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Division of Oriental Mindoro


I. Title: REAMM

(Remedial and Enhancement Activities to Master Competencies in Mathematics)

II. Target Beneficiaries:

All Grade 11 students with failed grades every end of the semester in
Mathematics S.Y. 2017-2018

III. Focal Persons:

School Head, Department Head of Mathematics and Mathematics Teacher of

Senior High

IV. Proposed Date:

First Three Friday Every End of the Semester for Grade 11 S.Y. 2018-2019

V. Proposed Venue: Marcelo I. Cabrera Vocational High School

VI. Rationale

Learners have different levels of learning capabilities, some are slow learners
and others are fast learners. Learners with difficulties in learning need special attention
and extra time to provide appropriate learning activities and strategies that are suited in
their learning style and level of learning capabilities to pass the subject.
As a response to the advocacy “No student left behind” by the Department of
Education with the affirmation of DEPED Order Number 8 Series of 2015 states that
learners who fail a unit/set of competencies must be immediately given remedial
classes to avoid a failing grade in a learning area/subject, thus teacher will conduct
additional time for remediation and use the best strategies to enable slow learners
master the not mastered competencies.
To help students pass the Mathematics subjects, remedial classes will be offered
every first three Friday at the end of the semester. Re-assessment will be given to
determine if they master competencies and meet the expectations in the subjects. After
the duration of the remedial class, grades will be recomputed to determine whether they
passed the subject or not.
The aim of this program is to give students the chance to complete the
requirements and also teach them to be responsible learner who will pursue in learning
the competencies in Mathematics. However, attending the remedial class does not
guarantee them of passing the subject if they are not able to attend or complete the task
given. Consent from parents will also be asked to validate the implementation of this
To attain the objectives of this program which is to pass the subject the teacher
will use differentiated instruction and contextualization of materials or module in
facilitating remedial classes. Peer Teaching Strategy is also utilize.

VII. Objectives:

1. To give more attention to slow learners.
2. To give time for learners to complete the requirements in the subject.
3. To help learners pass Mathematics by providing them varied activities.
4. To have the learners master the competencies intended in their grade level.
5. To polish not only their skills but also the attitude toward the Mathematics

1. To overcome learning difficulties in Mathematics through remedial classes.
2. To decrease failure and drop-out rate thus increase cohort survival.

VIII. Action Implementation

1. Seek the approval of the project proposal of Mathematics Department head,

School head and superintendent.

2. Letter of Consent /Agreement will be given to parents and collected with


3. Proposed intervention will be conducted every first three Friday at end of

semester of Grade 11.

4. The teacher or facilitator of remedial class will use differentiated instructions,

contextualization, peer teaching strategy and other delivery mode appropriate to the

5. The learners’ progress will be monitored to assess their progress

6. Students will evaluate through paper and pencil test to determine if they
master the not mastered competencies.

7. Recomputed grades of the students who undergo the remedial class is

submitted to the Mathematics Department Head.

IX. Evaluation/ Follow-up Action

To determine the proficiency of the students in Mathematics, students’
performance will be assessed daily and at the end of the period of remedial class. Pre-
test, post-test and Authentic Assessments will be conducted.

X. Expected Output

Students who failed the subject from the grading period or semester passed the
subject through recomputed final grade and obtain passing rate at the end of the school
year or semester. At the end of the program, skills and competencies are mastered
resulting to their promotion in Mathematics subject.

XI. Cost Estimates

Printer and Laptop for printing of Learners output and Differentiated Instructional
Materials (SY2017-2018) 1,200

Prepared by:

Noted by:

Head Teacher-III (Mathematics Department)

Principal IV

Recommending Approval:

OIC- Assistant School Division Superintendent


School Division Superintendent

Division of Oriental Mindoro


November 6, 2017

School Division Superintendent

Department of Education
Division of Oriental Mindoro
Sta. Isabel, Calapan City



I have noticed several students in Grade 11 failed to master some of the competencies
and did not pass the requirements in Mathematics in the duration of the semester thus
resulted in the failing grades acquired by the students. As pursuant to DepEd Order No.
8 Series of 2015 that teachers are required to give intervention activities for the students
who failed in the subjects. Thus, I would like to ask your permission for the conduct
remedial classes every Friday, 8am-10am starting November 17 until December
1.Failed grades on the first semester will be recomputed provided that the student
attended and complied with the terms and requirements in the intervention/remedial

I am hoping that this request will be granted for the program to be implemented .Thank
you so much.

Respectfully yours,

Senior High Mathematics Teacher III

Noted by:

Head Teacher III-Math Department

Principal IV

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