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Artificial Intelligence (AI) Competition

concerning Umrah
In collaboration with

Table of Contents

1 About the AI Competition

2 Competition Tracks
3 Competition Partners
4 Execution Plan
5 Awards
6 Key Competition Updates
7 Marketing Plan

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Competition concerning Umrah

The competition was created to give entrepreneurs from Islamic countries the opportunity to create creative
solutions that improve the pilgrim experience.
Competition Objectives:

New opportunities for Improving the pilgrim Building a long-lasting

entrepreneurs experience creative channel for the
Umrah sector
Entrepreneurs Beneficiary Economy

With a strategic partnership and sponsorship by

Competition Pathway

The initial tracks* were introduced based on the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah's perspectives, taking into consideration the
importance in enhancing the pilgrim's journey, data availability, and the readiness of the digital infrastructure**. For each
track, the projects will deliver technical solutions based on artificial intelligence, including but not limited to:

Support Services Crowd Management

Providing services through AI and decreasing
human intervention, as well as making processed AI algorithms for crowd tracking and historical data reading.
data available to all Umrah service providers. To forecast numbers and anticipate crowd movement and

Directed Communication
• Generative intelligence and suggestion systems to
Data and Statistics
guide pilgrims to the next steps in performing the Automating the process of collecting data from all
rituals. technical devices in order to provide reports and
• Technical technologies that assist field service staff in statistics that aid in decision-making.
better communicating with Hajj and Umrah
performers and answering pilgrims' inquiries.

Projects targeting government agencies

Projects targeting the private sector
Projects targeting the Hajj and Umrah performers

* The final tracks will be chosen based on the outcomes of workshops with other partners.
**Appendix 2 contains a breakdown of tracks and data availability 4
Competition Partners
Strategic Partner Acquiring international Acquiring international entrepreneurs (embassies of
entrepreneurs countries and entities that promote entrepreneurship)

Tamkeen Partners

Media Partners

Incubation Partner

Execution Plan (1/2)
Step One: Launch the Competition

Proposed Duration:
Launch Date Competition Duration Online - Support and The competition targets entrepreneurs
11 January Two months after its Guidance from the KSA, Malaysia, Pakistan and
launch In person - Judging and Indonesia

11 January 8 February 18 February 8 April 15 April 29 April

Launching at Registrant support Deadline Nominating ideas Meetings Support Arbitration of the Honoring the
Expo Hajj and To develop ideas and to submit and nominated teamsand training programs and solutions winners
starting form teams solutions guidance presented and the
registration period and nominate the closing
winners ceremony

Launch the Support for Closing of the

competition nominated teams competition

Execution Plan (2/2)
Step Two: Post-competition – market entry

We provide 6 programs to support the entry of the entrepreneurial project into the market for a period of 6 months, in
addition to providing free work space for the project during the incubation period and services to attract international
entrepreneurs (entrepreneur's license, entrepreneur's residence, etc.).

Support Programs

Specialized consulting Meeting with Prototype Educational content Linking with Linking with
in the field of AI and partners, enablers, building services from data sources technical and financial and
business development. and beneficiaries from and guides digital service investment
the early phases of providers solutions
building the project providers

Incubation period is 6 months


The total value of the awards offered to the winners is 500,000 SAR!
The judges will choose five winners, each of whom will earn the following awards:

2 1st Place
150.000 SAR 3rd Place
2nd Place
120,000 SAR 100,000 SAR

4 5
4th Place 5th Place
80,000 SAR 50,000 SAR
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Competition concerning Umrah

Highlights of what have been done Next Steps

Communication with partners

Identify opportunities and develop initial competition pathways Launching the competition on January 11 at the Hajj and Umrah
Agreement with potential government agencies to support the Services Conference and Exhibition in the presence of His
program and its deliverables Excellency the Minister of Hajj and Umrah and His Excellency
Agreement with incubators to support the program and its the Minister of Commerce
Develop a program execution plan Launching the media campaign in the targeted countries in
Preparing the plan to market the competition internationally several languages
Determine the competition final pathways after reflecting the Providing support to participants and establishing programs
partners’ views Closing ceremony and announcement of winners
Coordination and agreement with international bodies (Pakistan, Support the winners after the competition in the incubation
Indonesia) program

Marketing Plan
Target Segment

Entrepreneurs with experience in competition and related technology.

Emerging projects are in their initial phases before entering the market.

Technologists and innovators who want to develop and transform their ideas into

commercial projects.

Male and female, and university students.

Languages used in communication:

Arabic, English, Indonesian and Urdu

Languages used on the registration

Arabic and English

Marketing Channels

Direct Communication Public Communication

Reaching university students in 14 Saudi

Using Facebook as the primary platform for publishing
universities and 8 international universities to
promote the competition. and promoting in the languages of the competition's
target audience, while assisting partners in interacting
Support the embassies of Indonesia, Pakistan,
Malaysia, commercial attachés, and possible and promoting to reach the greatest number of target
government agencies in those countries to increase
awareness of the competition.
As well as, using LinkedIn, Instagram and X platforms as
Using the Thaqaa Center’s newsletter to promote
supporting platforms for publishing and promotion.
the competition to beneficiaries.

Using SMS as a supporting channel for emails. Writing news and press interviews about the competition
and disseminating thereof through press channels with
Using the Thakaa facilities WhatsApp group as a
support channel for launches. the help of partners, as well as announcing the
competition on radio stations such as:
Communicating with chambers of commerce to
motivate distinguished entrepreneurial companies News, Arabic, radio broadcasts.
to participate in the competition.

Direct access to international bodies

Government Entities Embassies
Government entities in the • Saudi embassies in the
targeted countries concerned targeted countries Direct communication with
with entrepreneurship and • Embassies of countries in representatives of countries in
SMEs the Kingdom entrepreneurship organizations

Incubators and
accelerators Universities

Access to the most important • 16 Saudi universities

incubators and accelerators in • 4 universities in Pakistan
the member countries that • 4 universities in Indonesia
foster entrepreneurship and

Marketing Scope

Based on the program's timing and phases, the Intelligence Center will work to identify messages and produce contents
and designs for program publications, which will include the following:

Launch and Open Sorting Phase Support and Guidance Announcement of

Registration Phase Winners
3 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks April 2024

● Announcing the launch of the ● ● ● Announcing the closing ceremony

competition and opening registration
Announcing the teams via

Introduction to training programs
● Announcing the winners
● Press release to launch the competition ●
email to the participants.

Introduction to mentors
● Thanking the partners and their contributions
(published in press outlets via
Qualified for the final Thanks to the participating
● Press release to conclude the challenge
judging mentors/trainers
● Video of the closing ceremony (via Monsha'at)
● Introduction to the competition and its ● Challenge numbers and deliverables
● Introducing partners and their
● Announcing the closing of registration

*The detailed plan and content of the initial publication

are in Appendix 1 14
Thank you
Promotion Plan
Appendix 1
Promotion Plan with Partners

Activity Publishing Date Monsha'at Partners

● Interaction by republishing
● Include everything related to the competition in
Before registration ● Motion of launching the competition
the marketing contents of Expo Hajj
opens ● Teaser post
● Thakaa Center participated in the Ministry’s
press release to launch the competition at Expo
● Interaction by republishing/parallel publishing
● Announcing the launch of the competition and opening with a special post
registration ● Interaction by republishing/parallel publishing
● Press release to launch the competition (published in press with a separate post
Launch and Open outlets via Monsha’at) ● Interaction by republishing/parallel publishing
Registration ● Introduction to the competition and its details with a separate post
● Opinion poll ● Interaction by republishing/parallel publishing
● Introducing partners and their contributions with a separate post
● Announcing the closing of registration ● Interaction by republishing/parallel publishing
with a separate post

Sorting Phase ● Announcing the teams qualified for the final judging ● Interaction by republishing

● Introduction to training programs ● Interaction by republishing

Support and Guidance
● Introduction to mentors ● -
● Thanks to the participating mentors/trainers ● -

● -
● Interaction by republishing/parallel publishing
● Announcing the closing ceremony with a separate post
● Announcing the winners ● Interaction by republishing/parallel publishing
Winners ● Thanking the partners and their contributions with a separate post
● Press release to conclude the challenge ● Interaction by republishing/parallel publishing 17
Announcement Phase
Marketing Material
Launch and Open Registration Phase
Announcing the launch of the competition and opening registration

Publishing Date ..

Post Content

To support the technological system in the Kingdom and

encourage thoughtful and innovative minds, we are pleased
to announce the opening of registration for
#AI_Intelligence_in_Umrah Competition, We look forward to
your participation and creative ideas.
#Thakaa Center

🔗 Register your innovative idea now: Arabic
Dissemination and interaction channels for all partners

Announcing the launch of the competition and opening registration

Publishing Date ..

Post Content

To support the technological system in the Kingdom and

encourage thoughtful and innovative minds, we are pleased
to announce the opening of registration for
#AI_Intelligence_Challenge 24. We look forward to your
participation and creative ideas. 🚀 💫 #Thakaa_Center
🔗 Register your innovative idea now:


Dissemination and interaction channels for all partners

Announcing the launch of the competition and opening registration

Publishing Date ..

Post Content

Dalam mendukung sistem teknologi di Kerajaan dan sebagai

dorongan bagi pikiran-pikiran kreatif dan inovatif, kami
dengan senang hati mengumumkan pembukaan pendaftaran
untuk #Tantangan_Kecerdasan_Buatan24, dengan harapan
partisipasi dan kreasi Anda. 🚀 💫 #PusatKecerdasan

🔗 Daftarkan ide kreatif Anda sekarang: Indonesian

Dissemination and interaction channels for all partners

*The content of the post will be reviewed

with the Indonesian Embassy
Announcing the launch of the competition and opening registration

Publishing Date ..

Post Content

" ‫تکنالوجی ےک نظام کو مدد فراہم کرنی اور خالق اور نوآورانہ ذہانتوں کو‬
‫ ہم خوشی ےس‬،‫بڑھانی یک راہ میی‬#‫یک _ہوش_چیلنج‬24 ‫ریجسٹیشن کا‬ ‫ر‬ ‫یک‬
‫ آپیک شکت اور خالقیوں کو دیکھتی ہون۔‬،‫💫 🚀آغاز کر رہی ہیی‬

🔗 ‫ریجسٹ کریں‬ ‫اپنی خالقی ےس‬:"

Dissemination and interaction channels for all partners

*The content of the post will be reviewed

with the Pakistan Embassy
Introduction to the competition and its details

Publishing Date ..

Post Content

Discover the 8 Pathways of

#Artificial_Intelligence_Competition_in_Umrah, and a lot of
interesting information about the challenge.🚀 💫
#Thakaa Center

🔗 Register your innovative idea now:

Dissemination and interaction channels for all partners

Introducing partners and their contributions

Publishing Date ..

Post Content

In the #Artificial_Intelligence_in_Umrah_Competition, we
are pleased with the strategic partnership
with @HajMinistry, thankful for their continued support to
make the challenge a success.
#Thakaa Center (tag when posting to other partners)

🔗 Register your innovative idea now:

Dissemination and interaction channels for all partners

Feedback poll

Publishing Date ..

Post Content
Share with us the most motivating paths to participate in
- media coverage
- Awareness and training
- Analyze preferences from social media
- Specialized communication with Hajj and Umrah performers
- Crowd management
- Data and statistics
- Helicopter management and support services
- Creativity

Dissemination and interaction channels for all partners

Announcing the closing of registration

Publishing Date ..

Post Content

The countdown has begun to the end of the registration phase

for the #Artificial_Intelligence_in_Umrah_Competition
Register for the competition before the phase closes.
#Thakaa Center

🔗 Register your innovative idea now:

Dissemination and interaction channels for all partners

Marketing Material
Sorting Phase
Announcing the teams qualified for the final judging

Publishing Date ..

Post Content
After competition and enthusiasm among the teams accepted in
#Artificial_Intelligence_in_Umrah Competition, today we announce the
teams qualified for the final judging, and good luck to the teams that did
not qualify.
#Thakaa Center

Dissemination and interaction channels for all partners

Marketing Material
Support and Guidance Phase
Introduction to training programs

Publishing Date ..

Post Content
Intensive training programs are provided to the teams that
qualify in #Artificial_Intelligence_in_Umrah_Competition by
experts and mentors; with the aim of developing ideas and
enabling thereof for the upcoming final competition, and
earning a chance to win the challenge.
#Thakaa Center

Dissemination and interaction channels for all partners

Introduction to mentors

Publishing Date ..

Post Content
We are happy with the contributions of the creative guides in the
#Artificial_Intelligence_in_Umrah Competition in the Support
and Guidance Phase; to support the qualified teams, wishing
them continued success.
#Thakaa Center

Dissemination and interaction channels for all partners

Thanks to the participating mentors/trainers

Publishing Date ..

Post Content
We thank all the guides and trainers participating in
#Artificial_Intelligence_Competition_in_Umrah; for their
efforts to support the qualified teams, wishing them
continued achievements.

#Thakaa Center

Dissemination and interaction channels for all partners

Marketing Material
Winners Announcement Phase
Announcing the closing ceremony

Publishing Date ..

Post Content
Celebrating the winning teams in
#Artificial_Intelligence_in_Umrah_Competition; We are
delighted to host the competition's concluding ceremony.
Keep an eye out.
#Thakaa Center

Dissemination and interaction channels for all partners

Announcing the Winners

Publishing Date ..

Post Content
We are pleased to announce the winning teams in
#Artificial_Intelligence_in_Umrah Competition, we
congratulate them for winning the first five places, while Photographs
wishing all the teams participating in the competition good
#Thakaa Center

Dissemination and interaction channels for all partners

Thanking the partners and their contributions

Publishing Date ..

Post Content
We thank all our partners in
#Artificial_Intelligence_in_Umrah_Competition; for their
continued support of the competition in all its phases,
wishing them a permanent presence in the world of
#Thakaa Center

Dissemination and interaction channels for all partners

Video of the closing ceremony (via Monsha'at)

Publishing Date ..

Post Content
We concluded the #Artificial_Intelligence_in_Umrah
Competition in an atmosphere full of competition and fun,
we congratulate all the winning teams, wishing them a new
innovative start in the world of business. Photographs
#Thakaa Center

Dissemination and interaction channels for all partners

Challenge numbers and deliverables

Publishing Date ..

Post Content
Numbers that we are happy to reach in the
#Artificial_Intelligence_in_Umrah Competition, with the
support and cooperation of guides, experts, and partners.
#Thakaa Center

Dissemination and interaction channels for all partners

Thank you
Challenge Plan
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Competition concerning Umrah

Detailed Agenda:

Phase Activity Date Role of Thakaa Center Role of Partners

Agreement with Confirm the desire to hold the competition and identify
Share an initial concept for the competition
partners the point of contact
Sharing resources that can be used, such as (data -
Communicate with supporting entities to provide
Providing resources reports - support in determining paths - opportunities in
some resources
the sector)
Confirm sponsors Share requirements and profile of sponsors Communicate with the competition sponsors
Preparing the marketing Preparing advertising materials and designs,
Review designs and confirm approval
campaign scheduling the advertising campaign
Preparing the Create a page for the competition on Thakaa
Review the page and confirm approval
competition page Center website
Opening registration for the competition and
launching the advertising campaign
Launch the competition Contribute to disseminating the marketing campaign
After launch Providing consultations to participants during the
and competition
registration Identify the responsible Participation of the responsible team from Participation of the responsible team to attend and
team from each entity Monsha’at and Thakaa follow up with partners
Set a regular follow-up Share a proposal for dates to schedule meetings Attend and follow-up on the status of requirements from
meeting Prepare with updates to share with partners partners for execution
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Competition concerning Umrah

Detailed Agenda:
Phase Activity Date Role of Thakaa Center Role of Partners

After launch Competition preparation All aspects of the competition, including program Participation of representatives to attend (meetings -
and registration is complete specifics, assistance, and advice, have been finished providing guidance sessions - arbitrators).
opens Evaluate solutions and nominate a group of teams for
Nominating teams Participation in nominating teams *Optional
the final phase
Participate in meetings organized by Thakaa
Conducting meetings and training programs
Support phase Supervising teams Providing consultations to participants if they need
Providing advisory support to candidates
Show teams and Participation as a member of the arbitration committee
Organizing and hosting the final judging
arbitration Share invitations and representation
Share invitations and representation
Judging and Closing ceremony Coordination with teams Organizing and hosting the closing ceremony
honoring phase Attendance by partners
Publish acknowledgments leaflets (partners - arbitrators
Honor and gratitude - mentors) Marketing interaction with publications
Publish flyers announcing the winners
Follow up-on providing support and progress of the
Post Providing ongoing support based on the teams’ needs
Support the winners teams
competition and facilitating entry into the market
Share progress report with partner
Registration Page
Registration page in Arabic

1 2 3
Registration page in English

2 1 47
Registration page in English

4 3 48
Roles of Partners
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Competition concerning Umrah

Details for distributing roles and responsibilities with partners:

Representatives from each entity

Activity Description Partners

General Supervision General competition supervision

Executive follow-up of the competition's workflow and performance,

Executive committee as well as report submission to the general supervisor

Preparation and Preparing the program, general coordination among participating

Coordination Team parties and teams, and performance monitoring

Media Team Media management via social media platforms and traditional media

• Establishing criteria for selecting winning projects

Technical Team • Providing guidance, advice and support to teams
• Selection of winning projects

50 50
Solutions Development
Guide in the Competition
A set of software and technologies that
may contribute to developing
competition solutions
Appendix 2
About this Guide
The Solutions Development Guide intends to give a set of AI data and approaches that you may find valuable when
competing in the AI Competition in Umrah. The Guide provides two techniques for each pathway of the
competition, as well as sources to assist you look for them in more detail.

Remember that the technologies given here are only indicative; you are not required to use thereof. When building your
solutions and selecting and developing the relevant technology, you have complete control over your creativity and innovation.
Below are a set of important tips and instructions in developing competition solutions:

Building a basic prototype or model that displays the problem and solution is one of the conditions for participation in the


It is not always easy to obtain the data you require, but you must be innovative in your approach.

Attach any code you've written to create a machine learning model or analyze data to assist raters in evaluating your


Think about the problem first before the solution or technology used. Finding the right problem is one of the success

factors in this competition.

An inventory of Hajj and Umrah data sets -1-
# Data Set Name Description Data Type Pathways Is they published? Examples of use cases
There is a compiled copy uploaded Building an intelligent
It contains user data and Umrah to the Ministry’s website. However, reservation system that can
Managing crowd,
1 Nusuk data reservation data they have Scheduled
data and statistics
because it is not raw data, it is not predict reservations and
made ideal for creating machine learning improve planning and
models. scheduling.
There is a compiled copy uploaded Predicting the number of
It consists of permits and visas
Data of internal and to the Ministry’s website. However, Umrah performers based on
for domestic and foreign Scheduled Managing crowd,
2 external Umrah
pilgrims and their status over data and statistics
because it is not raw data, it is not country, age, and other factors
performers ideal for creating machine learning to aid in planning and
models. organization.
There is a compiled copy uploaded
Data of internal and It consists of permits and visas Predicting the number of
to the Ministry’s website. However,
external pilgrims for domestic and foreign Scheduled Crowd pilgrims based on country, age,
3 (Hajj) pilgrims and their status over management
because it is not raw data, it is not
and other factors to aid in
ideal for creating machine learning
time planning and organization.
There is a compiled copy uploaded
Data of companies It contains information about to the Ministry’s website. However, Evaluate and improve the
Scheduled Crowd
4 for internal and pilgrims' companies and their
because it is not raw data, it is not quality of services supplied by
external pilgrims services ideal for creating machine learning these companies.
There is no official copy from the This data will aid in the
Geographical data Helicopter
Contains maps and data of Geospatial Ministry. Some of this data can be development of smart systems
5 for the holy sites
interest for holy sites and imagery
management and
obtained from Google Maps, for to improve the experience of
and their facilities support services
example. Hajj and Umrah performers.
An inventory of Hajj and Umrah data sets -2-

# Data Set Name Description Data Type Pathways Is they published? Examples of use cases

There is no official copy

from the Ministry. But there
It consists of videos Calculating the numbers of pilgrims
Television transmission Photos and are some clips uploaded to
6 data for Hajj and Umrah
captured by various
Media coverage
the Internet, such as
and Umrah performers everywhere
surveillance cameras in the holy sites and at all times.
YouTube and kaggle, for
It is the plan that was
There is no official copy Building an algorithm to improve
Information on pilgrim devised to schedule the Crowd
7 movement procedure of dispatching
from the Ministry of this the transportation of pilgrims
data. smoothly and efficiently
pilgrims in batches
Data on the locations of
Developing an algorithm to
Campaign distribution Mina's accommodation There is no official copy
Crowd improve grouping the pilgrims to
8 data in Mina's and the distribution of Scheduled
from the Ministry of this
executing throwing the stones
accommodation pilgrims there according data.
to campaigns
There is no official copy
It contains a set of from the Ministry of this Building an intelligent assistant to
Data for Hajj and Umrah communication
9 pilgrims’ inquiries
inquiries and complaints Textual
with Umrah
data. But some of them can respond to pilgrims’ inquiries and
submitted by pilgrims be obtained from social requests.
networking sites.

An inventory of Hajj and Umrah data sets -3-
# Data Set Name Description Pathways Is they published? Examples of use cases
The Ministry’s website has a
It is made up of digital library containing
Building an intelligent
instructional and guiding various documents and
Data of the Guide for Hajj and Specialized communication assistant to respond to
10 Umrah pilgrims
texts that aid pilgrims and Textual
with Umrah performers
educational materials in PDF
pilgrims’ inquiries and
Umrah performers in format. It is preferable to
carrying out their rites. obtain this data in an uncoded
Data on the distribution
Developing a forecast model
of Zamzam water and the
Schedule Helicopter management and There is no official copy from for Zamzam water demand
11 Zamzam water data requests of pilgrims and
d support services the Ministry of this data. and refining the manner of
Umrah performers
efficiently distributing it.
Data on the internal Improving the distribution of
Internal transportation data for Schedule Helicopter management and There is no official copy from
12 pilgrims and Umrah performers
transportation system in
d support services the Ministry of this data.
the transportation network
the holy sites in the holy sites.

Data on the types and Improving HR planning and

Schedule There is no official copy from
13 Data of staff in Umrah and Hajj distribution of cadres and
Staff training
the Ministry of this data.
distribution of roles and
HR in Hajj and Umrah locations at holy sites.

Developing a predictive
Data containing patients
Specialized communication model for health issues that
Health care data for pilgrims admitted to health Schedule There is no official copy from
14 and Umrah performers centers, including pilgrims d
with Umrah performers
the Ministry of this data.
may arise among certain
pilgrims and Umrah
and Umrah performers.
Examples of Techniques
Appendix 3
Examples of Crowd Management Techniques
In 1444 AH, the total number of pilgrims reached 1.845 million. Crowd control is one of the key jobs that the
Ministry of Hajj and Umrah executes efficiently every year due to the large gathering of Muslims in the purest
spot on earth. However, how can we use data science and AI to better crowd control and distribution?
Crowd Simulation Models of Crowd
Program Recognition and Counting

There are a number of Crowd Simulation

Program such as Menge and YOLO computer vision models
cromosimthat can be used to build an are the most popular for the task
environment similar to the holy sites of object and human recognition.
and simulate and control the movement Video data for Hajj cameras can
of pilgrims. be found on the Internet.

Examples of Techniques in Data and Statistics

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning models depend on the presence of data. Whenever diverse, high-quality
data is available, it is possible to make the most of these emerging technologies. For this purpose, IoT technologies
and data visualization tools may help in the process of collecting and visualizing data optimally.

Visualize and Display Data Sensor Network
rs/dashboards-we-love smart-cities-with-wireless-sensors

There are many dashboard Smart cities rely on networks of

building software, such as Plotly, sensors that collect various data
that are distinguished by the about the city.
flexibility and level of

Examples of Techniques in Specialized
Communication with Umrah Performers
Many inquiries and questions arise in the minds of pilgrims and Umrah performers when completing religious rites. Some are
jurisprudential cases, while others are personal concerns that the Hajj or Umrah performer wishes to inquire about. One of the
most important success aspects in conducting Hajj and Umrah is the responsibility of specialized communication with Umrah
and pilgrims performers, which the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah is working hard to achieve. How can we assist them on their
The smart assistant to answer pilgrims’ inquiries Activities Proposal Forms for

Large language models have Recommendation engine algorithms are

revolutionized generative AI in used to build a personalized experience
the last couple of years, and for users. A smart planning tool can be
LangChain library can be used to built to help pilgrims and Umrah
build products based on these performers plan their religious tourism.

Examples of Techniques in Support Services
The Hajj and Umrah obligations are two religious journeys that consist of a set of steps and stages that Hajj and Umrah performer go through. Our
wise government, represented by the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah, has made significant efforts to ease and improve the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimage
experience by providing transportation options and establishing guidelines and directions for recommended routes, ritual processes, and timings.
However, there are a number of technologies that could improve the efficiency of helicopter management and support services.

Indoor navigation systems via augmented reality Smart bracelets to track the
pilgrim's journey
navigation-in-ar-with-unity-6078afe9d958 852504780886021/photo/1

Some digital mapping systems NFC technologies enable the

provide connectivity with game development of low-cost wearable
engines that enable the creation gadgets that track pilgrims'
of guidance systems using movements and aid them in the event
augmented reality technologies. of challenges or obstructions.

Examples of AI Techniques in Media Coverage

Every Muslim on the planet hopes that Allah would grant them the honor of visiting Mecca and undertaking the
Hajj and Umrah. They are always hooked to the screens to follow the live television broadcast of the Grand
Mosque and the holy sites till now, when circumstances allow and they are able to do so. How can we use
technology to enhance their experience and make them feel as if they are present at the world's greatest event:
Facial recognition models for taking souvenir Photography robots and
photos documenting events airline-assistant-2015-11

Computer vision models such as Robots equipped with cameras can be

FaceNet help recognize faces, utilized to provide media coverage from
thus facilitating the process of the center of the event. The operating
linking and documenting Hajj and system for robots is the most popular
pilgrimage data. for developing solutions in this field.

Examples of AI Techniques in Awareness and Training

Every year, thousands of our country's inhabitants compete for the honor and reward of serving the Two Holy
Mosques and their visitors, pilgrims, and Umrah performers. Their services and tasks are assigned based on their
experience and capabilities. The Ministry of Hajj and Umrah is working hard to put this human capacity to good
use by supporting and training Hajj and Umrah performers. How can technology contribute to assisting the
Ministry in awareness and training?
Understanding audible speech
Operations research for HR management and organizing communication
navigation-in-ar-with-unity-6078afe9d958 /news/details/4292820

Google-OR is a Python
Because the majority of rapid communication in
programming library that Google
Hajj and Umrah occurs through voice, developing
provides for generating solutions
systems to understand audible speech in multiple
in the subject of operations
languages and extract benefits from it is one of
the technologies that may be useful.

Examples of AI Techniques in Analyzing Preferences from Social Media

Visitors to the House of Allah (al-Ka ba) can utilize social media to offer their comments and opinions on the
services given and methods to enhance thereof. As a result, the textual data gathered by these sites is regarded as
a vital source for developing tools that assist decision-makers in the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah in improving the
Hajj and Umrah pilgrims' experience. These systems rely on natural language processing and big data technology.
Sentiment analysis and topic recognition Big data processing
analysis-using-bert-and-hugging-face systems-exploring-architecture-styles-huzaifa-asif

Huggingface contains a large Hadoop system includes many

collection of language models software and tools to deal with
trained in different languages big data.
and for different purposes.

Roles of Partners
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Competition concerning Umrah 2024

Roles of Partners:

Strategic Partner & Official Tamkeen Partner

• Sharing pathways and opportunities in sectors
• Planning and preparing for the competition.
within their jurisdiction.
• Providing resources in collaboration with
• Sharing data and opportunities that can help build a
prototype in AI and IoT. • Sharing part of the Saudi market data (detailed in
• Launching the competition registration page.
Before the • Sponsoring and providing financial awards for Appendix 2).
• Preparing the marketing plan for the
competition winning projects. • Sponsoring coverage and filming of the judging day
competition and sharing it with partners.
• Sponsoring and hosting the closing ceremony of the and the competition closing ceremony.
• Preparing a plan for programs, meetings, and
supportfor the competition and sharing
• Participation in and approval of contributions to
thereof with partners.
programs, meetings, and guiding support.

• If participants want it, assistance is provided in • Providing consultations to participants if the

• Providing consultations to competition offering consultations to them (consulting hours participants request (consulting hours provided
During the participants. supplied within the project support period, not to during the project support period, not exceeding
• Technical support to qualifying teams to exceed 20 total hours). 20 total hours).
competition assist them in developing the first version of • Providing marketing support (retweeting, sharing • Providing marketing support (retweeting, sharing
the product during the competition. posts on social channels, interacting with officials) posts on social channels, interacting with officials)
• Evaluate solutions and nominate teams. • Participation in evaluating the solutions and ideas • Participation in evaluating the solutions and ideas
offered (initial screening - arbitration) offered (initial screening - arbitration)

After the end of • Supporting teams through other center

programs. • Providing support to winning teams by linking them • Providing support to winning teams by linking
the competition • Linking participants with partners and to decision makers and opportunities. them to decision makers and opportunities.
supporting entities.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Competition concerning Umrah 2024

Roles of Partners:

Adoption, Support and Incubation Partner Media Partner

• Participation in and approval of contributions to programs, meetings, • Sponsoring coverage and filming of the judging day and the
Before the and guiding support. competition closing ceremony.
competition • Providing marketing support (retweeting, sharing posts on social • Providing marketing support (retweeting, sharing posts on social
channels, interacting with officials) channels, interacting with officials)

• If participants want it, assistance is provided in offering consultations

to them (consulting hours supplied within the project support period,
During the not to exceed 20 total hours).
• Providing marketing support (retweeting, sharing posts on social
competition • Providing marketing support (retweeting, sharing posts on social
channels, interacting with officials)
channels, interacting with officials)
• Participation in evaluating the solutions and ideas offered (initial
screening - arbitration)

After the end of • Providing support to winning teams by linking them to decision makers
and opportunities. • Providing marketing support (retweeting, sharing posts on social
the competition • Adopt solutions and nominate thereof for critical support programs to channels, interacting with officials)
their growth and market entry.


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