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Fresh water conservation campaigns

Group Name:
Water conservers
Group leader:
Muhammad Azeem Tariq
Group members:
 Muhammad Azeem Tariq
 Muhammad Salman
 Salman Zeb
 Maria Paul
 Malaika Paul
 Namira Fatima
Table of content
1. Vision
2. Mission
3. Problem statement
4. Responsibility matrix
5. Weekly breakdown of campaign’s work
5.1. Week 1: Introduction to WWF and getting familiar to new fellows
5.2. Week 2: social media awareness and education campaign
5.3. Week 3: Analysis of different places and educational institutes
5.4. Week 4: Derived a water conservation and cleanliness campaign
5.5. Week 5: Derived water conservation & awareness campaigns at schools
5.6. Week 6: Compiling the whole report and designing pptx for project
6. Campaign material
6.1 Survey
6.2 Engagement sessions
6.3 Competitions
6.4 Interviews
6.5 Social media links
7. Results
7.1 Campaign impact
7.2 Audience feedback
7.3 Learning outcomes
8. Sustainable plan
Our vision is a world where every individual recognizes the preciousness of water and adopts
sustainable practices to conserve it. By fostering a global mindset of responsible water usage, we
can safeguard this invaluable resource for current and future generations, ensuring a harmonious
balance between human needs and environmental well-being. This vision entails comprehensive
education, innovative technologies, and collective efforts to promote a water-secure planet. We
want to give the important notes of water drops to people that even a single drop matters and count
in hydration.

Our mission is to raise awareness about water conservation through educational initiatives,
advocacy campaigns, and practical solutions. By empowering communities and youth to
implement efficient water-saving practices, and promoting responsible water consumption, we
strive to create a sustainable future where water scarcity is mitigated and ecosystems thrive.
Through collective action, our mission seeks to preserve this vital resource and also the
preservation of this resource from harming agents and pollutant from plastic and conserving it for
environment, aquatic life, human beings, animals and other biotic and abiotic factors of
environment for the prosperity of all life on Earth.

Why we chose this topic
We have chosen to work on the critical topic of water conservation due to its profound significance
for the well-being of both humanity and the planet. Water is an irreplaceable resource that sustains
all forms of life, underpinning ecosystems, agriculture, industries, and human health. However,
increasing population, urbanization, climate change, and unsustainable water management
practices have led to a growing global water crisis, where many regions face water scarcity,
pollution, and environmental degradation.
Our decision to focus on saving water is driven by several compelling reasons. Firstly, water
scarcity poses a severe threat to vulnerable communities around the world, affecting their access
to clean drinking water, sanitation, and basic hygiene. This exacerbates inequalities and hampers
socio-economic development. Secondly, as water scarcity intensifies, conflicts over water
resources are likely to emerge, jeopardizing regional stability and security.
Moreover, the environmental impacts of water mismanagement are extensive. Depleted rivers,
drying lakes, and dwindling groundwater levels disrupt ecosystems, threaten biodiversity, and
disrupt the services that these ecosystems provide, such as flood regulation and water purification.
The excessive extraction of water from rivers and aquifers can lead to the subsidence of land,
impacting infrastructure and exacerbating natural disasters.
Our commitment to addressing water conservation stems from the urgency to create a sustainable
future. By raising awareness about responsible water use, implementing water-efficient
technologies, and advocating for sound water policies, we aim to mitigate water scarcity and
promote equitable access to this precious resource. Through our efforts, we aspire to instill a
culture of water-conscious behavior that respects the limits of nature and safeguards the vitality of
our planet for generations to come. Our dedication to saving water is rooted in the belief that by
acting today, we can secure a more resilient and harmonious world for the future.

Name Work done & responsibilities
Muhammad Azeem Tariq 1. Divide and assign work to other all group members
2. Design action plan and activities for campaigns
3. Compile the work of all members in a single report
4. Design theme flyer for visiting different places
5. Design poster, pamphlets for media campaign on the topic
of water conservation in our daily life
6. Design and collect data for giving awareness at visiting
places on different niches of water conservation
7. Make and report itself work file as schools, social media
and other areas campaign work and results
8. Survey The ideal public school for deriving campaign
9. Survey, design and present the agenda and working
module of awareness campaign to DPS & college staff &
team for deriving campaign there
10. Request WWF for permission letter of visiting areas
11. Manage the printing and required material for campaigns
12. Design a presentation for report submission and presenting
all work
13. Manage all the activities, sessions and campaign in school
and college
14. Give Guidelines for designing and creating presentation
for final session project submission
Muhammad Salman 1. Design poster for media campaign on the topic of rain
water harvesting
2. Make and report itself work file as schools, social media
and other areas campaign work and results
3. Survey Hiking trail 03 for deriving campaign there
4. Design different competitions among students during
Salman Zeb 1. Design poster for media campaign on the topic of
sustainable plans for water in agriculture
2. Give ideas for school campaigns
3. Make and report itself work file as schools, social media
and other areas campaign work and results
4. Survey Hiking trail 03 for deriving campaign there
5. Created a documentary for schools campaign on water
Malaika Paul 1. Design poster for media campaign on the topic of
conservation of water on large scale and benefits
2. Make and report itself work file as schools, social media
and other areas campaign work and results
3. Survey Hiking trail 05 for deriving campaign there
4. Design a review and feedback questionnaire for campaigns
Maria Paul 1. Design poster for media campaign on the topic of plastic
pollution in water
2. Make and report itself work file as schools, social media
and other areas campaign work and results
3. Survey Hiking trail 05 for deriving campaign there
4. Design a review and feedback questionnaire for campaigns
5. Create the template for final report submission
Namira Fatima 1. Design poster for media campaign on the topic of ground
water recharge
2. Give ideas for school campaigns
3. Design a presentation for school awareness campaign
4. Make and report itself work file as schools, social media
and other areas campaign work and results
5. Survey the DPS & college for deriving campaign there
6. Make presentation for report


5.1 Week 1: Introduction to WWF and getting familiar to new fellows
5.2 Week 2: social media awareness and education campaign
5.3 Week 3: Analysis of different places and educational institutes
5.4 Week 4: Derived a water conservation and cleanliness campaign
5.5 Week 5: Derived water conservation & awareness campaigns at schools

5.1 Week 1: Introduction to WWF Pakistan and getting familiar to new fellows.
In the first week of the internship by WWF Pakistan, the organization introduced its mission and
goals to the participants. The campaign's central theme was focused on raising awareness about
the importance of natural resources to sustain a better environment on Earth. Participants were
given an overview of WWF's efforts in environmental conservation and its commitment to
addressing pressing issues such as water scarcity. The introductory session was held in city
Islamabad drawing participants from diverse backgrounds. In the introductory session and week
there set some goals for conservation of some major components of environment and also intro to
the niches of WWF-P working module as
 Forest
 Fresh water
 Species
 Poverty
 Climate change
 Wildlife conservation
 Marine and coastal areas
Also there a moment for knowing the important note of WWF-P as
K Knowledgeable
O Optimistic
D Determined
E Engaging
Then we also get familiar to new fellows by interacting with each other by some kind of activities
and also joining each other for community service project. Community service project form helps
a lot in getting familiar and interacting to each other for different work and projects.

5.2 Week 2: Social media awareness and education campaign.

During the second week, the campaign shifted its focus to social media engagement. Participants
were guided on creating compelling social media posts, graphics, and videos that highlighted
different natural issues. The participants were encouraged to use different hashtags from their
relevant topic like #SaveWaterSaveLife #Waterconservation and @WWFPakistan to amplify the
campaign's reach. The content emphasized the direct connection to many peoples watching our
content on different social media platforms underscoring the campaign's core message.
Here is our member wise work done in week 2

1. Muhammad Azeem Tariq

Title: Social media awareness campaign
In the first week of internship my group design the social media awareness campaign on water
conservation topic and then we divided this into six distinct topics and my topic was water
conservation in our daily life. Then I worked on my topic by searching and interacting with some
people in my nearby society and social work to know how people are conserving water in their
daily and what they are practicing in their lives for water conservation and saving every drop for
saving generations and resources. As I come to know the main points and daily mistakes of normal
families and people I worked on some minor topics and design some flyer and pamphlets to spread
awareness among people via social media and some in printed form.
Here is my work with themes which I followed

Post 1
I have design this for giving a concept of to the conservation of water
Post 2

This was created to aware and give simple reason about the water loss and
result of water shortage in our daily life usage and problems
Post 3
Then as we all working to save water not only to aware community so here is
the solution and strategies to save and conserve water for communities, lives,
generations and environment. These are some basic and commonly followed
steps and strategies in our daily and on some places these are now part of life
2. Muhammad Salman Zeb
Title: Social media awareness campaign
During the initial week of the internship, our team embarked on crafting a social media
awareness campaign centered around the critical issue of water conservation. Recognizing the
multifaceted significance of water across various sectors, we opted to dissect the topic into six
distinct sub-topics. Each team member was assigned a specific sub-topic to delve into.
In this context, my focus lay on "sustainable plans for the use of water in agriculture." To
gain insights, I engaged in comprehensive research and conducted discussions with individuals
from my local community, including members involved in social work. These interactions
allowed me to grasp prevalent practices related to water usage in agricultural activities. I was
keen on understanding the measures people were adopting in their daily lives to conserve water,
ensuring its availability for future generations and preserving valuable resources.
Given the extensive scope of agriculture, I conceived a strategic approach for our campaign.
Harnessing the power of the digital era, I proposed creating impactful social media posts. This
approach aimed to raise awareness not only among the general populace but also among farmers
and relevant authorities. By leveraging the digital platform, we intended to disseminate
information that could catalyze positive change and promote water-saving practices on a wider

Post 1

Post 2
Post 3

Post 4
Post 5

3. Muhammad Suleman
Title: Social media awareness campaign
In the first week of internship my group design the social media awareness campaign on water
conservation topic the theme was different and my portion theme was rain water harvesting.
Then I worked on my theme by searching and interacting with some people in my nearby society
and social work to know how we can conserve rain water in our daily life and what they are
practicing in their lives for water conservation and saving every drop for saving generations and
Here is my work with themes which I followed

I have design this for giving a concept that why we need to harvest
rain water.

This was created to aware about rain water harvesting and how we
can use the conserve water in our daily life.

Here are the complete benefits that we should get by harvesting rain
Title: Social media awareness campaign
The project our group member selected was on water conservation but the subtopic entitled to me
is plastic pollution

 Upraise of Plastic Pollution:

Plastic has become one of the most used substances. It is seen everywhere these days, from
supermarkets to common households. Why is that? Why is the use of plastic on the rise instead of
diminishing? The main reason is that plastic is very cheap. It costs lesser than other alternatives
like paper and cloth. This is why it is so common.
 Micro plastics

Once at sea, sunlight, wind, and wave action break down plastic waste into small particles, often
less than one-fifth of an inch across. These so-called micro plastics are spread throughout the water
column and have been found in every corner of the globe, from Mount Everest, the highest peak,
to the Mariana Trench, the deepest trough.
Micro plastics are breaking down further into smaller and smaller pieces. Plastic microfibers,
meanwhile, have been found in municipal drinking water systems and drifting through the air.

 Harm to wildlife

Millions of animals are killed by plastics every year, from birds to fish to other marine organisms.
Nearly 700 species, including endangered ones, are known to have been affected by plastics.
Nearly every species of seabird eats plastics.
 Prevent – Stop plastic at its source

We need to act now to stop using unnecessary single-use and problematic plastics. The simplest
way to reduce plastic waste is to avoid unnecessary and single-use plastics, support businesses
who are reducing plastic waste and re-use existing plastic.
 Say no to disposable plastic cutlery, plastic straws and other single-use plastics.
 Avoid plastics that cannot be recycled if other alternatives exist.
 Avoid products with excess or unnecessary plastic packaging.
 Adopt reusable items such as water bottles, shopping bags, keep cups and travel cutlery.
5. Namira Fatima
Title: Social media awareness campaign
The project our group member selected was on water conservation but the subtopic entitled to me
was ground water recharge. Its importance and how its beneficial to us. I design this poster to
show that what actually ground water is and how it recharges.

This is the poster in which I highlighted some of the benefits of ground water
recharge through which we can come to know that which benefits this technique
gives us.
This poster shows about the importance of ground water recharge that why this
technique is important.
I here mentioned a quote which highlighted the importance of ground water recharge system.
This flyer shows about the importance of one factor that is precipitation. The
rain water not only brings us the water it also generates the revenue to us. By
storing rain water, we can use it in different household purposes.
6. Malaika Paul
Title: Social media awareness campaign
The project our group member selected was on water conservation but the subtopic entitled to me
was water conservation on large scale and importance. Our project was selected to aware the public
for water conservation. Life without water is not possible. We need it for many things including cleaning,
cooking, using the washroom, and more. Moreover, we need clean water to lead a healthy life. We can take
many steps to conserve water on a national level as well as an individual level.










5.3 Week 3: Survey of schools, colleges and communities for water
conservation awareness
In the third week we design surveys of schools, colleges and other communities to get familiar to
the points, terms and water consumption methodology of that area and what they are doing for
environment or what they are doing with environment by using the resources of environment. So
by keeping the theme under consideration we divided ourselves into three groups as
Grouping Survey area to analyze the current condition
Muhammad Suleman & Salman Zeb Dhok khasmirian & frooq-eazam road from st
#01 to St#08
M. Azeem Tariq & Namira Fatima Ideal Public school & DPS & college
Maria Paul & Malaika Paul Hiking Trail 05 & 03

5.4 Week 4: Awareness campaign in school and Activities.

In the fourth week, the campaign extended its impact by visiting The ideal school. This visit
involved different interactive activities like chart competitions activity among students,
questionnaire among students and awareness session like presentation. And also discussing the
solutions among the students for giving them right path and ideas to conserve water. The whole
campaign centered around water conservation. A highlight of the school visit was a motivational
speech that emphasized the pivotal role of students in spreading the message of "Save Water, Save
Life." The engagement at school aimed to instill a sense of responsibility and ownership in the
younger generation for the sustainable use of water resources. The campaign drive in the school
We design different activities as

1. What is water conservation?

One of our group member Namira Fatima delivering the lecture to students about what is water
conservation on different levels like Ground recharge, household, rain water harvesting and also
how to conserve and save water on these levels and daily life.

2. Questionnaire
Then the questionnaire activity held among students for knowing what they are doing at home and
in daily life for water and with water.
Here’s a click showing the performed activity among the students
3. Chart activity
This activity was carried out by Salman Zeb as he guides students about the activity and also divide
them in groups and assign them different topics to work. This activity was design and carried to
get familiar what students know about water, water importance and what they will do for water.

Then students start working on their topic as we divide students into three groups as below
describe with their assigned topic
Group name Topic
9th Boys We use water for
9th Girls Importance of water
10th & 7th How they design a campaign
Other than that here are the clicks respectively
9th Boys

9th Girls
10th & 7th

4. Solutions and right path

Then the second last portion is here as we discuss all the problems and mistakes done in our
daily life so we also guide them and give right path to follow in daily life for solutions and
conserving the water and generations. This part was carried out by M. Azeem Tariq

5. Feedback and review

In the last we took feedback and review from the students about the activities and session held
there and what they learn from the session. We took review and feedback in the form of group as
we allow students to choose a member from their side who can on front and write their opinion.

5.5 Week 5: Continuing School Engagements.

Building on the previous week's school engagements, the campaign continued its outreach to
different schools in the fifth week. This time, the focus was on creating deeper connections with
students and teachers through workshops and discussions. The activities were tailored to encourage
critical thinking and problem-solving regarding water conservation challenges. The importance of
collective action was stressed, inspiring students to become ambassadors of change within their
communities. For this activity and workshop, we choose and visit the DIVISONAL PUBLIC
SCHOOL AND COLLEGE. There we design some activities, workshop and other interesting part
for students and teachers to take part and give their ideas and opinion on water conservations.
We design some interesting activities for students to engage in the session like
Presentation on water conservation as what is water conservation on different niches and module
this portion was effectively done and carried out by the Namira Fatima as
The second segment was based on student’s activity as questionnaire to get survey their daily uses
of water in homes commonly or work place this was carried out by Maria Paul as

The third portion was documentary that was created and designed by the M. Salman Zeb on the
theme of water in a blessing protect it as this was an interesting part for giving ideas to youth for
water conservation ad issues related to water scarcity as
The other portion was built on the total involvement of students as what they know about water
conservation so we divide them into four groups as assign them different topics to work and make
an idea what they will do so it was carried out by M. Azeem Tariq as

The next and last portion was the solutions awareness as what we have to adopt and what we have
to mitigate our daily for water conservation this was presented by M. Azeem Tariq as
The last portion was a feedback session in which different students from different classes and
group came and review the session and campaign as this was carried out by Maria Paul as

5.6 Week 6: Compiling the whole report and designing pptx for project
The last week of the campaign was designed to compile the whole file and assembled this
accordingly as by dates, weeks, segment and weeks and also to design the pptx to present on last
session. All the scenes capture, activities held and other portion occur there in the whole internship
and 5 weeks was design in such a way by the help of all group members it was compile. Compiling
and giving it a sense to read and to watch scenes held throughout the internship and weeks by
Water Conservers group was done by Azeem. The whole file shows our effort and other single
which we done in the all activities. We tried our best and give our about 100% to encourage,
empower and change the youth for their activities and on some level from DPS & college also
from ideal school we got some positive and week 6 that they are doing some little things to save

6. Campaign instruments:
Multimedia (Projector, laptop, speakers) Stationery items (charts, pencils, markers, Board
markers, questionnaires, A4 size sheets, stickers)

6.1 Survey:
Here are some of questionnaire form but we conduct about 45 among students and people,

6.2 Engagement session

We drive 3 sessions as in different places. The number of participants was about 40-50 per session.
drive different campaigns and other interactive sessions among students and other some audience
the purpose was clearly empower them and give awareness about water conservation, how we will
conserve water in daily life either from small scale to large scale, addressing the effects of water
shortage and causes of water shortage, also give them a right path of solutions to utilize water and
conserve water.

6.3 Competition:
In schools among the students we arrange some sorts of competition on different topics about water
conservation to draw their theme and mention in the form of either flow chart or bullets. We design
this activity in the form of groups by dividing students into 4 groups and assign them a topic.
For getting in touch with different people and get to know with their issues and also familiar with
their ideas for water and water conservation with some people and groups to get familiar with them
and their ideas and also note them for further activities and are they compatible to work with us on
water conservation programme. Mostly people did not allow us to capture their scenes that’s why
we have not that much pictures.
Here’s a click showing an activity in which Azeem is taking the interview of student and taking
questions of student and giving ideas and solution in the form of suitable answer.

6.4 Social media links:

We use effectively social media for driving a campaign and awerness session on water
conservation and this whole portion was donne by all group members by using different social
media accounts and platform as all of these mention below via link
Documentary link:

7. Results
The "Preserve Water, Preserve Life" campaign carries a profound impact as it addresses one of the
most pressing global concerns - water scarcity. With water being a fundamental resource essential
for all aspects of life, this campaign's message resonates deeply. By advocating for responsible
water usage, the campaign emphasizes the urgent need to conserve this invaluable resource for
both present and future generations.
The impact of the campaign is multifold. It raises awareness about the alarming rate at which water
sources are depleting and encourages individuals, communities, and industries to adopt water-
saving practices. Through educational initiatives, public service messages, and community
involvement, the campaign fosters a sense of collective responsibility towards water conservation.
Furthermore, the campaign's impact extends beyond immediate resource preservation. By linking
water conservation to the broader concept of safeguarding life itself, it prompts people to recognize
the intricate connections between water, ecosystems, and human well-being. It promotes
behavioral change by encouraging people to rethink their daily routines, such as reducing water
wastage and adopting water-efficient technologies.
In essence, the "Preserve Water, Preserve Life" campaign serves as a crucial reminder that the
simple act of conserving water can have far-reaching implications, ensuring a sustainable future
where water remains abundant for all living beings.
7.2 Audience Feedback:
The "Preserve Water, Preserve Life" campaign has truly struck a chord among us, the school
students, and our friends on social media. It's been amazing to see how this campaign has made us
more conscious of our water usage. From small changes like turning off the tap while brushing our
teeth to sharing the campaign videos and graphics, we've all become water warriors in our own
ways. The campaign's posts are both informative and fun, breaking down complex water issues
into easy-to-understand tips that we can easily incorporate into our daily routines. The challenges
have been a hit too – they've made us realize just how much water we were unconsciously wasting.
We've even brought the campaign into our schools, with water-saving contests and projects that
showcase our creativity while spreading awareness. This campaign gives us hope that our
generation can come together and make a real difference. It's more than just a campaign; it's a
movement that inspires us to be mindful of our actions and shows us that even the smallest changes
can have a big impact. We're proud to be a part of it and excited to see how far its message can
7.3 Learning Outcomes:
The "Save Water, Save Life" campaign offers valuable learning outcomes that resonate deeply
with both school students and social media friends. Firstly, it instills a heightened awareness of
the critical issue of water scarcity and its impact on our lives and ecosystems. By presenting easily
digestible facts and relatable content, the campaign educates its audience about the importance of
responsible water usage.
Secondly, the campaign fosters a sense of individual and collective responsibility. Participants
learn that their everyday choices, no matter how small, contribute to the greater cause of water
conservation. This empowers them to take tangible actions in their lives, from adjusting daily
routines to adopting water-saving technologies.
Moreover, the campaign cultivates a sense of community and interconnectedness. Through social
media sharing and engagement, participants witness the ripple effect of their actions, motivating
others to join in and amplify the message. This experience demonstrates the potential for a global
movement to drive meaningful change.
Lastly, the campaign encourages critical thinking and creative problem-solving. Participants
engage in challenges and projects that require them to assess their water consumption, come up
with innovative solutions, and collaborate with peers. This cultivates a proactive and solution-
oriented mindset, vital for addressing complex real-world challenges.
In essence, the "Preserve Water, Preserve Life" campaign imparts invaluable lessons in
environmental stewardship, personal agency, community engagement, and critical thinking. These
outcomes contribute to a more informed, engaged, and responsible generation ready to tackle the
pressing issues of the future.

8. Sustainable plans:
For the future as our all group members belong to the environmental studies so being
environmentalist and activist in different organizations and campaign we plan and decided to work
with different fourm working on environment and also to join WWF-P for further conservation
and other issues handling, also we plan to drive some other campaigns, awareness sessions and
capacity building sessions accors different communities for further awareness on elements and
precious resources of environment.

Conclusion: Amplifying the Message.

The six-weeks "Preserve Water, Preserve Life" campaign by Water Conservers under the Eco-
internship programme of WWF-P successfully raised awareness about the critical need to conserve
water resources. Through strategic engagement, creative activities, social media outreach, and
informative speeches, the campaign reached individuals at various levels of society. By
empowering both students and the youth, Water Conservers aimed to create a lasting impact and
inspire a collective effort towards a sustainable future where water is valued and preserved for
generations to come.

Preserve Water, Preserve Life


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