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Case Record Book


Dr. A.B. Kachiwal

Assistant Professor
Department of Surgery & Obstetrics
Sindh Agriculture University Tando Jam

Composed By. Mr. Saud Farooque Kaim Khani

S. #. Name of Patient (M/F) Complain Diagnosis/ Method/Treatment

1. Abdul Gafar Buffalo(f) Injury of Horn Injury of horn: Wash with PP

lotion, Tincture iodine applied.

Inj. Vetafenac 10 ml, Inj: Dexa

10 ml injected.

2. Abddul Goat (f) Uterine inertia and Maternal dystokia: C- Section

Hafeez cervix closed was performed on local
anesthesia. Foetus was
removed Tab. Methergen 4, Inj:
Penicillin 10 lac, and Inj: Dexa 5
ml given.

3. Abddul Goat(f) Retention of urine, Bladder Stones: Removal of

Samad Stones by Surgery.
Loss of Appetite,
Abdomen pain

4. Abid Ali Buffalo (f) Swelling of Udder Mycotic Infection: Inj: Penicillin
6years black 8 ml, Dermovate Cream 1 tube
Tandojam kundhi
Betnovate 1 tube, Cold Cream 1
bottle, Sulpher 25 g

5. Adnan Dog (m) German Thorn in Fore foot Penetrated wound: Washed
brown black with P.P. lotion; thorn removed,
Paka Qila Shepherd 8 Inj. Enrotil 1 ml, Inj; Dexa 1 ml,
Hyderabaf months Syp: Brufen 5 ml, Syp:
Amoxicilin 125mg/ml 5ml bid

6. Ahmed Ali Cow (m) Erosions in mouth Stomatitis: Washed with P.P.
lotion, Glycerine applied. Inj.
Shahbaz Penicillin 10 ml, Inj: Dexa 10 ml
colony and Inj; Avil 10 m1 injected.

7. Ahmed Ali Cow(f) Penetrated Wound Penetrated Wound: washed

with H202, necrotic tissues
removed & penicillin powder
mixed pyodine infused in wound.

SURG-404 2 SURGERY Case Record Book by Dr. A. B. Kachiwal, Assistant Professor, Dept of Surgery and Obstetrics
Inj: Diclostar 15 ml & Inj:
Penicillin 40 lac injected.

8. Akram Ali Goat (m) one Crow Bite (Wound Open Wound: Washed with
Muzafarabad month On Umbilical P.P. lotion, Necrotic tissues were
colony Region) removed, Scraping was done by
Tandojam scalpel, sutured with chronic cat
gut, Tinc: Iodine, Inj. Diclostar 2
ml, Inj: Penicillin 10 lac 2 ml

9. Akram Rajput Goat (m) 2 Maggot on Tail Maggot Wound: The maggots
Muzarfarabad weeks were removed, wound was
colony washed with P.P lotion and
Tandojam Teragen Spray was applied.

Advice: Wound Dressing for


10. Ali Asgher Buffalo (f) Tail damaged due Tail docking; Washed with P.P.
to pressure of lotion, sutured and dressing
other animal performed, Inj Penicillin 40 lac
and Inj: Avil 20 ml injected.

11. Ali Ashraf, Donkey (f) 3 Lameness Abscess on thigh: Incision was
Bhadho years Black given remove abscess, and then
washes with P.P lotion, applied
junction violet.

Treatment: Wound Dressing for


12. Ali Dost Buffalo (f) black Localized swelling Abscess: Drained and pouch
kundhi age 3 on umbilical region irrigated with P.P. lotion. Tinc:
Peer Dino, years Iodine applied. Inj. Penbiotic
Tandojam 5gm injected.

13. Ali Jibran Horse (m) Wound on hock Wound: Wash with P.P lotion,

Inj: phenylbutazone

14. Ali Buffalo (f) Tail braked by Open wound: Sulphur,

Muhammad rope Mercurochrome, Boric Acid,
Penicillin 40 lac mixed &
a2pplied on wound and bandage
the tail.

SURG-404 3 SURGERY Case Record Book by Dr. A. B. Kachiwal, Assistant Professor, Dept of Surgery and Obstetrics
15. Allah Bux Cow (f) Thari Snake Bite Envenom wound: Washed with
White age 9 P.P. lotion, Tinc: Iodine applied,
Wadhero months Inj: Penicillin, Inj. Diclostar 10 ml,
Ghaji Inj: Dexa 10ml.

16. Allah Dad Buffalo (f) black Tumor at shoulder Fibroma tumour: Inj:
kundhi 4 years Xyloxcaine infiltrated around
Subho age tumour, site anticipated &
Mangsi tumour removed with the help of
Tandojam scalpel & scissors, bleeding
stopped by hemostat, wound
sutured with chromic gut &
nylon. Inj: Diclostar 10 ml and
Inj: Penivet 5 gm injected

17. Allah Dino Buffalo(f) Injury in horn Wound: Wash with P.P lotion,
Tincture of Iodine applied,

Inj. Vetafenac 10 ml, Inj: Dexa

10 ml injected.

18. Allah Wasaio Goat (f) Wound & Maggots Maggot wound: H2O2 applied,
near Anus Washed with P.P. lotion,
maggots were removed, Inj
Penicillin 10 lac and Inj: Diclostar
5 ml injected.

19. Altaf Ali Buffalo (f), Lesions on teat Fungal wound: Baycutain
kundhi 5 years (fungal Infection) Ointment mixed with Penicillin
Tandojam age powder applied on affected

20. Anwar Ali Buffalo (f) Blockage of teat Mastitis: Teats were opened by
4years black canal inserting teat siphon & pus was
Khesana Mori removed. Inj: Penbiotic 15 ml
injected and Terraxine I/M tube
½ infused in teat.

21. Aril Dusasa Dog (f) 2 years P.D. Pregnant: P.D. was performed
Ultrasonography through Ultrasound machine.
Tandojam Result: animal will parturited on

22. Asad Ullah Goat (f) Injury at knee Arthritis and wound: Washed
region with P.P. lotion, pyodine applied
in dressing, Inj; Penbiotic 5 ml.

23. Azizullah Buffalo Wound on tail Wound: Washed with detol

SURG-404 4 SURGERY Case Record Book by Dr. A. B. Kachiwal, Assistant Professor, Dept of Surgery and Obstetrics
(f)`Kundhi black lotion, Tincture of Iodine applied,
8 years age Inj. Vetafenac 10 ml, Inj: Dexa
Bhado, 10 ml injected.

24. Barkat Ali Buffalo (f) Tumor On Neck Carcinoma tumour: Local
Anesthesia Lignocaine, Tumor
removed, wound sutured, Inj.
Penivet 15 ml, Inj: Avil 10 ml, Inj:
Diclostar 15 ml injected.

25. Basheer Cow (m) Lameness Abscess on hind leg: Remove

Ahmed abscess by surgical method.
Wash with P.P lotion.

Inj: Penicillin 40lac, Tab: Brufen

26. Bhai Khan Cow (m) Castration Bloodless Castration:

Spermatic cord was crushed by
the help of Burdizo castrator, Inj.
Penbiotic 15 ml injected.

27. Bux Goat (m) Open Castration Open castration: Both testicles
Khaskheli were removed by open method,
Inj. Penbiotic 5 ml and Inj: dexa

28. Dewo Kalerin Buffalo (f) 3 Lameness & Odema on Thigh: Fluid were
goth years Black Fever drained out, wash the wound
Tandojam Kundhi with P.P lotion and Pyodine was

Inj: Penicillin 40lac 20cc

Inj: Diclostar 15cc

29. Dileep Kolhi, Buffalo (m), 1 Injury On Muzzle Wound: washed with normal
Tandojam year Saline, Debridement wound
done, and tinc: Iodine was
applied. Inj. Procaine Penicillin
40 lac 10 ml & Inj: Dexa 10 ml

30. Dilip Malhi Goat (m) 8 Castration Castration: Spermatic Cord

months were Crushed with Burdizo
Khesana Mori castrator,

Advice: Applied of cold water

over scrotum for 3 days.

SURG-404 5 SURGERY Case Record Book by Dr. A. B. Kachiwal, Assistant Professor, Dept of Surgery and Obstetrics
31. Fahad Cow (f) Prolapse of Uterus Prolapse of Uterus: Washed
Solangi with P.P. lotion prepared in
warm water, uterus contents
returned back, 8 Passeries
placed in uterus, Inj. Penicillin 40
lac, Inj: Thiaprim 20 ml

32. Faisal Shabir Cat (m) 1 year Soul Abscess by Abscess: Pre-anesthetic given,
Qazi thorn thorn removed with forceps, pus
removed and pyodine was
Hyderabad applied, Inj. Diclostar 1.5 ml.

33. Faizan Cow (m) Surgical Open castration: Pyodine

Castration applied, scrotum incised,
spermatic cord ligated & testicles
removed. Pouch sutured Inj:
Prednicart 5 ml injected.

34. Faizan Samo Dog (m) Injury occurs due Wound: Washed with P.P.
to fighting lotion, Sutured with chromic cat
gut, Pyodine applied, Inj.
Penicillin 0.25 ml, Diclostar 0.5
ml injected

35. Fateh Khan Buffalo (f) Abscess on thigh Abscess: Drainage of abscess,
region washed with P.P. lotion, Inj:
Penicillin and Inj: Avil 10 ml, Inj:
Vetafenac 10 ml, Inj: Dexa 10
ml. continued for 3 days

36. Fatima Kid Maggots Maggot wound: Washed with

P.P. lotion, Maggots were
removed by the help of forcep,
gauze soaked in T.T oil is
infused and Teragon Spray is
applied later on.

37. Faqeer Donkey(m) Injury Wound on back: Wash with P.P

lotion, Pyodine applied on
wound. Inj: penicillin 40 lac

Inj: dexa 2cc

38. G. M... Lakho Deer (m) Lameness Compound fracture: Washed

SURG-404 6 SURGERY Case Record Book by Dr. A. B. Kachiwal, Assistant Professor, Dept of Surgery and Obstetrics
with P.P. lotion, Pyodine applied
on wound, Bone apposed and
plaster of Paris applied. Inj.
Diclostar 3 ml and Inj: Penicillin
20 lac injected.

39. Hidayutallah Dog(m) Abscess on Skin Abscess on injured skin.

due to Dog fight Removed damaged tissue,
Clean the site with disinfectant
P.P lotion. Tab: Velocef 250g

Pyodine for dressing on daily


40. Illahi Bux Buffalo (f) Broken tip of horn Dehorning: Removal of broken
part of horn, washed with P.P.
lotion, Dressing, Inj. Diclostar 20
ml, Amoxicillin 15 ml & Dexa 10

41. Imran Buffalo (f) Tumor Tumour: Surgically tumour

removed, Inj. Penicillin 10 lac,
Inj: Dexa 10 ml, Inj: streptomycin
20 ml injected.

42. Imran Buffalo (m), 1 Swelling in neck Abscess: Remove the abscess,
Ahmed, year black wash with antiseptic lotion and
Tandojam applied tincture of Iodine.

Inj: Diclostar 10cc

43. Irfan Shah Donkey (m) Lip Injury Wound: Washed with P.P.
lotion, Penicillin powder and
Pyodine applied, Inj. Penicillin 40
lac injected.

44. Jalal Ahmed Goat (f) Injury on face Wound: Washed with P.P.
lotion, Sutured with chromic cat
gut and nylon, Tinc: Iodine
applied, Inj. Penicillin 3 ml, Inj:
Diclostar 3 ml injected.

45. Jamal Shah Cat (m) (tiger) 2 Ribs Fracture Simple fracture and
year dislocation of ribs: Inj:
Qasimabad Diazepam 0.1ml, Acepromazine
Hyderabad 0.1ml, with Inj: Ketamine 1ml
anaesthetized. Ribs Sutured with
nylon suture, Syp, Brufen 2 ml,
Syp: Cefam 2ml & Syp: Lysovet

SURG-404 7 SURGERY Case Record Book by Dr. A. B. Kachiwal, Assistant Professor, Dept of Surgery and Obstetrics
2ml twice daily prescribed.

46. Jameel Buffalo (f) Horn projected Dehorning: 2.5 cm horn was
ghumro inside skull cut; Tinc: Iodine applied on

47. Javed Horse (m) Cut of tongue by Incised wound: Washed with
Qureshi rope P.P. lotion, tongue sutured,
Gention Violet and Glycerin
applied, Inj: Avil 20 ml, Inj:
Penicillin 40 lac injected.

48. Jawad Dog (m) Ear cropping Ear cropping: Pre-anesthetic

Inj. Accepromazine 0.1ml, Inj
Diazepam 0.9 ml & Inj: ketamine
2 ml injected, Ears cropped and
sutured with chronic gut,
dressing with Pyodine, Syp.
Brufen and Syp: Amoxicillin
orally prescribed.

49. Jawed Ali Donkey (f) Glaucoma Glaucoma: Betnesol Eye Drops,
Cortico- sporin Eye Drops.

50. Junaid Donkey (f) Swelling of Eye Conjunctivitis: Betnisol

ointment, corticosporin eye

51. Junaid Goat (f) Trachea Damage Compound fracture: Sutured

Hassan with nylon, Pyodine applied, Inj.
Diclostar 5 ml, Inj: Neflor 2 ml

52. Kaleem Donkey (m) Lameness in hind Abscess in foot frog: Sole was
Panhwer limb washed with P.P. lotion, pus was
drained, Inj. Penicillin 10 ml,
Diclostar &10 ml was injected,

53. Kaloo Magsi Donkey (f) 3 Wound in hoof Wound: Washed with P.P.
Sobhu years black lotion, Penicillin powder was
Mangsi infused,
Inj. Vetafenac 10 ml & Procaine
10 ml.

54. Kalu Mangsi Donkey (f) Lameness Open Wound & Pus: Pus was
removed and washes with P.P
lotion, dressing of the wound,
and Pyodine was applied.

SURG-404 8 SURGERY Case Record Book by Dr. A. B. Kachiwal, Assistant Professor, Dept of Surgery and Obstetrics
Inj: Penicillin 15cc

Inj: vetafenic 15cc

55. Kamran Pigeon Complete Fracture Compound fracture: Bone

aligned, wound edges was
united and closed with
absorbable suture and plaster of
Paris applied. Syp. Brufen
2drops & Syp:Calcium 2drops

56. Kashif Cow (f) Lesions on teat Fungal infection: Lesions

cleaned with Pyodine solution,
Inj. Penicillin 40 lac & Inj: Avil 15
ml was injected.

57. Kashif Ameer Goat (f) Maggots in feet Maggot wound: Washed with
P.P. lotion, and H202 then T.T.
oil, Pyodine and Penicillin
powder infused in wound, Inj:
Penbiotic 3 ml injected.

58. Khalid Ali Buffalo (f), Dehorning Dehorning: Removal of part of

kundhi 5 years horn, Application tincture of
Bhado age Iodine and Tarragon Spray.


59. Khalid Mari Cat (f), 8 months Nail Trimming Nail trimming: Nail trimming
performed with cat nail cutter.
Wado Wah

60. Khuda Bux Goat (m) Castration Bloodless castration:

Castration done with Burdizo
castrator, Inj. Diclostar 5ml,

61. M. Amir Goat (m) Male goat is Paraphimosis: Washed with

unable to return P.P. lotion, penis lubricated with
the penis to gel & returned to prepuce, Inj:
prepuce Penicillin 3 ml; & Inj: Dexa 3 ml

62. M. Ismail Kid (m) 20 days Unable to pass Incontinence of urine: Opening
urine properly of Penis was done, and
Matyari debridement was done, syp.
Amoxicillin 10 ml , Syp: Brufen
10 ml, Tab. Lasix 4 were given
SURG-404 9 SURGERY Case Record Book by Dr. A. B. Kachiwal, Assistant Professor, Dept of Surgery and Obstetrics

63. M. Khan Buffalo (f) 6 Mastitis Mastitis:

Tajpur Inj: Prednisolon 20 ml

Inj: Terrexin (Intramammary

Tube) Fibrofit

64. M. Naeem Dog 3month Swelling of Umbilical hernia: Inj: Ketamine,

Tandojam umbilicus surgery performed and contents
were returned back, hernial ring
closed and skin sutured. Inj.
Penicillin 1 ml, Inj: lipfloxacine 1
ml injected.

65. M. Saleem Dog (m) Injury near Wound: Washed with P.P. lotion
shoulder and H202, Sutured then Pyodine
applied, Inj: Penicillin 1 ml

66. M. Suleman Goat (f) Soft swelling of Haemotoma: Drainage of blood

ear with scalpel performed. Inj Dexa
5 ml and Inj: Penicillin infused in

67. M. Suleman Goat (f) Soft swelling of Haemotoma: Blood removed,

ear Dressed with Pyodine & Inj:
Dexa 5ml & Inj: Penicillin 5 ml

68. M. Usama Goat (m) Pus above knee Septic Arthritis: Washed with
P.P. lotion, pus removed,
dressing performed Inj. Enrotil 3
ml and Inj: deax 3 ml injected.

69. Majid Soomro Cat (m) Maggots in Ear Maggot wound: Maggots
removed, Washed with P.P.
lotion, Pyodine for dressing
applied. .

70. Manzoor Goat (f) Injury near Eye Maggot Wound: Animal
Ahmed restrained manually, maggots
removed, washed with pp lotion
& Pyodine applied in dressing.
Inj. Penbiotic 5 ml & Inj: Dexa 7
ml injected.

71. Manzor Cat (f), 3 months Complete fracture Compound fracture:

SURG-404 SURGERY Case Record Book by Dr. A. B. Kachiwal, Assistant Professor, Dept of Surgery and Obstetrics
Baloch, of Left Femur Anesthetized with Ketamine 1ml,
Abdullah Injured site washed with
Town antiseptic. Tinc: Iodine applied.
Hyderabad Wound was Sutured with
chromic cat gut, plaster of Paris
applied. Inj. Penicillin 10 lac 1 ml
& Inj:Diclostar 1 ml injected.

72. Mehdi Mirza Deer (f) brown Fracture with pus Compound Septic Fracture:
in colour 3 years on right leg Washed with P.P. lotion,
Citizen age pyodine applied on wound, Bone
colony apposed and plaster of Paris
Qasimabad adnanapplied for external
Hyderabad support, Syp. Calcium D and
Syp: Amoxicillin 250 mg/ml 10
ml of each twice daily

73. Miss Irshad Cat(f) Mummified Fetus Dystokia: Site Prepared, Inj:
Ketamine 0.5 ml l/M injected,
midline incised, mummified fetus
along with uterus and ovaries
removed, abdomen closed with
Chromic cat gut & Nylon suture
material. Inj. Enrotil 0.5 ml

74. Mubashir Cow (f) Dystokia Dystokia: Fetus manually

Adeel removed by traction, Penicillin
Passaries 3-5 tablets placed in
uterus, Inj. Enrofloxacin 15 ml,
Inj: Thiaprim 10 ml injected

75. Munawer Ali, Goat (f) Tapri Dog Bite Wound: Wound dressing with
8 months Pyodine, Administration of Inj:
Dairy farm Penicillin, Inj: Diclostar 2 ml, Inj:
Tandojam Dexa 3 ml,

76. Nadir Jaskani Goat (f) Goat unable to Dystokia: Hiars clipped from left
give birth flank, local anesthetic Xylocaine
6 ml infiltrated, Skin incised at
flank region, foetus (alive)
removed. Uterus sutured with
chromic catgut, penicillin powder
poured, skin was sutured with
nylon and pyodine applied.

SURG-404 SURGERY Case Record Book by Dr. A. B. Kachiwal, Assistant Professor, Dept of Surgery and Obstetrics
77. Naveed Buffalo (f) Injury on thigh Wound: Washed with P.P.
region, trauma lotion, Pyodine was applied, Inj:
Penivet 20 ml.

78. Nawab Khan Sheep (f) 2 Haematoma Haemotoma: Incised with

years scalpel, all abnormal collected
Bhado, blood was drained off, sutured
Tandojam with chromic cat gut. Inj. Penillin
10 lac 5 ml, & Inj: Dexa 7 ml

79. Nawaz Goat (f) 2 years Mastitis Abscess: Teat Syphon was use
Ahmed, to vacillated the drainage for
Moosa fermented milk and abscess
Khatayan from the teat.

Inj: Chloramphenicol 2cc

Inj: Dexa 2cc

80. Nek Horse (m) Retained Needle Penetrated wound: Local

Muhammad In Neck Anesthesia, Small Incision with
scalpel, Needle removed, wound
sutured, Inj. ATS, Inj: Penbiotic
15 ml, Inj: Avil 15 ml injected.

81. Punhal Buffalo (f) Tumor on Eye Fibroma Tumour: Tumor

removed and Sutured, Washed
with Boric Acid in Cold Water,
Betnosol Eye Drops applied, Inj.
Penicillin 40 lac and Inj: Avil 20
ml injected.

82. Rab Nawaz, Buffalo (f) 5 Wound & Maggots Maggot wound: Washed with
Mir colony years Kundhi in Nose normal Saline, maggots
Tandojam removed, H202 & Gentian violet
applied. Inj: Penicillin 15 ml &
Inj:Dexa 15 ml injected.

83. Rehan Rajput Cow(f) Crow bite on Wound: Washed with P.P.
vaginal region lotion, Pyodine applied and
Teragen sprayed, Inj. Penbiotic
10 ml, Inj: Gentamycin 10 ml

84. Roshan Ali Goat (f) one Dog Bite Wound: Hair trimmed from
year wound site, Washed with P.P.
Mehran lotion, Tinc:Iodine applied on
colony wound Inj. Penicillin 3 ml and
SURG-404 SURGERY Case Record Book by Dr. A. B. Kachiwal, Assistant Professor, Dept of Surgery and Obstetrics
Tandojam Inj: Diclostar 3 ml injected

85. Saeed Dog (m) Maggots On right Maggot Wound: washed with
lateral side of H202, Maggots & Necrotic
abdomen tissues removed, dressing
performed with T.T. oil and , Inj.
Penicillin 1 ml injected.

86. Sain Jani Ghazal Injury on right limb Septic Wound: Washed with
Shah P.P. lotion, Tinc: Iodine is
applied, exposed bone was
covered with bandage, Inj:
Gentamycin 2 ml was injected &
Syp. Ampiclox 250 mg/ml and
Syp: Brofen orally 10 ml of each
drug was given.

87. Salah din Goat (m) 3 Dog Fight Biting Wound: The Hair was
Bhado Tan months clipped Bitten site and wash with
dojam antiseptic solution, Penicillin was
applied. Inj: penicillin 2 ml

Inj: Diclostar 2 ml

88. Sami ud din Goat Hernia Perennial Hernia: Surgery was

performed on local anesthesia, 3
kids were removed from udder,
Inj. Penicillin 40 lac, Inj:
Vetafenac 4 ml injected.

89. Sandilo Goat (m) 8 Castration Spermatic cord was crushed by

Laghari, months using the Burdizo.
Moori Inj: Penicillin 3cc
Inj: Diclostar 3cc

Advice: Application of Cold

water on scrotum for 3 days.

90. Saud KK Deer (f) swelling on fore Haemotoma and Seroma:

and hind leg Diagnosis through paracentosis,
Needle pricked in centre of
swelling to remove blood &
exudated. Dressing performed,
Syp. Amoxillin 5 ml and Syp:
Brufen 5 ml b.i.d.

91. Sayed Juryal Buffelo (f) Injury & Maggots Maggot Wound: Wash with
SURG-404 SURGERY Case Record Book by Dr. A. B. Kachiwal, Assistant Professor, Dept of Surgery and Obstetrics
Shah Kundhi black, 6 H2O2, Maggots & Necrotic
Tandojam years age tissues removed, dressing
performed with T.T. Oil.

Inj: Penicillin 10 cc

Inj: Diclofonic Sodium

92. Shahid Dog (f) P.D. Pregnant: Pregnancy diagnosis

was performed with ultrasound
machine. 5 live puppies of 30
days age diagnosed.

93. Shaheen, Goat, male 1 Diarrhea & Maggot Wound: : Washed with
Tandojam month Maggots P.P. lotion, maggots removed
with forceps.

Inj: Penicillin 3 ml & Inj:Dexa 2

ml injected.

94. Shahmeer Sheep (f) Abscess in Ear Abscess: Pus removed after
Johio small cut with scalpel, Washed
with P.P. lotion, Inj. Penbiotic 5
ml, Inj; Avil 3 ml injected.

95. Shakeel Buck (m) One testis was Monochordism: Surgically

Ahmed, non functional testicles were removed, Inj.
Saindad Penbiotic 5 ml and Inj: Diclostar
Kaleri 3 ml.

96. Shakeel Goat (f) Bleeding from Punctured Wound: Bleeding

Khaskheli thigh region stopped by the use of hemostat,
Washed with P.P. lotion and
dressing performed with
Pyodine, Inj. Penbiotic 4 ml

97. Shoukat Ali Buffalo (f) Maggots and pus Maggot wound: Maggots were
on horn removed Tegafan powder was
applied on 1st day, Inj. Melanoc
20 ml & Penbiotic 15 ml injected.

98. Sikander Ali Donkey (f) Pus in sacral Abscess: Drainage of Pus by
region Needle, Washed with P.P. lotion,
MercuroChrome, Inj. Penivet 5
ml & Inj: Dexa 5 ml.

99. Sohail Dog (m) Swelling after dog Oedema: Paracentasis was
performed for odema drainage,
SURG-404 SURGERY Case Record Book by Dr. A. B. Kachiwal, Assistant Professor, Dept of Surgery and Obstetrics
biting Dressing with Pyodine
performed. Inj. Diclostar 3 ml
and Inj: Gentamycin 3 ml
injected for three days

100. Sohail Horse (m) Injury Wound on leg: Wash the

Ahmed wound with P.P lotion, Applied
Payodin in dressing.

Tab: Penbiotic 5g

Inj: Avil 10 cc

101. Tahir Dahri Goat (f) Pregnancy Pregnant: Ultrasound Machine

Diagnosis was used for Pregnancy
Diagnosis, Result: goat was
Pregnant of 2 months

102. Tehmoor Ali, Donkey (f), 5 Wound Maggot Wound: H2O2 applied
Sultan years black and then maggot was removed, and
Mangsi white dressing with heera dressing oil.
Tandojam Inj: Penicillin 15cc

Diclostar 15cc

103. Toufique Buffalo (m) Injury due to chain Wound: Washed with P.P. lotion
on Neck & dressing performed with
pyodine. Inj. Dexa 20 ml, Inj:
Vetafenac 20 ml, Inj: Penivet 5
gm injected.

104. Umeed Ali Goat (m) Maggots in Maggot wound: maggots

Scortum removed with artery forcep,
H202 applied then pyodine and
Hera dressing oil & penicillin
powder infused & Inj. Prednicart
3 ml injected.

105. Wadero Buffalo (f) 2 Envenom wound Envenom wound: Wound

Ghazi Khan years age black incised, Washed with P.P. lotion,
kundhi Penicillin powder misted with
Tandojam Tinc: iodine and gauze was
soaked in solution then infused
in wound. Inj. Formoxil 15 ml, Ij :
Vetafenac 15 ml, Inj : Atrp[ine
sulphate 15 ml & Inj: Dexa 20 ml

106. Waseem Dog (m) 2 years Tail Docking Tail docking: Hair Trimmed
SURG-404 SURGERY Case Record Book by Dr. A. B. Kachiwal, Assistant Professor, Dept of Surgery and Obstetrics
Abbas Kundhi black form tail and tourniquet applied,
Chandya local anesthesia Xylocaine 0.5
goth ml injected. Tail was removed,
Hyderabad Inj. Penicillin 40 lac & Inj:Dexa 5
ml injected for three days

107. Waseem Ali Dog (m) Lameness Puncture Wound: Nail tip was
removed and pus was drained
out and wound was washed,
tincture of iodine was applied.

Inj: Penivat 3cc

Inj: Diclofenic 3cc

108. Yar Dog(f) Ovariohystrectomy Ovariohystrectomy: Inj:

Muhammad Ketamine 2 ml, Mid line Incision
performed and uterus along with
ovaries removed. Abdomen
sutured with Chromic cat gut &
nylon, penicillin powder infused,
Syp: Brufen 5 ml & Syp:
Amoxicillin 5 ml prescribed

109. Younas Dog (f) Pus and Maggots Maggot wound: Washed with
in vulva P.P. lotion, maggots removed,
Negavon mixed with Pyodine
was applied, Inj. Diclostar 5 ml &
and Inj: Gentamycin 5 ml was

110. Zuhaib Goat (f) Maggots in Vagina Maggot wound: Maggots

removed then washed with P.P.
lotion and Hera dressing oil &
Pyodine applied. Inj. Dexa 3 ml
& Penicillin 20 lac injected.

111. Agha Dog (m) Septic wound Fracture healed & Septic
Abdullah wound: Washed with hydrogen
per oxide and Terragen applied
after three days wound sutured
with Vicryl 3/0 using interrupted
suture technique

112. Hassanian Dog (m) Iron rod stroked Penetrated maggot wound on
Qazi on face caused face: Daily wound was cleaned
Wound with antiseptic and T.T. oil was
applied for three days and then
washed with p.p lotion and
SURG-404 SURGERY Case Record Book by Dr. A. B. Kachiwal, Assistant Professor, Dept of Surgery and Obstetrics
terragen spray applied for wound

113. Ghulam Cat (m) local Cat bitten by dog Wound: Washed with P.P.
Fatima Tilak breed, age 1 lotion, Sutured with 6 stitches of
Chari year,grey and chromic cat gut and nylon, Tinc:
Hyderabad black, 5kg, Iodine applied, Inj. Enrofloxicin 1
Temp: 104 F, R ml, Inj: Diclostar 1 ml injected.
22/min, Pulse Syp: brufen and Syp: Amoxicillin
80/min 2 ml b.i.d. wound healed after 7

114. Wasi Goat (m) Castration Bloodless Castration:

Panhwar Spermatic cord was crushed by
Tandojam 8 months the help of Burdizo castrator,

115. Ali Sher Donkey (m) lameness Sole abscess : Sole was
Mangsi black washed with p.p lotion, abscess
village was drained and pyodine was
Tandojam applied.

116. Bilawal Buffalo (f) Mastitis Mastitis: Pus and blood was
Jamali Allah Kundhi black, 7 drained out from the teat by
dino village years age inserting teat siphon. Inj:
Tandojam Pencillin 40 lac, Inj: Dexa 20 ml
and Terraxine I/M Tube ½ on
one time.

117. Shaheen Goat (m) 1 Maggots Maggot wound: Washed with

Tandojam month P.P. lotion, Maggots were
removed by the help of forcep,
gauze soaked in T.T oil is
infused and Teragon Spray is
applied later on.

118. Abdul Buffalo (f) black Injury of horn Dehorning: Removal of broken
Ghafoor Kundhi age 5 part of horn, washed with P.P.
Sijawal years lotion, Dressing, Inj. Diclostar 20
Mangsi ml, Amoxicilin 15 ml & Dexa 10
03013147074 ml.

119. Hidayatullah Dog (m) 3 white Dog bitten by Dog bite Wound: Wound
Bhado years other dogs dressing with Pyodine,
Tandojam Administration of Inj: Penicillin,
Inj: Diclostar 1 ml, Inj: Dexa 1 ml,

120. Ali Jibran Horse (m) red Wound at hock Wound: Washed with P.P
Hyderabad age 7 years joint loation. Pyodine applied, Inj:
phenylbutazone 15 ml & inj:
SURG-404 SURGERY Case Record Book by Dr. A. B. Kachiwal, Assistant Professor, Dept of Surgery and Obstetrics
Penivet 5 gms

121. Abdul Samad Goat (m) Tapri Retention of urine Calculi: Calculi removed by
Tando red and white 2 surgical intervention, Inj: lasix
Muhammad years of age 2ml, Inj: dexa 3 ml and Inj:
Khan gentamycin 4 ml Inj: diclostar 5

122. Faqeer Donkey (m) Wound on back Punctured Wound: Wonud

Sultan black 3 years dressing Inj: pencillin 40 lac &
Mangsi Inj: dexa 10 ml.

123. Allah Dino Buffalo (f) Wound Dehorning Wound: Owner has
Sobho kundhi black 4 performed rough dehorning .
Mangsi years Wound washed with p.p lotion.
Tandojam Pyodine applied and dressing

124. Bashir cow (m) white depressed, Abscess: Washed with P.P.
Ahmed age 4 years anorexia swelling lotion, Penicillin powder misted
Bhado on hind leg with Tinc: iodine and gauze is
village, soaked in solution and gauze is
Tandojam infused in wound.

125. Sohail Horse (m) brown wound on foot Wound: Wound dressing with
Ahmed 4 years Pyodine, Administration of Inj:
Tandojam Penicillin 40 lac, Inj: Diclostar 2o
ml, Inj: Dexa 15 ml,

126. Imtiaz Ali Goat 1 year Castration Bloodless Castration:

Sultan Spermatic cord was crushed by
Mangsi Goth the help of Burdizo castrator, Inj.
Tandojam Penbiotic 15 ml injected.

127. Abrar Baloch Goat (m) 1 year Castration Bloodless Castration:

Nusarpur Spermatic cord was crushed by
the help of Burdizo castrator, Inj.
Penbiotic 15 ml injected.

128. Mir Hassan cow (f) Difficulty in Oedema: Paracentasis was

mikrani swelling performed for odema drainage,
Mikrani Mandibular Dressing with Pyodine
village oedema performed. Inj. Diclostar 3 ml
and Inj: Gentamycin 3 ml
injected for three days

129. Wasim Goat, male 1 swelling on Abscess: Washed with P.P.

Wagan, Dad month umbilicus lotion, Penicillin powder misted
colony with Tinc: iodine and gauze is
SURG-404 SURGERY Case Record Book by Dr. A. B. Kachiwal, Assistant Professor, Dept of Surgery and Obstetrics
Tandojam soaked in solution and gauze is
infused in wound.

130. Nadeem Donkey (f) 5 Injured in donkey Open Wound on knee: Washed
Kaleri, years cart with P.P. lotion, Necrotic tissues
Saindad were removed, Scraping was
Kaleri, done by scalpel, sutured with
Tandojam choronic cat gut, Tinc: Iodine,
Inj. Diclostar 2 ml, Inj: Penicillin
10 lac 2 ml injected.

131. Wajid Ali Kid (m) 1 month Biting wound Biting Wound: The Hair was
Leghari, clipped from bitten site and
Tajpur washed with antiseptic solution,
Penicillin was applied.

132. Waqar dog (m) 4 Incomplete Compound fracture: Washed

Qaderi, months fracture with P.P. lotion, Pyodine applied
Latifabad, on wound, Bone apposed and
Hyderabad plaster of paris applied. Inj.
Diclostar 3 ml and Inj: Pencillin
20 lac injected.

133. Ramzan Ali Buffalo (f) 7 Dehorning Dehorning: Removal of broken

Shah years part of horn, washed with P.P.
Khesana lotion, Dressing, Inj. Diclostar 20
Moori ml, Amoxicilin 15 ml & Dexa 10

134. Shakeel Donkey (m) 4 Lameness Tumour: Surgically tumour

Kaleri years removed, Inj. Penicillin 10 lac,
Saindad Inj: Dexa 10 ml, Inj: streptomycin
Tandojam 20 ml injected.

135. Waheed Ali, Dog (m) 2 years Dog bitten by Biting Wound: The Hair was
Khokhar gift white samoyed other dogs clipped from bitten site and
cetre washed with antiseptic solution,
Tandojam Penicillin was applied.

136. Jamshed Ali Cat(f) 5 months Cat bitten by dog Biting Wound: The Hair was
Muzafarabad clipped from bitten site and
colony washed with antiseptic solution,
Tandojam Penicillin was applied.

137. Gul Hassan Buffalo (f) 6 Wound at neck Penetrated Wound: washed
Khisana years region with H202, necrotic tissues
Moori removed & penicillin powder
Tandojam mixed pyodine infused in wound.
Inj: Diclostar 15 ml & Inj:
SURG-404 SURGERY Case Record Book by Dr. A. B. Kachiwal, Assistant Professor, Dept of Surgery and Obstetrics
Penicillin 40 lac injected.

138. Shabir Ali Goat (m) 3 years Maggot wound at Maggot Wound: The maggots
Kaleri goth anus were removed, wound was
Tandojam washed with P.P lotion and
Teragen Spray was applied.

139. Ali Tandojam cat (m) cat bitten by other Biting Wound: The Hair was
cats clipped from bitten site and
washed with antiseptic solution,
Penicillin was applied.

140. Vargina Cute Puppy wound Wound: washed with H202,

Hyderabad necrotic tissues removed &
penicillin powder mixed pyodine
infused in wound. Inj: Diclostar
15 ml & Inj: Penicillin 40 lac

141. Babar Shah Buffalo Kundhi Dehorning Dehorning: 2.5 cm horn was
Tandojam cut; Tinc: Iodine applied on
Noor Shah wound.

142. Allah Goat (m) 2 retention of urine Urinary Calculi: Calculi

Bachayo Years removed by surgical
Khisana intervention, Inj: lasix 2ml, Inj:
Moori dexa 3 ml and Inj: gentamycin 4
Tandojam ml Inj: diclostar 5 ml

143. Sharif Tando Dog (f) 2 years Pus in uterus Pyometra: Surgical removal
Allah Yar uterus along with ovaries. Inj:
pencillin and Inj: dexamethozone
1 ml

144. Abbas cat (m) 2 years Open Castration Open castration: Both testicles
Ahmed were removed by open method,
Hyderabad Inj. Penbiotic 5 ml and Inj: dexa

145. Sami, Dog (m) Bloody Discjharge Inflammation: Application of

Hyderabad from Penis cold fomentation, Inj: enrofloxicin
1 ml, Inj: dexa

146. Imran, Cat (f) Wound on tail Open Wound: Washed with
Qasimabad, P.P. lotion, Necrotic tissues were
Hyderabad removed, Scraping was done by
scalpel, sutured with choronic
cat gut, Tinc: Iodine, Inj.
SURG-404 SURGERY Case Record Book by Dr. A. B. Kachiwal, Assistant Professor, Dept of Surgery and Obstetrics
Diclostar 0.25ml, Inj: Penicillin 5
lac 0.5 ml injected.

147. Kabir Tando Parrot Injury on birds Wing Compound fracture:

jam wing Bone apposed then Skin closed
with simple interrupted suture
and plaster of paris applied, Syp:
Brufen, Syp: Amoxicillin few
drops orally given.
149. Chandni cat Abscess on foot Abscess: Drained and pouch
Hyderabad sole irrigated with P.P. lotion. Tinc:
Iodine applied. Inj. Penbiotic
5gm injected.

150. Amanullah Dog (m) 4 years wound Open Wound: Washed with
Mirpur Khas P.P. lotion, Necrotic tissues were
removed, Scraping was done by
scalpel, sutured with choronic
cat gut, Tinc: Iodine, Inj.
Diclostar 2 ml, Inj: Penicillin 10
lac 2 ml injected.

151. Hassan Abscess: Drained and pouch

Tandojam Cat (m) Swelling on foot irrigated with P.P. lotion. Tinc:
Iodine applied. Inj. Penbiotic
152. Ahmed Dog (m) Castration 5gm injected.

Open castration: Both testicles

were removed by open method,
Inj. Penbiotic 5 ml and Inj: dexa
154. Papoo Goat (f) Lameness Lameness: Hoof trimming,
Hyderabad Antiseptic application

155. Wound: Haemorrhage stopped

by crushing and ligation, then
antiseptic applied, Inj: Pencillin
40 lac, Inj: Avil 15 ml and Inj:
Raja Bhado Dexamethozone administered
village Donkey (f) Injury of ear

SURG-404 SURGERY Case Record Book by Dr. A. B. Kachiwal, Assistant Professor, Dept of Surgery and Obstetrics
156. Abdul Sattar Goat (f) Fracture on Simple fracture: Inj: Diazepam
Bhado Patella joint 0.1ml, Acepromazine 0.1ml, with
Inj: Ketamine 1ml anaesthetized.
Bones apposed and Plaster of
Paris appliedInj: Penicillin 40 lac
2 ml, Inj: dioclostar 2 ml Syp:
Brufen 10 ml

Fibroma: Inj: Diazepam 0.1ml,

Acepromazine 0.1ml, with Inj:
Yar Ketamine 1ml
Muhammad, anaesthetized.Spaying
Muzafarabad performed. Inj: Penicillin 40 lac 2
colony Swelling on ml, Inj: dioclostar 2 ml Syp:
Tandojam Dog (F) Vagina Brufen 10 ml
158. Tufail Ahmed Buffalo (f) Horn projected Dehorning: Removal of over
Village Allah inside skull grown part of horn.
Dino Samo

SURG-404 SURGERY Case Record Book by Dr. A. B. Kachiwal, Assistant Professor, Dept of Surgery and Obstetrics
What is your Diagnosis and treatment?

Case: 159
Five years old Kundhi buffalo black in colour presented by Sultan Ali Pusio R/O Noor Shah Village on
6-12-2010 in department of Surgery and obstetrics with below projected condition. What was your
diagnosis and treatment.

What was your diagnosis?


Diagnosis: Deep burn wound and mastitis:

Treatment: Wound was washed with P.P. lotion and Hydrogen per oxide and painted with
terragen spray (alcohol and gentian violet) then Inj. Dexamethozone 20 ml and Inj:
Enrofloxacin 25 ml were injected and Terraxine I/M tube ½ in each teat infused and lifebuoy
soup dissolved in water was orally drenched.

SURG-404 SURGERY Case Record Book by Dr. A. B. Kachiwal, Assistant Professor, Dept of Surgery and Obstetrics
Prescribed: Fibrofit DS in half liter water twice daily. Juice of Lemon ½ kg and sugar 200
gms mixed in half liter water may be drenched in evening.

SURG-404 SURGERY Case Record Book by Dr. A. B. Kachiwal, Assistant Professor, Dept of Surgery and Obstetrics
Case: 160
Asharaf Ali R/O Bhadho, Tandojam has presented a donkey of 4 years age having abrasion wound with
localized swelling on thigh .

What was your diagnosis?


Diagnosis: By Paracentasis, a mature abscess was diagnosed

Treatment: Drainage with the help of scalpel was performed and pouch of abscess was irrigated with
potassium per magnet lotion. A solution of Penicillin powder, Gentian violet misted with Tinc: iodine
was prepared then gauze was soaked and infused in wound. This treatment was repeated for three

SURG-404 SURGERY Case Record Book by Dr. A. B. Kachiwal, Assistant Professor, Dept of Surgery and Obstetrics
Case: 165
Muhammad Younis Shah R/O GOR colony Hyderabad presented a male cock yellow/black in colour of 2
years age having lameness in right leg. On physical examination soft pointed swelling in sole was

What was your diagnosis?

Answer: Mature abscess was diagnosed on paracentasis.

Treatment: Drainage was given with help of scalpel. A solution of Penicillin powder, and Gentian violet
was prepared then a gauze was soaked and infused in wound. This treatment was repeated for two

SURG-404 SURGERY Case Record Book by Dr. A. B. Kachiwal, Assistant Professor, Dept of Surgery and Obstetrics
Case: 166
A peahen was presented in the Veterinary Hospital, Department of Surgery and Obstetrics by Mr. Junaid
Ali R/O Phuleli Wah Hyderabad with one wing hanging down. On physical examination it revealed
broken wing bone.

What was your diagnosis?

Answer: Radiographic examination revealed a compound complete oblique fracture of humors (wing

Treatment: Bone fragments were apposed and skin was sutured then caste of plaster of Paris applied
for external support to bone alignment.

Prescription: Syp: Brufen 1-2 drops, Syp: Amoxicillin 125 mg/kg 1-2 drops per day were suggested.

SURG-404 SURGERY Case Record Book by Dr. A. B. Kachiwal, Assistant Professor, Dept of Surgery and Obstetrics
Case: 167
Ghulam Haider Lashari, Protocol officer to Vice Chancellor, Sindh University, Jamshoro has brought a
bari goat of 3-4 years age which was near to parturition. History: Goat has completed almost full tenure
of the gestation. Goat was straining from last two days but unable to give birth. Vet has injected an inj:
oxytocin and Inj: dexamethazone on On physical examination it was observed that the cervix was
completely closed.

What was your diagnosis?


Diagnosis: Dead fully developed foetus was diagnosed on ultrasonography

Treatment: C-Section was performed on local anaesthesia. Left flank area was prepared by clipping the
hairs. Antiseptic (Pyodine) was applied on Skin. An incision was performed with scalpel and uterus was
identified and exterioriuized. Then uterus was incised and the dead fetus was removed. Utenol passeries
were placed in uterus. Uterus was closed with chromic cat gut by using Connel suture technique.
Penicillin powder was sprinkled in abdomen. Peritoneum was closed with simple interrupted suture
techniques using 2/0 chromic catgut. Abdominal muscles (muscular layer) was closed with simple
continuous suture technique by using 2/0 chromic cat gut. Skin was sutured with non absorbable suture
material (Nylon). Dressing was performed. Inj: Enrotel 5 ml, Inj: Dexa 5 ml and Inj: Diclostar 5 ml were
injected. Sutures were removed on after 12 days.

Advice: Careful handling and revisit again for checkup. Provide soft feed (green grasses for 5 days).

SURG-404 SURGERY Case Record Book by Dr. A. B. Kachiwal, Assistant Professor, Dept of Surgery and Obstetrics
Case: 168
Mrs. Dilshad Talpur R/O Latifabad No. 9 has brought a female cat of 2 years age with anorexia and
coma. Cat has maggot wound on vulva. Cat has given birth to one kitten since she is straining and
went into coma.

What was your diagnosis?


Diagnosis: Ultrasonographically dead fetuses were diagnosed.

Treatment: Cat was anaesthetized with Inj: Ketamine 2 ml, inj: diazepam 0.1 ml and inj:
acepromazine 0.5 ml. Hair were clipped from site of incision then antiseptic solution was applied.
Ventral midline incision was made to approach the uterus. Dead fetuses were removed alongwith
the uterus to avoid toxicity. Penicillin powder was sprinkled in abdomen. Suturing was performed
with chromic cat gut 3/0 of peritoneum, muscle layer and subcut layer and monocryl 2/0 was used
to close skin. Maggots were removed with forceps after application of H2O2. Wound was sprayed
with terragen spray. Inj: antisedan 0.8 ml (antidote) was administered for immediate recovery. Inj:
decadron 0.25 ml injected.

Prescription: Syp: amoxicillin 125mg/ml 1-5 drops

Syp: brufen 3-5 drops with dropper

Advice: Careful handling bring cat regularly for check up and Stitches were removed after 12 days.

SURG-404 SURGERY Case Record Book by Dr. A. B. Kachiwal, Assistant Professor, Dept of Surgery and Obstetrics
Case: 169
Major Yaqoob R/O Latifabad has presented a deer in the Veterinary Hospital, Department of
Surgery and Obstetrics with a complain of lameness.

What was your diagnosis?

Diagnosis: Compound Complete fracture of tibia was diagnosed on radiography

Treatment: Deer was handled by owner, students and assistants, bone fragments were apposed and
plaster of Paris applied for external support. Inj: enrotil 4 ml, Inj: B-complex 4 ml and inj: dexa 4 ml
wre injected

Advice: careful handling

SURG-404 SURGERY Case Record Book by Dr. A. B. Kachiwal, Assistant Professor, Dept of Surgery and Obstetrics
Case: 170
Ali bux R/O Kaleri Goth has presented a buffalo in the Veterinary Hospital, Department of Surgery
and Obstetrics with a complain of below pictured condition of tongue. What was your diagnosis and

What was your diagnosis?

Answer: Diagnosis: Poisonous wound and glositis.

Treatment: Inj. Atrovet 20ml, Inj. Avil 20ml, Glycerine and gentian violet applied on tongue for two
Rahat R/O Tando Qaiser has presented a male horse in the Veterinary Hospital, Department of Surgery
and Obstetrics with a complain of below pictured condition of tongue. What was your diagnosis and

What was your diagnosis?

Answer : Incised wound & Glositis

Treatment: Tongue was sutured with simple interrupted suture technique using mersilk suture material.
Inj. Naflor 10 ml, Inj. Diclostar, and Inj. Avil were injected and Glycerin was applied.

SURG-404 SURGERY Case Record Book by Dr. A. B. Kachiwal, Assistant Professor, Dept of Surgery 2K6-AV-197
and Obstetrics

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