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Name: Jamshed

Biology 11th
Roll No.________ Name: _______________
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Sr. Questions A B C D
1 A is a submicroscopic infectious particle Virus Bacterium Slime mold Water mold
composed of a protein coat and a nucleic
acid core.
2 A class is a group of related: Species Order Families Genera
3 A disease tobacco mosaic virus is caused Virus Genus Parasite Charles
by: Chamberland
4 A group of organisms at any particular Species Taxon Genus Phylum
level in a classification system is called a:
5 A plant infected from an external source Vertical Horizontal Retrograde None of these
of virus through injured parts is: transmission transmission transmission
6 A process in which DNA of virus Filtration Lysis Induction Lysogenic
detached from host's chromosome and
start lytic cycle:
7 A set of related genera would be Family Order Species Class
grouped into a:
8 A virus which incorporates its DNA into Virulent Prophage Lytie phage None of these
the DNA of its host organism is a: phage
9 Adenovirus: Twort 1915 Common cold Infectious Serum virus
10 AIDS spread by: Homosexualit Immortal way Infected All of these
y of life needles and
11 All viruses: Contain DNA Contain RNA Contain Are
protein intracellular
12 An example of latent period in which Lysis Lysogenic- Prophage Attenuated
DNA of phage is integrated with the phase virus
DNA of host coli chromosome is:
13 are small naked fragments of RNA that Prions Prophages Macrophages Viroids
infect plant cells.
14 Bacteria: Kingdom Kingdom Kingdom Kingdom
Monera Animalia Fungi Protoctista
15 Bacteriophage occurs in two structural Spherical Rectangular Cubical All of the
form having: symmetry symmetry symmetry above
16 Bacteriophage: D'Herelle 1917 Serum virus Infectious Common cold
17 Cassia fistula: Invertebrate 1758.0 Organelles of Amaltas
18 Chitin in cell wall: Dicotydledona Mushroom Cd4 recepter Virion
19 Colorado Tick fever is caused by: Double Single Double Single
stranded RNA stranded RNA stranded DNA stranded DNA
virus virus virus virus
20 Common cold is caused by: Arbo virus Rhabdo virus Rhino virus Herpes virus

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Name: Jamshed

Sr. Questions A B C D
21 Copying the HIV virus' nucleic acid Replicase Reverse Transcriptase Reverse
depends on: transcriptase replicase
22 During lytic cycle how many phages 100-300 100-500 100-200 100-400
are released from infected host cell:
23 Edward Jenner first vaccinated an 08 1796 1797 1794 1795
years old boy with pus from cowpox
24 Electrophoresis is used to: Match a gene Clone genes Separate Cut DNA into
with its fragments of fragments
function DNA
25 Encephalitis is caused by: Arbo virus Rhino virus Rhabdo virus Paramyxo
26 Fungi: Monera Kingdom Related classes Decomposer
27 Genetic material of tobacco mosaic virus RNA DNA Fat Protein
28 Hepatitis A is caused by: Enveloped Enveloped Un-enveloped Un-enveloped
RNA virus DNA virus RNA virus DNA virus
29 Hepatitis A: Infectious Serum virus D'Herelle 1917 Twort 1915
30 Hepatitis B: Infectious D'Herelle 1917 Serum virus Common cold
31 Hepatitis-B viral genome contains: 259 459 359 159
nucleotides nucleotides
nucleotides nucleotides
32 Herpes and shingles are caused by: Medium and Small genome
Medium and Small genome
large genome DNA viruslarge genome RNA virus
DNA virus RNA virus
33 HIV is not transmitted by: Sexual contact Parental route Vertical Oro-faecal
transmission route
34 HIV is: Plus strand Un-enveloped Retrovirus Large genome
virus minus strand virus
35 HIV: Common cold Failure of Infectious Serum virus
immune hepatitis
36 How many caspomeres are present in 163 161 162 160
the capsid of herpes virus?
37 Identifying organisms by their Genus Nomenclature Systematic Binomial Succession
and Species names is called: Nomenclature
38 If two organisms are in the same Class Species Family Kingdom
phylum, they must also be in the same:
39 If you compare a human arm with the Genetics Analogy Homology Biochemistry
front leg of an alligator or horse, or the
flipper of a whale or a bat's skin-covered
wing then it will be helpful you to
classify these animals on the basis of:
40 In 1884 one of Pasteur's associate found Twort Carolus Edward Charles
that bacteria can not pass through Linnaeus Jenner Chamberland
procelain filters.
41 In 1935 isolated crystal of virus from Twort D'Herelle Stanley Robert Hook
infected leaf of tobacco.
42 In 1966 Ernst Haeckel proposed a third Monera Protoctista Fungi Plantae
kingdom called:

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Name: Jamshed

Sr. Questions A B C D
43 In general appearance cubical phase are Triangular Ellipsoidal Rectangular Icosahedral
regular solid or:
44 In printed scientific names, only the is Kingdom Family Genus Species
45 In the scientific name of onion, Allium Genus Order Species Family
cepa, the Allium belongs to its:
46 In the two kingdom systems which of Photosynthesis Inability to Cellulose cell Ingestion of
these would characterize an animal: move wall food
47 In the two kingdom systems which of Photosynthesis Ingestion of Cellulose cell Inability to
these would characterize an animal: food wall move
48 Jelly fish: Amaltas Vertebrate Invertebrate Organelles of
49 Linnaeus developed the system of Common Binomial Scientific Phase
nomenclature which we still use today
50 Linnaeus developed the system of Scientific Phase Common Binomial
nomenclature which we still use today:
51 List of names of animal: 1758 1969 1789 1858
52 Living organisms can be classified on the Homology Cytology Biochemistry All of these
basis of:
53 Margulis and Schwartz renamed Prokaryotae Plantae Protoctista Eukaryotae
Whittaker's kingdom Protista as:
54 Measles and mumps are caused by: Rhino virus Paramyxo Rhabdo virus Arbo virus
55 Mitochondria, chloroplast: Vertebrate Invertebrate Amaltas Organelles of
56 Monera Protista Plantae Fungi Monera 1 2 3 4
57 Multiculler Eukaryotic heterotrophs: Related classes Decomposer Kingdom Monera
58 Obligate intracellular parasite because Bacteria Fungi Plants Virus
they lack metabolic machinery are:
59 Once bound to the cell surface, the virus The genetic The capsid The envelope All of these
must enter: material into into the host into the host
the cell cell cell
60 Organism with prokaryotic cells belong Protoctista Monera Fungi Animalia
to the kingdom:
61 Organism with prokaryotic cells belong Protista Fungi Monera Animalia
to the kingdom:
62 Organisms in the Kingdom Animalia Multicellular Multicellular Unicellular & Unicellular &
are: & & autotrophic autotrophic Heterotrophie
63 Phyla: Decomposer Kingdom Monera Related classes
64 Pigs are reservoir to: Hepatitis B Hepatitis C Hepatitis D Hepatitis E
65 Plants are: Heterotrophic Chemosynthet Autotrophic All of the
ic above
66 Polio virus is: Rod like Tadpole like Brick like Spherical
67 Prion: Double Mysterious DNA Protective
Stranded DNA brain infection incorporated agent used to
in man in to host stimulate
chromosome immune

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Name: Jamshed

Sr. Questions A B C D
68 Prokaryotic organisms make up the: Archaebacteria Archaebacteria Protists and Eubacteria,
, Eubacteria, and Protists Eubacteria Archaebacteria
and Protists and
69 Prophage: Nucleocapsid Lytic Phage Double DNA
Stranded DNA incorporated
into host
70 Protista: Euglena and Dicotydledona Mushroom Monocotyledo
Amoeba e nae
71 Release by Lysis or Budding: Virion Dicotydledona Monocotyledo Euglena and
e nae Amoeba
72 Reverse transcription, carried out by RNA is DNA is RNA DNA
retroviruses, is the process by which? duplicated duplicated information is information is
copied into copied into
73 RNA retroviruses have a special Polymerizes Synthesis host Transcribes Translate host
enzyme that: host RNA DNA. viral RNA to DNA
74 Robert Whittaker: Amaltas 1758 Invertebrate 1969
75 Scientific name has advantages of: Same name Same Has not Has scientific
applied to organism have scientific basis basis and
different different universally
organism name in accepted.
different areas
76 Small pox, yellow fever, 4 8 2 6
Diphtheria, herpes, Tetanus,
Mumps, Citrus Canker, Typhoid, AIDS,
Measles are some examples of diseases,
How many of them are caused by
77 Some RNA viruses have no DNA stage. Plus strand Minus strand Bacteriophages Variola
Messenger RNA is synthesized from an RNA viruses RNA viruses viruses
RNA template. These viruses are:
78 T lymphocyte: Virion Dicotyledonae Monocotyledo Cd4 recepter
79 T4 Phages: Double Mysterious DNA Protective
Stranded DNA brain infection incorporated agent used to
in man in to host stimulate
chromosome immune
80 Tail of bacteriophage has an enzyme for Tylin Lipases Ribozymes Lysozyrne
dissolving a portion of bacterial cell wall:
81 The basic unit of classification is: Genus Kingdom Family Species
82 The best known anti-HIV drug is: Benzodiazephi Leodopa Azidothymidi None of these
ne ne
83 The eukaryotic multicelluar reducers Parasite Autotrophic, Carolus Fungi
are: Photosynthesis Linnaeus
84 The fact that all land animals with Common Different Both (A) and (A) or (B)
backbones have the basic pattern of ancestor ancestors (B)
"five- boned" arms, this similarity is due
to an inheritance from a:
85 The fine kingdom system of Robert Karlene and E-chattas Linnaeus
classification was proposed by: Whittaker Margulis
86 The first to isolate a plant virus as W.M. Stanely Smith Stakmann Ivanowski

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Name: Jamshed

Sr. Questions A B C D
87 The first virus to be purified was the: Flu virus Tobacco Smallpox Polio virus
mosaic virus virus
88 The five kingdom system of E-chattas Robert Linnaeus Karlene and
classification was proposed by: Whittaker Margulis
89 The function of the enzyme reverse Convert host Produce DNA Attach the Produce new
transcriptase in HIV infection is to: RNA into that can be virus to the viral RNA
viral RNA incorporated host cell's from the host
into the host plasma cell's DNA
cell's DNA membranes
from viral
90 The human immunodeficiency virus Helper T cells Red blood cell Plasma cells Killer T cell
primarily infects:
91 The immune system protects the body People with The AIDS People with All of the
from diseases. Because the AIDS virus AIDS are virus is spread AIDS are above
weakens the immune system therefore: more very easily immune to all
vulnerable to other diseases
other diseases
92 The level of hierarchy just below Order Family Class Kingdom
Phylum is:
93 The mode of nutrition related to fungi Photosynthesis Absorption Ingestion Chemosynthes
in 5 kingdom classification is: is
94 The mode of nutrition related to fungi Photosynthesis Absorption Ingestion Chemosynthes
in 5 kingdom classification is: is
95 The organisms are grouped into larger, Species Division Phylum Taxa
more inclusive categories:
96 The phage reproductive cycle that kills Temperate Non virulent Lysogenic Lytic
the bacterial host cell is:
97 The phage which causes lysis of the host Lytic Lysogenic Non-virulent Prophage
cell is known as:
98 The plant kingdom is first divided into Family Division Order Class
which category of classification?
99 The pointer is indicating the virus's: 25 Envelope Capsid Contractile Tail
sec. sheath
100 The seven bones in the human neck Analogues Homologues Vestiges All (A), (B)
correspond with the same seven, much and (C)
larger, neck bones in the giraffe. They
101 The transmission of virus from host to Vertical Horizontal Both (A) and Neither (A)
progeny is: transmission transmission (B) nor (B)
102 The virus capsid may be described as: Outside Phospholipid Virus protein Nucleoprotein
protein coat envelope spike
103 The virus that can pass through Parasite Filterable Transducer Soluble
porcelain filters is called:
104 The viruses whose genome act directly Plus strand Minus strand Plus strand Minus strand
as messenger RNA after infecting a host DNA viruses RNA viruses RNA viruses DNA viruses
cell are called:
105 The word virus is derived from Latin Virion Verb Venome None of the
word: above
106 Vaccin is not available for which virus: HBV HCV HAB HIV
107 Vaccine: Mysterious Protective Double Nucleocapsid
brain infection agent used to Stranded DNA
in man stimulate

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Name: Jamshed

Sr. Questions A B C D
108 Virion: Protective Nucleocapsid Lytic Phage Double
agent used to Stranded DNA
109 Viroids differ from other viruses in Only naked Only naked Virus genome Virus genome
having: RNA DNA with satellite with histone
molecule molecule DNA
110 Virus are strict that require the Symbiont Saprophyte Parasite Predators
enzyme of the host cell for their life
111 Virus is a Latin word meaning: Minute Poison Medicine Disease
112 Viruses are considered nonliving Their nucleic They cannot They don't They do not
because: acid does not reproduce mutate locomote
code for independently
113 Viruses are denied a kingdom of their They are too They are too Their genetics They are not
own because: poorly small cannot be organisms
understood determined
114 Viruses are symmetrical in structure. Lin-enveloped Ionized Crystallized Both (A) and
We know this because they can be: (C)
115 Viruses range in size from: 20 nm to 250 50nm to 400 100 nm to 200 50 nm to 300
nm mu nm nm
116 Viruses that cause lysis in host cells are Temperate Phagocytic Virulent Infectious
called: viruses viruses viruses viruses
117 What do plants and animals have in Both are Both are Both are Both are
common? heterotrophic autotrophic prokaryotic eukaryotic
118 What is the distinguishing feature of Encode RNA Encode Lack an DNA virus
retroviruses? polymerase reverse envelope
119 What is the most effective protection Antibiotic Washing Natural Disinfectants
against viral infections? Hands immunity of
the host
120 When a virus kills the infected host Lysogenic Phagocytic Lytic Endocytic
cell in which it is replicating, the
reproductive cycle is called a cycle.
121 When a bacteriophage is integrated into Macrophage Microphage Prophage Lytic-phage
a cellular genome it is called a:
122 Which of the following groups Class Order Phylum Family
would contain the largest number
of organisms?
123 Which disease is caused by Herpes Tetanus Measles and Influenza
paramyxoviruses? simplex mumps
124 Which disease is transferred to human Anthrax Rabies Cholera Botulism
by bites of dogs?
125 Which does not describe viruses? They exhibit They are Each has both A protein
some but not obligate DNA and capsid
the entire intracellular RNA in it. surrounds the
characteristic parasite. nucleic acid
associated portion.
with living
126 Which hepatitis virus is parentally Hepatitis A Hepatitis C Hepatitis E Hepatitis A
transmitted? and Hepatitis

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Name: Jamshed

Sr. Questions A B C D
127 Which is an infectious protein particle? Capsid Virion Retrovirus
128 Which is not true of prokaryotes? Are living Are both All areLack a
cells archaea and parasitic
bacteria bounded
129 Which is not true? Viruses are classified Nucleic acid Morphology Presence of Type of
by: type envelope cytopathic
130 Which of the following are not matched Virulent Temperate Lysogenic Lytic cycle-
correctly? virus-lytic virus-non- virus-genome kills host cell
cycle infecting virus becomes part
of host
131 Which of the following illness is caused AIDS Malaria Typhoid Sleeping
by a retrovirus? sickness
132 Which of the following is a un-matching Rhabdo virus Paramyxo Rhino virus — Arbo virus —
set regarding viral diseases? —Rabies virus — yellow fever Encephalitis
133 Which of the following is necessary for A living host A vaccine A high body Sunlight,
a virus to reproduce? cell temperature water, and
134 Which of the following is not a DNA Herpes virus Hepatitis B Rabies virus Bacteriophage
virus? virus virus
135 Which of the following is not a viral Mumps Measles Chicken pox Diphtheria
136 Which of the following is not a virus Capsid Capsomere Nucleoprotein Mitochondria
137 Which of the following is not true about Obligate Contain DNA Are acellular Uses host
viruses? intracellular and RNA machinery
138 Which of the following is not true about Obligate Contain DNA A cellular Use host
viruses? intracellular and RNA machinery
139 Which of the following organs do Lungs Gut Muscles Liver
hepatitis viruses infect?
140 Which of these are found in all viruses? Protein, DNA, RNA Protein and
Nuclic acids, and Protein nuclic acid
nucleic acid,
Carbohydrates capsid
141 Which of these is a true statement? New viral Viruses carry Viruses do not Viruses use
ribosomes with them need ribosome the hosts
form after their own for protein ribosomes for
viral DNA machinery for formation their own
enters in the protein ends
cell formation
142 Which one is composed of one or more Genus Order Family group
143 Which part of animal virus is not Envelope DNA Protein Capsid
produced in multiple copies?
144 Which step in the lytic cycle follows Assemblage DNA Production of Disintegration
attachment of virus and release of DNA replication Lysozyme of host DNA
into the host cell?
145 Which virus is transmitted by faecal oral Influenza Hepatitis A Dengue virus Hepatitis C
route? virus virus virus

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Name: Jamshed

Sr. Questions A B C D
146 Who introduce the system for naming Carolus D'Herelle Twort Stanley
of organisms known as binomial Linnaeus
147 Who proposed a third kingdom to Carolus D'Herelle Twort Ernst Haeckel
accommodate Euglena like organism and Linnaeus
148 Yellow fever: 1801 1901 1900 1892
149 Zea mays: Monocotyledo Dicotyledonae Euglena and Virion
nae Amoeba

Solve the following Short Questions

Q.No. 1: How many species of animals and plants are known?

Q.No. 2: Define species?
Q.No. 3: Who and when system for naming and classifying devised?
Q.No. 4: What is Binomial nomenclature?
Q.No. 5: Give any two rules of binomial nomenclature?
Q.No. 6: What are the basis of five kingdom system proposed by robert whittaker?
Q.No. 7: Name the five kingdoms proposed by robert whittaker?
Q.No. 8: What is the difference between kingdoms Monera and Protista?
Q.No. 9: Why viruses can pass through the pores of filter while bacteria cannot?
Q.No. 10: Define virus?
Q.No. 11: What do you mean by obligate intracellular parasites?
Q.No. 12: What are the prions?
Q.No. 13: What is the difference between cubical and helical phages?
Q.No. 14: What are different shapes of viruses?
Q.No. 15: Name some viral diseases which are common in pakistan?
Q.No. 16: What is the mode of transmission of HIV?
Q.No. 17: On what basis do you sy that HIV is host specific?
Q.No. 18: How can we prevent AIDS?
Q.No. 19: What is Hepatitis?How it is caused?
Q.No. 20: What are the symptoms of Hepatitis?
Q.No. 21: What is the composotion of virion?
Q.No. 22: What is the lowest and highest group in classification?
Q.No. 23: At the time of Louis Pasteur and robert koch the word virus was referred for what purpose?
Q.No. 24: Where word virus is derived from?
Q.No. 25: Why the term vaccination was used by Louis Pasteur?
Q.No. 26: What was the work of Ivanowsky?
Q.No. 27: Are viruses resistant to antibiotics?
Q.No. 28: What is the capsid made up of?
Q.No. 29: Into how many structural forms bacteriophages occur?
Q.No. 30: What does the viral nucleic acid do immediately afrer entering the host cell?
Q.No. 31: What is temperate or avirulent phage?
Q.No. 32: What is Influenza?
Q.No. 33: What is Mumps?
Q.No. 34: What is Measles?
Q.No. 35: What are pocks?

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Name: Jamshed

Q.No. 36: How hepatitis A is transmitted?

Q.No. 37: What is virology?
Q.No. 38: What are naked virions?
Q.No. 39: What did Chamberland find?
Q.No. 40: With which material jenner vaccinated 8 years old boy?
Q.No. 41: When filterable agents were first purified?
Q.No. 42: What is the size of viruses?
Q.No. 43: What is lytic or virulent phage?
Q.No. 44: What is lysozyme?
Q.No. 45: What is the scientific name for onion amaltas and man?
Q.No. 46: How many times viruses are smaller than bacteria?
Q.No. 47: What is the botanical name for potato and brinjal?
Q.No. 48: Differentiate between capsid and capsomeres?
Q.No. 49: What is nucleocapsid?
Q.No. 50: What is the meaning of Pyramidal?
Q.No. 51: What is vaccine?
Q.No. 52: Which are the kinds of the hepatitis caused by virus yet unidentified?
Q.No. 53: What is virology?
Q.No. 54: What is the origin of the word virus?
Q.No. 55: Define the term species?
Q.No. 56: When did small pox occur as epidemic in China?
Q.No. 57: Who isolated the virus from the host tobacco cells in and when?
Q.No. 58: Name the organism which shares the characters of both the plants as well as animals?
Q.No. 59: Affect the pathogenic viruses?
Q.No. 60: What is the nature of nucleic acid in phages?
Q.No. 61: What is autotrophy?
Q.No. 62: What us HAV abbreviation for?
Q.No. 63: What does bacteriophage mean?
Q.No. 64: How is HIV transmitted?
Q.No. 65: What is the role of capsid?
Q.No. 66: List the divisions of the biological classification system of animals?
Q.No. 67: What is the Swedish botanist, Carolus Linnaeus famous for?
Q.No. 68: What is an obligate parasite?
Q.No. 69: Write down four characteristics of viruses.
Q.No. 70: What are pocks?
Q.No. 71: Write four names of viral diseases common in human beings.
Q.No. 72: What are symptoms of small pox?
Q.No. 73: Sketch and label diagram of bacteriophage.
Q.No. 74: What are prions?
Q.No. 75: Define species and virology.
Q.No. 76: Define binomial nomenclature. Give an example.
Q.No. 77: Write down five postulates of germ theory of disease by Robert Koch.
Q.No. 78: Differentiate between procariotique and eucariotique.
Q.No. 79: Write down biological classification of corn.

Solve the following Long Questions

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Name: Jamshed

Q.No. 1: Describe Linnean’s system of binomial nomenclature in detail. Give its rules.
Q.No. 2: What is AIDS? How's it transmitted?
Q.No. 3: Describe some viral diseases, which are common in Pakistan.
Q.No. 4: What is hepatitis? Give its symptoms and discuss its three common types.
Q.No. 5: Describe lytic cycle of bacteriophage (with diagram).
Q.No. 6: Define specie Describe its characteristics?
Q.No. 7: Give biological classification of corn?
Q.No. 8: Define binomial nomenclature? Write its rule?
Q.No. 9: Write the objections of two and three kingdom system of classification?
Q.No. 10: Differentiate five kingdoms suggested by whitakker?
Q.No. 11: Who modified the kingdom system and how?
Q.No. 12: Differentiate between nucleocapsid and capsid?
Q.No. 13: Differentiate between lytic and lysogenic cycle?
Q.No. 14: What do you mean by induction and prophage?
Q.No. 15: Diferentate oetween prion and virion
Q.No. 16: Sketch the lytic and lysogenic cycle?
Q.No. 17: Draw and label the diagram of bacteriophage?
Q.No. 18: Wnte a note on small pox and Herpes simplex
Q.No. 19: What is hepatitis? Also give its symptoms, causes and control
Q.No. 20: Compare HAV, HBV HCV.
Q.No. 21: Write the scientific names of onion, man, potato, tomato , brinjal.

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