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2022 International Conference on Emerging Techniques in Computational Intelligence (ICETCI)

A Two-stage Classification of Heart Sounds using

Tunable Quality Wavelet Transform Features
2022 International Conference on Emerging Techniques in Computational Intelligence (ICETCI) | 978-1-6654-7941-7/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICETCI55171.2022.9921358

Ravi Raj Choudhary Puneet Kumar Jain Mamta Rani Singh

Computer Science Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science
Central University of Rajasthan National Institute of Technology Rourkela Central University of Rajasthan
Rajasthan, India Rourkela, India Rajasthan, India

Abstract—Early-stage detection of CVDs will help reduce the

burden of cardiovascular diseases, which is the most significant
cause of death worldwide. For the early-stage detection, the
health status of the heart should be monitored frequently,
which can be achieved if the user can perform monitoring
of the heart without the intervention of a medical expert. To
address this requirement, in this paper, a two-stage algorithm
for automatic analysis of heart sounds has been proposed. In
the first stage, the detection algorithm will help the user detect
any abnormality at the user end. In case of any abnormality,
the signal will be transferred to the medical end, and a specific Fig. 1. Two stage classification-Use case diagram
disease will be identified. In the detection stage, we follow Data-
preprocessing, De-noising, Segmentation, Feature Extraction and
the Detection of abnormality of the signal are performed. After
detection, the identification of abnormality is performed. The In [5]–[7], a recurrent neural network technique named as
proposed method was applied on the dataset consisting of five
categories and achieved 100% accuracy, sensitivity and specificity long-short term memory (LSTM) has been proposed to classify
in the detection phase and obtained an accuracy of 98.76%, the the PCG signal as normal or abnormal. Shi-Wen et al. [8]
sensitivity of 98.72%, specificity of 99.75%. The obtained results proposed a framework where the autocorrelation features are
show the method’s effectiveness in detecting the abnormality first extracted from the sub-band envelopes obtained using the
and identifying a disease, which is superior to the state-of-art discrete wavelet transform (DWT). Then, the autocorrelation
Index Terms—Heart sounds, Tunable quality wavelet trans- features are fused to obtain the unified feature representation
form, Support vector machine, K-nearest neighbour, computer- with diffusion maps. Finally, the unified feature is input into
aided diagnosis the support vector machines (SVM) to perform the heart sound
classification. Moreover, the proposed framework is evaluated
I. I NTRODUCTION on two public datasets published in the PASCAL Classifying
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of Heart Sounds Challenge.
death globally, and 17.9 million people died in 2019 which is These works are broadly classified into two categories as
32% of all global deaths as per WHO [1]. Due to the lack time and frequency domain. The time or frequency domain
of healthcare services, it is difficult to detect CVDs at an uses discrete Fourier transform (DFT), short-time Fourier
early stage and consequentially mortality rate increases among transform (STFT), and DWT to exploit spectral characteristics
young people [2]. To reduce mortality rate, it is required to of FHS and other components. In DWT based algorithms,
detect CVDs at an earlier stage and continuous monitoring thresholding and choice of mother wavelet are crucial pa-
of heartbeat. For early-stage detection, it is required to make rameters [9]. In time-domain algorithms techniques like con-
an automated system for abnormality detection in heart sound ventional filters (Chebyshev IIR filter) [10], auto-correction,
signals [3]. adaptive noise cancellation [11] have been used.
Various methods for automatic analysis of heart sounds Different algorithms [12]–[15] considered the segmentation
are available in the literature [4]. These methods can be of heart sounds as a preprocessing step. In these techniques,
categorised broadly into two approaches. One focuses on the performance of the assessment depends on the accuracy
detecting the disease, and another focuses on identification. As of segmentation. Segmentation of heart the beat signals pro-
shown in Fig. 1, the user can acquire heart signals using the posed by Gomes et al. [16] uses Shannon energy and peak
stethoscope coupled with a microphone. The acquired signal detection algorithm. The proposed algorithm performed well
is processed at the user end to detect abnormality and classify in segmentation, but the results are not good in classification
it into different categories of diseases at the clinical end. A due to multi-layer perceptron (MLP) algorithms.
brief review of the work done is described as follows. Some of the new features like S1, S2EF, energy fraction

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2022 International Conference on Emerging Techniques in Computational Intelligence (ICETCI)

of heart murmur, and max energy fraction of heart sound fre- A. Stage 1: abnormality detection at user end
quency are proposed by Y Zheng et al. [17], and SVM is used Data-Preprocessing: In the pre-processing, the following
for the classification. Model performance was good because techniques are used: The signal is resampled from 8 kHz
of the small dataset that consists of two categories (normal to 1 kHz frequency, and a noise suppression algorithm is
and murmur heart sound). Heart sound classification by using applied for the removal of out-of-band noise [21]. Then the
scaled spectrogram and tensor decomposition is proposed by normalisation is performed to suppress the amplitude variation
W Zhang et al. [18]. This method extracts the discriminative due to inter-class variation on the heart signal amplitude.
feature of heartbeat sound classification. Discriminative fea- TQWT Decomposition: To suppress the in-band noise,
tures of the heart cycles extracted by spectrogram and SVM TQWT based adaptive thresholding method is used [22].
is used for classification. This method decomposes the heart sound signal into eighteen
Multiple features like Mel-frequency cepstral coefficient subbands using TQWT decomposition. The value of quality
(MFCC) and DWT for heartbeat sound classification were parameter Q is set to 1 and value of redundancy paramter r
used by Yaseen et al. [19]. The authors combined these is set to 8. In this method, 18 levels and one approximation
features to enhance the results and used SVM, KNN, and Deep level coefficient vector are obtained. Then one of the subband
Neural Network techniques for classification. K Xu et al. [20] with the prominent FHS is selected using the Fano factor.
proposed an ensemble-learning system employing a variety De-noising: In de-noising process, distortion or unwanted
of CNNs and statistic features for the general-purpose audio signals are suppressed from the acquired signals using a DWT
tagging task in DCASE 2018. based algorithm proposed in [23].
The proposed methods in the literature have performed Segmentation: For the analysis of heart sound signals
either detection or identification. However, it is desirable that in various duration by localizing the FHS is performed by
the user should be informed if any abnormality is there without segmentation. The localization of S1 and S2 is easy when
knowing a specific disease. Since in case of any abnormality, signals are noise-free. However, the presence of peaks and
the user will have to visit a medical expert for further analysis murmurs makes this task challenging. A lot of segmentation
of the disease and then a proper medication can be started. techniques are proposed by different authors in the literature.
This paper mainly focuses on the techniques of analysis of Springer et al. [24] proposed an HMM-based algorithm, which
heart signals. It helps to detect various diseases related to the is currently a state-of-art method for this purpose. In this
heart. It will be beneficial for all those who are suffering from method, to enhance the HMM, the inclusion of duration
heart-related issues. We propose a two-stage classification in dependency and calculation of logistic regression (LR)-based
this direction: detection of the disease at the user end and emission probabilities are used.
disease identification at the clinical end. Feature Extraction: The features are extracted from the
Automatic analysis of the heart signals is performed mainly segmented components in the time, frequency, and time-
in the five steps; Data-preprocessing, De-noising, Segmenta- frequency domain. A detailed description of the exrtacted
tion, Feature Extraction and Classification. In pre-processing, features can be obtained in [21] and described briefly as
data is prepared for experiments by various techniques like follows:
Re-sampling, Filtering, Normalization Spike removal, etc. De- Time-domain features: Features related to the time and
noising is the process where distortion in the signals is amplitude of the pre-processed signal are considered in time
removed to obtain original signals. In segmentation, the signal domain. Mean length of S1, S2, systole component, diastole
is divided into time duration from S1 to S2 and vice versa by component of n cycles and Normalized Energy of S1, S2,
localising the fundamental heart sounds (FHS) . systole, diastole like different 27 features are considered to
The rest of the paper is organised as follows: the proposed form the time domain features [21].
method is described in Section 2. Section 3 provides the ob- Frequency domain features: The dominant frequency con-
tained experimental results using the proposed method and its tents of the heart sound signal are identified in frequency
comparison with various state-of-the-art methods. In Section domain. For this, the signal is first converted from time-domain
4, concluding remarks of the work are mentioned with future to frequency domain using the DFT technique as follow:
X −1
X(R) = x(n).e−j2πRn/N , R ∈ Z(interge) (1)
where X(R) represents the DFT coefficients at frequency R
for the signal x(n) with length n. Then, the spectrum was
Fig. 2 shows the block diagram for the proposed method. segmented into various frequency bands. From different bands
The proposed method performs the automatic analysis of the area under the curve, dominant frequency and kurtosis of the
heart sounds in two stages: the first stage detection will be power spectrum are extracted.
performed at the user end. The second stage identification will Time-frequency domain features: TQWT is helpful to sepa-
be performed at the clinical end. The detailed description of rate the FHS with murmurs [22]. Therefore, the pre-processed
both steps is described as follows: signal is decomposed signal using the TQWT method with the

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Fig. 2. The block diagram of proposed two-stage classification model

same values as used for the de-noising purpose. In addition to B. Results of stage-1: abnormality detection at user end
these features, kurtosis and Fano factor of systole and diastole Fig. 3 shows the confusion matrix obtained using the
periods are also calculated for each detailed level. Thus, 36 proposed SVM model. From the figure, it can be observed
energy features, 18 entropy features, 36 kurtosis values and that the accuracy of the proposed method is 100%. Also,
36 Fano factors are calculated resulting a total of 126 features the proposed model achieves 100% sensitivity and specificity,
from the time-frequency domain [21]. which shows the efficacy of the proposed method to detect the
Abnormality detection: For the detection, linear SVM abnormality in the signal. Such method would be advantageous
model with linear kernel functions, automatic kernel scale, to detect CVDs accurately and prompt the user to consult with
1 Box constraint level, one-vs-one multi-class method with a medical expert at an early stage.
standardize data true is used. SVM transforms the input feature
vector into lower to high dimension space using the kernel

B. Stage 2: Identification at clinical end

Disease Identification: The ensemble of subspace KNN
method is implemented with various choices of value k and the
distance metric for identification of disease. In subspace KNN,
multiple datasets are generated, and the features are randomly
sampled with the replacement. In the place of the entire feature
set, random samples of features are used to train the model in
this method. Which helps to reduce the correlation between
the different models. In the proposed model, the KNN is used Fig. 3. Confusion matrix for abnormality detection obtained using SVM
as a base learning method with the euclidean distance metric.
The number of subspace dimension is set equal to 58 and the C. Results of stage-2: disease identification at medical end
number of learners is set equal to 20.
For the classification of disease, the ensemble subspace
III. R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSION KNN method is used. The obtained results are shown in
the Fig. 4 in the form of a confusion matrix. To show
The proposed method was implemented on desktop core-i9 the efficiency of the KNN method, sensitivity, specificity,
10th gen , 32 GB ram, and software Matlab® (version R2020, precision, recall, and F1-score have been calculated. Table I is
MathWorks, USA). The obtained results using the proposed showing the performance evaluation parameters obtained using
method and its comparison with other methods is provided as KNN classifier.

A publicly available dataset of heart sound signals is used

Abnormality Sensitivity Specificity Precision Recall F1-score
for experiments [25]. The data set contains 1000 samples
AS 0.9942 0.9936 0.9829 0.9942 0.9885
of different categories, including aortic stenosis (AS), mitral MR 0.9936 0.9959 0.9873 0.9936 0.9904
regurgitation (MR), mitral stenosis (MS), mitral valve prolapse MS 1.0000 0.9959 0.9878 1.0000 0.9939
(MVP), and normal (N). The sampling frequency of each file MVP 0.9610 0.9980 0.9933 0.9610 0.9769
is 8kHz.

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Authors, year Subject type Sensitivity Specificity Accuracy

AS 99.00 98.25
MR 94.00 99.88
Yaseen et al. 2018 [19] MS 97.50 99.50 97.6
MVP 99.00 99.75
N 98.50 99.62
AS 96.77 (Accuracy)
MR 90.55 (accuracy)
S.K. Ghosh et al. 2019 [26] MS 89.77 (accuracy) 95.13
N 98.55 (accuracy)
AS 94.50 98.50
MR 89.00 97.87
Shu Lih Oh et al. 2020 [28] MS 96.50 98.12 97.0
MVP 88.50 96.87
N 94.00 99.25
AS 99.66 99.04
MR 96.33 99.49
S.K. Ghosh et al. 2020 [27] MS 98.83 99.26 98.54
N 98.49 99.94
AS 0.9942 99.36
MR 99.36 99.59
Proposed method MS 100.00 99.59 98.76
MVP 96.10 99.80

Fig. 4. Confusion matrix for disease identification obtained using subspace

The proposed method needs to improvise further in various
aspects. The algorithm for the detection has to be optimised in
D. Comparison with state-of-art methods terms of computational cost since this step will be performed at
The proposed method is compared with the recently pro- the user end, which should be low cost. The proposed method
posed methods for the identifying of heart sound signals using has to be tested on the dataset, including signals contaminated
the same dataset. Following are the methods. Yaseen et al. with real-life noise.
[19] extracted MFCC and DWT features to train the SVM,
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