Copy of Từ Cổ Chí Kim Phiên Bản Speaking

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What do you do in the morning?
● As soon as I open my eyes → I immediately hop out of bed and…
● My morning routine starts with …
● I start my day by …
● I … first thing in the morning
o Brush my teeth → for dental health / healthy teeth
o Wash my face → feel refreshed and awake
o Chug a glass of water → rehydrate myself
o Go for a jog/ go for a walk / do push-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks → keep
body active

Is breakfast important?
● Breakfast fuels your day/ energizes your body → helps you work during the day
without feeling fatigued / exhausted → If you skip breakfast → don’t have enough
nutrition for the day
● An empty stomach can affect your concentration and mood (you get grouchy) → b/c
the brain is starving for energy → breakfast will improve your alertness and mood
What is your morning routine during weekends?
● At the weekend, I don’t have work/ class → I often lie in/ sleep in → My day starts later
than usual → Then …
● I don’t have work/ class → I take my time more to … → There’s no need to rush

Do you like to get up early in the morning?

● No → I don’t get enough sleep → I often feel fatigued/ sleepy/ drowsy → cannot
concentrate on…
● No → I’m not a morning person → It’s not my habit to wake up early
● Yes → I have time for a lot of things before work → Ex: having a healthy breakfast, going
for a jog, doing my skincare routine
Do you like to watch films?
● Yes → It is my hobby and a popular pastime of young people → It helps me to relax
after working every day / after a tough week with work.
● When I’m overloaded and my brain is fried → A good movie will help me relieve
● No → Watching films doesn’t require a lot of brainpower → I’d rather read a book → It
requires readers to think → It is more stimulating

What kinds of movies do you like?

● Comedies → It helps me have a good laugh → Watching comedies is very enjoyable
● Romcom movies → They are light-hearted and have a happy ending → A good
movie to watch with your significant other
● Sci-fi films → They explore things that are set in the future → It is cool to see different
technology and imaginary situations
● Horror/ Thriller/ Mystery/ Crime/ Action movies → They are very suspenseful and
exciting → They keep me on the edge of my seat → because I cannot predict what
will happen at the end
● Romance movies → I am a romantic → They make me believe in love

How often do you go to a cinema to watch a movie?

● Very often → Whenever there is a newly released movie at the cinema
● Every now and then → When I hang out with my friends, we go to the cinema → enjoy
movie together → share opinions and thoughts on the movies
● Only a few times → when it shows the movies that really catch my interest , when my
favorite actor stars in/ plays the starring role the movie
● Rarely → The tickets are too pricey → I can watch at home instead → It’s free

Do you prefer to watch movies at home or at the cinema?

● At home → You cannot pause the movie at the cinema → Sometimes I go to the
washroom and miss the scenes/ the climax of the movie
● At home → It is much more comfortable → I can lie on my sofa, grab some food and
drinks → enjoy the movie without being disturbed
● Cinema → It has a bigger screen and surround sound system → Action scenes
become more real
● Cinema → It’s a good activity to do while hanging out with friends → enjoy movie
together → share opinions and thoughts on the movies
#3 - MUSIC

Do you like to listen to music?

● Yes → I like upbeat music with a jaunty melody → It puts me in a good mood → I
can sing along/ dance along
● Yes → I like songs with deep and meaningful lyrics → I can relate to the song lyrics
→ They make me feel emotional
● Yes → I mainly listen to hit songs of my favorite artists → It helps me reduce stress
after a long day of work

When do you listen to music?

● Before bedtime/ when I have trouble falling asleep → songs with a soothing melody
→ helps me fall asleep faster
● When I need to focus on something → instrumental music → music blocks out other
noises → I can concentrate on my work

Do you play any musical instruments?

● Yes → I have been playing … for … years → But I’m not too skilful → I’ve still got a lot
to learn
● No → But I would like to take up an instrument in the future → It would be interesting
● No → I don’t have an artistic bone in my body / I have no musical talent → I have
no intention of learning to play any instrument

Have you ever been to music concert?

● Yes → I loved the electric atmosphere → I could feel the energy → The singer was
singing live and show his/her amazing vocals → It felt so real
● No → I just watch musical performance on TV → I can see clearly what happens
thanks to close-up camera angles
How often do you write letters?
● Rarely → Nowadays we mostly send texts/ emails → Letters take too long to arrive
● Never → I write emails on a daily basis → As my job requires → Typing is much
more efficient
● Sometimes on special occasions (weddings, birthdays, etc.) → A handwritten letter is
more thoughtful and heartfelt → The recipient will cherish it more
● No → I have ugly handwriting → I have been told my handwriting is totally
illegible→ I type the letter with a word processor and print out the letters

Did you write letters when you were young?

● Yes → Occasionally → for an assignment at school → teachers asked us to write
letters to teach us the format or layout of a letter
● Yes → I wrote to … → The Internet wasn’t developed yet → I needed to put the letter
into an envelope, seal it, stick a postage stamp on the letter and go to the post office to
send it
● Yes → I write letters to my … living abroad → We exchanged letters regularly

Do you like to receive letters and postcards?

● Yes → There are landscape pictures on the postcard → I can see interesting places
that my friends have been to → Learn about a memorable experience that they have
● Yes → It shows the sender cares about me → The letters have great sentimental value
→ I really appreciate them.
● No → It means I have to/ I feel like I need to/ I feel like I’m obligated to send a
response letter or write to them back → It is such a chore/ such a hassle

Do you think emails will replace letters writing?

● Yes → simply because letters take longer to get delivered → Emails come within
seconds → For daily communication, emails are optimal/ the best option → Letters
are becoming outdated
Do you like to travel?
● Yes → I love to discover new places → I can learn a great deal about other countries’
rich culture and history → It helps broaden my horizons → I become more
● Yes → I’m very passionate about traveling → Along the trip, I can meet and get to
know other travelers or local people → I form new friendships with friends from all four
corners of the world
● Yes → I become more mature, independent, and self-reliant → I have to do
everything by myself → If problems arise, I have to try my best to deal with them →
Ex: getting lost, not knowing the language, etc.

What do you while you’re traveling?

● I will go sightseeing → That is when I can enjoy the magnificent scenery → I also
take some photographs → to preserve the memories
● I try the local cuisine → Taste the signature dishes
● I go and visit the museum or historical places → They are the best places to learn
more about the history and culture of a place
● BEACH: I will go for a swim at the beach, go scuba diving and see the coral reefs →
Then, I lie down on the sand and catch the sunset → Very romantic.

Do you prefer to travel alone or in a group?

● I’d rather travel with a group → It is cheaper to travel in a group → I can share the cost
of things → I can easily get discounts when traveling in group
● I always travel with a companion → It is generally safer → When something happens, I
know we can rely on each other → Because there might be unexpected things during
a trip → Ex: getting lost
● Traveling with friends is more fun → We can create lasting memories and share
special moments with each other → Take photos for each other, enjoy food together,
etc. → more fun than traveling alone
● I prefer to go on a solo trip → If you travel with too many people, they will have different
ideas about where to go, what to do → It can be quite annoying → If you go alone, you
can decide whatever you want to do

How do you prefer to travel on long journeys?

● By train → can look out the window and enjoy the view of the countryside → and also
it is a very economical way to travel
● By plane → It is fast → I can get to the destination quickly → And on top of that, the
plane tickets are getting cheaper than before → Everyone can afford air travel.

Do you often use a computer?

● I use it every single day → It is an indispensable part of my life → It makes studying
so much easier because everything is accessible on the Internet
● Almost all the time → I use it for my study, for my work, and for entertainment as well
→ Besides, I store everything on it, photos, videos, documents, etc.

What do you use your computer for?

● I use it for my work → I can collect, analyse data → Ita helps me write reports to my
● It makes my study easier → My computer has Internet access → I can research
information, look up things I don’t know → I can find the answer to my questions
● I have several video games on my computer → When I need to kick back and relax, I
log on my computers to play games.

Do you prefer desktops or laptops?

● Desktops → I’m not familiar with the touchpad on laptops → Inconvenient
● Desktops → Usually desktops have higher specs → better for playing video games
● Laptops → are portable because of compact size → can take it everywhere → I work/
study in coffee shops → take it with me

Do you think it is important to learn how to use a computer?

● You don’t need to become tech savvy, but you need to know a thing or two about
computers → It is a much-needed skill → You can get a job easier / you can be more
● Yes → No matter what job you do, you will need to be computer literate → At least,
you must know how to type a document or print one

What kinds of holidays do you like?

● A package holiday with my family members → The holiday company takes care of
everything for us (accommodation, transportation, restaurants, etc.) → I can go on a
stress-free trip to another country with my family
● I love to spend the holiday at an exotic resort → It is far away from city life → enjoy the
breathtaking scenery/ tropical beaches → I can relax and rejuvenate myself
● I avoid the tourist attractions → I like to backpack to places off the beaten track /
places few people know → discover new things

What do you like to do when you’re on holiday?

● My mind is not occupied with work/ study → Just stay at home and chill → watch
movies, read books → enjoy myself
● I would like to go on a trip to a new place → to escape my busy life / to escape the daily
grind of life → helps relieve stress → feel refreshed
● Learn a new skill or take up a hobby → That is when I can commit/ dedicate time to do
what I want to

Do you have many tourists in your country?

● Yes. They often visit the big cities like HCM or HN → What they do?
● Yes → Our country is well-known for many beautiful beach cities → What they do?
● Yes → Our country has many wonders of the world like Ha Long Bay → Tourists come
to take photos
● Yes → Our country has rich culture and history → A lot come to explore and learn
fascinating things

Do you prefer to travel or stay at home during holiday periods?

● Stay at home → Travel is also stressful → You need to plan in advance a lot of things
● Travel → You can have a lot of fun → then you come back to your work feeling
energized and rejuvenated

Do you like to take photographs?
● I’m into photography → I love taking photos, even though I’m just an amateur
photographer → I take photos of flowers, food, etc. and post them on my Instagram
● I enjoy taking photos → It allows me to save/ keep a visual record of things I find
interesting → Examples: ….
● Yes → I mostly take selfies or group selfies with my friends → share on Facebook

Do you like to have other people taking photos of you?

● No → I’m not photogenic even though I’m really good looking → I also don’t know how
to pose → I always look so awkward in photos
● No → I would like to take photos of myself → I know the best angles of myself → The
photos would look nicer
● Yes → It’d be cool if a professional photographer took a portrait for me

What do you do with photos you take?

● I take photos with my film camera → I send the film to a nearby photo lab to develop
my photos → Then I will frame them and put them on my desk or bookshelf → Every
day I can see them (What kinds of photos would you put on your desk?)
● I take photos with my digital camera → I store them online or in my computer → If I really
like the photo, I can set it as my wallpaper
● I take photos with smartphone → I edit the photos using editing applications → It can
enhance the photos → post them online to share with family and friends

In what situations do you take photographs?

● When I travel → to preserve the memories → to capture the beautiful scenery →
Years later, when I look back, …
● On special events like birthdays, or weddings → I capture moments that are
meaningful to me → I can look at them whenever I want later on
● When I come across something interesting or beautiful → I will snap a photo of them
and share with my friends to see

How many hours do you sleep?
● I’m a night owl → I hit the sack quite late → I have only around 6 hours of sleep a night
● I go to bed early → make sure I have 8 hours of sleep → I am fully recharged for the
next day
● Occasionally, there is a deadline → I need to pull an all-nighter/ I stay up really late
to finish my tasks → I don’t have enough sleep at all

How many hours are enough for you?

● I am a light sleeper → I don’t need much sleep to function well / concentrate on my
work→ 4 - 6 hours of sleep are sufficient for me/ are enough for me
● I am a heavy sleeper → I sleep for more than 8 hours → It helps my body rest well
and I can feel full of energy in next morning I wake up

Is it good to sleep in a short period of time?

● During the day → it’s good to take a siesta /take a nap → You won’t feel fatigued in the
● At night → it’s not good to sleep for less than 4 hours → You feel exhausted the next

What do you do to have a good sleep?

● Avoid drinking tea or coffee before bedtime → Caffeine can keep you awake → You
don’t get enough sleep
● Turn on some soothing music with relaxing melody → It helps you fall asleep faster
● Avoid playing with your phone before bed → You can be addicted to it
● Wrap yourself up in blankets → It’s warm and comfortable

#10 – PLANTS
Do you have plants in your house?
● Yes. I love to grow ornamental flowers in my back garden → to decorate my house
→ Some of them also have a pleasant scent
● Yes. I grow a bonsai, which is a small tree in a clay pot → It is my hobby and it helps
me relieve stress OR → Bonsai trees can clean and purify the air → I can breathe the
fresh air
● Yes. Only during the Tet holiday. It is a tradition to have a pot of apricot blossom
inside the house. It represents luck and prosperity.
● No. Plants require a lot of care like watering, pruning, fertilizing → I don’t have the
time for it

What do you think when you receive a plant as a gift?

If someone gives me a plant as a present, …
● I will be delighted → because I love to care for plants and help them grow
● I will be quite surprised → because I have never received a plant before and never
thought about it.
● I will not be too excited → because plants are not really my thing
● I will freak out → I’m afraid the plant may die because of me

Do you think city nowadays have enough plants?

● People are cutting down trees to build offices and apartments → The air is getting
more polluted → not good.
● People should grow more trees inside the city → They can clean the air and provide
shade for people.

Did you look after any plants when you were younger?
● I grew … when I was young. Daily, I watered/ pruned the plant to help it grow stronger.
It is a hobby of mine.

● I didn’t have time for it even though I really wanted to.
I don’t like gardening. It requires too much of my time and energy.

#11 – DREAM
Do you often dream when you sleep?
● All the time → I dream about very random things like …
● No → But once in a while, I have a nightmare, which is very frightening
● No → I rarely dream → I guess it’s because I sleep very deeply

Do you remember your dreams after you wake up?

● Yes. → I have vivid dreams / I have detailed dreams → I can always recall my
dreams after I wake up.
● Yes → But my dreams are weird and have no meaning at all → I can’t decipher what
my dreams mean
● Yes → But I only remember sweet dreams or nightmares
● No → As soon as I open my eyes, I can’t remember what I’ve dreamed about

Do you like hearing others’ dreams?

● That would be interesting → It can reveal the other person’s inner world → I can learn
more new things about him/her
● Sometimes → People can have good stories to tell about what they dream → but they
are not to be taken seriously (I just listen for fun only)
● Not at all → I think it’s odd to listen to others’ dreams → They mean nothing

Do you think dream will affect life?

● No → Dreams are nonsense and they don’t make any sense → I once dreamed
about…, which is ridiculous, if you think about it
● Yes → When you dream, your subconscious is trying to tell you something → For
example, … → So you should pay attention
Yes → Dreams are symbolic → Example: if you think dream of …, you wil…→ So when you
analyse your dream, you can predict the future.

Do you often feel bored? Why?
● All the time → I’m a student → Besides studying, I have nothing else to do → So I
often listen to music / watch a movie out of boredom
● Yes → I have a low boredom threshold / I get bored easily → I always need to do
something to keep me engaged / to make me concentrate → Ex: listen to music,
watch a movie
● No → Whenever I have nothing to do, I can always play with my phone, surf the
Internet, have a little chit-chat with people around
● No → I am always buried in work → I always have something to do → Rarely do I feel

What do you often do when you feel bored?

● Alone → I would pick up a book, etc. to get rid of boredom → It can help keep my
mind busy
● At work → I would have a quick coffee break and strike up a conversation with a
coworker before I get back to my tasks
● With someone → I would ask someone to go out with me → Ex: cinema, coffee shop,
etc. → to have fun, to kill time

As you grow older, do you often feel more bored than when you were younger?
● Yes, definitely → When I was young, I was more curious → Everything was new to me
→ However → Now, there is nothing interesting anymore in my daily life → It’s all same
old, same old / the same
● Of course → Back in the day, I was free to do anything that I like → However → As I
grow older, I must do things that I may not like → Sometimes, it will bore me to death →
Ex: working, studying.

What kinds of things are boring to you?

● Lectures at university → They are repetitious and dull → They make me doze off / I
want to fall asleep
● Doing the chores / housework → They are very tedious tasks, like washing up,
cleaning the house, doing laundry → But I have to do them
Doing assignment/ homework → This is what I must do, not what I enjoy doing → I get bored
doing it → So I always procrastinate / put off doing it

#13 – TOYS
What was your favorite toy in childhood?
● Action figures → are based on characters in my favorite comic books/ video games/
etc. → I created fights between them / I thought up imaginary situations where they
would fight with each other → It helped me become creative
● (Barbie) Dolls → I played dress-up with them, brushed their hair, etc. → I played
house and roleplayed with the dolls → It was loads of fun
● Plush toys / Stuffed animals → They are super soft → I used to cuddle with them
when I slept

Should parents buy many toys to their children?

● No → They should only buy enough → Parents will spoil their children if they give
children what they want → They don’t appreciate their toys and can easily break them
→ They can become greedy and always ask for more.
Toys stimulate / are good for children’s (brain) development → They can boost
creativity (legos, action figures) OR They can teach kids to be responsible (teddy bears,
dolls) OR Children can develop communication skills when they speak to their toys
(dolls, action figures, teddy bears)

What are the benefits of children playing toys?

● Toys stimulate / are good for children’s (brain) development
○ They can boost creativity and encourage imagination (legos, action figures)
→ Children build houses and structures with legos...
○ They can teach kids to be responsible (teddy bears, dolls) → Children take care
of their dolls and pretend to be their sister/ mother
○ Children can develop communication skills when they speak to their toys
(dolls, action figures, teddy bears)

What are the disadvantages of children playing toys?

● Children become addicted to toys → They neglect their study → They can get bad
Toys can break into small pieces like a doll’s arm OR small toys like marbles→ Children can
easily choke on these pieces → It can cause injury and even death → Parents should pay

#14 – MAPS
Do you ever use maps?
● Yes → google maps → to get to the location that I want → It shows me the way
● Yes → Because I have a bad sense of direction → I can easily get lost → Maps help
me navigate
● Yes → road maps → When I’m in another country → I’m not familiar with the area → A
map helps me find my way to different locations
● No → I have a good sense of direction → I never get lost → Even if I do, I can ask a
stranger on the street for direction

Who taught you how to use a map?

● No one → I figured it out on my own → Maps are self-explanatory / pretty
straightforward → I think anyone can read a map
● My father taught me the basics → like map legends, bar scale, compass rose, and
so on → It was really useful

Do you prefer electronic or paper maps?

● Electronic maps → Digital maps can show the traffic flow and show me the fastest
route to the desired location → I can steer clear of the traffic jams / avoid being
stuck in traffic
● Electronic maps → It has turn-by-turn navigation feature → It tells me which path I
need to take as I go → I don’t need to remember anything
● Paper maps → I don’t have 3G on my phone → I cannot use electronic maps
● Paper maps → If I go to the mountainous area or rural area → Paper maps are more
reliable → There may be no signal → Can’t use electronic maps

Have you ever asked others for directions?

● All the time → It’s better than wandering around and get even more lost → Local
people are familiar with the area so they know best → They are very helpful
Yes → In Vietnam, people are very nice and kind → They are willing to give you direction if
possible → They can show you which way to go → People never have to use a map here


How do you organize your time?
● List down the things I need to do in a daily planner = Have a to-do list→ When I’ve
done it, I cross it off → Helps me manage my time well so I can finish the tasks
● I prioritize my tasks → Allocate the most time for the most important ones → In order
to not feel overloaded, I also schedule some me-time / downtime for myself
● I’m not a very organized person → I just do what I want to do during the day →
Sometimes I am distracted and spend many hours on social media
● I make use of modern technology like applications or Google calendar to keep track of/
get reminders for things in my life

Do you think it’s important to be on time?

● In a professional environment, it is true that punctuality is extremely important → It
shows I am reliable and professional person → need to show up on time for
appointments/ meetings/ etc.
● It’s essential to be punctual → If you come late, you are wasting everyone’s time →
Time is money → You are being inconsiderate to others

How do you feel when you are late for an appointment?

● It is very embarrassing → Everyone gives me a dirty look → I then have to apologize
● I feel bad → Nobody says anything but it clearly annoys them
● I feel fine → I’m never late, everyone else is simply early

How do you feel when others are late?

● On the inside, it bothers me a bit / I feel a tad annoyed → But I don’t want to lay a guilt
trip on them for it = I don’t want to make them feel guilty about it → say nothing
● I ask them the reason → If they have a good excuse for it → It’s fine
Being late once is excusable, doing it twice is certainly not!

Do you often read?
● I’m an avid reader → Every day I try to read a little → Books are the best source of
knowledge → I can learn a multitude of (= extremely many) things by reading books →
My favorite book is … → It is a page-turner, a must-read
● I read the newspaper on a daily basis → keep myself updated with what is happening
● I don’t read books → I find reading books boring and tedious → There are too many
details in a book → Movies adapted from books show only the important details →
More enjoyable
● I love to read but I can’t make time for it → I’m too busy with work and life → ...
What is your favorite kind of book to read?
● I have on my nightstand self-help books → They show me ways to solve problems in
life → Ex: … → They are very educative
● To me, I’m a big fan of (Movies topic)
● I love to read biographies or autobiographies of people I respect → I know more about
their life → Ex: their adversities (= problems) and how they overcome them and strive
for success (= try to be successful) → I can draw many value lessons from … (=
learn from)
Do you often read newspapers?
● I read newspaper and enjoy a cup of coffee every morning → to be updated with
current events that happen in the country
● Yes → But I only flip to (= read) my favorite column, which is the fashion/ sports/ music/
etc. column → It is my main area of interest → to get the latest news about that topic
● Only when I have to do research for school assignment/ for work → Example:
Do you have any e-books?
● No → I like the feeling of holding a physical book in my hand, flip through the pages,
and dog-ear the page (= leave a dog-ear) when I haven’t finished the book → With
e-books, you can’t do those things.
● Yes → E-books can’t be damaged → They are much more durable
Yes → I can store thousands of e-books on my kindle → But it’s hard to keep a collection of
physical books.

#17 - AGE
Are you happy to be the age you are now?
● Yes. I’m in the prime of my life → I’m in good health -- I’m doing what I love -- I’m
living a fulfilling life
● No → I have just turned an adult / I’m about to legally become an adult → I must take
on responsibilities → Life is much harder than when I was young → Etc: find a job, pay
the bills, etc. → I’m not happy.
● No → I’m in my early 20s → I’m at the early stage of my career → I need to work hard
to achieve my goals → It can be exhausting
● No → I’m a highschool student → I must study days and nights to prepare for the exit
exam/ college entrance exam → I can’t wait to become an adult → …

When you were a child, did you think a lot about your future?
● No → I was carefree → I didn’t have a care in the world → I was only interested in
having fun, playing games with my friends, playing with toys etc.
● Yes → Since I was a little kid → I’ve always dreamed of becoming a … → I knew I was
destined to become ...

Do you think you have changed as you have got older?

● Yes → I become more mature → I know how to take care of myself/ rely on myself →
No one is around to help me
● I gain more knowledge and have more wisdom → make better decisions, know how
to deal with/ handle/ cope with problems

What will be different about your life in the future?

● It’s hard to tell → We cannot predict the future → But I’m hopeful that I will ….
● I can’t know what life holds in store for me → I can’t say for certain → But I guess
that I …
I can say for sure that I ...


What kinds of teachers do you like best?

● I love teachers who have a great sense of humour → knows how to make the lesson
more interesting → students enjoy attending class
● Teachers should be enthusiastic and passionate → Students can be excited too →
learning is more effective
● I like teachers who are not too strict → Teachers that are not too hard on students who
forget to do homework or forget the lesson

Who was your favorite teacher when you were young?

● My Maths teacher → He was motivating and dedicated → helped me become better at
● My English teacher → She provided extra tutoring for struggling students → No
students in class fell behind

Would you want to be a teacher in the future?

● It’s not the kind of career I want to pursue → I don’t enjoy working with children → I
can’t help children learn
● Definitely yes → Children are the future of our country → Want to see them grow,
blossom and live their most fulfilling lives
● Absolutely not → Teachers in Vietnam are heavily underpaid → I couldn’t earn enough
to sustain life

Have you ever had bad teachers before?

● My Chemistry teacher was a nightmare → She had a monotone voice and read aloud
from the textbook → Half the class always dozed off in her class
● My Physics teacher was super strict → Everyone was afraid of him → Classes were

Do you like shopping for shoes?
● Yes → love to go on a hunt for the trendiest pair of sneaker → an addition to my
● Yes → They’re like a reward when I achieve something → I like to treat myself
● No → You only need 1 pair of shoes → I don’t see the point of having too many

How often do you buy shoes?

● Once every few months → When my old shoes wear out → I need to replace them
● Once a month → when I receive my paycheck → It’s a way to treat myself
● Once a year → I don’t need new shoes → I’m content with the ones I already have

What kinds of shoes do you usually buy?

● Sneakers → They are so comfy → suitable for daily activities → fit every occasion
● Sandals/ Flip flops → offer maximum comfort → can just slip on without difficulty
● Loafers/ Dress shoes → look professional → suitable for professional working
● Flats/ Espadrilles → look cute and girly → perfect for a day out
● High heels/ Platforms → Give the impression that I’m tall AND/OR I will look more
feminine and posh

Do you prefer comfortable shoes or good-looking shoes?

● Comfy shoes → I’m an active person → I move around a lot all day → Comfy shoes
prevent my feet from aching
● Good-looking shoes → I want to appear fashionable/stylish/chic/trendy → choose shoes
that complement my outfit

What’s the weather like where you live?
● Vietnam is a tropical country → it’s always sweltering → people rarely go out at noon
→ Unlike foreigners, we think the sun is bad for us
● HCMC has two distinct seasons → dry season and rainy season → the weather is so
extreme → the worst part about HCMC
● Ha Noi has four distinct seasons → the season I enjoy the most is Spring → all the
flowers bloom so beautifully

What type of weather do you like best?

● Mild/ Breezy weather → not too hot, not too cold, just right → the best weather for
● Sunny days → I feel so energetic → open my window and let the sun come in → a
good way to start the day
● Crisp weather → cool enough to wear a jacket → not too cold to feel uncomfortable

Does the weather ever affect what you do?

● Yes → if it rains heavily → have to stay inside → If I’m out, I have to seek shelter →
may mess with my plan for the day
● Yes → If it is too sunny, I have to apply sunscreen before going out → take longer than
● If it’s boiling → swimming feels invigorating → when it’s hot, everyone loves going to
the pool

Does it rain a lot in your hometown?

● During the rainy season, there can be drizzles and downpours all the time → very
● Not during the dry season → A rain is hard to come by → During the rainy season →
There’s not a day without rain
● Tropical country → it’s always raining cats and dogs throughout the year

Does rain ever affect transportation in your hometown?

● Rain → Road gets slippery → can lead to accidents easily → Drivers should be extra
● Rain → People are used to it → We always bring raincoats → doesn’t affect that much

Do you like to wear sunglasses?
● Yes → It helps protect my eyes from the sun → they prevent sunlight from
discomforting my eyes → My eyes are sensitive → They are a must-have item when
I go out
● Yes → They are like a fashion accessory → Teashades are in vogue right now → I
have a pair at home → wear them whenever I go to parties
● No → I have never worn a pair → The polarized lenses can really affect my vision → I
feel uncomfortable wearing them
● Not right now but love to try → They’re so trendy and stylish → especially at the beach

Where you can buy sunglasses?

● At the optician → They are professionals → They can choose the safest and most
suitable sunglasses for your eyes
● At the mall → They have many eyewear brands like Ray Ban, Gentle Monster, and
many others → A wide selection to choose from
● At vendors on the street → They’re fake and low-quality → but extremely cheap and
● Eyewear shops → Sell a wide variety of eyewear, including contact lenses, glasses
and sunglasses

Do people in your country wear sunglasses?

● Young people → look more fashionable and chic → Sunglasses complement their
outfits → like a fashion accessory
● People who ride on the road a lot → Protect their eyes from the harmful sunray
● Women → Protect their skin → Worn together with a face mask and a jacket →
They’re afraid the sun will darken their skin

What do you know about paintings?
● I don't know the first thing about paintings → I'm visually illiterate → I don’t know
how to appreciate art at all
● I know as much as most people → I know the masterpieces of the world, but nothing
more → I’m not an art person
● I know painting is not my forte → Unless you’re trained, you can’t paint a good painting
● I’m well-versed in art → I took up painting at a very young age → I can recite all the
classics, types of paintings, art movements or techniques easily

Have you learned painting or drawing?

● In highschool, I did → But we merely just scratched the surface → We didn’t learn any
techniques → just freely paint anything
● I enrolled in a drawing class → I quit after 3 months → It was too challenging for me
● I have never done that in my life → I may in the future when I have time → It can
become a hobby
● No → I’m not in the least bit interested in art → It’s such a bore

Is it important to hang pictures at your home?

● We usually hang family portraits on the wall → to decorate the house → to see the
people I love every day → instantly boost my spirits
● They add charm to the space at home → Make the house more cosy and intimate →
It’s important to hang a picture of your beloved ones at home
● I don’t hang them → I frame them → put on my desk → always remember them

What kinds of paintings do you like?

● I like landscape paintings → They are super realistic and lifelike → I can admire the
smallest details → They're like a photograph
● I like abstract paintings → They are open to interpretation → I can use my creativity
to understand the picture
● I like still-life paintings → It shows an interesting way to look at ordinary objects in
everyday life → They are arranged in an interesting way
● I like portrait paintings → They show the beauty of humans

Are public gardens important in your country?
● Yes → they add a touch of green to the city → Most cities are a concrete jungle →
Garden or parks with trees can be refreshing
● Yes → a place for people to go for a jog/ walk in the morning → the place for exercising
● Yes → they help purify/ clean the air → makes the air in the city fresher → if not, the air
will be heavily polluted
● Yes → national parks help preserve wildlife and biodiversity → example: Cuc
phuong national park is home to a wide range of flora and fauna
Do you think there are enough public gardens in your hometown?
● No → people use the space to build residential areas → Too populous → air is getting
more polluted
● No → Not enough place for people to hang out/ do exercise → They don’t know where
to go when they want to relax

What do you think are the benefits of having gardens in the city?
● Help purify the air → city is crowded → lots of vehicles → emit exhaust fumes → trees
filter those gases
● Provide shade → in the summer, it’s scorching hot → trees can cool down the air →
people feel less uncomfortable
● add a touch of green to the city → the city looks more refreshing and beautiful
● Provide green space for people to exercise → in the morning, people go for a brisk
walk/ go for a jog → to enjoy fresh air and improve their health

Why do people who live in cities like public gardens?

● City dwellers have no contact with nature → they enjoy spend time in a natural
environment → it is a change from their everyday life → feel less stressed and relaxed
● Urban scenes remind people of work and worries → Ex: offices, buildings, schools,
hospitals, etc → while green spaces can help people relax and rejuvenate → their
mind won’t be occupied with work
● Residents in cities don’t exercise regularly → they can go to a public park to take part in
some physical activities → help improve their health


Who is your favorite celebrity in your country?

Do you like foreign celebrities

Would you like to be a celebrity? Why?
#1 – MUSIC
Do you think the language of the song matters?

● If you don’t understand the · The rhythm is the most important thing in music
words, you can’t get the → You can still appreciate the song if you don’t
meaning → You don’t know understand the language → Ex: k-pop songs,
what the musicians are trying Despacito
to tell

Do you think the Internet has affected in music industry? In what ways?

● Artists put out · Artists can release digital albums on music streaming
physical CDs → services like Spotify, Apple Music → It’s easier for listeners
Fans bought the → Easier to buy → Cheaper to buy
CDs and listen
● Music can be shared/ distributed illegally through
● People needed to the Internet → The artists can lose the money from
buy the CDs to selling music
enjoy music

Do you think there will be further changes in the music industry in the future?
● There will be more self-made superstars → Independent artists can make it big and
become viral → Why? Everyone has access to the Internet → Music can be shared
easier → Singers don’t need to do much marketing or make big investments
● Music will become more global → We can discover foreign artists easily → We listen
to and love songs written in another language → Ex: Despacito → There will be more
collaborations between artists in different countries → Artists from different countries
collaborate with each other

Do you think the music young people listen to in your country is becoming more
globalized? Why?
● With the Internet, the younger generation is more exposed to different types of music
from different countries → They like foreign artists and listen to them
The majority of young people know English, or Korean, or Chinese as a second language →
They can put on English, or Korean, or Chinese songs for relaxation→ It also helps them to
learn the language better → Examples: …

What types of websites are popular among your generation?
● Social media platforms: young people stay connected through Facebook, instagram,
etc. → It’s like a communication tool for young adults to keep in touch with each
● How-to websites: Young people start to adopt different hobbies → They look for
instructions on how to do things online → Ex: cooking recipes, gardening tips, etc.
● News websites: It’s a way for young people to stay updated with current news →
news about fashion, lifestyles, politics, etc.

Is using the Internet a social or solitary activity?

Social activity:
● If you are on social media → you talk to others → You participate in conversations
● If you are on an online forum → You discuss issues with other people from over the
Solitary activity:
● If you read the news, research information, play games, etc. → You do things by
yourself without anyone else

How has the Internet changed social behaviour?

● People had to meet up / People had to meet each other face to face
● People hung out with each other in public places like coffee shops, restaurants, etc.

● People can just talk through messaging apps → Even the video chat feature allows
people to see others’ faces through the Internet while talking
● When people go out, their eyes are glued to the phones → They don’t talk to each
other much.

How has the Internet changed the way we work and study?
● Group work: Online discussions with peers/ colleagues are made possible → You
can collaborate with people living far away/ from another country
Research information: The Internet has helped us to finish our tasks sooner → we can find
information more effectively and efficiently thanks to the Internet → There are even
instructions, tutorials that we can learn from.
What types of party do people have?
● Birthday party → People celebrate the birthday of the person → Friends and family
gathers for dinner → The birthday boy/ birthday girl opens the gifts → They all enjoy
● Housewarming party → New homeowners will invite friends and family over when
they move into a new house or apartment → The host shows people around the
house → People bring gifts
● Farewell party → People throw farewell parties to bid farewell to those who are
going to study abroad/ leave the company/ …
● Wedding reception → After the marriage ceremony, wedding reception is held/
organized → Guests congratulate the bride and groom and have a feast

Why are parties important?

● Parties are a chance for family members to gather together → spend quality family
time together
● Celebrations remind us to be grateful for what we have instead of focusing on what we
don’t have → They help us think positively / become more optimistic → Ex: …
● Parties and functions give people an opportunity to let off some steam → People get
really excited and happy in parties → Everyone can have a good time

Do you think parties will become more popular in the future?

● Parties have always been popular → People always find the reason to celebrate
different things → Even the smallest things can be the reason for a party → Ex: ...

Do people spend a lot of money on these parties in your country?

● For informal and casual parties/ celebrations → people only need to prepare food →
guests come and everyone enjoys a meal together → the host doesn’t need to spend a
lot of money

For formal functions → the organizer needs to hire a venue, prepare decorations, and pay for
catering service → It costs a lot of money.

What kinds of things young people want to replace?
● Clothes → Clothes go out of fashion quickly → Young adults want to always look
trendy → They replace old clothes and buy new ones to keep up with the trend →
Example: ...
● Smartphones → Most young people are early adopters of new technology → They want
the latest (the most current) model in order to proudly flaunt it in front of their
friends → It makes them feel great / it gives them kicks

Do old people in Vietnam like to hoard things?

● Yes → Old people want to save things for future use → They may come in handy / be
useful in the future → They don’t have to buy them again → Example: old newspaper
(for cleaning), used plastic bags (for storing)
● Yes → Old people feel the things they hoard have sentimental value → They are afraid
of parting with their possessions → So they keep it for a long time, even though they
don’t use them anymore → Ex: old clothes, old jewelries

Who do you think will want new things, children or old people?
● Children want new things more, especially toys → They get bored with current things
fast → They see their friends have new things → They pester parents to buy those
things for them → In contrast → Old people are content with / are accustomed to the
things they already own → They don’t like to switch to new things → ex: mobile phones

What’s the difference between new things and old things?

● More interesting: New things are more interesting because they are new → There are
things you can explore or learn → On the other hand → You are used to the old things
→ There’s nothing that interests you anymore → Ex: old and new mobile phones, old
and new books, etc.
In better condition: You buy new things because old things are worn out → They are no longer
usable → On the contrary, → new things are in perfect condition → Using them makes you
feel better → Ex: clothes, shoes

How do Vietnamese people feel about old buildings?
● We think old buildings represent our history → They show how our country
developed over the years → They have great historical value → We all agree that we
should preserve them → Example: Hoi An Old Town
● We feel that through buildings, we can learn certain aspects of history → We can learn
about how people constructed the buildings, what led to their construction and so
on → We learn more about history → We think old structures are of great importance/
are important → Ex: Ben Thanh Market.

Do old and young people in Vietnam have the same attitudes towards old buildings?
● Young people couldn’t care less about old buildings → To them they are just like any
other buildings → If the government knocks them down, young people won’t have an
● The older generation are emotionally attached to old buildings → because they grew
up during the time the buildings were built → They will fight tooth and nail to preserve
them / insist on preserving them.

Is it important to preserve old buildings? Why?

● Yes → Look at question 1
● Yes → They can also become a tourist attraction → Tourists come and take photos →
They buy souvenirs → They help boost tourism
● If the buildings are run-down/ are dilapidated/ are in shabby condition → If they can
easily collapse → Then we should demolish or renovate them → to ensure safety of
the residents / the people living around

What aspect of culture do old buildings reflect?

● Old buildings reflect if our culture was affected by other cultures → Ex: because the
French colonized Vietnam, we can see Western influences in various historical
buildings → Notre-Dame Cathedral in HCMC → Ex: Because Hoi An was a trading hub
for Chinese and Japanese, the structures are heavily influenced by Japanese and
Chinese architectural style
● Old houses tell us how people used to live and what their lives were like → Ex: Stilt
houses in the mountainous area → People were afraid of wild animals and floods →
Ex: Houses with thatched roofs/ thatched houses → It helped keep the air cool during
Old buildings used to serve a function → We can see what people in the past liked to do →
Ex: One Pillar Pagoda → In the past, Buddhism was the most widely practiced religion in
Vietnam → Ex: The Imperial City in Hue → That was where emperors used to live → We
know that Vietnam was under a feudal regime
What kinds of people may lose things often?
● Disorganized people → They don’t put things in order → They leave things around
and forget where they put them
● Absent-minded or Forgetful people → They often misplace their belongings → They
always forget where they put their stuff.
● Busy people → They have too much on their mind → Their attention is divided →
They tend to pay little attention to (seemingly) insignificant things → Ex: house keys.

What can we do to prevent losing important things?

● Have a tray/ basket on your nightstand to put all the important things in → When you
can’t find something, you know that is the place to look for first
● Tidy up your room regularly → If your room is messy, it is easier to lose things →
Things you are looking for may be hidden under a pile of clothes
● Always double-check before you leave the restaurants or get off taxis → Turn your
head to check the surroundings one more time → to make sure nothing is left behind
→ better safe than sorry

What would you do if you saw something valuable but didn’t belong to you on the street?
● I would just leave it → I don’t want to get in any trouble → It’s not mine anyway, so I
don’t care
● If I chanced upon a small amount of money, I would keep it / take possession of it → I
don’t see anything wrong with it → Finders, keepers → It’s my lucky day.
● If it was a wallet or a bag, I would rifle through it to see if there was any contact
information → Try my best to return it → If not, I would take the valuables to the
nearest police station

What do you usually do to look for lost items?

● Try to recollect when was the last time I still had it → Go back to the place and
thoroughly search for it
● If I lost valuable things at school → I would go to lost-and-found and see if someone
had left them there
I would buy a brand new one → It’s gone for good → It’s no use crying over spilt milk

Are there many competition programs on TV nowadays?
● Reality Competition Shows → Contestants join and compete with each other on
something → They are eliminated every week → Until the finale, there will be a winner
→ Ex: The Amazing Race, Vietnam’s Next Top Model, The Bachelor, Dancing with the
Stars , Vietnam’s Got Talent
● Talent search shows → usually singing shows → Aspiring singers audition for these
shows to perform on stage → They also compete with each other
● Game shows → Are usually filmed in a studio → Teams or players answer questions or
solve puzzles to win prizes or money → Ex: Deal or No Deal, Family Feud, Who wants
to be a millionaire

Do you think competition is important at work places?

… is a double-edged sword
● Yes → It can improve productivity → People are compared to their coworkers → They
are motivated to outperform each other → bring benefits to the company (Ex: sales,
marketing, finance, etc.)
● No → Instead of being cooperative and supportive, they will try to bring down one
another → It leads to unhealthy competition → EX???
● No → It puts pressure on other people → They can feel stressed and do worse as a
result → EX???

What kinds of jobs or work should not involve competition?

● Jobs which requires working with a team to reach a common goal → Ex: players in a
football team, police officers → They need to have a strong team spirit → If everyone
acts out of self-interests, the team will lose

What do you think of losing in competitions?

● I think losing is completely normal → Losing is a part of life → Not everything will go
your way → You have to deal with it and move on → Learn from your mistakes and
try harder next time
Losing is not the end of the world → You need to lose with dignity → must accept loss and
avoid negative emotions → don’t blame it on the referees or anyone

Why do some children do not read books very often?
● Some children simply don’t like sitting in one place → They like to engage in more
physical activities → Ex: play sports, physical games, etc.
● With the development of technology → Children are glued to their phones all the
time→ They just play games on their phone in their spare time

How do you think children can be encouraged to read more?

● To motivate children to read, parents should read bedtime stories to them → Ex: fairy
tales, fables → Children listen to those stories before going to bed → They will grow up
and love reading books
● Parents can give children illustrated novels → Children can be more attracted to read
the books if there are pictures → Reading becomes less boring to them
● Parents should set an example for children → Parents should read together with
children and discuss the books with children → Make reading a group activity

Are there any jobs where people need to read a lot?

● Editors of newspapers, magazines, or publishers → They need to proofread the
articles before printing → check the content → give suggestions for improvements
● Lawyers/ Attorneys → The need to read the law → When they work on a case, they
need to do a lot of reading → Ex: read the case files, read the evidence, etc.
● Teachers → need to read and mark students’ papers daily → They also need to read
through the materials before they teach

Do you think reading novels is more interesting than reading factual books?
● They are equally interesting
● Yes → Novels can transport you to another world -- You are on an adventure to an
imaginative world -- experience life and emotions (vicariously) through the characters’
No → Factual books are more educative → They help you enhance your knowledge about a
specific topic


What are the different types of meetings that people often go to?
● Town meeting → Residents living in a town come together to decide on important
matters affecting the town → Ex: budgets for public events, etc.
● Work meetings → A team needs to make a business decision → The meeting leader
raises a question/ problem → People put forward their ideas → Work together to
decide how to take actions → The leader delegates tasks to people
● Group meetings at school → Teacher gives a group assignment → Team members
meet up to brainstorm for the assignment → informal meetings

People say that no-one likes to go to meetings - what do you think?

● Meetings are boring and can drag on for hours → Some people think they are
pointless and are a waste of time
● Meetings don’t have an agenda → They have no clear directions → Everyone feels
their time is being wasted.

● I know most don’t and want to skip meetings →

● Some people think meetings are much needed → there won’t be misunderstanding
during face-to-face meetings
● Meetings help a team resolve an issue → Without meetings, nobody knows what to do/
issues won’t be resolved
● Meetings bring people closer together → build/ strengthen team spirit

Why do you think world leaders often have meetings together?

● Help establish/ strengthen diplomatic relations between countries → World leaders go
on a goodwill visit/ state visit to other countries → meet the host country’s leader to
express friendliness → Ex:???
● To sign (bilateral/ multilateral) free trade agreements → both countries agree to reduce
trade barriers (quotas and tariffs) to boost trade → It will benefit the citizens of both
countries → they export and import more goods at a cheaper price
● To discuss and negotiate international issues → Ex: climate change, global warming,
poverty, disasters, etc. → Because they affect many states, nations | To resolve those
issues, countries must cooperate with each other = countries must join hands
What possible difficulties might be involved in organising meetings between world
● Schedule (v) the time and the place → Most heads of state have a packed schedule
→ They are busy dealing with their own countries problems and issues → It’s hard to
find a date world leaders can sit at the same table
Leaders only have their country’s interests at heart = they only want the best for their
country → They can easily have opposing views → It is hard for the to sit down and agree on
different issues
#10 – RULES
Are rules suitable for all children?
Yes No

· Children can’t tell right from wrong → rules · Children should learn from
help to make sure they don’t do the wrong their own mistakes → help
things → shape their behaviours them grow → be more
· Is a way to help parents control their mature

Should students be involved in making rules?

Yes No

· Rules become more acceptable → · Students will make the rules

Students understand and agree on them too lenient → Students are
→ They will likely obey the rules more likely to disobey the rules
· Students can voice their opinions and more
express themselves → They become
more confident

Do you think that rules are important? Why?

Yes No

· Rules will maintain order and stability · Rules can be too strict or not
→ Make sure everything stays under practical → Everyone will feel
control (Ex: traffic rules, classroom frustrated with the rule → They
rules) won’t follow it (Ex: not bring
· Rules make people become more cellphones to class)
disciplined and responsible → They
need to follow the rules (Ex: rules in
the classroom, rules for teachers)


Do you think learning history is important?

Think of an example/ Specify: learning about wars that happen

● Not important → let bygones be bygones → no need to revisit painful memories
● Yes → let the young generation know about → the struggle to gain independence →
treasure the present more → avoid repeating past mistakes

Think of an example:
Should students learn history from books or documentaries?

Think of an example:
● .

● .

● .

Is art an important part of our everyday life?

Think of an example:
● .

● .

● .

#13 - FOOD
Why do you think some people choose to be vegetarians?

Animal cruelty → Animals have rights and feelings → People don’t want to cause them pain
Health → Plant-based diet is better for health → Eating a lot of meat may causes diseases →
Ex: cancer, obesity, gout
Religious reason → Some religions forbids people to eat certain types of meat

What kinds of food are unhealthy?

Packaged food → they contain tons of preservatives → not good for your digestive system
Restaurant food → they are not hygienic and nutritious → have food poisoning easily
Fast food → contain sugar and fat → lead to diabetes and obesity

What are the reasons why people are becoming overweight nowadays?

Laziness → Most lead a sedentary lifestyle → Do not work out

Busy lifestyle → Most people eat fast food instead of cooking themselves → Get fat easily
Technology → helps people do things easily without moving around too much → Online
shopping, meeting friends online, take online classes → they just need to sit in one place

What are the benefits of having dinner together?

Develop strong bonds → bring family members closer to each other → Parents can understand
their children better through talking to them

Teach kids manners → Children learn the manners on the dinner table → Ex: Saying please
and thank you, not talk while chewing, etc.


What advantages can you get if you live near the water?

Leisure activities


Are there any disadvantages of living at the seaside?

Natural disasters


What do you think are the functions of rivers nowadays?

Transportation of goods

Fresh water for drinking

Leisure activities


What are some of the causes of water pollution?

Household waste

Oil spill

#15 - FAME

What are the benefits of being famous?

Receive special treatment from people

Have fans and admirers

Use fame to earn money

What are the drawbacks of being famous?

Attract stalkers

Are followed by paparazzi

Are judged by others constantly

In general, how do people become famous?

Have talents

Create a scandal

Have a lot of contributions to the world

What are some general qualities of famous people?




How does the economy benefit from people’s activities?

Think of an example:
● .
● .
● .

Why is it important for people to have leisure activities?

Think of an example:
● .
● .
● .

Why are some leisure activities more popular than others?

Think of an example:
● .
● .
● .


How have toys changed?

Options: limited → Ex: classic and simple toys vs many options → Ex: tech toys, imported toys
Price: Cheaper vs more expensive
Design → basic, simple design → Ex: rag dolls vs life-like and great attention to details → Ex:
barbie dolls

Past: there were limited options → Ex: dolls, action figures → children didn’t have much choice
Now: there is a wide range of toys now → Ex: remote control toys, lego → toys are more
advanced → children can have more fun

Past: the design was basic and simple → Ex: dolls → they didn’t look realistic
Now: dolls are more lifelike → they look very real → they can wear detailed, fashionable
clothing (ex: barbie dolls)

What are the changes in children’s playtime nowadays?

Length: longer → no extra classes, little homework vs shorter → because of extra classes,
students are under heavy study load
Type: simple games vs more organized extracurricular activities, field trips, etc.
Past: It was longer → children didn’t have to go to extra classes → After school, they can
participate in outdoor activities (Ex: …)
Now: Playtime is limited → they have to study a lot → They are swamped with homework

Past: children played simple and traditional games → Ex: Hide and Seek, Capture the flag,
Hopscotch, Double Dutch, Marbles, Musical Chairs, Tag → They can move around, run around
→ good for health
Now: children play with their smartphones → online games → They sit in one place → bad for

Is there any difference between the games played by city children and those played by
children in the countryside?

City children: they have a lot of facilities to play sports (Ex: football course, stadium) → They
can go there and play with their friends
Country children: They play in wide open fields

City children: they can afford specialized sports gears (Ex: tennis rackets, tennis shoes)
Country children: They can’t buy expensive sports gears → They play with what they have.

What are the differences between traveling to other countries and living there?

Language learning

How has the way we travelled changed compared to the past?

Means of transportation

What are the differences between traveling by car and traveling by bicycle in a city?

Carbon footprint
Fees/ Cost
How do you imagine public transport might change in the future?

Infrastructure (on the street vs underground)

What are the differences between a well-planned trip and a trip that is not well-planned?

Unexpected things
Money spent

How has technology changed in Vietnam over the last few years?

Think of an example:
● .

● .

● .

Compare the pace of technological progress in the past and in the present?

Think of an example:
● .

● .

● .

Is there any difference between technology in cities and in small towns?

Think of an example:
● .

● .
● .

Describe an interesting person you would like to meet
● Who this person is
● What this person does
● Why you think this person is interesting
● And what you want to do with this person

Ariana Grande → Grammy award-winning artist with multiple chart-toppers all over the world

A singer, composer, model, and actor → one of the most talented and versatile people on the
A role model to children and teenagers

On the top of her career → people look up to her
She is also relatable and vulnerable → she is struggling with her personal life

Have a conversation with her → get to know her as a person → learn how she can maintain
work-life balance
Understand her inspiration → what materials she use for her art → to be inspired in life too
Describe a person who helps protect the environment
● Who this person is
● What he or she does to protect the environment
● How difficult it is to do that
● And explain how you feel about the things this person does

Lan → environmental club president → I’m a member of the club

● She organized many events aimed at raising people’s awareness → Ex: she
launched a campaign → encourage people to use reusable containers instead of
disposable containers → effective

Easy/ difficult
● It requires a lot of drive and passion → not everyone cares enough to do

How I feel
● I feel inspired → We can join hands to tackle the environmental problems → need
to act together
● I look up to her → She sets an example for the club members to follow
Describe a beautiful man or woman you know
● Who he/she is
● How you know him/her
● What you know about her/him
● And explain he/she is beautiful

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