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A detailed lesson plan in English


At the endof the class,the pupils must have at leas 85% of proficiencyin;
a. Identifying objects begin In letter A
b. drawing or tracing the symbol of letter A and small letter e
c. recognizing object around us
d. appreciate the importance of letter A
II. Subject Matter:
Topic :Letter A
Values Focus: Recognizing different objects around us
Materials:; pictures, practice sheet, big notebook

Teacher’s Activity Pupils Activity

A.Routinary Activitie's A.Routinary Activitie’s

1.Prayer 1.Prayer
Ok,class before we start, may we all have stand up and The student will stand up and pray.
pray! Nathalie please lead the prayer.
2.Greeetings 2.Greetings
Ok good morning class!
Good morning ma’am
Good morning! Good morning good morning how are Good morning classmates
you! It’s nice to see you again!

We’re fine ma’am! Thank you

Ok before you take your sits,kindly pick up the pieces The student will pick up the pieces of paper
of paper and trash then,please arrange your chairs and trash.Then the class will sit down after
arranging their chairs
4.Attendance 4.Attendance
None,ma’am, Everyone is present!
Class monitor is there any absent for today?
None,Ok verry good! Maintain that perfect attendance.
Ok class so this morning we will be having a new lesson
but before that we will sing another song again. We will
sing the ABC song. So the song goes this way.

Up to the ceiling down to the floor

Left to the window, right to the door.
Mama kiss me, papa kiss me (The children singing)
For I know my ABC


Boys and girls come sing with me Come and sing our

C..Discussion C.Discusion
So base on the song, do you have now an idea what is Ye teacher ABC
our lesson for this morning?

Okay, so our lesson is all about the letters in the

alphabet but this morning we will focus first to the letter
So this is letter A

Letter A is the 1st letter in the alphabet.

So this picture is the capital letter A, and this one is the

small letter A.

Yes teacher

Children at the back can you see this?

Okay so let’s say that this is the Mother A and baby a
So the sound of A is /ã/.
Everybody say “ah”
Mother letter A and baby letter A says a a a a a
Everybody follow with me
Very good!
Now that are the things that start with letter A? So in
order for you to know, I have here a video.

Now, base on the video, what are the things that starts Ah”
with letter A?

Mother letter A and baby letter A says a a a a

Yes, 1st is Apple!

(The children are watching the video)


So word Apple starts with letter A.

Everybody say, a-a-a Apple!
Very good!

So A for apple
(Teacher is singing)
A is for apple
a-a-a Apple
So have you eaten an apple before?
So how’s the taste?
Yes! Apple are delicious! So what’s the color of an a-a-a-apple
Yes, teacher
Red very good!
So next picture is?


Yes correct!

This is an alligator
Everybody say a- a-a-lligator.
Alligator teacher.
What can you say about alligator
What else…ok
Alligator have sharp teeth ,have thick body skin,and
long body.So if you see a real alligator stay away from
them.okay children?

Ok next is
Have sharp teeth.

Yes, teacher.

Yes exactly! This is an ambulance

It is a vehicle for taking the sick people to the hospital

Ok our last picture is


Ant ok verry good student.

Everybody say a-a-a-ant

Okay so what can you say about an ant?
Yes, they are! What else?

Yes ants bite us especially if we step on their territory

but though sometimes ants hurt us, it is not an excuse
for us to do something that would hurt them also. Okay?

So the word ant starts with letter A

Ok clear student?


They are small.

So what are those words that start with letter A.

Actually,there are plenty of words start with letter
A.but,I just give you a 4. They bite us teacher.

Very good!
Now this time, I’ll teach you how to write the letter A.
I’ll give you a practice sheet.
And I’ll use this big notebook.
Let’s start, with the capital letter A.
Okay point your pencil there at the top. And make a line
down. Then go back to the top and make a line down.
Now go the middle and make a line across.
Okay let’s do it again, down, down, across.
Now who wants to try here at my big notebook?
Yes Bea!
Wow! Great job Bea! 2.Alligator
Now let’s write the small A. 3.Ambulance
Okay start at the middle and go all the way around. 4.Ant
Next go up and then down.
Did you get it?
Okay let’s do it again!
Around up and down.
Now you want to try Nathalie.

Well done Nathalie!

Now class, write 5 capital letter As on your practice
sheet and then 5 small Letter As.
Okay? Then pass it to me after.

Yes, teacher.

Yes teacher.
Now class it’s draw and tracing time!
So I have here bond papers and all you need to do is to Yes teacher.
draw or trace the letter A, and then on the top of the
paper write there the capital letter A and the small letter
A. Then paste your work on the board. Is that clear?

Now class, take a look at this work here. Do you think
letter A is very important.
Yess teacher!
Very good! Because without letter A there’s no such thing
Without letter A, there’s no apple, ant, ambulance, and As Apple
alligator. So it is also important that we learn about
Letter A.

Instruction: encircle the all objects that begin with the
letter A

Ok class I have her a picture
What is this


Very good this is a banana

So the banana words starts with the letter?

So for tomorrow we well discuss about letter B.and for
your assignment

Look the objects or things that start with the letter B

okay clear student?

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