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Dps-Mordern indian school
Inner cover
team members: affan shaikh
Editor: affan
school: DPS-MIS
To understand the poem on a
higher level
To increase reasoning skills
To increase my art abilities
Improve of reading writing
speaking and listening skills
Learn time-management
Action Plan
1. Read the poem
2. Reading about the poets of each
3. Analysing each and every poem

A photograph
The Laburnum Top
The Voice of The Rain
Father To son
1. A photograph

Shirley Toulson was born on 20th May 1924 in

Henley-on-Thames, England as the daughter of
Douglas Horsfall Dixon and Marjorie Brown. She
had a huge passion on writing and was greatly
influenced y her father who was a writer too. She
secured a B.A on Literature from Brockenhurst
College in London in the year 1953. Shortly, she
took writing as career but also served as the
editor for many magazines in meantime.
A Photograph compares the internal state of
nature and the momentary state of humans.
In the poem, poetess describes a photograph
of her mothers’ childhood. In the photograph
of time when she went for a sea holiday with
her two girl cousins. Also, poetess contrasts
between nature, altering at the pace of a
snail and the fast-changing human life.
Poetess remembers how her mother laughs
at the photograph and feel disappointed at
the loss of her childhood joys. However, then,
the sea holiday was her mother’s past and
now her mother’s laugh is the poetess’s past.
At different periods of time and with great
difficulty, both resolve with their respective
losses and the pain that involves in
remembering past. Besides, for the poetess,
his mother’s death of her mother brings great
sadness and a dire sense of loss. Moreover,
the painful ‘silence’ of the situation leaves her
without words.
2.the laburnum top
The second poem of grade XI-B. This is an
amazing poem for readers,The writer
"Edward james hughes" has written the
poem about life and imagination .

The poem consist of two characters:

The laburnum Top

Goldfinch bird
The poem revolves around a Laburnum tree
and a Goldfinch bird. The core theme of the
poem shows us the repaying relationship
between the two. Further, it begins by
describing how the Laburnum tree is pretty
quiet in the yellow September light. He notices
the yellow leaves of the tree and the seeds on
the ground. It appears to be still fleetingly till
a goldfinch bird perches on its branch. The
poet witnesses the tree come to life as soon
as the bird starts chirping. Upon the arrival of
the mother goldfinch, the tree and the
nestlings, start chirping and become alive. She
keeps flying in and out to feed her young
ones. Thus, when she leaves, the tree once
again on its elusive silence.
3. the voice of the rain

The poem of grade XI, The poem is written by

"Walter Whitman Jr" . He was born on May
31st 1819. He was an american poet,essayist
and journalist. He was one of the most
influential poets in american history.
The Voice of the Rain Summary – Poet narrates a
conversation he had with the falling drops of rain.
In the poem, he asks the rain, “And who art thou?”
on which the rain replies by calling itself “the
poem of the Earth.” Moreover, the rain defines
how it rises unnoticeably (as vapour) out of the
land and sea and floats up to heaven, where it
converts into clouds. After that, it falls back to
Earth to refresh the drought-filled land. This
allows the seeds to grow into something
necessary and beautiful. Further, the poet
equates the role of the poet in making this “song”
(poet refers to the poem as a song). He also
writes that this “song” is born from the poet’s
heart. Besides, it leaves the poet’s soul and then
changes form. But it’s same at its core and
eventually returns to the reader as love from
The 4th poem of grade XI. This beautiful Poem
is written by "Markus natten". This poet is
known for his poem "Childhood". He was born
on January 25th, 1906, in Oslo, Norway. He is
known for his unique style of writing, which
often blended elements of romanticism and
surrealism, resulting in a distinct poetic voice
that was praised by many in the literary
the poet discusses the loss of his childhood. The
poet talks about that very moment where this
innocence was lost. He talks about the various
instances when he could have lost his childhood.
Furthermore, a realization comes to the poet
that the world is not what it seems. He recalls
when a change in his thoughts took place. The
poet believes that the people around him are
hypocrites. It seems that the poet will never be
able to trust people around him ever again. This
is because he is aware of their hypocrisy. The
poet believes that adults preach love but their
actions don’t reflect that. The author tells us
that his childhood went to some forgotten
place. Moreover, the poet explains that his
childhood is hidden in the face of an infant who
is innocent.
5.Father to Son
this is the last poem of Grade XI. This poem is
written by "Elizabeth Jennings". She is an
English poet and an American-African Teacher.
She was born on July 18, 1926, Boston
Lincolnshire, England—died October 26, 2001,
Bampton.She studied English at St Anne's
The Father to Son summary deals with the
anguish of a father who lacks a good
relationship with his son. Furthermore, his son
is now an adult. Moreover, his son is now busy
in life. Also, the father is bitter regarding the
generation gap between him and his son. He
is troubled by a feeling of separation with his
son. The father expresses his feeling by
saying that he does not know much about his
son. There also is no sign of understanding.
The father has a desire that he wants his
relationship with his son to be just like when
his son was a child. He tries to mend the
relationship but the efforts are in vain. He
tries his best to resolve this issue with his son
but with no success. So, they are drifting

NCERT Textbook
Poetry foundation

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