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1. Social networking involves communication between ___________.

 Two or more people

2. Which of the following media is/are used by social networking sites for
 Video
 Audio
 Text

3. In 1969, the US govt formed an agency named _______________ to connect

computers at various universities and defence agencies.

4. Find out the primary domain name from the example given below:
 Org

5. Expand URL.
 Uniform Resource Locator

6. Expand WWW.
 World Wide Web

7. A ______________ consists of many web pages linked together in a coherent

 Website

8. What is the internet?

 Network connecting computers all over the world

9. E-mail stands for?

 Electronic mail

10. What is the URL of a website?

 It is the location of website on internet

11. Putting files to the server from the computer is?

 Uploading

12. What does FTP stand for?

 File Transfer Protocol

13. The "S" in HTTPS stands for?

 Secure

14. ISP stands for?

 Internet Service Provider
15. OTP stands for?
 One Time Password

16. Which of these is required while signing up to an email?

 Phone Number
 Name
 Password

17. A good password must contain?

 Capital and small case alphabets
 At least one number
 At least one alphanumeric character

18. What is the initial network communication called?


19. Why is the IP address of a computer required?

 Identify it on internet

20. What does IP stand for?

 Internet Protocol

21. Internet can be accessed using which of these software's?

 Web Browser

22. Which of these is required to send mail?

 Email id

23. ARPANET stands for?

 Advanced Research Project Agency Network

24. An internet service that allows the user to move a file.


25. Any system that uses the HTTP protocol is called _________
 Web Server

26. Any computer that can access the server is called?

 Web Client

27. What is internet?

 interconnection of wide area networks

28. To join the internet, the computer has to be connected to a _________

 internet service provider

29. Which of the following protocols is used in the internet?


30. Which of the following is the most viral section of the internet? ____ type of sites is
known as friend-of-a-friend site.
 Social networking sites

31. Which of them is a proper measure of securing social networking account?

 Never keep your password with any relevant names

32. Try to keep your passwords without meaning so that ______attack becomes almost
impossible to perform successfully.
 password guessing

33. Increase your security for social media account by always ____________ as you step
away from the system.
 logging out

34. Part of the social media sites are the various games & 3rd party applications which
helps ______________ to get access to your data.
 cyber-criminals

35. Many social media sites and services provide _______________ for legitimate
account verification.
 2-step verification

36. ________________ are unnecessary software which infiltrates user’s system, spy on
user’s activities, stealing internet usage data & sensitive information of that user.
 Spyware

37. They spy on our digital habits and spy on which data is more sensitive or useful for
its creator. Who are ‘they’ referring to here?
 Spyware

38. Spyware collects user’s personal data & spreads it to______________ data-firms, or
its creator.
 advertisers

39. _____________ tracks your data and displays those products as ads for promotions.
 Ad-based spyware

40. _________________ disguises them as legitimate software & appear as Java or Flash
Player updates. They will periodically collect your system data and send it to its
 Spy-trojans
41. ____________ records all your key-strokes, chat-room dialogs, program run in your
system, and system details.
 System Monitors

42. If you’ve accidentally clicked any pop-up which seems malicious, it is recommended
to take steps to remove it and proactively change your ________ and delete
browsing activities from web browser.
 passwords

43. ______________ is an internet scam done by cyber-criminals where the user is

convinced digitally to provide confidential information.
 Phishing attack

44. In _______________ some cyber-criminals redirect the legitimate users to different

phishing sites and web pages via emails, IMs, ads and spyware.
 Phishing

45. Phishers often develop ______________ websites for tricking users & filling their
personal data.
 illegitimate

46. Which of the following type of data, phishers cannot steal from its target victims?
 apps installed in the mobile

47. _____________ = voice + phishing.

 Vishing

48. _____________ are unwanted software intended to pitch advertisements upon the
user’s screen, most often within a web browser.
 Adware

49. Users might invite some bogus virus in his/her system by clicking the ____________
 Adware

50. Creators of _____________ also sell your browsing behaviour & information to 3rd
 Adware

51. Which among the following is not a symptom of your system compromised with
 System takes restarts frequently

52. A ___________ consists of at least one bot server or controller and one or more
 Botnet
53. A _____________ is a number of Internet-connected systems, where each of them is
running one or more bots.
 Botnet

54. Infected computers and other systems within the botnet are called __________

55. A computer ________ is a malicious code which self-replicates by copying itself to

other programs.
 virus
56. Which of them is not an ideal way of spreading the virus?
 Official Antivirus CDs

57. Servers are computers that provide resources to other computers connected to a
 Network

58. Sending an E-mail is similar to

 Writing a letter

59. Documents converted to ____ can be published to the web.


60. Which term identifies a specific computer on the web and the main page of the
entire site?

61. The linking of computers with a communication system is called

 Networking

62. The phrase ____ describe viruses, worms, Trojan horse attack applets and attack
 Malware

63. Abuse messaging systems to send unsolicited is

 Spam

64. A person who uses his or her expertise to gain access to other people’s computers to
get information illegally or do damage is a
 Hacker

65. Encrypted passwords are used for

 Security purpose
 Passwords list secret

66. A firewall
 Separates a network into multiple domains
67. A program designed to destroy data on your computer which can travel to infect
other computers is called a _____
 Virus

68. _____ are often delivered to PC through an E-mail attachment and are often
designed to do harm.
 Spam

69. A hacker contacts your phone or E-mails and attempts to acquire your password is
 Phishing

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