High Rise Building

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How the industrial revolution did influenced the evolution of high rise building

Industrial revolution leads to the creation of various technologies to come up

with the ever changing and developing life of the mankind. People looks at the future to
be better than the past, hence technology invention and innovation are very essential.
With regards to habitation or for any functional purposes of building structures or
facilities, the industrial revolution is the key factor for this sky scraper structures is now
a reality.
High rise building were rise as our population getting bigger and as for urban
areas increases the demand of high rise building. Since tall building accommodate
more people in small area of land, the effect is vertical transformation of horizontal
expansion (Beedle L.S., Ali M.M., Amstrong P.J., 2007). Still considering industrial
revolution, as many industries, offices, work place is within the urban, sub-urban is less
choice of people due increased travel time and traffic factors. The effect of travel from
work to home is somehow detrimental to social well-being of commuter or motorist
which result to a productivity and use of fuel.

2. Mechanical Engineers say that without their technologies, there will be no

modern high-rise buildings. Explain and give specific examples in chronological

It is indeed true that without the technologies of mechanical engineering,

modern high rise building would not be as that sky scraper identity. That, one of the
biggest challenge is conveying of people and goods from ground to designated floor
with less effort and time considering safety as the paramount. And this was then
resolved when American Elisha Grave Otis invented the world first safety lift elevator
system (1853). This new vertical transportation enabled people to travel or convey
people safely upward and down at a greater speed and considerably less effort than by
walking. With the innovation of new carbon-fiber hoisting technology, elevator system
technology got even high tech. This is KONE UltraRope developed by Finnish elevator
company KONE. The carbon fiber core and epoxy-based and high friction coating, this
elevator component is extremely light making energy and space consumption can be
cut. The ultraRope can travel up 1,000 meters without the need of transfer lobbies.
The heating and cooling of high rise building is also a major challenge where
the expertise of mechanical engineer is needed. The technology of mechanical
engineering is very important such that in space is a very valuable commodity in high
rise building specially for residential. Developers as much as possible will not waste
into space to house high rise HVAC systems. As general rule in the in the economic
aspects, developer wants to minimize plant areas and maximize salable living spaces.
Some of the technologies in the HVAC of high rise buildings are, individual split
systems, four pipe water systems and central water cooled system. Another promising
technology is the Variable Refrigeration Flow (VRF System) in which it consist of a
large condensing unit that feeds numerous smaller air handlers throughout the space.
This system is air-cooled which eliminates both the danger of water leaks and also
eliminates the need for chemical treatments preventing the growth of bacteria. All this a
high rise building is not that high without the expertise of mechanical engineers.

3. Material science play a very important role in construction industry. Give

specific examples in the construction industry. Gives examples of this
technologies involved.

In terms of materials necessary in realization of skyscrapers building, one of

the key technology is development and innovations of high strength concrete. This
material is a vital for the construction of high rise building for speedy construction and
for concreting of small structural section members. The used of high strength concrete
optimized mix design leading to high level quality control that is important for
construction management.
Technology in the production of glass façade for high rise building play also
an important role. Glass façade are technologically innovated to have a very stiff
properties safe enough to with stand high wind load of the buildings without of course
sacrificing the desired aesthetic requirements.

4. The other engineering profession also have roles in the modern day
construction of high rise buildings, electrical, electronics, communications,
metallurgical, metrology etc. are some of this fields. Give specific technologies
in building high rise structure edify.

With the other engineering profession, the electronic, communication, and

computer engineering technology plays also an important role for the design
construction, maintenance and security of high rise building. The advancing technology
in electronics and computer leads to the promising electronic building automation of
For high rise building the important factor that needs for technology
development is the seismic (earthquake) load design system of the buildings in which
the responsibilities of structural engineers. In 1970, Japan which is a seismic country,
most their high rise building were constructed using seismic design. This is when
damping devices were introduced. Seismic isolation structure technology was put into
practical use that adopted energy absorption members such as rubber and lead
dampers. Laminated rubber bearings were also employed as elastic supporting
members of the buildings.
Technology and development in seismic design of buildings also enhanced
seismic resistance with higher strength and sufficient ductility of steel materials,
innovation in welding technology. The remarkable technology progress in computer-
aided structural analysis has made possible to use dynamic response analysis that can
accurately predict the dynamic behavior of every structural members and their
connections such as columns, beams, shear walls and various dampers which give a
greater confidence in the construction of high-rise buildings with a complex framing


Dai Lixan, Liao Biao, International Journal of High-Rise Buildings Volume 3 Number 3 /
Innovative High Efficient Construction Technologies in Super High Rise Structure
Building, 2014

Nakai Masayoshi, CTBUH Journal Issue II / Advance Structural Technologies For High-
Rise Buildings in Japan, 2015

Kim Gyu Dong, Lee Joo Hoo, International Journal of High-Rise Buildings Volume 5
Number 3 / Key Technologies for Super Tall Building Construction: Lotte World Tower,



1. What are the modern day technologies in coal mining and transport handling?
How did these technologies developed from time?
2. What are the technologies in burning of coal in steam generators and other
furnaces? Which of them is the best and why?
3. Coal gasification and liquefaction are old technologies in improving the properties
of the fuel before combustion. Give several recommendations to minimize the cost
of conversion from solid liquid to gas.
4. Investigate the Semirara coal of the Philippines. How could we maximize its use?
Cite specific technologies that area needed to accomplished this.

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