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Modern holidays:

 Both of the traditional types of holiday have become less

popular in the last quarter of the twentieth century.
 The increase in car ownership has encouraged many people to
take caravan holidays.
 But the greatest cause of the decline of the traditional holiday
is foreign tourism. ( Before the 1960s, only the rich took
holidays abroad. By 1971, the British were taking 7 million
foreign holidays and by 1987, 20 million.)
 Most foreign holidays are package holidays
 Transport and accommodation are booked a long time in
advance and paid for through a travel agent.
 In many British homes it has become traditional to get the
holiday brochures out and start talking about where to go in
the summer on Boxing Day.
 Spain is by far the most popular package-holiday destination.
 Half of all the holidays taken within Britain are now for three
days or less.
 Every bank-holiday weekend there are long traffic jams along
the routes to the most popular holidays areas.( The traditional
seaside resorts have surviced by adjusting themselves to this
 Hiking in the country and sleeping at the youth hostels has
long been popular.
 There are also a wide rang of “activity” holidays available,
giving full expression to British invidualism.( You can, for
example, take part in a “murder weekend”, and find yourself
living out the plot of detective story.)
1. What is the biggest cause of the decline of traditional
→foreign tourism
2. Where are the most popular places for package holidays?
→The increase in car ownership

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