CDC Past Year

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Prof 17/18


1. Caries reduction among adults in M’sia A. H2O fluoridation & fluoride

B. School based

2. Public health promotion aim

A. Ensure everybody can attend oral health classes
B. Create environment for healthy behaviour
C. Allow access to oral care targeted grp
D. Reduce inequality to oral care individual

3. Pt complain Class IV CR too big and bulky on ant teeth. Mx.

A. Add stains
B. Interproximal strip
C. Polish w finishing bur to reduce incisal edge
D. Polish w softlex disc to refine internal line angle

4. Need emergency internal fixation, pt on warfarin, which to administer

A. IV vitamin K
B. IV tramal
C. IV dexamethasone
D. IV augmentin

5. Azithromycin in Tx of periodontitis.
A. Cn be use in pt allergic to penicillin
B. Has good clinical outcome in chronic periodontitis
C. Broad spectrum

6. 45 fracture left 3mm, vital, interocclusal distance 3mm, canine guidance on Lt &
A. CR + crown
C. Elective endo, crown, fiber post core
D. Elective endo, crown, cast post core

7. Came to replace interdental space. DM for 2yrs. 31, 32, 41, 42 MIII plan for XLA.
A. Immediate denture
B. CoCr
C. RBB 33-43
D. Immediate implant placement

8. 3y/o, laceration at cheek. Suture.

A. Nylon 4/0
B. Nylon 5/0
C. Vicryl 4/0
D. Vicryl 5/0

9. Ameloblastoma most commonly at which area of mandi

A. Angle
B. Ramus
C. Symphysis
D. Body

10. Hemophilia may show A. White blood cell lvl

B. Prolonged APTT
C. Hb lvl
D. Plt lvl

11. r/g of acute apical abscess

A. Nt always evident
B. Large lesion
C. Calcification

12. 31 w abscess, NV, only deep pocketing at 1 site of 31, no deep pocketing on other
teeth, MI.
A. Endo + periodic review
C. Endo then RSD
D. Debridement then endo

13. DM & perio

A. Insulin resistant – systemic inflammation
B. Production of AGE

14. Pt w erosion came for 6 ½-yr checkup. Gag rflx controlled w medication. Reduce
frequency of acidic F&B intake. No new erosion found. Best way to monitor the
progression clinically. A. pH test strips
B. Study models
C. Diet diary

15. Complain pain on 36 triggered by cold. No crack & caries clinically. Restoration
intact. Cold test did nt give the same respond.
A. Translummination
B. RD isolation then ice cold H2O
C. PA of 36
16. Complain Rt lower teeth. Multi proximal restorations on posterior teeth. No caries
detected clinically. All are vital.
A. Bitewing
C. PA of lower right

17. Review U/L CD after 1 week. Good retention. Complain muscle pain & difficulty
in speech.
A. Inadequate FWS
B. Overextended posterior border impinge soft palate
C. Use caliper to measure
D. Check retention

18. Immediate denture to replace upper anterior and another 3 missing posterior teeth.
Why cannot fit during issue?
A. Over removal of tooth on master cast
B. Did nt block enough undercut
C. Faulty 2◦ impression
D. Flasking prblm

19. Splinting
A. Before & after perio surgery
B. Easier for pt oral care
C. Treat occlusal trauma
D. After active ortho Tx

20. Most severe complication of carious tooth 13

A. Carvernous sinus thrombosis
B. Infra orbital numbness
1. Fluorosis btwn two districts, CI 95%, p<0.001
a) Wht does CI 95% (12% to 30%, p<0.001) mean? (2)
b) 2 advices to mothers to prevent fluorosis in young children. (4)
c) Use principle of OH promo, describe 2 examples to prevent fluorosis. (4)

2. 62y/o man complain of generalized gum swelling. HPT for 8yrs. Poor OH.
Condition worst at lower ant
a) Wht is the possible Dx? (2)
b) Wht is the medication he is taking? (2)
c) Outline Mx. (6)

3. 55y/o engineer came for checkup. Last dental visit 5yrs ago for XLA. HPT & is
on chlorothiazide & amilodipine. He denies high sugary intake. 16 & 36 missing
due to caries. Plaque score: 70% (generalized). Gingival score: 30% (localized at
interdental areas). BPE: 1&2. Multiple white spot lesions on buccal surface.
Dental charting shows ICDAS 1 & 2 on premolars. a)
How his medical history relate to caries risk?
b) Wht’re the other 2 risk fac for caries in this pt?
c) Differentiate carious lesion with ICDAS score 1 & 2.
Preventive measure Rationale
Eg. Scaling. Pt displayed w plaque score 70%. Scaling helps to
remove plaque.

4. 32y/o lady. Complain her teeth moving and protruding. Fit & healthy. 11 & 21
drifted distally. 4mm diastema btwn 11 & 21. Class II division I malocclusion.
Deep PPD 5-8mm at incisors & molars w deepest pocket 11 MB. Good OH w low
plaque & gingival score. Generalized horizontal bone loss. a) Give 2 possible
reason of tooth mvmt of 11
b) Give the diagnosis
c) Rational of antimicrobial therapy in this case. Whn to give.
d) Outline Mx regarding her complain

5. Meal time syndrome

a) Wht do u knw abt meal time syndrome? (2)
b) Which gland is most susceptible? Why? (2)
c) Ix to get the Dx. (3)
e) Upon further Ix, acute sialadenitis is the Dx. Wht is ur Mx? (3)
6. 55y/o TV news reporter. Had been wearing upper & lower CD for past 30yrs.
Complain lose denture and gum soreness. Fit & healthy. Ulcer on lingual sulcus.
a) List 4 info to gt frm Hx. (4)
b) 2 clinical findings to look for. (2)
c) Mx for the ulcer before definitive treatment. (4)

7. 26y/o lady MVA 3yrs ago fractured 11 & 12. 11 presented w dark discoloration w
exposed canal. Crown height 11: 6mm, 12: 5mm w 2mm dentine thickness. Both
were NV. Interocclusal space 3 to 4mm on lower ant teeth. Both are restorable
and plan for PFM.
a) Wht is the immediate Tx for 11 & 12.
b) Is post needed to support the core? Why?
c) Ways to reduce the discolouration shown through PFM of 11
d) Why ACC was not suitable?

8. Upper edentulous, lower left canine & premolar. Moderately resorbed ridge. Plan
for upper CD, lower acrylic RPD.
a) Kennedy Classification for lower arch (1)
b) Prblm faced in lower arch (2)
c) Change of plan to CoCr. w illustration, describe RPI sys(5)
d) Other features to include in design other than RPI (2)

9. Boy eat hard piece of bread, # AR on 47(DO), pain on biting for 1-2 days.
Replaced by dentist to CR. Pain on biting, acute sensitivity to thermal stimuli. a) 2
possible Dx (2)
b) How CR placement cause the sensitivity? (4)
c) How wld u manage this case? (4)

10. 16y/o girl complain sharp localised pain on 24 for very short duration upon
drinking cold carbonate drink.
a) What's the significance of the Hx given? (3)
b) Aetio & pathophysio mecha. (3)
c) What's the pulpal Dx (1)
d) Outline Tx (4)

1. Man station. A 65y/o teacher w long standing HPT, well controlled w med, had
heart valve replacement done 2yrs ago (need to gt Hx of taking warfarin),
presented w severe pain on lower Rt molar, provided w PA r/g, last INR taken
was 3mnths ago w a value of 2.5. Pt comes for XLA today. a) Take complete Hx
of this pt.
b) Explain the implication of his M/Hx on ur Mx.
c) Discuss the Tx plan w patient.
2. Mannequin station. Pt presented w multiple occlusal caries. Provided w gloves,
mask, tissue, topical fluoride NaF, APC & Colgate toothpaste. a) Explain which 1
to use.
b) Perform the procedure on the simulator and describe.

3. Provided a partially edentulous model, surveyor & surveying kit. Survey the
model step by step.

4. Man station. A teacher presented w RCT-ed discoloured 21, provided w PA &

consent form as in last page of our E&D form. a) Explain Tx options w pt.
b) Sharing opinion & decide the final Tx plan.
c) Gt consent frm pt.

5. Man station. Provided few types of toothbrush, plaque score, gingival score (both
took twice on different date w same score value, mainly on posterior & interdental
a) Explain to pt her condition.
b) Discuss on toothbrush selection.

6. Man station. Pt had RCT-ed front teeth w labial sinus w pus discharge. Provided
with PA showing active post & core & RCT-ed w PA lesion. a) Obtain Hx.
b) Discuss & explain the Tx options.

7. Mannequin station. Perform perio charting on the simulator frm 13-16.

8. Man station. Pt complain of shaky & drifted front tooth. Provided w perio
charting, OPG, plaque score, gingival score & Hx. (localised aggressive
a) Hx. (remember to ask abt F/Hx & allergy to med esp Ab.)
b) Explain to pt regarding her cond.
c) Mx.

9. Man station. Complete denture post delivery instruction.

10. Man station. Pt has myofacial pain on Lt side. Provided w OPG & TMJ r/g open
& close.
a) Ask Hx abt TMJ pain.
b) Perform Ex & Ix.
EOS 17/18
Part A: OBA (20m)
1. MID
A. Detect syndrome
B. Least invasive treatment base on a scientific evidence
C. All preventive to all pts
D. Replace rather than repair

2. Calculus
A. Calcification of food debris
B. Usually covers w bacterial plaque
C. Mechanical irritants of gingival inflammation
D. Causes attachment loss & PPD

3. Fluoride
A. Form fluroapatite tht is >soluble than hydroxyapatite
B. Lower critical pH

4. Long term Px for chronic periodontitis

A. Stable attachment
B. Regular SPT
C. Pre-eruptive mecha domain
D. Block bac Na channel

5. Swimmer. No food or rinse after swimming. Claim no parafunctional habits.

A. Rinse mouth after swim
B. Stop swimming
C. Mouthguard

6. Deep occlusal restoration. RMGIC followed by CR. Main purpose of RMGIC as

A. Thermal insulator
B. Prevent microleakage
C. Enhance bonding to teeth
D. ↓ polymerization shrinkage

7. Class IV restoration. Causes of white halo. Restoration margin is smooth on

A. Desiccated CR
B. Inadequate bevelling
C. Micro # of marginal enamel
D. Etchant

8. 20y/o lady 11 moderate size mesial caries, NV, RCTed

A. Direct CR
B. Fibre post + CR
C. Fibre post + direct CR
D. Full porcelain crown

9. Best aid to clean btwn 2 metal crowns

A. Waxed floss
B. Interdental brush
C. Toothpick
D. Single tufted brush

10. Upper & lower CD. Tired. Base of denture multiple red…
A. Reduce VD

11. 45 PFM issue stage. Noticed 0.5mm gap on facial & lingual margin. Wht to assess
A. Proximal contact
B. Occlusal contact
C. Margin

12. 80y/o lady request for replacement of 11 & 21 extracted 4mnths ago. Poor OH &
poorly controlled DM. Currently wearing upper acrylic denture.
A. Acrylic RPD
C. Fixed RPD
D. Implant supported

13. Indication for 3rd molar removal

A. 2 episodes of pericoronitis
B. Mesioanglar

14. 20y/o man fever, lethargy, bilat parotid swelling

A. Mumps
B. Sialadenitis

15. EM least likely caused by

B. Penicillin
C. Carbamazepine
D. Wegener granulomatosis

16. Xerostomia least cause by

A. Pilocarpine
B. Panic attack
C. Sjogren
D. Radiation therapy

17. Least cancer risk fac

A. Alcohol
B. Smoking
C. Betel quid chewing
D. Immunodeficiency
Part B: MSA (60m)
1. 30y/o lady realise gingival recession after debonding ortho at 32-42, nt shown
during smile, pt concern of the teeth might fall off.
a) How to measure gingival recession clinically (1)
b) Biefly describe the classification of gingival recession (2)
c) Wht is the most likely cause? (2)
d) How wld u manage pt complain (5)
e) After 4mnths, pt came back w mobile 32-42, wht’s the Tx plan (5)

2. 80y/o man request for new upper CD. Current denture poor fit & loose, done
20yrs ago. Lost all lower premolars & molars. Did nt wear any lower denture
a) 4 clinical signs & 1 r/g sign you’ll expect (5)
b) Describe the process for loose & poor fit upper denture (5)
c) Briefly describe the Tx for this pt (5)

3. Sharp pain, pain on biting only, poorly localized in lower Rt quadrant. 46, 47
moderate size MOD AR. Anterior teeth attrited & cusp of molar flattened. No
evidence of other caries & PD
a) 2 most possible causes? Justify (2)
b) Addition ques to obtain frm Hx. Justify (3)
c) 4 test for Ix. Justify (4)
d) If cnnt detect? Other options. Justify (2)
e) Tx option (4)

4. Discuss briefly the risk if patient needs elective XLA & steps to min the risk
a) Pt done radiotherapy for OSCC after 1yr (4)
b) HIV +ve pt (4)
c) Pt w prosthetic ♥ valve (4)
d) Pt had MI last 3 weeks (3)

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