AQA GCSE Chem C2 Summary Question Answers

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Student Book answers C2 Summary questions

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1ai Group 7 1
1 a ii Group 0 1
1 a iii Group 1 1

GCSE Chemistry only

1 a iv between Groups 2 and 3 1
1bi transition elements 1

1 b ii Group 1 / alkali metals 1

1 b iii Group 0 / noble gases 1
1 b iv Group 7 / halogens 1
2a 7 electrons as Group 7 1
2b solid 1
2ci ionic 1
2 c ii white 1
2 c iii NaAt 1
2 c iv sodium + astatine  sodium astatide 1
2Na + At2 → 2NaAt 1
2cv yes, chlorine more reactive than astatine 1
so At displaced 1

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Student Book answers C2 Summary questions

Question Answer Marks Guidance

2d F, Cl, Br, I, At 1
The smaller the halogen atom, the more readily it 1
accepts/ gains extra electron into its outermost shell,
becomes halide ion with single negative charge, 1
the stronger the electrostatic force of attraction between 1
nucleus and extra electron entering smaller atom’s
outermost shell as electron closer to nuclear charge,
and it becomes less shielded from nuclear charge than 1
larger atoms with more inner shells of electrons.
These two factors outweigh fact that nuclear charge is 1
more positive going down Group 7.
3a soft good 1
electrical conductivity 1
low melting point 1
3bi 1+ 1
3 b ii Rubidium compound Chemical formula 3
rubidium iodide RbI
rubidium fluoride RbF
rubidium hydroxide RbOH
3ci 2Rb(s) + 2H2O(l) → 2RbOH(aq) + H2(g) 3
3 c ii 2Rb(s) + Cl2(g) → 2RbCl(s) 2

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Student Book answers C2 Summary questions

Question Answer Marks Guidance

3d more vigorous, 1
because loses its outer electron more easily 1
further from nucleus than in potassium, 1
shielded from nuclear charge by extra inner shell of 1
these two factors overcome larger nuclear charge of 1
rubidium atom compared with potassium atom

GCSE Chemistry only

4ai copper(II) sulfate blue, sodium sulfate white 1
4 a ii Copper forms two types of ion whereas sodium only 1
forms a 1+ ion.
4b Copper has a much higher melting point, 1
is harder, 1
and denser than sodium. 1
4c sodium is much more reactive than copper, 1
reacts vigorously with water, 1
giving off hydrogen gas and forming sodium hydroxide, 1
copper does not react with water 1

5a arranged elements in order of atomic weight, 1

started new rows to allow elements with similar properties 1
to align

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Student Book answers C2 Summary questions

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5b Mendeleev predicted properties of ‘as yet undiscovered’ 1
in gaps left in his table 1
so that similar elements would line up. 1
When new elements discovered, 1
they closely matched properties predicted, 1
→ powerful evidence Mendeleev’s table was valid 1
5c They did not know about atomic structure 1
or existence of isotopes 1
so did not know elements are ordered by atomic number. 1
6a Metal atoms lose electrons to form positive ions 1
with the stable electronic structure of a noble gas. 1
Magnesium atom (2, 8, 2) loses its two outermost 1
electrons to attain electronic structure of neon (2, 8) in
Mg2+ ion.
Non-metal atoms gain electrons to form negatively 1
charged ions
with the stable electronic structure of a noble gas. 1
Oxygen atom (2, 6) gains two electrons to form oxide ion 1
(2, 8), also with stable electronic configuration of neon.
6b radius of ion smaller 1
because no electrons in outermost shell 1

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