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Read the following items carefully and choose the BEST ANSWER from the choices given. Write your
answers on the answer sheet provided by your subject teacher. (50 points)

1. What is defined as the creation of new knowledge and/or the use of existing knowledge in a new and creative way,
so as to generate new concepts, methodologies and understandings?
A. Advocacy B. Audience Profiling C. Infographics D. Research
2. What is the process of defining exactly who your target audience is by unifying and analyzing their behaviors
across multiple platforms and touch points?
A. Advocacy B. Audience Profiling C. Infographics D. Research
3. What is this composed set of collection of various imagery, charts, and text that gives an easy-to-read and easy-to-
understand synopsis of a certain topic or issue?
A. Advocacy B. Audience Profiling C. Infographics D. Research
4. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, which of the following is defined as the alteration of mechanisms
characterized by changes in cultural symbols, rules of behavior, social organizations or value systems?
A. Social Advocacy B. Social Change C. Social Interaction D. Social Media
5. Why is conducting thorough research crucial in the initial stages of developing an ICT project for social advocacy?
A. To speed up the project development process.
B. To impress stakeholders with extensive documentation.
C. To identify potential competitors in the social advocacy sector.
D. To gain a deep understanding of community needs and challenges.
6. Having conducted extensive research on a community’s needs and challenges for an ICT project, how can you
practically apply this information during the project development phase?
A. Share the research findings only after the project is completed.
B. Ignore the research findings and follow standard industry practices.
C. Implement the project solely based on personal opinions and assumptions.
D. Tailor the project features and functionalities to directly address identified community needs.
7. After discovering a significant digital divide in the target community during research, how can you apply this
insight when planning the accessibility features of your social advocacy ICT project?
A. Overlook the digital divide, assuming it’s a common issue in all communities.
B. Design the project with enhance accessibility features to bridge the digital gap.
C. Implement advanced features that may be challenging for the community to access.
D. Conduct more research to validate the findings before making any project adjustments.
8. During the analysis of research findings for a social advocacy ICT project, what factors should be considered to
prioritize and address identified community needs effectively?
A. Focus solely on technological advancements to impress stakeholders.
B. Consider the socioeconomic, cultural, and demographic context of the community.
C. Prioritize features that align with personal preferences rather than community needs.
D. base decision on the preferences of the project development team without external input.

9. In evaluating the success of a social advocacy ICT project, which criterion is most essential for determining its
impact on the target community?
A. The popularity of the project among stakeholders.
B. The number of project features and functionalities.
C. Adherence to the project features and functionalities.
D. The extent to which the project addresses and positively impacts identified community needs.
10. Benny is about to make an infographic that shows the progress about Philippines’ Information and
Communication Technology Advancement from 1950 to resent. What type of infographics should he use and why?
A. He should use geographical infographics to displays data with a location map.
B. He should use timeline infographics showing progress of information over a chronological time period.
C. He should use statistical infographics to show a summary or overview of data with one or more graphs,
tables or lists.
D. He should use process infographics to demonstrates a linear or branching process flow chart showing
choices of decision process.
11. What is this process that MSA define as a plan or specification for the construction of an object or system or for
the implementation of an activity or process, or the result of that plan or specification in the form of a prototype,
product or process?
A. Design B. Designer C. Develop D. Developer
12. What is this purpose in producing a social advocacy that produce a content in transforming information to
awareness? It is also a way of improving one’s knowledge and understanding on a certain issue.
A. To Educate B. To Entertain C. To Inform D. To Inspire
13. A content purpose that empowers audience with knowledge by engaging them into a wise, hopeful and respectful
cultivation of learning and application. What type of content purpose is this?
A. To Educate B. To Entertain C. To Inform D. To Inspire
14. Which of the following is the content purpose that ignite curiosity where learning happens while having fun?
A. To Educate B. To Entertain C. To Inform D. To Inspire
15. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE about designing a social advocacy?
A. Collect ideas that seems to be fake to confuse other people.
B. Collect ideas, make outlines, decide on the message, and make your content interesting and positive.
C. In creating your own content, you should express yourself creatively and passionately to promote your
desired advocacy.
D. Make sure to anchor your content to the four important purposes in producing a social advocacy- to inform,
inspire, educate and entertain.
16. Fair use is the means of a copyrighted material to use without a license only for certain purposes. Which of the
following are in NOT included as purpose of fair use?
A. Commercial Use B. Commentary C. Criticism D. Research
17. After conducting user research for a social advocacy ICT project, how can you practically apply the gathered
insights during the design phase to ensure user-centricity?
A. Ignore user insights to maintain design simplicity.
B. Prioritize design elements that align solely with industry standards.
C. Design features based on assumptions rather than research findings.
D. Tailor the project’s features to directly address identified user needs and preferences.
18. How can incorporating accessibility features during the development of an ICT project for social advocacy
positively impact its usability?
A. Accessibility features are unnecessary; focus should be on advanced functionalities.
B. Addressing accessibility is solely the responsibility of end-users, not project developers.
C. Including accessibility features may complicate the project and slow down development.
D. Accessibility features enhance usability by ensuring inclusivity for individuals with diverse needs.
19. During the analysis phase of designing an ICT project for social advocacy, which factor should be given the
highest priority to ensure the project aligns with its social advocacy goals?
A. advanced technological features to impress stakeholders.
B. Relying on the personal preferences of project developers.
C. Thorough consideration of ethical and social impact aspects.
D. Adherence to strict project timeliness and budget constraints.
20. When evaluating the success of an ICT project for social advocacy, which criterion is most crucial for determining
its impact on the target audience and societal goals?
A. The popularity of the project among stakeholders.
B. Adherence to project timeliness and budget constraints.
C. The complexity and sophistication of technological features.
D. The degree to which the project addresses and positively impacts societal needs.
21. You are tasked with creating an innovative feature for an ICT project Focused on social advocacy. Which of the
following features best aligns with the project’s goal of fostering community engagement and empowerment?
A. A sophisticated algorithm for data analysis without community input.
B. A complex interactive feature with limited accessibility for a certain user groups.
C. A user-friendly platform that encourages community members to share their experiences.
D. An advanced notification system for project updates accessible only to project developers.
22. Which of the following is NOT a part of maintaining a website?
A. Analyzing website traffic C. Making sure the website functions correctly
B. Finding a Web host D. Search engine optimization
23. In the implementation phase of an ICT Project aimed at promoting social change, how can you practically apply
technology to amplify the projects impact on the target community?
A. Focus an advanced features that showcase technological prowess.
B. Rely solely on traditional methods, avoiding technological complexities.
C. Implement technology in ways that align with community needs and preferences.
D. Prioritize technology for its own sake, even if it doesn’t directly benefit the community.
24. When assessing the success of an ICT project for social advocacy, which criterion holds the most significance in
determing its positive impact on the target community?
A. The project’s adherence to the initial budget.
B. The popularity of the project among stakeholders.
C. The complexity and sophistication of technological features.
D. The depth to which the project addresses identified community needs.
25. You are tasked with creating an innovative feature for an ICT project focused on social advocacy. Which of the
following features would contribute most to fostering inclusivity and community participation?
A. A sophisticated algorithm for data analysis without community input.
B. A complex interactive feature with limited accessibility a for certain user groups.
C. A user-friendly platform that allows community members to share their experiences.
D. An advanced notification system for project updates accessible only to project developers.
26. What is considered as one of the most popular multimedia applications because of its movies and video games?
A. Advertisement B. Education C. Entertainment D. Industrial
27. Educational websites help make the process of learning entertaining and attractive to the audience, especially in
today’s generation. Which of the following BEST describe computer-based training?
A. a video game
B. a method of training a computer to reject viruses
C. a method of training the computer to perform routine tasks
D. a method of education that allows people to learn at their own pace, using interactive software.
28. What is the relationship between multimedia and ICT?
A. Multimedia is a subset of ICT.
B. ICT involves various forms of media while multimedia encompasses technologies used for communication.
C. Multimedia is a tool for creating various forms of technology while ICT is for storing and creating media
D. None of these
29. This platform gives access to more people by allowing the online community to affix their digital signatures on a
petition. What social platform is being described in the given statement?
A. B. Google C. Twitter D. Yahoo
30. What does ICT stand for?
A. Inform Community Technology
B. Information Community Technology
C. Information and Communication Technology
D. Information of Communication and Technology
31. Protest in Luneta Park from August 22-26, 2013. There were several demos that happened around key cities in the
Philippines and some locations overseas. It was to condemn the misuse of the priority development assistance fund
(PDAF). Which event is being described in the given statement?
A. EDSA II B. EDSA C. Million People March D. Yolanda People Finder
32. A major protest took place sectors. These include civilians, political parties, the military and religious groups. The
radio broadcast helped change the course of history. Without it, Filipinos would not have been moved to action.
Which of the following event is being described in the given statement?
A. EDSA B. EDSA II C. Million People March D. Yolanda People Finder
33. How can Information and Communication Technology contribute to environmental sustainability?
A. Promoting paper-based documentation to reduce electronic waste.
B. Enhancing agricultural practices through precision farming technologies.
C. Improving transportation efficiency through traditional fuel consumption.
D. Minimizing the use of ICT devices for monitoring environmental parameters.
34. In promoting sustainable practices, which Information and Communication Technology strategy is most likely to
reduce environmental impact in urban areas?
A. Encouraging the use of single-use plastics through online campaigns.
B. Discouraging the use of digital platforms for environmental awareness.
C. Deploying smart waste bins with sensors for optimized waste collection.
D. Increasing reliance on traditional, non-digital waste management systems.
35. How can Information and Communication Technology contribute to healthcare accessibility in remote areas?
A. Introducing telemedicine services for remote consultations.
B. Implementing traditional paper-ased medical record systems.
C. Ignoring the integration of digital tools for healthcare outreach.
D. Restricting internet access to healthcare information for privacy concerns.
36. Which of the following best reflects the role of Information and Communication Technology in fostering societal
change and innovation?
A. Avoiding digital literacy initiatives to maintain the status quo.
B. Limiting technological advancements to avoid social disruption.
C. Encouraging a centralized approach to control information flow.
D. Embracing ICT to enhance communication, collaboration, and problem solving.
37. What is the first thing to consider in making an advocacy for petition?
A. Set your goals and objectives.
B. Write a persuasive and concise petition statement.
C. Clearly define the issue or cause your petition addresses.
D. Partner with existing advocacy groups or organizations related to your cause.
38. How are social platforms used in spreading information?
A. Social platforms spread information through virtual networks and communities.
B. Social platforms spread information through the use of cable connectors and signals.
C. Social platforms spread information through radio waves that connects to main networks.
D. All of these
39. What is this element of concept that talks about the reasons why the project is worth the time, effort and money in
creation of the concept paper?
A. Contact Information B. Description C. Introduction D. Purpose
40. What is this element of concept paper that includes all the necessary information about the project or a concept
A. Description B. Introduction C. Support D. Title
41. The process of planning and conceptualizing Social Advocacy that answers when will you know when you reach it
and making sure that you goal is trackable and quantifiable. What goal is being asked?
A. Attainable B. Measurable C. Realistic D. Specific
42. It is the work towards a goal that is challenging but possible and doable. It is about checking of tools or resources
that helps to achieve and attain a goal. What goal is being asked?
A. Attainable B. Measurable C. Realistic D. Specific
43. Which of the following statement is NOT true about concept paper?
A. Concept paper can also be used as a mainstream educational tool to develop and to create solution to a
certain problem or issue.
B. The terms "concept paper”, “proposal" or “abstract” are often used interchangeably as they can be used for
the same function.
C. Concept papers are summaries of projects or issues that contemplate interests, experience and expertise that
commonly serves as a purpose of delivering an in-depth discussion of a certain topic that a person has a strong
position on.
D. None of the above.
44. Title is one of the elements of concept paper. Which of the following define it?
A. It includes all the necessary information about the project or a concept paper.
B. It includes the mission and vision and brief overview of a project or concept paper
C. It includes the reasons why the project is worth the time, effort and money in creation of the concept paper.
D. It serves a lot in terms of getting the audience interest and gives a fully overview of a project or concept
45. Isabel was been recognized by an international organization for outstanding concept paper in the ICT Community.
Which of the following should she provide for the possible sponsors to reach her?
A. She should give her best to find possible sponsors.
B. She should give her complete contact information.
C. She should provide the concept paper’s mission and vision.
D. She should provide her own purpose and goal for the project.
46. In the planning phase of an ICT project focused on social advocacy, how can you effectively incorporate
community input to ensure relevance and impact?
A. Exclude community input to maintain a streamlined project plan.
B. Rely solely the exercise of project developers for decision making.
C. Share project details only after completion to avoid external influence.
D. Conduct surveys, interviews, and focus groups to gather diverse community perspectives.
47. During the analysis phase of planning social advocacy ICT project, what factors should be considered to ensure
the projects aligns with the needs of the target community?
A. Base project decisions on personal opinions without external input.
B. Prioritize project timelines over community engagement to ensure efficiency.
C. Focus solely on technological capabilities without considering community preferences.
D. Evaluate the socioeconomic and cultural context, considering community needs and preferences.
48. In the evaluation of a social advocacy ICT project, which criterion is most crucial to determine its success in
positively impacting the target community?
A. Adherence to the project timeline and budget.
B. The popularity of the project among stakeholders.
C. The number of project features and functionalities.
D. The extent to which the project addresses and meets community needs.
49. You are tasked with creating an innovative feature for an ICT project focussed on social advocacy. Which of the
following ideas best aligns with the project’s goal of fostering community engagement and empowerment?
A. A static website with project details but no interactive features.
B. A chatbot providing information about project updates and timeliness.
C. A complex algorithm to analyse data without direct community involvement.
D. An interactive platform for community members to share their stories and experiences.
50. It is defined by Merriam-Webster as the act of supporting a cause or proposal or the act or process of advocating.
What is this act?
A. Advocacy B. Audience Profiling C. Infographics D. Research

1. D 26. C

2. B 27. C

3. C 28. A

4. B 29. A

5. D 30. C

6. D 31. C

7. B 32. A

8. B 33. B

9. D 34. C

10. B 35. A
36. D
11. A
37. C
12. C
38. A
13. A
39. D
14. B
40. A
15. A
41. B
16. A
42. A
17. D
43. D
18. D
44. D
19. C
45. B
20. D
46. D
21. C
47. D
22. A
48. D
23. C
49. D
24. D
50. A
25. C

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