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Cogent Food & Agriculture

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Agricultural land suitability analysis of Southern

Punjab, Pakistan using analytical hierarchy
process (AHP) and multi-criteria decision analysis
(MCDA) techniques

Sajjad Hussain, Wajid Nasim, Muhammad Mubeen, Shah Fahad, Aqil Tariq,
Shankar Karuppannan, Saeed Alqadhi, Javed Mallick, Hussein Almohamad &
Hazem Ghassan Abdo

To cite this article: Sajjad Hussain, Wajid Nasim, Muhammad Mubeen, Shah Fahad, Aqil Tariq,
Shankar Karuppannan, Saeed Alqadhi, Javed Mallick, Hussein Almohamad & Hazem Ghassan
Abdo (2024) Agricultural land suitability analysis of Southern Punjab, Pakistan using analytical
hierarchy process (AHP) and multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) techniques, Cogent Food &
Agriculture, 10:1, 2294540, DOI: 10.1080/23311932.2023.2294540

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Cogent Food & Agriculture
2024, VOL. 10, NO. 1, 2294540

SOIL & CROP SCIENCES | Research Article

Agricultural land suitability analysis of Southern Punjab, Pakistan using

analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and multi-criteria decision analysis
(MCDA) techniques
Sajjad Hussaina, Wajid Nasimb, Muhammad Mubeenc, Shah Fahadd, Aqil Tariqe,f, Shankar
Karuppannang, Saeed Alqadhih, Javed Mallickh, Hussein Almohamadi and Hazem Ghassan Abdoj

Department of Environmental Sciences, COMSATS University Islamabad, Vehari Campus, Vehari, Pakistan; bDepartment of Agronomy,
University College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur (IUB), Bahawalpur, Pakistan;
Department of Biotechnology, COMSATS University Islamabad, Vehari Campus, Vehari, Pakistan; dDepartment of Agronomy, Abdul
Wali Khan University, Mardan, Pakistan; eDepartment of Wildlife, Fisheries and Aquaculture, College of Forest Resources, Mississippi
State University, MS, USA; fState Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing, Wuhan
University (LIESMARS), Wuhan, China; gDepartment of Applied Geology, School of Applied Natural Science, Adama Science and
Technology University, Adama, Ethiopia; Department of Research Analytics, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences
(SIMATS), Saveetha University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India; hDepartment of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, King Khalid
University, Abha, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; iDepartment of Geography, College of Arabic Language and Social Studies, Qassim
University, Buraydah, Saudi Arabia; jGeography Department, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Tartous University, Tartous, Syria


Received 5 October 2023
Agricultural Land Suitability Analysis plays a pivotal role in sustainable land use planning,
Revised 27 November 2023
aiding decision-makers in identifying areas most conducive to agriculture. This study employs Accepted 8 December 2023
a systematic approach integrating Analytical Hierarchy Process and Multi-Criteria Decision
Analysis techniques to assess and prioritize the suitability of agricultural land in in Southern KEYWORDS
Agriculture; land
Punjab (Multan region). The methodology involves defining clear objectives, identifying
suitability; environment;
relevant criteria and sub-criteria, establishing a hierarchical structure and conducting pairwise GIS; AHP
comparisons to determine the relative importance of each factor. Our outcomes indicated
that almost 43% area was highly suitable for agriculture, 27% moderately suitable, 16% REVIEWING EDITOR
Manuel Tejada,
marginally suitable, 8% less suitable and 6% not suitable for agriculture in study area. All the Universidad de Sevilla,
suitable lands had silty clay or clay type soil, which had sandy loam type soil in Multan Spain
region. The output is a comprehensive suitability map that identifies the most suitable areas
for agriculture in Multan region. Sensitivity analysis and validation are incorporated to enhance SUBJECTS
the robustness and reliability of the results. This methodology provides a valuable tool for Agriculture &
Environmental Sciences;
land use planners and policymakers to make informed decisions regarding agricultural land Earth Sciences;
allocation, contributing to sustainable agricultural practices and resource management. Environmental Studies

1. Introduction Zolekar & Bhagat, 2015). Long-term and short-term

climate change is predicted to affect agricultural pro-
Analysis of land suitability is the procedure of the duction negatively in terms of crop suitability and
valuation of land which is intended to be used for a yield in various regions (G. B. Ahmed et al., 2016;
specific task such as agriculture in regionally Aymen et al., 2021; He et al., 2023; Nguyen et al.,
(Bariotakis et al., 2019; Gilani et al., 2020; Yang et al., 2020; Vincent et al., 2019). Soil texture refers to the
2023). Agriculture has become a prominent concern relative proportions of sand, silt and clay particles
since the early twenty-first century due to tremen- present in a given soil (Zhao et al., 2020; Zhu et al.,
dous rise in the global population (AbdelRahman 2022). These particles vary in size, with sand being
et al., 2016; Akpoti et al., 2019; Elsheikh et al., 2013; the largest, silt intermediate and clay the smallest
Jiao et al., 2023). The change in agriculture and (Cheng et al., 2023; Pant et al., 2023). The combina-
impacts of climate variability are more severe in tion of these particles determines the soil’s texture
areas where plants are less resistant to high tem- (Luo et al., 2022). Soil fertility is a measure of the
peratures (A. Ali et al., 2023; Mubeen et al., 2023; soil’s ability to provide essential nutrients to plants

CONTACT Hazem Ghassan Abdo Geography Department, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Tartous University,
Tartous, Syria
© 2024 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unre-
stricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The terms on which this article has been published allow the
posting of the Accepted Manuscript in a repository by the author(s) or with their consent.

for optimal growth and development (Kazmi et al., objective evaluation of diverse criteria and
2023; Kumar & Pant, 2023). Soil fertility is influenced sub-criteria (M. A. Khan et al., 2022). The novelty
by factors such as organic matter content, microbial also extends to the systematic structuring of the
activity and nutrient cycling within the soil (Rawat decision hierarchy, the rigorous pairwise compari-
et al., 2022; Zheng et al., 2023). Soil drainage is the sons to determine criteria weights and the subse-
ability of the soil to allow water movement through quent application of MCDA techniques for spatial
its profile (Hu et al., 2023; Kumar et al., 2021). analysis (Pant et al. 2022; Tian et al., 2019; Wu
Assessing soil drainage is essential in agricultural et al., 2023).
land suitability analysis, as it directly impacts crop Pakistan’s economy is mostly dependent on agri-
selection, irrigation practices and overall land man- culture, therefore extremely sensitive to changing cli-
agement strategies. Proper drainage contributes to mate (Hussain & Karuppannan, 2021; Hussain,
soil aeration, root development and the prevention Mubeen, Sultana, et al., 2022; Raza et al., 2023;
of water-related stress on crops (Kumar et al., 2022; Waleed et al., 2022). The agricultural livelihoods
Shang et al., 2023; Zhang et al., 2023). mostly depend on income from the production of
Geographic information system (GIS) and remote agricultural commodities (Hussain, Amin, et al., 2022;
sensing (RS) have played an important role in land Majeed et al., 2021). Numerous investigations showed
suitability analysis. The spatial nature of identifying that crop production in Punjab (Pakistan) was expres-
an acceptable site for agriculture necessitates using sively affected due to increase in temperature by
GIS tools (Li et al., 2023; Yalew et al. 2016). The GIS 0.5 °C during the last 30 years (Abdullahi & Pradhan,
is a technique for integrating geographically refer- 2018; Aslam et al., 2017, 2018; Hussain, Lu, et al.,
enced data due to its intrinsic procedures and pro- 2022; Mubeen et al., 2021), less rainfall as well as dif-
cesses (Griffel et al., 2022; Seyedmohammadi & ferences in intensity and frequency of droughts and
Navidi, 2022). Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis floods during the years 1995–2017 (Akram, Amanet,
(MCDA), gives frameworks to define selection et al., 2022; Akram, Jabeen, et al., 2022; Din et al.,
designing, issue analyzing and prioritizing alterna- 2022; Masood et al., 2022; S. Naz et al., 2022). Most
tives (Afzal et al., 2023; Al-Hanbali et al., 2022). farmers are still practicing traditional agriculture in
Therefore, GIS, in combination with MCDA, provides the province (M. Ahmed et al., 2022; Hussain,
tools that allow analysts to systematically overlay Mubeen, Ahmad, Fahad, et al., 2021; Hussain,
diverse quantitative and qualitative criteria in a sin- Mubeen, Ahmad, Masood, et al., 2021; A. Tariq et al.,
gle platform, which has been very useful in agricul- 2023). Land suitability analysis is a major point of
ture management analysis (Anusha et al., 2022; concern in Southern Punjab (Pakistan) (Hussain,
Sekhar et al., 2022). The MCDA process addresses Mubeen, & Karuppannan, 2022; Hussain, Mubeen,
difficult problems by adding particular effective cri- Nasim, et al., 2023; Islam et al., 2021). Decreasing
teria as well as utilizing the planner’s knowledge (A. agricultural land is contributing to loss of human life
Tariq & Mumtaz, 2022). Under ambiguous condi- basic requirements as well as property (M. Ali et al.,
tions, MCDA techniques assist in providing a 2019; Hussain, Mubeen, Ahmad, et al., 2022; Hussain,
methodical strategy to select the most satisfactory Mubeen, Jatoi, et al., 2023; S. M. Khan et al., 2020;
and appropriate solution (A. Tariq et al., 2023). Sabagh et al., 2020; Zahoor et al., 2019). Due to
Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a generally increasing the urban areas, agricultural land has been
used MCDA approach to solve an expansive diver- decreased in Multan region during last few years
sity of spatial issues such as agriculture land suit- (Hussain, Ahmad, et al., 2020; Hussain, Mubeen,
ability (Purnamasari et al., 2022). It derives the Ahmad, et al., 2020; Hussain, Qin, et al., 2022; Hussain,
relevance of factors of a specific decision in a mul- Raza, et al., 2023; R. Khan et al., 2022). The purpose
tilayer hierarchical manner (D. Khan et al., 2022). of this Agricultural Land Suitability Analysis using
This is why; AHP has been generally used in plan- AHP and MCDA techniques is to provide a systematic
ning, resource allocation, water resources and agri- and comprehensive framework for evaluating and
culture land selection (Karuppasamy et al., 2022; prioritizing agricultural land suitability. The study
Khaliq et al., 2022; Tariq, & Mumtaz, 2022). The nov- aims to support decision-makers, land use planners
elty of this work lies in its integration of two pow- and policymakers in making informed choices about
erful decision-making tools – AHP and MCDA – for the allocation of land resources for agricultural pur-
agricultural land suitability analysis (Kumar et al., poses. The key objective of this study was to explain
2022; Tian et al., 2020). The combination of these the suitable area for the growth of agriculture using
techniques allows for a more nuanced and AHP and GIS technology. The purpose of this research
Cogent Food & Agriculture 3

is also to analyze the soil texture, elevation, altitude, in Punjab, Pakistan. Economic of this area was
soil pH, temperature, rainfall, slope as well LULC based on agro-production but agriculture was
changes. The important objective was to support dependent on canals as well as wells due to less
decision making problems (generated by many alter- rainfall.
natives) in a better way.

2.2. Datasets and software use

2. Materials and method
To identify the agriculture land suitability, eight the-
2.1. Study area
matic layers, namely, LULC, elevation, altitude, slope,
The research area was bordered by Southern Punjab soil type, soil pH and climatic data (rainfall and
(Multan division). Study area lies between longi- temperature) were considered. The climatic data
tude 71° 00′ 54″ E to 72° 58′ 43″ E and latitude 29° (temperature and rainfall) were downloaded from
27′ 21″ N to 30°45′ 30″ N approximately (Figure 1). website ( The thematic
The study area has 4 districts which include map of LULC was generated from multi-spectral
Lodhran, Khanewal, Multan and Vehari Districts. pan-sharpened Landsat 8 OLI with a spatial resolu-
Multan is known to be one of the oldest cities in tion of 30 m dated 14 March 2022 were used and
Southern Punjab. Multan region lies at Nili Bar the classification was carried out in ERDAS Imagine
which is between Beaas, Sutluj and Ravi rivers. The 2015 software (Hussain, Mubeen, Akram, et al.,
region of Multan is plain and very productive with 2020). All the factor layers produced in ArcMap 10.6
River of Chenab on western side (passing in District with every layer were resized to 25 m × 25 m reso-
Muzaffargarh). This region is one of the most lution and projected into Rectified Skew
favored parts of the country from an agricultural Orthomorphic (RSO). Buffer layers for soil texture
aspect with land use/land cover (LULC) and human and pH were also created. All the layers were then
settlements. The region of Multan has one of the rasterized and after that reclassified in GIS as per
best cultivated areas which are suitable for various their relative importance. The datasets used for the
crops like wheat, rice, cotton sugarcane and maize. present investigation and their sources are listed in
Multan is the 7th largest city with 4.7 M population Table 1.
in Pakistan. It is main economic and cultural Centre

Figure 1. Study area map of Multan division.


Table 1. List of all datasets and their sources. alternatives. A decision hierarchy is formed when a
No Types of data Source complex choice problem is broken into smaller
1. Elevation IFSAR (DEM) decision problems (Khubaib et al., 2021; A. Naz &
2. Slope IFSAR (DEM)
3. Satellite image (LULC) Landsat 8 classification Rasheed, 2017; Syed & Shahida, 2010). To promote
4. Temperature NASA and accomplish optimal decisions, AHP integrates
5. Rainfall NASA
6. Soil texture IFSAR (DEM)
the decision-subjective maker’s judgments as well
7. Soil pH Generated from IFSAR DEM as empirical evidence (Aftab et al., 2011; Iqbal et al.,
8. Altitude Generated from IFSAR DEM 2021). Eight criteria were selected as inputs to the
AHP exercise based on geo-environmental infra-
structural and characteristics and then further used
2.3. Analytical hierarchy process (AHP) for the weighted overlay analysis in Arc Map
In the context of agricultural land suitability analy- (Rasheed & Naz, 2016; Waseem et al., 2020). Weights
sis, these MCDA methods (weighted sum, weighted were assigned based on expert opinion and litera-
product and fuzzy logic) were applied to integrate ture reviewed in this work, hence normalized
the standardized data from various criteria. For weights of all criteria were tested for consistency
example, using the Weighted Sum Method, the ratio (CR) as indicated by Hassan et al. (2020) using
standardized scores for soil quality, climate condi- the formulas in Equations (1–6).
Preparation of pairwise judgment matrices (X)
tions, topography, water availability and other rele-
vant criteria are multiplied by their respective
j11 j12 … j1n
weights and then summed to obtain an overall
M= j21 j22 … j2 n(1)
suitability score for each location (Kumar & Pant,
⋮ ⋮ ⋮
2023). The Weighted Product Method can be
j31 j32 ⋯ jnn
applied similarly but with multiplication instead of
summation. Fuzzy logic can be used to handle lin-
Where in Equation (1), jn represents the criteria
guistic variables and uncertainties associated with
with jnn being the judgment matrix element.
criteria like climate resilience or social factors. The
choice of MCDA method depends on the nature of
the decision problem, the characteristics of the cri- 2.3.1. Normalization of weights
teria and the preferences of decision-makers. Each
method has its strengths and limitations and the
 GM 
appropriateness of the chosen method should be Wn=  n (2)
 ∑ n=1GMn 
carefully considered based on the specific require- 
ments of the agricultural land suitability analysis
where GMn signifies the geometric mean of the ith
(Hussain et al., 2024).
row of judgment matrices generated using
The variables LULC, elevation, Altitude, slope, soil
Equation (3)
type, soil pH and climatic data (rainfall and tem-
perature) were used for the identification of land
GMn Nt j1n j2 n … jnNt (3)
suitability analysis (Shahab et al., 2016). All the vari-
ables were either in the form of remote sensing
imagery or in the form of excels tables which were
later on transformed in GIS format. After running 2.3.2. Checking the consistency ratio
the AHP calculation on the data, all the layers were
converted into a raster file format for further suit- CI
CR = (4)
ability analysis. Seventeen (17) points in different RCI
districts were marked through a GPS survey that Where CI exhibits consistency index computed from
shows the locations actually having this agriculture. Equation (5)
Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and extensively
used MCDA technique developed by Saaty and λmax − Nt
CI = (5)
Vargas (2006) was considered to prioritize the crite- Nt − 1
ria for land suitability analysis [59]. It is a technique
for analyzing the supporting decisions with many In Equation (5) 𝜆max represents eigen value of the
and competing objectives, as well as multiple matrix M and was calculated using Equation (6)
Cogent Food & Agriculture 5

( MWn ) 3.2. Soil pH

λmax = (6)
NtWn Soil pH is also among the critical lithological factors
in identifying the agriculture land suitability. Soil
In Equation (6), W denotes a weighted vector. The plays an important role in constrictive the suitability
value of RCI (random consistency index) can be obtained of agriculture and the best soil pH for agriculture is
from standard table given by Hassan et al. (2020). The < 7. In the present study, 4 soil pH types were iden-
value ≤0.10 is acceptable for the consistency ratio (CR). tified, which are < 7, 7–7.5, 7.5–8 and > 8 as shown
The flow chart showing the methodological framework in Figure 3(b). For agriculture land suitability, the
for the current research is shown in Figure 2. highest weightage was assigned to 7–8 and the least
preference was given to >8 (Table 2). pH of soil
increased due to increasing the built-up area and
3. Results human activities.

3.1. Soil texture

3.3. Elevation
Soil texture is one of the most significant lithological
factors that also affect agriculture land suitability. Elevation is considered as an influential topographi-
Soil plays an important role in restricting the move- cal parameter in the selection of agricultural land.
ment of agriculture land suitability and the best soil Greater elevation regions are not suitable for agricul-
type for agriculture selection is clay loam, followed ture due to environmental decline. Elevation is pre-
by silty clay and sandy loam. In the present investi- pared by using DEM in ArcMAP. In our research, the
gation, four soil classes were specified, which include region was divided into 4 elevation zones < 300 Ft,
clay loam, silty clay, sandy loam and clay sand as 300–400 Ft, 400–500 Ft and >500 Ft (Figure 3(c)).
shown in Figure 3(a). For agriculture location suitabil- Therefore, regions with higher elevations were given
ity, the most elevated weightage was allocated to the least preference for agriculture, while regions
clay loam unit, while the least preference was given with an elevation between 200 and 400 Ft were
to sandy loam (Table 2). assigned the maximum weightage (Table 2).

Figure 2. Flow chart of detail methodology.


Figure 3. Map of soil texture, soil pH, elevation and altitude in Multan division.

Table 2. Description and weights of soil texture, soil pH, elevation and altitude in Multan division.
No Factors Criteria Sub-criteria Description Weights
1 Lithological Soil texture Clay loam Highly suitable 0.14
Silty clay Moderately suitable
Sandy loam Low suitable
Clay sand Not suitable
2 Lithological Soil pH <7 Highly suitable 0.12
7–7.5 Moderately suitable
1. –8 Low suitable
>8 Not suitable
3 Topographic Elevation (Ft) <300 Highly suitable 0.11
300–400 Moderately suitable
400–500 Low suitable
>500 Not suitable
4 Topographic Altitude (Ft) <500 Highly suitable 0.05
500–1000 Moderately suitable
1000–1500 Low suitable
>1500 Not suitable

3.4. Altitude 3.5. Temperature

Altitude is regarded as another important topograph- Temperature is a pivotal climatic factor in the selec-
ical consideration during selection of agriculture land. tion of agriculture land. Point data for the tempera-
High altitude areas are not suitable for the agriculture. ture was downloaded from NASA site and converted
into GIS climate. The area was divided into four ele-
Altitude is prepared by using DEM from contour map.
vation zones < 27, 27–27.5, 27.5–28 and > 28, as
The area was divided into 4 altitude zones < 500 Ft,
shown in Figure 4(a). High temperature areas are
500–1000 Ft, 1000–1500 Ft and >1500 Ft, as shown in
not suitable for the agriculture due to environmen-
Figure 3(d). Thus, areas with higher altitudes were tal deterioration. Thus, areas with higher tempera-
given the least preference for agriculture, while areas tures (>28) were given the least preference for
with an elevation of between 300 and 1000 Ft assigned agriculture, while areas with a temperature <27.5
the maximum weightage (Table 2). assigned the maximum weightage (Table 3).
Cogent Food & Agriculture 7

Figure 4. Map of temperature, rainfall, slope and LULC in Multan region.

Table 3. Description and weights of temperature, rainfall, slope and LULC in Multan region.
No Factors Criteria Sub-criteria Description Weights
1 Climatic data Temperature <27 Highly suitable 0.15
27–27.5 Moderately suitable
27.5–28 Low suitable
>28 Not suitable
2 Climatic data Rainfall <100 Highly suitable 0.13
100–125 Moderately suitable
125–150 Low suitable
>150 Not suitable
3 Topographic Slope < 15 Highly suitable 0.08
15–30 Moderately suitable
30–45 Low suitable
>45 Not suitable
4 Environmental LULC Vegetation Highly suitable 0.22
Bare soil Moderately suitable
Water bodies Low suitable
Build-up Not suitable

3.6. Rainfall 3.7. Slope

Rainfall is another important climatic criterion for Slope is an essential geomorphological factor for
planning the agriculture. Point data for the rainfall agriculture land suitability. High slope degrees are
was downloaded from NASA site and converted into normally not suitable for agriculture owing to
GIS climate. High rainfall areas are highly suitable for increased drilling costs and deterioration factors.
the agriculture while the low rainfall area is least Percentage slope determines how steep or flat the
preference for agriculture. The area was divided into surface is, higher the slope value means steeper the
four rainfall sub-criteria < 100 mm, 100–125 mm, terrain and low the slope value flatter the terrain.
125–150 mm and >150, as shown in Figure 4(b). Slope was extracted from DEM using spatial analyst
Thus, areas with less rainfall were given the least tool through its raster surface analysis. In this assess-
preference for agriculture, while areas with rainfall > ment, slope layer was divided into four zones <15°,
150 were given the greatest weightage (Table 3). 15–30°, 30–45° and >40° (Figure 4(c)). Due to the

above-mentioned assumptions, the highest prefer- (26.54%) respectively for the agriculture activities in
ence was given to the areas having slope values <15 the study area. The marginal and less suitable areas
and lowest weightage was assigned to the areas were 285,655.16 ha (16%) and 145,054.01 ha (8.13%)
with steeper slope values > 50 (Table 3). respectively for the agriculture activities in Multan
division. Similarly, our analysis showed that
115,443.05 ha (6.47%) is not suitable for agriculture.
3.8. LULC changes Agriculture suitability should not be near roads to
In the present study, four LULC classes, namely, decrease harmful environmental effects and urban
agriculture area, water bodies, bare soil and built-up areas. Agriculture land suitability analysis is a very
area were identified (Figure 3(d)). Hence, the high- important approach by including the data from vari-
est weightage was provided to the vegetated areas ous domains for example crop and soil information,
while the lowest weightage was provided to water economics and social management, which have the
bodies and build-ap land (Table 4). A supervised main influence on the urban regions. Highly
classification technique was used for LULC classes agriculture-suitable regions have no important limits
along with GIS software and additional information for current cropping patterns, for example, main
for the study area. In our study area, vegetation crops with potential of thorough agriculture, if irriga-
area was 153, 0629.88 ha (85.75%) followed by bare tion is available. Moderately agriculture-suitable
soil 42,587 ha (2.38%). Built-up area was 187,949.66 ha regions are also suitable for agriculture production
(10.53%), while the water bodies area was 239, but proper management is necessary.
19.65 ha (1.32%) in Multan division (Table 4). The
LULC is a vital element in understanding the inter- 4. Discussion
relationship between anthropogenic activities and
the environment. Therefore, local agriculture plan- In present research, agriculture land suitability anal-
ners may assess past decisions using this knowl- ysis was carried out using the MCDA method, like
edge, as well as gain insight into the potential (AHP) and weighted overlay analysis in a GIS tools.
impacts of their present decisions before they are GIS based on MCDA technique is useful for agricul-
introduced. ture land suitability. Asase and Peterson (2019), has
studied general physical conditions such as topogra-
phy, elevation, aspect (orientation), LULC and
3.9. Agriculture land suitability Distance from woody biomass sources, factors.
The GIS based on the MCDA technique is useful for Secondly, costs include distance from railways,
agriculture land suitability. Hence, eight factors were power lines, water bodies, sewer water treatment
entered into the weighted overlay analysis and the plants and community (Talib et al., 2019). The third
conclusive obtained output is illustrated in Figure 5. group was of environmental impacts on Wildlife
This output was classified into five classes, ie (a) habitat/endangered species areas, wetland areas,
highly suitable, (b) moderate suitable, (c) marginally flood plain and public land suitable for woody
suitable, (d) less suitable and (e) not suitable. The biomass-based ethanol plants. According to our
regions under these classes are given in Table 5. The study, the high and moderate suitable areas were
majority of Multan division is classified as highly suit- 765,106.73 ha (42.86%) and 473,827.24 ha (26.54%),
able for agriculture; with 765,106.73 ha (42.86%) clas- respectively, for the agriculture activities in study
sified as very high suitability. On the basis of the area. Highly agriculture suitable regions have no
agriculture suitability index map, only a very high important limits for current cropping patterns, for
and moderate suitability class was selected for the example, main crops with potential of thorough
agriculture activities. The high and moderate suitable agriculture.
areas were 765,106.73 ha (42.86%) and 473,827.24 ha Badr et al. (2018) carried out a suitability analysis
for determination of environmental factors and indica-
tors for Crimean juniper plant species in Acipayam
Table 4. Area distribution of LULC in Multan region. District, Turkey. The evaluated environmental variables
No LULC classes Area (ha) Area (%) were elevation, slope, radiation index, topographic
1 Vegetation area 1,530,629.88 85.75 position, landform characteristics and parent material
2 Bare soil 42,587 2.38
3 Water bodies 23,919.65 1.34
and plant species. Considering the provincial physical
4 Build-ap area 187,949.66 10.53 and plant growing conditions, it was decided that soil
Total 1,785,086.19 100 type, climate conditions and topographic variables will
Cogent Food & Agriculture 9

Figure 5. Map of agriculture land suitability in study area.

land use for different crops. Geoinformatics allow an

Table 5. Area distribution for agriculture land suitability in
Multan region. assignment of spatial implications to LULC changes,
No Suitability classes Area (ha) Area (%) namely, population pressure, climate, terrain, etc.
1 High suitable 765,106.73 42.86 which is the driving forces of these changes (Chandio
2 Moderate suitable 473,827.24 26.54 et al., 2011; Kabir et al., 2017). The processes of sur-
3 Marginal suitable 285,655.16 16
4 Less suitable 145,054.01 8.13 face changes, identifying the characteristics and
5 Not suitable 115,443.05 6.47 quantitative analysis can be analyzed from the vari-
Total 1,785,086.19 100
ous periods of RS data.
In Pakistan, where agriculture is a cornerstone of
the economy, such analyses hold particular signifi-
be evaluated for the suitability criteria (Jamali et al.,
cance. By integrating diverse factors like soil quality,
2014). Conversely, various studies reported that less
climate conditions, water availability and terrain char-
than 10% of the available reported literature on RS
acteristics, agricultural land suitability analysis pro-
and agriculture fundamentally concentrate on crop- vides valuable insights for farmers, policymakers and
ping practices. This is fundamental for some, reasons, land managers. It guides crop selection, irrigation
including the capacity to pose the correct inquiries strategies and land-use planning, ultimately optimiz-
and utilize the proper apparatuses and profundity of ing agricultural productivity while minimizing envi-
examination in noting them and the capacity to ronmental impacts. Additionally, as climate change
deliver final results that fulfill worldwide guidelines for continues to pose challenges, these analyses help
cross-country correlations. anticipate and adapt to shifting agricultural condi-
Zeraatpisheh et al. (2017) reported the conven- tions, enhancing resilience in the face of evolving cli-
tional and digital soil mapping approaches to predict mate patterns. However, the success of such analyses
soil classes in Iran. According to Hussain, Lu, et al. hinges on reliable data, advanced technologies like
(2022), Multan division is the most productive land GIS and remote sensing and effective community
for the vegetation areas. Hussain, Ahmad, et al. engagement to ensure that local knowledge and
(2020) stated that awareness and perception about preferences are considered in decision-making.
climate change impacts have a major effect on farm- Appropriate utilization of fertilizer, furthermore, is
ers. Hussain, Mubeen, Ahmad, et al. (2022) stated considered an important function in increasing the
that climate change impacts can be measured from productivity of vegetation and providing heightened
the perspectives of perception and awareness. The yields (Singha et al., 2023). This can only be possible
information about land cover and agro-ecological with an acceptable understanding of climatic features
zone helps to identify the areas of change in a region and by presenting attention to agriculturalists about

the most suitable fertilizer according to temperature embracing technological advancements, to ensure
range of the cropping region (Alsafadi et al., 2023). their ongoing relevance and effectiveness in guiding
Fertilizers at low prices should be available so that responsible land use. As the global demand for food
farmers can improve the productivity of the soil. surges and environmental concerns intensify, agricul-
Preparation of the field and choosing seeds tolerable tural land suitability analysis remains a crucial tool in
to high temperatures is critical to get maximum yield. achieving the dual objectives of agricultural prosper-
It was observed that simple methods for ploughing ity and environmental sustainability. This study will
to shallow depth are used which is the reason for low give us future predictions and areas which could be
yield because deep ploughing improves the growth used for agriculture. Finally, the federal government,
and development of plants. The latest agricultural local government and city planners can also use the
methods and machinery should be used to increase results of this site selection analysis to guide and
production. Hence, proper management of this vege- make future decisions. Extend the research to pro-
tation cover, water resources and building area are vide policy recommendations based on the identified
necessary, because these valuable plant and water suitable areas, helping policymakers in the formula-
resources may soon be lost without proper manage- tion of land use policies that promote sustainable
ment. These resources may stop playing the neces- agriculture. As climate change continues to impact
sary role in agricultural production and the agricultural practices, future studies can incorporate
socio-economic development of the region. climate change scenarios into the analysis. This
would involve assessing the resilience of identified
5. Conclusion suitable areas to potential climate variations, ensur-
ing that the land remains viable for agriculture in the
The study aims to support decision-makers, land use long term.
planners and policymakers in making informed
choices about the allocation of land resources for
agricultural purposes. By integrating AHP and MCDA, Acknowledgements
the methodology seeks to enhance the precision and The authors extend their appreciation to the Deanship of
objectivity of the decision-making process, ultimately Scientific Research at King Khalid University for funding
contributing to sustainable agricultural practices and this work through Research Group under grant number
land management. A number of environmental, RGP1/440/44. The authors are also grateful to editors and
potential reviewers.
topographical, lithological and socio-economic
parameters were considered for the agriculture land
suitability in Southern Punjab (Pakistan). The agricul- Authors’ contributions
ture land suitability map indicated that the majority
Conceptualization and supervision: SH, WN and MM; writ-
of the areas were highly suitable for agriculture pur-
ing review and editing: SH, WN, SF, AT, HGA, SK and HA;
poses in Multan region. Only small patches were data curation and formal analysis SH, WN, SF, AT, MM, SA,
found not suitable for agricultural activities. Almost JM, HGA, SK and HA; evidence collection, review and edit-
43% of the studied land was highly suitable for agri- ing: SH, WN, JM, SF, AT, HA, SK and HGA.
culture, 27% moderately suitable, 16% marginally
suitable, 8% less suitable and 6% was not suitable
for agriculture in the studied area. Most of the iden- Disclosure statement
tified suitable land sites were found under agricul- No potential conflict of interest was reported by the
tural land use types and these sites lie in a vegetated author(s).
area. All the suitable lands had silty clay or clay type
soil texture. The present research also highlighted
the usage of spatial analysis processes in GIS for About the authors
selecting agricultural land. GIS has the capability to Sajjad Hussain is PhD scholar in Department of
handle a large number of datasets of spatial and Environmental Science, COMSATS University Islamabad,
non-spatial data in a short period of time. In Pakistan, Vehari Campus. He published 20 research article in interna-
where agriculture plays a pivotal role in the economy tional journals (with more than 75 Impact Factor) and 20
book chapter in international books. My research interests
and food security, the insights derived from land
are: Assessment of land surface temperature, land use land
suitability analysis are invaluable. However, it is cover changes, Cropping pattern, NDVI, NDBI, urban plan-
essential to continually update and refine these ning and management using remote sensing, MODIS, sen-
assessments, incorporating local knowledge and tinel as well as multi spectral remote sensing data.
Cogent Food & Agriculture 11

Wajid Nasim Jatoi serving Department of Agronomy, Sciences (SoANS), Adama Science and Technology, Adama,
Faculty of Agriculture & Environment, The Islamia University Ethiopia. He is a Distinguished Adjunct Professor at the
of Bahawalpur (IUB), Pakistan since November 21, 2019. Department of Research Analytics, Saveetha Institute of
Before joining IUB, he served the Department of Medical and Technical Sciences (SIMATS), Saveetha
Environmental Sciences, COMSATS University Islamabad University, Chennai-600077, Tamil Nadu, India. He has 15
(Vehari Campus), Pakistan for 08 years, and Quaid-i-Azam years of experience in teaching and research. His research
University Islamabad, (Pakistan) for 01 year at different interests include hydrogeology, environmental pollution,
positions. He published more than 100 peer reviewed geostatistics, remote sensing, and GIS applications to geol-
research publications (with more than 400 Impact Factor) ogy, water, soil, natural hazards, agrarian, and environmen-
and organized more than 50 national and international tal resources. He is an active researcher and has published
conferences/seminars/workshops and attended more than over 80 papers in peer-reviewed journals, 26 research
50 national & international conferences/seminars/work- papers presented at national and international conferences
shops as invited/keynote speaker, also write International and seminars, 4 chapters in books, and 2 books.
book “Building Climate Resilience in Agriculture” as first
editor published by Springer Nature. Dr. Saeed Alqadhi is a distinguished academic and
researcher in the field of Civil Engineering, currently serv-
Dr. Muhammad Mubeen has been working as Assistant ing as the Dean at the College of Engineering, King Khalid
Professor at Department of Environmental Sciences,
University, Saudi Arabia. He earned his Ph.D. in Civil
COMSATS University Islamabad, Vehari Campus (Pakistan)
Engineering from Purdue University, USA, in 2018, and
since July, 2014. His areas of interest include Agronomy,
holds a Master of Science in Engineering Management
Climate change and Agro-meteorology, Crop Growth
from California State University, Northridge, USA. His pro-
Modeling, Remote sensing and GIS and Water manage-
fessional journey includes roles as an Assistant Professor
ment. He has over 60 publications in national and interna-
and lecturer in Civil Engineering at King Khalid University.
tional peer reviewed journals and books. He has expertise
His research interests encompass transportation planning
in Cropping system model “Decision Support System for
Agro-technology Transfer (DSSAT) and GIS softwares and management, traffic safety, and econometric model-
(ArcGIS and ERDAS). He is reviewer of many national and ing. Dr. Alqadhi is also involved in consultancy work and
international well-reputed journals. He is also editor of serves on various academic committees and professional
international book. societies. He has authored numerous journal articles, con-
ference papers, and book chapters, focusing on topics like
Dr. Shah Fahad is working as Assistant Professor in the transportation planning, traffic safety, and econometric
Department of Agronomy, Abdul Wali Khan University modeling. His research projects cover a wide range of
Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. He obtained his issues in civil engineering, including the impacts of high-
PhD in Agronomy from Huazhong Agriculture University, way maintenance, bridge surface maintenance, and land-
China, in 2015. After doing his postdoctoral research in slide management using advanced technologies like deep
Agronomy at the Huazhong Agriculture University (2015– learning and artificial intelligence. His work is characterized
17), he accepted the position of Assistant Professor at the by a blend of practical engineering applications and inno-
University of Haripur. He has published over 450 vative research methodologies.
peer-reviewed papers (Impact factor 2334.31) with more
than 390 research and 60 review articles, on important Prof. Dr. Javed Mallick is a renowned Professor in the
aspects of climate change, plant physiology and breeding, Department of Civil Engineering at King Khalid University,
plant nutrition, plant stress responses and tolerance mech- Saudi Arabia, specializing in Geoinformatics. He earned his
anisms, and exogenous chemical priming-induced abiotic Ph.D. from Jamia Millia Islamia, India, and his Master’s in
stress tolerance. Geoinformatics from ITC, The Netherlands. Dr. Mallick’s
research focuses on environmental and hydrological stud-
Aqil Tariq received the Ph.D. degree in photogrammetry
ies, advanced remote sensing, GIS, and geostatistical anal-
and remote sensing from the State Key Laboratory of
Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping, and ysis. He has an extensive publication record with 205
Remote Sensing, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, in 2021. peer-reviewed papers and significant involvement in
He is currently with the Department of Wildlife, Fisheries undergraduate, postgraduate, and research grant projects.
and Aquaculture, Mississippi State University, Mississippi Recognized for his excellence in teaching, academic devel-
State, MS, USA. He is the author of more than 130 journal opment, and research, Dr. Mallick has received numerous
articles and conference proceedings papers. His research institutional awards. He has also played key roles in quality
interests include photogrammetry, precision agriculture, coordination and academic assessment within his univer-
3-D geoinformation, urban analytics, spatial analysis to sity and nationally, contributing notably to the field of
examine land use/land cover, geospatial data science, agri- urban and water informatics. His influential work has
culture monitoring, natural hazards (forest fire, landslide, placed him among the “Top 2% Scientists in the world” in
droughts, and flood) forest monitoring, forest cover dynam- Geological & Geomatics Engineering, as listed by Stanford
ics, spatial statistics, multicriteria algorithms, ecosystem University for 2021 and 2022.
sustainability, hazards risk reduction, statistical analysis,
Dr. Hussein Almohamad received a PhD in Physical
and modeling using Python, R, and MATLAB.
Geography from Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany
Shankar Karuppannan is an Associate Professor in the in 2009. He is a full professor at the Department of
Department of Applied Geology, School of Applied Natural Geography, Qassim University, Saudi Arabia. His research

interests include climatology, physical and human hazards, evaluation based multi criteria and GIS approach [Paper
hydrology, data visualization and remote sensing. presentation]. In W. N. Jatoi, M. Mubeen, A. Ahmad, M. A.
Cheema, Z. Lin, M. Z. Hashmi (Eds.), IOP Conference Series:
Dr. Hazem Ghassan Abdo is a faculty member with a Ph.D.
Earth Environment Science (Vol. 37, No. 1, p. 012044). IOP
completed at the Geography Department, Tartous
University, Syria. He earned his Ph.D. in Physical Gheography
Ahmed, M., Aslam, M. A., Hayat, R., Nasim, W., Akmal, M.,
from Damascus University, Syria, in 2020, and holds a
Mubeen, M., & Ahmad, S. (2022). Nutrient dynamics and the
Master of Science in Physical Gheography from Tishreen
role of modeling. In W. N. Jatoi, M. Mubeen, A. Ahmad, M.
University, Syria. His main research interests are the use of
A. Cheema, Z. Lin, M. Z. Hashmi (Eds.), Building climate resil-
Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems for
ience in agriculture (pp. 297–316). https://doi.
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Akpoti, K., Kabo-Bah, A. T., & Zwart, S. J. (2019). Agricultural
text of environmental and geomorphological shifts, which
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significantly interests him.
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Systems, 173, 172–208.
Funding Akram, R., Amanet, K., Iqbal, J., Fatima, M., Mubeen, M.,
The authors extend their appreciation to the Deanship of Hussain, S., & Fahad, S. (2022). Climate change, insects
Scientific Research at King Khalid University for funding and global food production. In Shah Fahad, Muhammad
this work through Small Groups Project under grant num- Adnan, Shah Saud, Lixiao Nie (Eds.), Climate change and
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ORCID Hammad, H. M., Zamin, M., Habib ur Rahman, M., Iqbal,
J., Rehmani, M. I. A., Tariq, M., Abbas, G., Mirza, N.,
Hazem Ghassan Abdo http://orcid. Mubarak, H., Mahmood, F., Sajjad, M., Ali, S. & Nasim, W.
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M. Mubeen, A. Ahmad, M. A. Cheema, Z. Lin, & M. Z.
Hashmi (Eds.), Building climate resilience in agriculture
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