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Grade 8 EMS Worksheet

Goals of the Reconstruction and Development Programme

Read the goals of the RDP below.

Goals of the RDP:

 Job creation
 Human resource development
 Infrastructural and service delivery
 Transformation of the state machinery and civil service
 Building social security for all

Write a short paragraph on how each of these goals would contribute to economic growth.
Look at the rubric to see how you will be assessed.

Teacher assessment rubric: paragraph

Criteria Marks
Information The learner The learner The learner The learner
in paragraph: included more included two included at least included only
facts than two facts facts under each one fact under one fact under
describing under each goal goal of the RDP. each goal of the each goal of the
how each of the RDP. [5 [4 marks] RDP, but two RDP. [1-2 marks]
goal marks] facts under some
contributes goals. [3 marks]
to economic
[Marks out
of 5]
Language use Excellent Good language Acceptable Little attempt to
in paragraph language usage usage with only a language usage use correct
[Marks out with no mistakes. few mistakes with more than language or no
of 5] Own words used. (fewer than three mistakes. attempt to use
[5 marks] three). Own Some sentences own words. [1-2
words mostly are copied from marks]
used. [4 marks] the lesson. [3
Total marks out of 10:

Edupstairs Grade R - 9 Learning

Grade 8 EMS Worksheet
Level 4: 7-10 marks (70–100%) – Outstanding
Level 3: 5-6 marks (50–69%) – Achieved
Level 2: 3-4 marks (35–49%) – Partially achieved
Level 1: 1–2 marks (1–34%) – Not achieved

Edupstairs Grade R - 9 Learning

Grade 8 EMS Worksheet
Suggested Solutions

Question Possible Solution

number marks
Suggested facts to include in paragraph:
1 10  Job creation: The RDP construction work, such as building houses and
other infrastructure, created many jobs for skilled and unskilled
labourers. Community-based public works programmes provided
employment to over 240 000 people. These jobs provided people with
an income which they could spend on goods and services in the
 Human resource development: Through the RDP programme people
got the opportunity to receive skills training, so that their skills could
be developed. In this way, human resource development took place.
Better skilled people earn higher salaries and wages. When people
earn more, they spend and invest more, which contributes to
economic growth.
 Infrastructural and service delivery: Between 1994 and 2001 over 1,1
million RDP houses were built. New clinics were built to provide
healthcare services in rural areas. For instance, children were
immunised against polio at these clinics. If people are healthier, they
spend less time being off sick from work, thereby contributing to
productivity in the economy.
 Transformation of the state machinery and the civil service: The more
effective and productive the state machinery and civil service are, the
more willing foreign investors would be to invest in South Africa.
Foreign investment contributes to economic growth.
 Building social security for all: Social security is important because it
improves the living standards of people in the country. Social security
provides an income to many elderly and other people. This enables
them to participate in the economy. The more people that participate
in the economy, the more the economy grows.

Edupstairs Grade R - 9 Learning

Grade 8 EMS Worksheet
Appendix of Assessment Tools

Teacher assessment rubric: paragraph

Criteria Marks
Information The learner The learner The learner The learner
in paragraph: included more included two included at least included only
facts than two facts facts under each one fact under one fact under
describing under each goal goal of the RDP. each goal of the each goal of the
how each of the RDP. [5 [4 marks] RDP, but two RDP. [1-2 marks]
goal marks] facts under some
contributes goals. [3 marks]
to economic
[Marks out
of 5]
Language use Excellent Good language Acceptable Little attempt to
in paragraph language usage usage with only a language usage use correct
[Marks out with no mistakes. few mistakes with more than language or no
of 5] Own words used. (less than three). three mistakes. attempt to use
[5 marks] Own words Some sentences own words. [1-2
mostly used. [4 are copied from marks]
marks] the lesson. [3
Total marks out of 10:

Level 4: 7-10 marks (70–100%) – Outstanding

Level 3: 5-6 marks (50–69%) – Achieved
Level 2: 3-4 marks (35–49%) – Partially achieved
Level 1: 1–2 marks (1–34%) – Not achieved

Edupstairs Grade R - 9 Learning

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