Oral Presentation Rubric

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Oral Presentation Rubric: Intermediate

1=Below Average 2=Satisfactory 3=Above Average 4= Excellent

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Originality The presenter The presenter kept the The presenter was somewhat The presenter was un-
sustained the interest attention of the audience enthusiastic and kept the enthusiastic; the
of the audience in the whole time and the audience's attention for the audience's attention
clever and innovative purpose of the most part. The purpose of the showed disinterest and
ways and achieved the presentation was presentation was mainly the purpose for the
purpose of the achieved. achieved. presentation was not
presentation. achieved.
The introduction and Presenter gave a clear and Presenter gave a clear Presenter did not give
Structure actual presentation concise introduction of introduction of the topic, but a clear and concise
were exceptionally the topic. The flow of the the presentation was introduction of the
well- organized and presentation was clear and somewhat unclear. For the topic. The flow of the
easy to understand. concise and easy to most part it was somewhat presentation was
follow. confusing to follow. unclear and confusing
to follow.
Presenter used the Presenter used correct Presenter used correct Presenter used
Language BEST sentence sentence structure/syntax sentence structure/syntax that incorrect sentence
Usage structure/syntax that that was appropriate in was mostly appropriate for the structure/syntax that
supported the topic. supporting the topic. No topic. A few (1-5) was not appropriate for
(grammar Franglicismes/slang/re franglicismes/slang/reduct franglicisimes/slang/reduction the topic.
and syntax) ductions were NEVER ions were used. s were used. Franglicismes/slang/re
used. ductions were very
often (6+ times) used.
Uses the BEST Uses vocabulary Uses vocabulary appropriate Uses several (5 or
Vocabulary vocabulary for the appropriate for the for the audience. Does not more) words or
audience. Defines audience. Includes 1-2 include any vocabulary that phrases that are
words that might be words that might be new might be new to the audience. inappropriate and not
new to most of the to most of the audience, understood by the
audience. but does not define them. audience.

Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and distinctly Frequently mumbles
Pronunciatio distinctly all (100- distinctly all (100-95%) most (94-85%) of the time. OR mispronounces
n+ 95%) the time, and the time, but Mispronounces 2-5 words in several (6+) key words
mispronounces no mispronounces one word. the presentation. in the presentation.
Enunciation words.

The presenter is Presenter was well Presenter was somewhat Presenter was clearly
Delivery VERY WELL prepared and delivered prepared. Delivery of the unprepared to present
prepared and delivers ideas with lots of eye presentation was made but to the audience.
ideas in a clear and contact. Appropriate voice with strong dependence on Marked lack of eye
concise manner, volume, tone and pacing. notes and hesitation. Some contact, poor voice
without depending too Gestures supported the eye contact and good voice volume, tone and
much on notes. overall presentation. volume, tone and pacing. pacing. Inappropriate
Volume, pacing and Some appropriate gestures gestures which
gestures contribute that supported the detracted from the
maximally to the presentation. presentation.
Teacher’s Feedback Sheet:




















Total Points: ____/24

©Roseline Khan (B.Ed., TESOL)

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