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DERMA common Dx Tx

Friday, December 7, 2018

8:50 AM

Acne vulgaris, improved ILSI 10 mg/ml (1:3) today; ideally for TCA peel today but will
defer procedure for now as per patient's request. Continue
Tretinoin 0.025% cream on whole face ODHS. Continue BP
0.5% gel BID spot treatment. Continue Teranex soap BID.
Acne vulgaris Apply Benzoyl peroxide as spot treatment BID on
erythematous papules. Sunblock SPF 30 above then reapply
every 2-3 hours 30 mins prior to exposure. Apply Tretinoin
0.025% solution ODHS for face. Glycolic soap daily for
washing. Ffup after 2 weeks.
Folliculitis, scalp Continue Clear shampoo dail. Mupirocin ointment BID on
affected erythematous area for 1 week only.
Irritant contact dermatitis, Desonide (Desoven) 0.05% cream (sample) given apply BID
neck for 1 week only on neck
Irritant contact dermatitis, KOH done. Candibec cream BID x 1 week on affected left
left palm secondary to palm. Cetirizine 10 mg/tab 1 tab as needed for itch.
epoxy (mighty bond) resin
Contact dermatitis prob sec Continue previously given Clotrimazole + Beclometasone
to laundry detergent dipropionate + Gentamycin for 1 more week. Shift to
Cetaphil restoraderm lotion BID and cleanser (sample).
Contact dermatitis sec to Fluocinolone acetonide ointment BID for 1-2 weeks.
detergent Petroleum jelly 2-3x/day over lesions.
Seborrheic dermatitis Ketoconazole + Zinc Pyrithione (Scalpex), lather and leave
on for 10-15 min before rinsing, use daily for shampooing for 2
weeks then every other day for 2 weeks. Head and shoulders
shampoo, use every other day alernating with Scalpex
Seborrheic dermatitis Daktacort cream, apply BID x 1 week on affected areas,
followed by Nizoral shampoo, leave on 5-10 min, let drip n face.
Use daily x 2 weeks then every other day x 2 weeks, then 1x
per week x 2 weeks, then 1x every 2 weeks on maintenance.
Tinea corporis Beclomethasone + Clotrimazole cream BID x 1 week.
Clotrimazole cream BID x 4 weeks. Cetirizine 10mg/tablet 1
tablet ODHS x 5 days then as needed for itch. NSS compress
10-15 minutes BID x 7 days.
Cellulitis, left lower leg Cloxacillin 500mg/cap QID x 7 days to be extended for 10
days. Mefenamic Acid 500mg/cap TID PRN pain. Discontinue
NSS compress 10-1.
Scabies infection Permethrin lotion 5% apply over affected area from the neck
down to the ips of both toes then place it for 8-10 min or at
night then rinse thoroughly the next day and repeat again next
week. Cetirizine 10mg/tab, 1 tab OD for 1 week then PRN for
Atopic Dermatitis Petroleum jelly 2-3x/day all over body. Mupirocin(bactroban)
ointment BID x 7 days on open sites/wounds on cheeks and
ears. Shift to cetaphil Restoderm cleanser once Physiogel is

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