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Q3. Attempt any two parts.

(a) Explain construction and working of Ruby Laser

(b) What is optical rotation. Give Fresnels theory with derivation.
(c) A plane polarised light of 550 nm is incident normally on a
quartz plate cut parallel to optic axis. Find
Least thickness of plate to produce (1) plane polarised (2)
circularly polarised light (3)60 degree phase difference.
Second Sessional Examination
Q4. Attempt any two parts.
B. Tech. (C.S./E.E.E. 2nd Sem) Subject Name: Eng. Physics
(a) Write Maxwells equations in free space & derive Wave Equation
Time Duration: 3 hours M.M. : 100
of electric field in free space.
Note: Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks. (b) State Poynting Theorem. Find magnitude of electric field in a
plane EMW if magnitude of magnetic field
Q1. Attempt any four parts. Vector in free space is 1 A/m
(c) Explain magnetic Hysteresis .Describe how can hysteresis curve
(a) Derive Mass-Energy relation. be used for selecting material for making
(b) What is length contraction effect ? Derive expression for Permanent magnet & electro magnet.
relativistic length.
(c) What is Compton Effect? Write formula for Compton Shift. Q5. Attempt any two parts.
(d) The rest mass of a Proton is 1.67 X 10-27. At what velocity its
mass will double? Calculate The Energy & Momentum also. (a) Explain Meissner Effect & critical magnetic field .What are Type –I
( e) A meson has lifetime of 2 micro sec. when at rest. At what & Type-II superconductors?
velocity its life time will become 20 micro sec. (b) Deduce Schrodinger Time Independent & Time Dependent Wave
Q2 Attempt any four parts. (c) (i) A nucleon is confined in the nucleus of diameter 0.5 mm . Find
minimum uncertainty in momentum.
(a) What are coherent sources? Explain formation of fringes by a Bi
(ii) London Penetration Depth for superconducting Pb at 3K & 6K
are 36.9nm & 173 nm respectively.
(b) Derive formula for the diameter of dark Newton’s Rings formed in
a liquid. Find value of its Critical temperature.
(c) Light of 6000 A is falling normally on a slit of width 0.2 mm . Find
the angular position of first
& second minima.
(d) Find total number of lines on grating to resolve D lines of sodium
in second order. Wavelength of D lines
are 589.0 nm & 589.6 nm.
(e) Interference fringes are formed on a screen kept 1m away from
two coherent sources of wavelength
500nm & separation between two successive maxima was found
to be 0.02 mm . Find separation between coherent sources.

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