gets. The targets provide soft cover. course, the characters must then leave
to him. Any item that the characters may through different doors.
be searching for lies next to the pistol. 3. TRAP ROOM 4. If characters fall into the pit of
Deadly beams of light shoot across the The bone floor of the hallway suddenly coals, they can escape the trap from that
room at several wild angles. An ominous gives way! The characters drop 10 feet area. They can still take damage, how-
rumbling begins to build within the down to a 20-foot-diameter floor. Two ever.
room. open doors lead out of the circular room. lf a character rolls a Bad Break while
Each light beam has a Danger Rating Iron railings stick up from the floor next trying to escape this trap, the floor swiv-
of 150 to any character who steps into it. to each door. els and sticks in the vertical position.
Characters can move between the beams As soon as a character moves toward Then everyone in the room falls into the
without hitting them, however. To do so, one of the doors, the floor begins to tilt coals. The trap remains stuck for the rest
the characters must make successful in that direction. The other edge of the of the episode.
Movement Checks at 1h when they enter floor tilts up. The floor doesn't tilt If a character rolls a Lucky Break while
the room. Then the characters must quickly, but the change is obvious. trying to escape, the floor sticks in the
make another succeessful Movement The tilting floor exposes a pit of flam- horizontal position. No sweat.
Check at ½ when leaving. If either ing coals 30 feet down. Characters who There are three lines (hallways) leading
Check fails, the character is hit by a fall into the pit take falling damage, Of from circle 3. Once characters escape the
beam. course, the pit of coals itself is no picnic, trap in area 3, they can't go back the way
Vogel holds onto the crystal, a mad either. It has a Danger Rating of 80. they came in. If two characters left the
gleam dancing in his eyes. He makes no There are four possible ways for the trap through different exits, they must go
effort to stop the characters. He couldn't characters to escape this trap room. down different hallways.
if he wanted to, as the power of the 1. They may run and jump toward the
crystal is shaking him violently. exits. They can do so with successful 4. WEAPONS ROOM
This is the Shintay weapons room, which
is stocked with several spears and
swords. Two of the Nazis' submachine
guns are also here, but they are being
l excitedly studied by four Shintay war-
I I When characters enter, the Shintay let
loose with the guns for 7 turns. Their

Prowess Ratings are cut to ½, however,
because they are unfamiliar with the
.----- 1l Four Shintay are here when characters
enter. They chase the characters out of
the room and follow for 7 turns before
turning back.
The floor here suddenly ends. Ten feet
below, a muscular lion paces angrily in a
pit. The pit is 15 feet across. Stone hand
holds lead from the floor up to the other
side of the pit wall. Dozens of bones
protrude at odd angles from the 10-foot-
high ceiling that covers this hallway.
Characters can't go back the way they
came. They must cross the pit. There are
at least three ways they may do so.
1. Characters can climb the walls to
the ceiling and then work their way

across, hanging onto the bones in the lects Action Points for both characters).
ceiling. Because none of the bones are Indy's player collects Action Points only The Shintay citadel shudders violently.
loose, each character must make a Move- if Indy must fight. Spasms rock the palace as thousands of
ment Check at llz to get across. If the Mclver chases the characters for 10 crystals crumble and shatter. All of the
Check fails, the character meets the lion. turns before giving up. energy they once controlled has gone
2. Characters can use a whip to swing haywire, surging through the palace
over the pit. The character throwing the 11. HAZARD! and ripping it apart, bone by bone!
whip must make a successful Prowess If a character enters a circle on the map Suddenly, the energy of the crystals
Check to connect the whip to the ceiling, labeled as a Hazard, roll ldl0 on Table 5 focuses into a single, searing shaft of
and a successful Movement Check to to determine which room encounter takes colored light that explodes from the
swing over the pit. lf the Prowess Check place. Table 5 is located on the Skull place where the palace once stood. The
fails, the whip doesn't connect this turn. Palace Map. surge of energy thunders into the sky,
If the Movement Check fails, the charac- obliterating every piece of solid matter
ter loses his or her grip while swinging LUCKY BREAKS/BAD BREAKS in its path.
across. Meet the lion. Use these Lucky and Bad Breaks if You stare at the shaft of energy from
3. The characters may play Daniel in there are no special situations outlined in a spot on a hill not too far away. You
the lion's den and try to beat up the lion. a specific encounter. can feel the earth quaking below you.
Good luck. Lucky Break: The ceiling suddenly col-
Suddenly you feel very, very small ...
lapses-right on top of your enemy! You tum to each other, thankful to be
7. NAZI GOONS alive, and grateful to have seen the
They're instant history. If there is an item
So, the characters weren't the only ones in this room that your character needs, Shintay palace. As the furious light
who escaped the Sun Trap Room. These he grabs it and takes off. subsides, you think you hear a vaguely
goons aren't in very good shape, though. human, scratching sound. But you
In fact, they're delirious from fear and Bad Break: The floor suddenly gives know no one who was inside the palace
lack of leadership. They attack anyone way! Any characters standing here fall 20 could have survived. Not that kind of
and anything that crosses their path. feet. Check for damage, and then roll explosion.
They are also trying to find some arti- ldl0. The resulting number corresponds Enough of Africa already. It's time to
facts they can take with them. They will to the numbered circle to which the head home. Brody'// never believe this
fight characters for any items that char- character falls. If the characters are being one!
acters may have or may find here. chased when this happens, the pursuers
These goons also chase the characters also fall through t~e floor. As the characters tum lo leavt:, a bailly
through the palace halls. bruised man stumbles from one of the
nearby bushes.
8. SHINTAY GUARDS EPILOGUE "If I made it," Mclver coughs, "then
This encounter is the same as encounter surely Jones is still breathing. Not that
Read the following boxed text aloud to
area 5 above. there's much I can do about it now ... but
the other player as the characters race
9. PET PANTHER out of the palace. someday, Jones, someday!"

The young Panther from Jungle Both of you should now total up your
Encounter F followed Marion into the Action and Bonus Points to see who has
Shintay palace. Sensing that Indy is the won the adventure. Of course, if you
obstacle between him and the enraging enjoyed the adventure, you both won!
scent, the Panther attacks him fiercely. If
Marion is here alone, the Panther,
enraged by the scent, attacks her.
For this encounter, the player control-
ling Indy runs both PCs (and collects
Action Points for both characters).
Marion's player collects Action Points

only if Marion must fight.
The panther chases the characters for
10 turns before turning back, pawing at
his nose as he retreats.
10. IAN MclVER
Mclver also escaped the Sun Trap Room,
and he's been looking for Indy. He needs
Indy's help if he's going to profit from his
marvelous find, so he attacks Marion (If
she is here) in hopes of persuading Indy
to see things his way. If Indy is here
alone, Mc!ver, suddenly deciding that
Indy is better dead than alive, attacks
For this encounter, the player control-
ling Marion runs both players (and col-
Normal Normal
Rating x2 112 1/4 Rating x2 1h ¼
4 8 2 1 56 112 28 14
8 16 4 2 60 120 30 15
12 24 6 3 64 128 32 16
16 32 8 4 68 136 34 17
20 40 10 5 72 144 36 18
24 48 12 6 76 152 38 19
28 56 14 7 80 160 40 20
32 64 16 8 84 168 42 21
36 72 18 9 88 176 44 22
40 80 20 10 92 184 46 23
44 88 22 11 96 192 48 24
48 96 24 12 100 200 50 25
52 104 26 13

JUNGLE ENCOUNTER LIST (Episodes 2 and 3)

A. Hippo rampage: For every turn the characters are in this drowning rules. The quicksand has a Danger Rating of 20.
area, there is a 5% cumulative chance that they encounter a H. Enraged natives: Ten natives, from a tribe Indy doesn't rec-
hippo . If they do, have them make Instinct Checks . If either ognize, are here . They revere this area as their ancestral hunt-
Check succeeds, the characters see a stream of bubbles heading ing grounds. The natives are dressed in warrior trappings and
toward them. attack as soon as characters enter the area. Use the Attribute
Normally, a hippo would be docile, but this one feels the Ratings for the Cameroon village natives in this encounter.
characters have invaded its territory. If the characters are on a These natives are not from that village, however.
raft, the hippo tries to overturn it (see Table 3 for details) . J. Dr. Vogel, I presume: If Indy and Marion haven't met up
B., Panther prowl: An African panther is on the hunt here . with the Dutch expedition, they do so here . Dr. Vogel, his
He's getting on in years, and he can't catch the gazelles that he's "Dutchmen ," and his natives are setting up camp in this area.
used to eating . Nevertheless, he's still a tough cat, and the char- Vogel has 10 assistants and 19 native bearers with him. He is
acters will have their hands full . quite kind to the characters and invites them to join his expedi-
C. Boa constriction: Backbone Check time for Jones! If a tion . If the characters accept, go to the Cliffhanger.
check fails, Indy is frozen by fear for 1 turn. Ancient scouts: A tall, white native stands before the char-
D. Crocodile sho res: Four crocodiles are lurking here . If a acters. He is a Shintay warrior. If the characters approach the
character falls into the water here, the crocs slither into the native cautiously, he motions them toward area Lon the Jungle
river to check out what's for supper. Crocodiles receive no pen- Map. If attacked, the native fights to the death.
alties for fighting in the water. L. Skull Palace: Go to the Option 2 of the Cliffhanger in Epi-
E. Elephant stampede: A herd of 20 elephants, including sev- sode 3.
eral young, is moving through this area, heading straight for X. No encounter here.
the characters. Hunters attacked these elephants a few
moments ago, and the creatures are quite jittery. They stam-
pede if they hear any sharp noises or if anyone comes within 30
feet of them . Have the characters make Movement Checks to
see if they make some noise that could set the elephants off . In
addition to the normal nasty damage a herd of panicked ele-
phants could do, the herd has a Danger Rating of 80.
f. Trail Scent: A young panther is resting in the bushes here.
Unfortunately, Marion's perfume has an enraging effect on
hi m. He pounces from the bushes and tries to get to her. From a
short distance (30 feet), the smell attracts this panther, causing WARS I LUCASFILM i. -: ..
it to attack anyone who stands between it and Marion's aroma.
At point blank range, however, the perfume will enrage the FANCLUB ~ .::
beast to attack Marion. For a free color brochure write:
G. Quicksand: Have the characters make Instinct Checks as
they approach this area. STAR WARS I LUCASFILM FAN CLUB
Bad Feeling. Something's funny about this area. P. 0. Box 2202 Dept. TSR5
What or Where. There's something wrong with the ground. San Rafael, CA 94912 U.S.A.
The Big Picture. It's quicksand!
The characters start sinking. Branches hang 10 feet over the
pit; they are all out of arm's reach. For the first turn that charac-
ters sink, cut their Movement Ratings to ½ . On the second turn,
cut them to¼ . On the third tum, calculate damage based on the

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