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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII
Division of Sarangani
Maasim 1 District
Bongo, Amsipit, Maasim Sarangani Province


The School Safety Assessment Tool (SSAT) shall be used to assess the
readiness of the schools to participate in the conduct of the pilot implementation of
face-to-face learning modality in the time of COVID-19 pandemic. It is imperative
that teachers are equipped on the guidelines and methodologies as preparation for
the possible comeback of face-to-face teaching-learning process.

Bongo Integrated School conducted its LAC session on the E-SSAT

orientation which aims to provide substantial inputs to teachers. The session started
at exactly 8:30 in the morning. Temperature check was done by Ma’am Reilly Vic
G. Amigos the guidance advocate of the school. A welcoming message which
gives emphasis on the role of the teachers in the pursuit of quality education for all
was given by the very energetic and supportive School head-Sir Mateo L. Gulac.
The session started as the resource speaker in the person of Ma’am Sara Lee A.
Castillon, Teacher 1 in Junior High School facilitated.

Most of the participants were present during the orientation. Ma’am

Sara Lee A. Castillon presented the inclusion of the E-SSAT and its importance.
She then discussed the samples of physical preparations needed to maintain
minimum health protocols inside the school premises. She later on presented
samples of lesson presentation as well as strategies in order to have an effective
classroom management with all health protocols being observed. Ma’am Castillon
finished her presentation by an activity where all participants were involved. The
LAC session was done and eventually provided takeaways for teachers to use as
preparation for the limited face-to-face learning.

LAC session was ended with a zumba led by Ma’am Castillon and a
closing prayer by Sir Eugene Louie G. Ibarra.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of Sarangani
Maasim 1 District
Bongo, Amsipit, Maasim Sarangani Province



Face to face learning is an instructional method where course content

and learning materials are taught in person to a group of students. This allows for a
live interaction between a learner and instructor. Face to face classes ensures a
better understanding and recollection of lesson content and gives class members a
chance to bond with one another.

Bongo Integrated School conducted Orientation and Simulation

Activity for Limited face to face classes which aims to orient teachers together
with parents and learners in preparation for the upcoming limited face to face
classes. The orientation and simulation started at exactly 9:00 in the morning. The
session started with a prayer led by Sir Eugene Ibarra, teacher of junior high school
and followed by the checking of attendance to acknowledge the presence of the
participants and temperature check by Ma’am Mariedel Maulani, health
coordinator of the school. Sir Eric Poblador together with Ma’am Maulani
discussed and gave prior knowledge about what to do and what to prepare for the
limited face to face classes. They also discussed about the contingency plan of the
school which makes the school bounce back from an emergency situation. They
also emphasized that this contingency plan will prevent the school from panicking
or responding erratically in times of stress due to this pandemic. Right after, the
district nurse ma’am Kriz Duatin took over the floor and discussed the main
purpose of the orientation. She first discussed about the contingency plan of the
school and its importance especially in conducting this so-called limited face to
face. Furthermore, she also discussed and emphasized the vaccination status of the
teachers and learners as well. She encourages not only teachers but also learners
and parents to be fully vaccinated in order for the teachers to be safe in this time of
pandemic. She added to her discussion that in order to conduct a face to face
classes, students should be fully vaccinated to secure their safety. She also gave
some additional information about the preparation for the conduct of limited face
to face following the new normal protocols.

Through this orientation teachers as well as parents and learners are

well aware of the things to prepare and what to do and not to do on the conduct of
the limited face to face. With this orientation, teachers became motivated to work
hard to prepare the things needed for the learners and in order to deliver quality
education amidst this pandemic. The Lac session was ended with a prayer led by
ma’am Norie Ann C. Maquiona.
MARCH 20, 2022

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