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Lesson What is society?

What inspires

1 human beings to establish

Learning Competency:
1. Recognize how individuals form societies and how individuals are transformed by
societies (PPT11/12-IIf-7.1)


Activity 1: YOU COMPLETE ME.

Complete the statements below. Write your answer in your paper.

1. In my family, I am the…
2. My family has made me…
3. In my school, I consider myself…
4. My school has helped me become…
5. In my community, I am a…
6. My community has allowed me to …


Relationships that we experienced in our lives depend on the level of our experience.
For example, when we were yet a child, we always depended on our family. As we grow
older, we start to go with people in the community, from there, we began to relate
ourselves with our opposite sex. In our doing such, we exercised our freedom to do what
we want to do. We are capable of establishing society by way of our different relationships
with other people such as friendships, alliances or union sharing common territory. Our
relationships with other people caused us to survive. We survive because of our parents,
our friends and
even our neighbors may it be in school or in the workplace. The education we have starts
from our home. Our parents taught us everything they also learned starting from talking,
reading and writing, even values, good manners and right conduct. Simple household jobs.
This education will continue when we go to school. When we finish our education, we are

already equipped with abilities, skills and knowledge for us to become productive members
of the society. Therefore, society helps us grow as a better person.


Activity 2. MY COMMUNITY

1. Go out from your respective homes and observe the community around you.
2. Based on the concepts in Lesson 1, draw your community that shows what a society is
and what is the common good all about.
3. Use one (1) long bond paper for your drawing.

Activity 3. WHO ARE WE?

1. Write in your paper a 1-page reflection on your role as a learner and a member of your
Who are you as a learner; who are you as a member of the community?

Types of Societies and Each
2 Characteristic.
Learning Competency:
1. Compare different forms of societies and individualities (PPT11/12-IIg-7.2)


Activity 1: GUESS WHAT?

Arrange the scrambled letters until you will get the right term. Write your answer in your

Scrambled Words




This form of society is recognized as the earliest and the
simplest; basically small and composed mostly of families.
HUNTING AND They are nomadic, meaning, they kept on transferring from
GATHERING one place to another to look for food, thus, they do not have
SOCIETY permanent houses. Men are tasked to hunt large animals
while women are tasked in the collection of vegetables and
other crops.

This form of society is characterized by the raising (alaga) of

animals to supply their food especially in the regions of the
PASTORAL SOCIETY world where vegetable growing is not possible. They also
engage in buying and selling of goods with other groups.
This form of society engages in the growing of plants, fruits
HORTICULTURAL and vegetables. In this society, there is enough food supply.
SOCIETY Some members of the society also engage in making crafts
and buying and selling of goods.
This form of society grows rice and other crops. They also
AGRICULTURAL began to farm and raise animals for food. They lived
SOCIETY permanently and improved the technology for farming. Money
became a form of exchange for goods and services.
It is a form of society in which the ruler or lord owned all the
land while the farmers or laborers farmed it.
This society used machineries in the production of goods and
INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY services. Through innovations and technological advances,
daily activities become easier and the lives of the people
become better.
Also known as the virtual (computer) society, people use
technology and the Internet to communicate, to engage in
business and access different information that can be if used
to deal with daily activities.



Study and observe your own community. Describe the type of society where you are living.
Write your observations in your paper.


1. Think of the community that you wish/want to live.

2. Draw it in one (1) whole bond paper. Make your drawing colorful.
3. Write your reflection below your drawing

How does society influence our
3 development as persons?

Learning Competency:
1. Explain how human relations are transformed by social systems. (PPT11/12-IIg-7.3)



Just like actors and actresses, we play different roles in our family, in our school and in the
community. How about you? What is the role you played in your family, school and community?
List at list 5 roles in your paper.

1. Family
2. School
3. Community


As members of the society, we learn, we interact, we exercise our freedom and we

follow common beliefs, traditions and norms or standards. Norms are set of traits and
behavior that society considers good and acceptable. The society expects us to behave
the way it is used to. When we do not obey to the established norms, then we experience
punishments for not doing so. Moreover, laws are made to provide us proper guidelines to

sustain peace and order. Violation of the law means punishment. On the other hand,
folkways are traditional in nature and do not result in punishment if not followed.
The person and society are inseparable. One cannot exist without the other. It is a
two-way relationship that binds both the person and the society for growth and
development. We have our own individual assigned social roles in the society. Social
roles are set of connected behaviors expected to a certain person. Individuals with
common or similar roles are grouped together to form social groups and eventually the
different social groups would become social institutions that include our family, school,
government among others.



Write your answer in your paper.

1. List down five (5) Filipino traits/behaviors that you practice at home.
2. Write a 3-sentence description below each item.


1. Look for pictures of individuals, groups, and institutions that have meaningfully
influenced you throughout your life. If pictures are not available, you can make a
colorful drawing for your output.
2. Describe their positive contribution on your development as a person.
3. Use the format below.

Format for the Output

Photo/Drawing of Meaningful contribution of these
Individuals/Groups/Institutions people to my life

How does the society enable me to
4 become a better person?

Learning Competency:
1. Evaluate how social systems transform human relationships, and how societies
transform individual human beings. (PPT11/12-IIh-7.4)


Activity 1: FREEDOM

Look for an indigenous material that is available in your neighborhood or community

that bests describe on how are you going to define the word FREEDOM. Draw a box in
your paper and paste the material inside the box and write a short explanation why you
choose such material in your paper.


Freedom is a fundamental right inherent (kaakibat) by human beings. It is one of the

natural rights that cannot be taken away from us. By all means, we have the right to
exercise our freedom. But we have to remember always that freedom carries great
responsibility. Our decisions and actions in exercising such freedom would greatly affect
its outcome, either it could make us or break us. For instance, if we are borne poor, we
have the freedom to strive hard, be educated and we can look for ways to make our lives
better. Our circumstances (kalagayan) do not define who we are but our decisions will.

The society, especially the government, is a helping hand, providing us social

services to better ourselves; public service, free education and health care, financial
assistance, peace and order, to name a few. These services will be able to support us
reach our potentials. And with this, it could help us to be productive, become progressive,
capable of making significant changes and contributions in our society.

Guide Question:
1. Do you already have experiences in exercising your freedom to become a better
person? If yes, in what way? If no, how come? Write your answer in your paper.


Activity 2. THE ONE

1. Write one (1) unique and unforgettable experience in your life that you can say that you
have exercised your freedom to the fullest. Explain how this freedom affects you as a
person. Write your answer in your paper.

Activity 3. BRING ME

1. Bring a picture of a community which you like most and paste it in your paper.
2. How this community enables or influences you to become a better person?


• Society was brought about by the human desire to relate with others. Society is
considered a product of deliberate actions by individuals who come together in pursuit
of a common goal.
• It greatly influences the individual, as it determines to a certain extent a person’s
identity. Society makes possible the emergence of certain individualities, which are the
result of a person’s interaction with other members of society.
• Society is also rooted in the concepts of the common good and general welfare, which
refers to social conditions that enable persons and groups to fulfil their goals and
achieve well-being.
• Societies are of different types and their types depend on their level of development.
These include hunting and gathering society, pastoral society, horticultural society,
agrarian or agricultural society, feudal society, industrial society and post-industrial
• Various forms of society have emerged throughout human history. These societies have
given rise to specific individualities that were defined by the nature of human relations
prevalent within those given societies.
• For the society to exist in unity and harmony, there is the need of the presence of
norms, laws, folkways, social system, social role, social groups of social classes, social
institutions and social values.
• Society provides opportunities for its members to grow and achieve well-being. Through
its various institutions, society endeavours to develop well-adjusted and productive
members that can make significant contributions to society. In turn, individuals uphold
the common good and work to bring about positive changes in society.
• Society recognizes the capability of the person to develop, and provides its
members with opportunities to better themselves. Effective and efficient public
service, education, and the maintenance of peace and order are some of the ways
society ensures that we are able to have productive lives and realize our potential.
Other ways that individuals can bring about social change is by organizing themselves
into groups that advocate certain causes. These concerted efforts of many groups often

bring about social movement, which is a large-scale action done by various groups
and organizations in pursuit of a common goal to bring about change.


Reflection: Write your answer in your paper

1. Visit and observe one community in your barangay, town or city. Based on your
observation, write a reflection on how the people there do things that bring significant
changes and contributions in the society.


Test I. Multiple Choice. Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your
answer in your paper.

1. It refers to the social conditions which enable persons and groups to fulfil their goals
and achieve well-being.
a. common goal c. social being
b. common good d. social condition
2. Interaction of people in an organization who live in the same place and with the
same culture.
a. family c. society
b. individual d. siblings
3. The person is by nature a:
a. social force c. social condition
b. sociologist d. social being
4. Education starts;
a. at home c. in the community
b. in school d. with neighbours
6. It gives us the opportunity to pursue various activities to achieve our goals and
attain well-being or happiness.
a. freedom c. opportunity
b. justice d. happiness
7. The principal means of subsistence (hanapbuhay) of pastoralists is
a. trading c. farming
b. animal domestication d. hunting and gathering
8. What is the oldest and the most basic way of economic subsistence?
a. gathering and fishing c. pastoral and fishing

b. hunting and pastoral d. hunting and gathering
9. It is the product of the post-industrial society.
a. industrial society c. virtual society
b. feudal society d. agricultural society
10. The society based on the use of specialized machinery in the production of goods
and services.
a. hunting and gathering society c. post-industrial society
b. horticultural society d. industrial society
11. The society based on the ownership of land.
a. feudal society c. agricultural society
b. pastoral society d. virtual society

Test II. Pairing Type: Direction: Match column A with column B. Put your answer on a
separate piece of paper.
Colum A Column B
11. These are less normal norms that arise from tradition and do Norms
not result in punishment when violated.
12. These are more formal norms that establish and define Social role
acceptable behavior of citizens.
13. Actions and behavior expected of a certain individual Social values
14. Actions or ideals that are considered important by society. Folkways
15. These are set of traits and behavior that society considers Laws

Test III. True or False. Direction: Write the word True if the statement is correct, write the
word False if the statement is incorrect. Put your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

16. Human person has all the freedom to choose.

17. Human person has less opportunity to succeed.
18. Effective and efficient public service, education, and the maintenance of peace and
order are some of the ways society ensures that we are able to have productive lives
and realize our potential.
19. Social movement is action done by various groups and organizations in pursuit of a
common goal to bring about change.
20. Only influential people can make change in the society.

Answer Key:
1. B
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. C
6. B
7. D
8. C
9. D
10. A
12. Laws
13. Social role
14. Social values
15. Norms
17. F
18. T
19. T
20. F


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