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1. What is the moment of inerta of rectangle secton aaoot an

horizontal axis passing throogh aase?

ANS; bd3/3

2. Two forces are said to ae in eqoiliariom only if the forces

ANS; Equal in magnitude, Opposite in directon and are
3. The slitng of force into two motoally perpendicolar
components is called --------
4. What is free aody diagram?
ANS; A free body diagram is a diagram that shows the
forces actng on an object in isolaton.
5. The elongaton of a aar is prevented as its temperatore
increase, the temperatore stress develop -------
ANS; Thermal stress
6. A simply sopported aeam of span 1m carries a point load W
in centre determine the shear force in the half lef of the
ANS; W/2
7. What is a collinear system of force for free aody diagram?
ANS; A collinear system of forces is a system of forces that
all act along the same line.
8. A aeam free at one end and fxed at other end is -------
ANS; Cantlever Beeam
9. A simply sopported aeam AB of length 2m carries an inclined
force of 600N inclined at 45◦ 2m from A and another vertcal
force 100N at 5m from A. if a force of 200N is placed at point
B, the reacton at sopport A and B is ?
ANS; 331KN , 393KN
10. What is the moment of inerta of triangle secton aaoot
the aase?
ANS; bh3/12
11. ----- aending moment (positve, negatvee occors where
shear force change its sign
ANS; Maximum
12. ----- sopport develops sopport moment
13. The simplifcaton of force on a free aody diagram is
done as ----
ANS; Principle of superpositon
14. A alock 100 mm ×100 mm aase and 10mm height, when a
tangental force 10KN is applied to the opper edge, it is.
ANS;1MPa OR 1N/mm4
15. What will ae the moment of inerta of circle in cm4 of
diameter is 10cm
ANS; 490.625cm4
16. Simple indeterminate stroctore are aest analysis osing
ANS; Beoth joint and method of sectons
17. The rate of change of aeam moment M with respect to
ANS; dM/dx
18. What will ae the moment of inerta of the given
rectangle secton aaoot an horizontal axis throogh its



(ae350mm4 (ae 379mm4 (c) 416mm4 (de 500mm4

19. What will ae the moment of inerta of the given
triangle aaoot aase ?



(ae 20.33mm4 (ae 21.33mm4 (ce 24.33mm4 (de 22.33mm4

20. The rate of change of aending moment is …………………..

ANS; Equal to rate of Shear Force

21. The rate of change of shear force is …………………………….

ANS; Intensity of loading

22. When can two forces ae at eqoiliariom ………………………..

ANS; if the size and directon of the forces actng on an object are
exactly balanced, then there is no net force actng on the object.

23. A heavy ladder restng on a foor and against a vertcal wall may not
ae in eqoiliariom, when………
ANS; The foor and wall both are smooth surfaces

24. When a shear force is zero, the aending moment is ………….

ANS; Maximum

25. The temperatore of a aody increased the stress indoced


ANS; Thermal stress

26. The resoltant of two eqoal forces P making an angle 2θ is given ay…

ANS; 2Pcosθ /2

27. What is the vertcal component when force 10N make angle 30◦
with the horizontal………

ANS; Vertcal component- yy

Fy ¿ 10Nsin30°
¿ 5N

28. Overhanging aeams is ………

ANS; A beam in which one end is sliding out.

29. Contnooos aeams is …….

ANS; A statcally indeterminate multispan beam on hinged support.

30. shear force is onaalanced …………….to the lef or right of the secton

ANS; Vertcal Force.

31. Fixed aeam is also known as……

ANS; Fixediend beam/Beuiltiin beam/Restrained beam

32. When shear force is inclined to a straight line the load is…

ANS: Uniformly varying load.

33 .The diagram of Uniformly varying load of aending moment is

ANS; A cubic parabola

34. The formola for the elongaton of a rod is………

ANS; Elongaton ¿FL/AE

35. Positve aonding moment is also known as…….

ANS; Sagging

36. A aeam sopported at aoth ends is called……

ANS; Simply supported beam

37. A aeam aending moment is maximom when the shear force is …

ANS; Zero


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