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Unit 4: Money

Trâm Anh: In a certain remote land, there is a small

shop called Nature. This store has only two sales clerks
named Linh and Vi. One day, two guests came
here.One was named Quynh Chi, the other was Quynh
Anh. They are students.
Vi: Welcome to our store. My name is Vi and this is
Linh. How may we help you?
Chi: Hmm… Do you sell pencils and notebooks here?
Quynh Chi asked
Vi: Yes, of course. You only need to go straight for 1
minute, then turn left. It is on your right. Vi replied
Chi: OK. Thank you!
Trâm Anh: After Quynh Chi finished buying pencils,
she went to the cash register.
Chi: How much are they ? Quynh Chi asked
Linh: The total is 9 $. Linh said
Linh: Cash or card?
Chi: Cash, please.
Linh: Are you a student?
Chi: Yes, I am.
Linh: You have 10% discount.
Chi: Great!
Vi: Anything else?
Chi: No, thanks.
T.Anh: After saying that, Quynh Chi went away.
Vi: Can I help you? Vi asked
Q.Anh: Yes. Where are ruler and highlighter pen,
please? Quynh Anh replied
Vi: You will go straight, turn left then turn right again
and you find them.
Q.Anh: Oh, thanks a lot!
T.Anh: After completing the purchase, Quynh Anh
returned to the cashier's counter and asked:
Q.Anh: What is the price of three highlighter pens and
two rulers?
Linh: Your total is $ 20.
Linh: Cash or card?
Q.Anh: Cash please.
Q.Anh: Here you are.
Linh: Thank you.
Linh: You are a student. Do you want to have the
Q.Anh: No, thanks.
T.Anh: After that, Quynh Anh left the store.
Linh: It’s time to close store.
Vi: Ok. I want to relax. Can we go to the bookstore
to buy some good books?
Linh: It’s a great idea.
Vi: Let’s go.
Chi :Hi. What book do you want to buy?
Trâm Anh: We just imported a new kind of book.
Would you like to read it?
Vi: What book is it? And who is the main character
in this book?
Trâm Anh: It’s story “AVENTURES OF TOM
SAWYER”. The main character is Tom Sayer.
Vi: Woa! I will buy it. How much is it?
Q.Anh: It’s $ 80.
Vi: Here you are. I go first, Linh.
Linh: Ok. Do you sell Pokemon comic books here?
Trâm Anh: Yes, we are. Which episode do you
want to buy?
Linh: I want to buy episode 31 and 35
Q. Anh: Pokemon episode 31 and 35 here.
Linh: Thank you. How much are there?
Q. Anh: Your total is $ 60.
Linh: Here.Bye.
Chi: Thank a lot. See you again.

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