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The emerging landscape of spatial

profiling technologies
Jeffrey R. Moffitt 1,2
, Emma Lundberg 3,4,5,6
and Holger Heyn 7,8 ✉

Abstract | Improved scale, multiplexing and resolution are establishing spatial nucleic acid and
protein profiling methods as a major pillar for cellular atlas building of complex samples, from
tissues to full organisms. Emerging methods yield omics measurements at resolutions covering
the nano- to microscale, enabling the charting of cellular heterogeneity, complex tissue
architectures and dynamic changes during development and disease. We present an overview
of the developing landscape of in situ spatial genome, transcriptome and proteome technologies,
exemplify their impact on cell biology and translational research, and discuss current challenges
for their community-​wide adoption. Among many transformative applications, we envision that
spatial methods will map entire organs and enable next-​generation pathology.

The architecture of a vast array of different mole- goal to perform bias-​free, data-​driven exploratory cellu-
cules within cells and cells within tissues is an essen- lar phenotyping in situ, spatial technologies promise to
tial determinant of cellular and tissue function. Bulk further transform our knowledge about the complexity
and single-​cell genomic technologies offer the ability of life by holding a magnifying glass to the molecular
to characterize the remarkable diversity of molecules and spatial architecture of tissues and cells.
Program in Cellular and that define cellular identity and function at their native In this Review, we provide an overview of the current
Molecular Medicine, Boston
complexity level, the genome scale, which, in turn, has landscape of spatially resolved genomic, transcriptomic
Children’s Hospital, Boston,
MA, USA. empowered a diverse and exciting range of discoveries. and proteomic methods and cover their important tech-
Department of Microbiology,
Until recently, these transformative single-​cell techno­ nical and performance features. As the range of demon-
Harvard Medical School, logies largely characterized dissociated cells removed strated applications is too diverse to cover in a single
Boston, MA, USA. from the sample of interest and, as such, came with a review, we highlight illustrative applications to showcase
Science for Life Laboratory, natural loss of the spatial context of molecules within the types of insight such methods promise. To conclude,
School of Engineering cells and of cells within samples — a context that is we discuss the need for coordinated efforts to establish
Sciences in Chemistry,
essential to many biological questions. Spatially resolved standardized experimental and analysis frameworks
Biotechnology and Health,
KTH - Royal Institute of
genomic methods offer the solution to this challenge, and provide a brief perspective of future technological
Technology, Stockholm, providing genome-​scale omics measurements while pre- breakthroughs and impact areas. The multidimensional
Sweden. serving spatial context (Fig. 1). Excitingly, the discoveries nature and the massive amounts of data produced by
Department of made with these new and rapidly developing methods these methods dictate that computational efforts go
Bioengineering, Stanford are likely to complement, and may perhaps even out- hand-​in-​hand with experimental methods, although
University, Stanford, CA, USA.
strip, the tremendous advances driven by dissociated these computational challenges and the exciting range
Department of Pathology, single-​cell methods. of solutions are beyond the scope of this Review.

Stanford University, Stanford,

There has been a recent explosion in the diversity
and capabilities of spatial omics methods, including Spatial indexing transcriptomics
Chan Zuckerberg Biohub,
San Francisco, San Francisco,
various techniques that can now quantify the transcrip- Advances in the ability to index RNA molecules
CA, USA. tome or the proteome and map genome organization in situ or capture them locally now allows the spatial
CNAG-​CRG, Centre for across a wide range of scales in a diverse set of tissues. transcriptome-​wide profiling of gene expression in tis-
Genomic Regulation (CRG), Major limitations such as scale, resolution, sensitivity, sues and organs. Mapping indexed sequencing reads
Barcelona Institute of Science multiplexing and diverse-​sample applicability are starting back into two dimensions enables the interrogation
and Technology (BIST),
to be resolved as these methods mature beyond early of regional gene expression heterogeneity and, when
Barcelona, Spain.
proof of principle. Indeed, the latest spatial methods now combined with single-​cell transcriptomics, the dis-
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
(UPF), Barcelona, Spain.
provide transcriptome- or proteome-​wide information entanglement of cell type colocalization patterns and
✉e-​mail: holger.heyn@ across a range of biologically relevant length scales. regionalization. Common to spatial indexing transcrip- Moreover, commercial options are increasingly availa- tomics is the barcoding of RNA molecules in situ and ble and, therefore, we anticipate widespread adoption the subsequent quantification of gene expression profiles
s41576-022-00515-3 of these technologies over the next few years. With the using next-​generation sequencing (NGS), followed by

NATure Reviews | GenetIcS volume 23 | December 2022 | 741


Spatial indexing methods for tissue Image-based transcriptome profiling for Image-based proteome profiling for
atlassing subcellular and tissue-scale atlassing subcellular and tissue-scale atlassing

a Spot-based gene signature mapping d Single-RNA-molecule, subcellular g Multiplex protein detection, subcellular
through transcriptome capture mapping across cm² tissues resolution across cm² tissues
Hoechst IAPP Hoechst KRT19

100 µm 100 µm

200 µm

100 µm 100 µm
10 μm
Hoechst CD32 Hoechst ILF3

800 µm

b Regional clustering of transcriptomes

500 μm 800 µm 40-plex immunostaining

e Cell type and state discovery h Cell segmentation and type or state

800 µm

T cell zone GC Epithelium

c Spot deconvolution for cell type

composition inference
Inhibitory Mature OD Endothelial
Excitatory Immature OD Mural i Spatial cell neighbourhood analysis
Ependymal Astrocyte Microglia 30

f Construction of large-scale cellular atlases 0

Anterior Posterior –10
Memory B cell PDC Plasma –30 –20 –10 0 10 20 30
Cytotoxic FDC UMAP1
CD4+ T cell
GC B cell Myeloid Epithelial

100 μm 500 μm
GC B cell CD4+ T cell Epithelial cell

742 | December 2022 | volume 23


◀ Fig. 1 | Illustrative examples of spatial profiling measurements. a | Single-​spot resolution regional expression profiles and the spatial clustering
(55 μm spot size, 100 μm centre-​to-​centre distance) of the Visium spatial transcriptomics to infer heterogeneity in transcriptomes (Fig. 1b). As an
platform quantifying the gene expression signature of the T cell zone in a human tonsil. outlook towards its applicability in digital pathology, ST
b | High-​level clustering of spot-​based transcriptomes to define functional compartments was applied in breast cancer sections, detecting putative
organized in structural features. c | Predicted cell type composition of spots through
local restriction of cancer subclones.
single-​cell reference-​based deconvolution23. d | Spatial distribution of 155 RNAs profiled
with an image-​based transcriptomics method, multiplexed error-​robust fluorescence in situ
As a side note, RNA integrity is key for the per-
hybridization (MERFISH), in the mouse hypothalamus, illustrating the simultaneous sub­ formance of fresh-​frozen ST protocols, traditionally
assessed through ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and quanti-
cellular (left) and tissue-​scale (right) resolution typical of such techniques109. e | t-​distributed
stochastic neighbour embedding (tSNE) representation of the cellular expression profiles fied as RNA integrity number (RIN) from RNA isolated
for measurements taken from the same study as part d. Eight cell classes, representing from bulk samples. To conserve the spatial information
83 defined cell types, are coloured, illustrating the ability of such methods to define cell and to determine spatial differences in sample quality
types and states with targeted gene measurements109. f | A representative tissue atlas show- that might introduce regional biases, a modified ST array
ing the identity (colour) and location of eight cell classes identified in this region of the capturing 18S rRNA has been developed, defining spatial
mouse brain with MERFISH109. g | Spatial proteomics experiment using a 40-​plex CODEX RNA integrity number (sRIN)16. Furthermore, conserv-
assay to visualize cell types and states in human pancreas. h | Nuclear and membrane mark-
ing full-​length transcript information, an ST variation
ers are used to derive highly precise cell segmentation masks for single-​cell analysis and
cell type classification. i | Example of typical spatial neighbourhood analysis performed on
termed spatial isoform transcriptomics (SiT) performs
spatial proteomics data to identify cell types, local cell neighbourhoods and higher order both short-​read and long-​read sequencing to simulta-
organization of these neighbourhoods. FDC, follicular dendritic cell; GC, germinal centre; neously profile gene expression and isoform usage pat-
OD, oligodendrocyte; PDC, plasmacytoid dendritic cell. Parts e and f from Moffitt, J. R. tern in tissue sections17. Following cDNA amplification,
et al. Molecular, spatial, and functional single-​cell profiling of the hypothalamic preoptic the ST sample is split and subjected to full-​transcript
region. Science 362, aau5324 (2018)109; modified with permission from AAAS. and fragmented 3′ library preparation. Leveraging the
full-​length transcriptome information, SiT also enables
coordinate-​specific demultiplexing (that is, assigning the interrogation of adenosine-​to-​inosine RNA editing
sequencing reads to locations based on their spatial sites. ST has been commercialized as the Visium plat-
Multiplexing index). Here, we zoom in from early protocols with low form (10× Genomics) with approximately 5,000 spots of
The simultaneous profiling spatial resolution to recent high-​resolution methods 55 μm diameter (110 μm pitch), increasing resolution and
of multiple gene transcripts that provide single-​cell and even subcellular resolu- its accessibility. A recurrent limitation of single-​cell
or proteins through the
tion. Furthermore, we distinguish between solid-​phase and spatial technologies is their limitation to fresh-​frozen
application of pools with
panels of detection probes or and deterministic barcoding methods as well as elaborate tissue sections, largely excluding formalin-​fixed paraffin-​
antibodies, respectively. solutions that combine single-​cell and spatial tran- embedded (FFPE) samples of clinical cohorts with strong
scriptomics (ST) through in situ barcoding and disso- legacy data. To solve this issue for the aforementioned
Deterministic barcoding ciation (Fig. 2). Main application areas include charting widely used ST method, a modified Visium protocol
Flexible profiling of spatial
coordinates through the
complex tissue architectures in healthy human organs1, that captures whole-​transcriptome gene-​specific probes
targeted labelling of cells or such as the adult and developmental intestinal tract2,3 or in situ provides a promising solution18. Alternatively, a
regions of interest using the heart in health4,5 and after myocardial infarction6,7. modified ST version applies de-​crosslinking at high tem-
molecular probes, cell tags or Additionally, the study of human tumours and cancer peratures and specific buffer conditions, which is essen-
fluorescent markers.
mouse models has contributed to the understanding of tial to improve molecule capture from highly crosslinked
Detection efficiency tumour cell8,9 and microenvironment heterogeneity10–13. FFPE samples, before capturing mRNA molecules using
In the context of image-​based standard oligo(dT) capture oligonucleotides19.
transcriptomics, this concept Solid-​phase transcriptome capture technologies. ST14,15 To improve resolution of ST and Visium, Slide-​seq20
refers to the fraction of was the first method to introduce positional molecular uses transcriptome capture arrays created from uniquely
targeted molecules that are
present in the sample that are
barcodes during complementary DNA (cDNA) synthe- DNA-​barcoded 10 μm beads (similar to Drop-​seq21)
actually detected. As sis and subsequent RNA sequencing readout. Hence, the loaded onto a rubber-​coated glass coverslip. The random
single-​molecule fluorescence name is often used when referring to spatial indexing spatial barcodes are read through SOLiD (sequencing
in situ hybridization (smFISH) methods in general and, potentially confusingly, to the by oligonucleotide ligation and detection) chemistry
is often used as a proxy for
entire field of spatial RNA profiling. Here, we use ST to before application of snap-​frozen sections to the dried
ground-​truth expression, this
quantity is often calculated refer to the technique for clarity. ST uses immobilized bead surface. The method was updated to Slide-​seqV2
by comparison with smFISH, spatially barcoded oligo(dT) primers on a glass surface (ref.22), with improved indexing and more efficient
though comparison with covered by tissue sections. The first version of ST arrays library preparation to increase molecule capture effi-
single-​cell RNA sequencing is harboured 1,007 uniquely barcoded spots with a dia­ ciency. Specifically, bead indexing was modified to make
also common. As there is no
standard definition in the field,
meter of 100 μm, covering an area of 6 × 6 mm (centre-​ it independent of the proprietary cleavage chemistry of
care should be taken in to-​centre distance of 200 μm). Gene detection efficiency the SOLiD approach and more error-​robust. Transcript
comparing values. compared with gold-​standard single-​molecule fluores- resolution was enhanced through improved clonality
cence in situ hybridization (smFISH) revealed 6.9% sen- of barcodes and the addition of another second-​strand
sitivity in brain sections, which is comparable to initial synthesis to increase library complexity.
(FFPE). Preservation method versions of single-​cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-​seq) The above techniques use capture areas with sizes
for tissues in long-​term archival technologies14. Furthermore, lateral molecule diffusion equivalent to a few to many multiple cells. Consequently,
storage. After a tissue is of RNA molecules after permeabilization that could the presence of cell types in specific areas has to be
collected, it is preserved produce intermixed gene expression profiles was bench- inferred. This is achieved through spot deconvolution23
through formalin fixation to
preserve its spatial architecture
marked to laser-​capture microdissection, confirming or gene expression signatures10 usually defined by
and finally embedded in a reliable spatial transcriptome profiling capacities. For single-​cell reference data sets (Fig. 1a,c) . For exam-
paraffin wax block. the first time, ST allowed dimensionality reduction of ple, to integrate Slide-​seq with scRNA-​seq data sets,

NATure Reviews | GenetIcS volume 23 | December 2022 | 743


a Spatial indexing transcriptomics b Molecule capture resolution

Capture array Molecular capture probes 1,000 500

100 74

Resolution (μm)
UMI 10 10
barcode 2
1 1











































c ROI d ROI labelling strategies

Photoactivation Photocleavage

Caged nucleotides
Flexible ROI area selection

Index Index


AAAA PA-GFP Probe Index

Index A B C ZIP-seq TIVA-seq NICHE-seq GeoMx-DSP

Fig. 2 | Spatial indexing strategies. a | Spatial indexing arrays capture selection of regions using photoactivation or photocleavage for flexible
probe design (top) and array formats (bottom). b | From multicell to area designs. Regional indexing with different barcodes enables
subcellular transcriptome capture methods. The size of capture areas multiplexing and pooled downstream processing. d | ROI labelling
defines the resolution of cellular transcriptome profiles (y-​axis). Larger areas strategies tag molecules (mRNA) or cells (intracellular fluorescent markers
(>10 μm spots or beads) capture a mixture of multiple cells, whereas recent or membranes) using photoactivation or photocleavage for subsequent
methods provide even subcellular transcriptome profiles (<2 μm clusters). multiplexed next-​generation sequencing readout of molecule or cell pools.
Multicell capture methods can provide single-​cell resolution through DSP, digital spatial profiler; HDST, high-​definition spatial transcriptomics;
spatial barcoding with subsequent tissue digestion (XYZeq, sci-​Space). PA-​GFP, photoactivatable green flurescent protein; PIXEL-​seq, Polony
Barcoding formats differ between solid-​phase capture and deterministic (or DNA cluster)-​indexed library sequencing; ST, spatial transcriptomics;
methods (deterministic barcoding in tissue for spatial omics sequencing; Stereo-​seq, spatiotemporal enhanced resolution omics sequencing;
DBiT-​seq). c | Region of interest (ROI) selection and multiplexing. Targeted UMI, unique molecular identifier.

non-​negative matrix factorization regression (NMFreg) and the extraction of nuclear expression features.
was applied with a weighted combination of gene expres- To achieve even higher spatial resolution below the
DNA nanoballs sion signatures of reference single-​cell data sets to infer micrometre scale, spatiotemporal enhanced resolution
(DNBs). Dense clusters of DNA
amplified by rolling circle repli-
the spatial distributions of neuronal and non-​neuronal omics sequencing (Stereo-​seq)25 performs in situ RNA
cation used for DNA sequencing cell types in a coronal mouse cerebellar section20. capture on DNA nanoballs (DNBs) to provide nano­
or spatial RNA capture. Providing even subcellular resolution and, thus, scale resolution in patterned flow cells, similar to those
theoretically enabling direct in situ cellular pheno- developed for synthesis-​by-​sequencing solution for
Rolling circle amplification
typing, high-​definition ST24 uses 2,893,865 individual NGS26. DNB-​loaded arrays contain billions of barcodes
(RCA). A process by which a
circularized single-​stranded barcoded beads, generated by split-​and-​pool reactions, with area profiling extendable to the centimetre scale
DNA, such as a padlock probe, that are randomly placed into hexagonal arrays with (50–200 mm2), allowing the profiling of small model
is replicated into a long mole- >1.4 million 2 μm well bead arrays. Subsequently, the organisms, whole embryos or organs, as well as the simul-
cule composed of concate- positional barcodes are identified by sequential hybridi- taneous capture of multiple smaller samples on the same
nated copies of the circularized
probe by extending a bound
zation rounds, imaging and error correction. Integration chip, thereby reducing batch effects25,27–29. Random bar-
primer with a polymerase with corresponding haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) code sequences, generated by rolling circle amplification
capable of strand displacement. staining allowed subcellular compartmentalization (RCA), are loaded onto a silicon surface etched with a

744 | December 2022 | volume 23


grid-​patterned array and an approximately 220 nm spot and scRNA-​seq. XYZeq encodes spatial information
size (centre-​to-​centre distance of 500–715 nm), gener- into scRNA-​seq libraries using two rounds of split-​pool
ating subcellular transcript profiles. Arrays are imaged indexing34. First, after reversible crosslinking of 25 μm
and sequenced to obtain the barcode coordinate identity tissue slices, the spatial location is incorporated by in situ
(CID) before ligating molecular identifiers and oligo(dT) reverse transcription in uniquely barcoded microw-
oligonucleotides. Current strategies for cell segmenta- ells (500 μm centre-​to-​centre distance). Then, tissues
tion during data analysis combine nuclei staining and are digested and cell pools are distributed into wells
nucleus prediction based on an increased ratio of exonic and subjected to a second indexing round by PCR to
and intronic reads. In contrast to micrometre-​scale tech- generate unique combinatorial barcodes. Specifically,
nologies, nanoscale techniques require the convolution 768 spatial indexes and 384 PCR indexes generate up
of subcellular areas to reduce sparsity, to define cell to 294,912 unique single-​cell barcodes. Mixed-​species
boundaries and for bona fide spatial cell atlas building. experiments pointed to certain cross-​contamination
Acting at a similar scale to Stereo-​seq, below the between cells, which could be reduced using compu-
micrometre-​scale mark, Sequence-​Scope (Seq-​Scope)30 tational correction (DecontX). As an alternative with
applies solid-​phase amplification of randomly barcoded even greater scalability of cell numbers, sci-​Space35
single-​molecule oligonucleotides using the MiSeq uses spatially arrayed indexed oligonucleotides that
Illumina sequencing-​by-​synthesis platform31 to generate are diffused into the nuclei of juxtaposed sections to
pixels approximately 0.5–1 μm apart from each other and barcode their spatial position. Oligos are spotted onto
up to 1.5 million different spatially defined barcodes in glass slides coated with dried agarose, resulting in a
a 1 mm2 area (150 pixels in a 100 μm2 area). Specifically, grid of spots with a mean radius of 73 μm. Following
seed oligonucleotide libraries with random spatial bar- diffusion transfer of the spatial indexes, the nuclei are
codes are amplified on a PCR adapter-​coated solid sur- extracted, fixed and used for single-​nucleus RNA-​seq
face to produce clusters for subsequent digestion and through combinatorial indexing with sci-​RNA-​seq pro-
molecule capture from frozen sections. Random primer tocol. Compared with the above-​utilized commercial
sequences are used for second-​strand synthesis and droplet-​based scRNA-​seq36, the established workflow
also serve as unique molecular identifiers. Subcellular can be scaled more cost efficiently, allowing larger area
localization could be partially resolved through ratios and cell numbers to be profiled. Of note, although both
of exonic to intronic reads (nucleus versus cytoplasm) digestion-​based methods generate single-​cell-​resolved
and known organelle-​specific transcripts (mitochon- profiles, their spatial resolution is restricted to the size
dria). Subcellular resolution is also achieved using of the indexing area (500 μm and 73 μm, respectively)
Polony (or DNA cluster)-​indexed library sequencing and, therefore, they do not provide bona fide spatial
(PIXEL-​seq)32, which uses NGS technology to produce single-​cell profiles.
ultra-​dense arrays with polymerase-​amplified oligonu-
cleotide colonies (known as polonies33) of <1 μm diam- Deterministic spatial barcoding technologies. Whereas
eter. Unlike traditional sequencing arrays with discrete the above solid-​phase methods capture RNA mole-
and non-​homogeneous DNA distributions, PIXEL-​seq cules with a predefined grid of spatially indexed probes,
generates continuous homogeneous polonies across a deterministic methods are flexible in their capacity to
customized gel surface. Continuous polonies are con- deliver barcodes to cells or regions of interest (ROIs).
nected but rarely interpenetrate and can be efficiently Capturing cells with reasonably dense spatial informa-
cleaved by restriction digestion to create oligo gels for tion has been traditionally achieved using laser-​capture
RNA capture. PIXEL-​seq randomly seeds clusters on a microdissection37 and patch-​pipette aspiration38–40.
gel of customizable size (for example, 6 × 30 mm2) arrays Scaling this to single-​cell-​resolved spatial transcrip-
with a feature density of ~0.5 million mm−2 and average tomes, TIVA-​seq41 isolates mRNA from a single cell
size of 1.17 ± 0.1 μm2. Of note, nanoscale methods differ using photoactivatable mRNA capture molecules.
in cluster density, but also in the number of spatially bar- Specifically, an uncaged oligonucleotide anneals to
coded capture oligos per cluster, with Illumina technol- the poly(A) tail of mRNA in live cells after membrane
ogy (Seq-​Scope) generating in the range of thousands penetration facilitated by a cell-​penetrating peptide
and PIXEL-​seq generating >20,000 oligos per cluster. and a laser-​mediated photoactivation step. The authors
Although nanoscale data are extremely sparse per cap- demonstrate its applicability in culture as well as in brain
ture unit, accumulating transcript counts across cell seg- tissue to determine the transcriptional profile of single
Cluster density
ments or micrometre-​scale tiles results in transcriptome neurons in vivo. Similarly, but labelling fully intact cells
Distance of clusters generated profiles comparable to those of other spatial indexing instead of single-​cell molecules, NICHE-​seq uses two-​
by local clonal oligonucleotide techniques. However, systematic benchmarking across photon irradiation to activate photoactivatable green flu-
amplification within a methods would be required to draw general conclusions orescent protein (PA-​GFP) for precise in situ labelling of
sequencing flow cell.
about the respective capture performance of different ROIs, followed by fluorescent cell sorting of green cells
Combinatorial indexing methods. and subsequent scRNA-​seq42.
Multistep split-​pool process to Although the above-​mentioned methods generate For deterministic selection of ROIs, ZipSeq43 uses
index molecules with a unique spatial profiles at even subcellular scale, they do not optogenetics approaches44 with illumination of photo-
combination of barcodes for provide bona fide single-​cell transcriptomes, as cell caged oligonucleotides to serially print barcodes (zip-
subsequent identification of
spatial location (spatial index)
segmentation algorithms need to infer cell boundaries. codes) onto both in vitro cell cultures and ex vivo tissue
or cell identity (single-​cell This limitation has been addressed by combining spa- sections. DNA oligonucleotides are bound to cells either
index). tial molecule indexing with subsequent tissue digestion by cell type-​specific antibodies or by membrane lipid

NATure Reviews | GenetIcS volume 23 | December 2022 | 745


a Generate optical barcodes Round N

Round 2
Round 1 B

Stain Image Extinguish Image stack Identified RNAs

b c
Barcode smFISH round 1 smFISH round N MERFISH barcode seqFISH barcode
AC..TG RNA 1 1 1 0 ... 0 RNA 1 1 0 0 ... 0 RNA 1
GT..CA RNA 1 1 0 0 ... 1 RNA 2 1 0 0 ... 1 RNA 2



0 1 1 ... 1 RNA n 0 1 0 ... 0 RNA n

... Target region 1 0 0 Pseudocolour 1
STARmap 0 1 0 Pseudocolour 2

Barcode RNA n Readout Readout 0 0 1 Pseudocolour 3

sequence 1 sequence 2
seqFISH 2014–2016

smFISH round 1 smFISH round N Barcode

... RNA 2
Gap-filled ISS, BaristaSeq RNA 1

Barcode ... RNA n


Non-combinatorial seqFISH
smFISH round 1 smFISH round N Barcode
RNA 1 ... RNA 1
RNA 2 ... RNA 2


RNA n-1 ... RNA n–1

Circularized cDNA GCGC..AT RNA n ...

d e MERFISH 2016 f
ExSeq 2021 Transcriptome MERFISH 2015,2019 Lowly expressed MERFISH 2018
Untargeted 106 Tissue heterogeneity
FISSEQ 2014 screening seqFISH 2016 gene profiling
osmFISH 2018 Powered statistical
ExSeq 2021 tests of
MERFISH 2019 neighbourhood
10,000 seqFISH+ 2019 seqFISH 2019 and interactions
Throughput (number of cells per study)

MERFISH 2015 Cell type

10 or state
STARmap 2018 discovery MERFISH 2016
MERFISH 2015 105 Rare cell type
seqFISH 2022 or interaction
Detection efficiency

1,000 seqFISH 2016 discovery

STARmap 2018

Cell type Marker-based

seqFISH 2016 cell type
or state
MERFISH 2015 discovery 1 registration
STARmap 2018
ISS 2020 STARmap 2018
104 Tissue mapping
100 seqFISH 2021
ISS 2013
osmFISH 2018
osmFISH 2018
cell type 0.1
ExSeq 2021
10 registration
Transcriptome Abundant cell type
seqFISH 2014 ExSeq 2021 screening 103 FISSEQ 2014 mapping


1 0.01

Untargeted in situ sequencing Targeted in situ sequencing Combinatorial FISH Non-combinatorial FISH

746 | December 2022 | volume 23


◀ Fig. 3 | An overview of imaging-based spatial transcriptomics methods and their The technology uses photocleavable oligonucleotide
performance. a | Schematic depiction of the creation of fluorescent signals from individ- tags attached to antibodies or transcriptome-​wide RNA
ual molecules and the construction of optical barcodes through the repetitive process of hybridization probe sets. ROIs are labelled by UV light
single-​colour or multicolour fluorescence generation, imaging and signal removal. These triggering the release of multiplexed tags from antibod-
optical barcodes can then be used to identify individual RNAs. b,c | Schematic depiction
ies or RNA attached to the light-​sensitive linker. These
of the methods that are used to generate optical barcodes and the properties of these
barcodes for a selection of in situ sequencing-​based (part b) or fluorescence in situ
tags are simultaneously retrieved from the tissue sur-
hybridization (FISH)-​based (part c) methods. With in situ sequencing-​based methods, flu- face through capillary collection, allowing NGS-​based
orescence is generated by the incorporation of fluorescently labelled nucleotides or via readouts.
ligation of short fluorescently labelled oligonucleotides, that is, sequencing-​by-​synthesis Deterministic barcoding in tissue for spatial
or sequencing-​by-​ligation chemistries. The fluorescent patterns, in turn, reveal individual omics sequencing (DBiT-​s eq) 46 allows joint tran-
nucleotide sequences, which are, in effect, the barcodes that are used to discriminate scriptome and protein profiling, as demonstrated
different RNAs. Within FISH-​based methods, fluorescence is generated by the hybridiza- through the analysis of 22 proteins in mouse embryos
tion of fluorescently labelled oligonucleotide probes and this process can be used to cre- (similar to scRNA-​seq with protein profiling, that is,
ate various fluorescent on-​and-​off patterns that, in turn, represent barcodes. Multiplexed CITE-​seq47). The microfluidics-​based approach works
error-​robust FISH (MERFISH) uses binary barcodes to represent RNAs, built from the
on formaldehyde-​fixed sections on standard glass slides,
on-​off fluorescent pattern across multiple single or multicolour images. Early sequential
FISH (seqFISH) implementations used a colorimetric barcoding scheme, in which each where parallel microfluidic channels deliver DNA bar-
RNA was labelled with one colour in each round. Later seqFISH implementations group codes to the tissue surface to spatially barcode biomol-
multiple imaging rounds to create pseudocolours, in which an RNA is fluorescent in only ecules in situ. Microfluidic chips are clamped onto the
one image out of the set. The depicted methods should be considered representative but tissue slide, and reagents are applied through pipetting
not comprehensive of signal generation and barcoding methods. d–f | Important perfor- into the inlet holes, generating a mosaic barcoding
mance metrics for image-​based transcriptomic methods (distinct colours), including scheme (10, 25 or 50 μm in width). A first barcode is
multiplexing (part d), detection efficiency (part e) and throughput (part f). Multiplexing is introduced by oligo(dT)-​tagged DNA barcodes to ini-
the number of measurable RNAs; detection efficiency is defined as the fraction of any tiate in situ reverse transcription reaction (horizontal
given molecule actually detected (although we note that methods differ as to the tech- strips). Then, a second chip is applied to the section
nique used for ground truth, and the listed values and ranges reflect uncertainty in these
perpendicular to the first flow direction to ligate a
numbers for different techniques); and throughput is the number of cells characterized
by each technique, here estimated by the number of cells reported for individual studies. biotinylated second barcode (horizontal strips), unique
Different techniques vary in these different performance metrics, which, in turn, shapes molecular identifiers and PCR adapters to form 2D
the types of biological question (examples listed) that can be addressed. Labelled bars mosaic patterning. Spatial precision was estimated by
represent a subset of reported studies selected to illustrate the performance range of the signal diffusion between channels with 10 μm and
given techniques and their evolution over time. Importantly, not all metrics are reported 50 μm channels, showing 0.9 μm and 4.5 μm diffusion,
for all studies nor are all metrics calculated in the same ways. Therefore, the location of respectively. DBiT-​seq permits imaging after barcoding
highlighted bars should be considered as approximate estimations of performance, and to correlate tissue morphology, immunofluorescence
where numbers are not reported we have estimated a range for these values. ExSeq, signals and spatial omics readouts. After tissue diges-
expansion sequencing; FISSEQ, fluorescence in situ sequencing; ISS, in situ sequencing; tion, streptavidin clean-​up, template switching and PCR
smFISH, single-​molecule FISH; STARmap, spatially resolved transcript amplicon readout
amplification, spatially barcoded transcriptome and
protein libraries are prepared for sequencing. After data
aggregation of a spatially mapped embryonic day (E) 10
insertion (for example, lignoceric acid). Spatial labelling embryo, unsupervised clustering resulted in accurate
is controlled through light-​mediated (365 nm) hybrid- developmental classification compared with scRNA-​seq
ization of barcoded double-​stranded DNA to a DNA of E9.5 to E13.5 mouse embryos48. Spatially resolved data
adapter sequence that is blocked along its length using integrated well with scRNA-​seq-​derived embryo atlases,
6-​nitropiperonyloxylmethyl (NPOM) conjugated to thy- allowing for automated cell type annotation based on the
midine. The annealed zipcode terminates in a poly(A) reference map.
and Illumina Read 2 sequence for streamlined con-
nection to standard scRNA-​seq workflows. Sequential Image-​based spatial transcriptomics
washes, patterned illumination and re-​hybridization In imaged-​based methods for ST, fluorescent signals are
with different spatial barcodes allow multiregional pro- generated from individual RNA molecules in their native
filing, and fluorophore incorporation allows the enrich- location and high-​resolution fluorescence microscopy is
ment of labelled cells. Variations of ZipSeq use DNA used to detect and distinguish single-​molecule signals
duplex strands bearing an orthogonal NPOM-​caged generated from different RNA molecules. Molecular dis-
extension to effectively combine zipcode labels. For crimination is provided by optical barcodes — distinct
even more improved scaling and resolution, ZipSeq can patterns of fluorescence that are generated through repet-
add on layers of secondary caged oligonucleotides to itive rounds of fluorescence-​signal generation, imaging
exponentially increase the number of definable regions. and signal removal (Fig. 3a). Ultimately, the differences in
ZipSeq plugs into scalable droplet-​based scRNA-​seq the growing and exciting array of methods arise in the
workflows to potentially achieve improved molecule properties of these optical barcodes and the methods by
coverage compared with ST-​based technologies and which they are generated (Fig. 3b,c). These differences,
integration with multimodal readouts. in turn, determine the differential performance of these
A different concept to extract spatial transcrip- techniques and the range of biological questions for which
tomes underlies NanoString’s GeoMx digital spatial different techniques are best suited (Fig. 3d–f). Similar
profiler, which combines spatial transcriptomes and approaches have been developed to profile genomic
protein profiling from FFPE or snap-​frozen material45. organization, which we highlight briefly in Box 1.

NATure Reviews | GenetIcS volume 23 | December 2022 | 747


Padlock probes Imaging RNA molecules in their native tissue context (which can arise in NGS-​based methods), offering the
Single-​stranded DNA or locked offers several exciting and complementary benefits com- potential for high detection efficiencies and low detec-
nucleic acid oligonucleotide pared with the methods described above. For example, tion limits, which, in turn, can allow important sets of
probes hybridized to a target high-​resolution microscopy offers the ability to resolve functionally relevant but lowly expressed genes to be
of interest such that the 3′
and 5′ ends align on the target
the subcellular location of RNAs while tiling images characterized. Finally, a wide variety of cellular and tis-
molecule, allowing these ends over large sample regions, providing a means to simul- sue phenotypes are accessible via optical microscopy,
to be ligated to circularize taneously map the sub-​micrometre-​scale intercellular including live-​cell dynamics, cellular morphology,
the probe. organization of the transcriptome while characterizing genomic organization and modifications, and pro-
both large numbers of cells and centimetre-​scale tissue tein abundance, offering the potential for multimodal
architectures. In addition, by imaging RNAs within their characterization of transcriptomic profiles with other
native context, it is sometimes possible to limit RNA loss biological properties of the sample.
Since their introduction less than 10 years ago,
image-​based methods for spatially resolved single-​cell
Box 1 | Image-​based methods for mapping the genome transcriptomics have moved rapidly from initial
Bulk and single-​cell sequencing-​based methods, such as the 3C family of methods, have proof-​of-​principle demonstrations to applications that
provided tremendous insight into the principles of genome organization over the past offer windows into a wide range of biological questions,
decade194–196. However, the contact frequencies produced by these methods provide for example, providing insights into gene regulatory mod-
an indirect measurement of the physical 3D organization of the genome. By contrast, ules from co-​variation in gene expression49, mapping the
single-​molecule fluorescence in situ hybridization (smFISH)-​based methods offer a internal organization of the transcriptome49–51, empow-
direct measurement of spatial organization, and many of the approaches developed ering all-​optical screening methods by linking genetic
for multiplexing smFISH have been co-​opted and beautifully extended for the
perturbations to synthetic RNA barcodes52–58, inferring
simultaneous identification of a large number of chromosomal loci.
In an early demonstration, tens of distinct chromosomal regions were labelled with
aspects of cellular state from RNA-​velocity-​like measure-
FISH probes that leveraged the multiplexed error-​robust FISH (MERFISH)-​encoding ments of nuclear to cytoplasmic RNAs50, or jointly map-
probe design197,198. Sequential readout staining and imaging then revealed, locus by ping the internal distribution of RNAs and proteins (see
locus, the 3D organization of targeted genomic regions. Subsequent work extended Image-​based spatial proteomics technologies). However,
this approach by targeting smaller chromosomal loci and by increasing the ability one of the applications that has attracted much enthusi-
to resolve labelled loci location and shape using super-​resolution microscopy197–200. asm is the use of these techniques to discover cell types
For example, in optical reconstruction of chromatin architecture199, microscopy-​ and states and map their organization within tissues,
based chromosomal conformation capture200 or multiplexed imaging of nucleome effectively creating molecularly defined tissue atlases with
architectures115 kilobase-​scale chromosomal regions were targeted and mapped in cellular and subcellular resolution (Fig. 1d–f and Box 2).
Drosophila embryos199 or fetal liver115. Excitingly, in all cases, genomic imaging was
The growing array of image-​based single-​cell transcrip-
coupled with RNA imaging, of one200, tens199 or ~100 RNAs115, leveraging the RNA
barcoding approaches described here.
tomic methods can be grouped into two categories,
Combinatorial barcoding has also been co-​opted for chromosomal tracing, allowing in situ sequencing and FISH-​based methods, which we
far more loci to be imaged. For example, both MERFISH and sequential fish (seqFISH) summarize here, complementing other contemporane-
have been used to distinguish genomic loci on the ~1,000-​loci scale, allowing the ous reviews59–62. Image-​based approaches to ST are evolv-
extensive characterization of chromatin across a wide range of length scales from ing rapidly, and although there are many exciting new
sub-​domain structures to trans-​chromosomal interactions108,117. Moreover, by including methods and applications currently on preprint servers,
oligo-​labelled antibodies and simultaneously targeted RNAs with encoding probes, we focus here only on published manuscripts.
a single process of sequential readout-​probe staining, imaging and signal removal
revealed the structure of chromosomal regions, expression of portions of the Targeted in situ sequencing methods. One of the central
transcriptome, and the location and abundance of key proteins117,121. These works
challenges facing in situ sequencing techniques is the
clearly reveal the potential for image-​based multi-​omic characterization of single cells
within intact tissues.
generation of specific and bright fluorescent signals from
In parallel, in situ sequencing technologies have been introduced for mapping and individual molecules. One of the first in situ sequenc-
tracing chromosomal organization. The first methods suite, termed OligoFISSEQ201, ing methods, termed, simply, in situ sequencing63 (ISS,
starts by hybridizing to distinct chromosomal loci DNA FISH probes that contain, hereafter to differentiate it from this class of techniques),
like those described above, barcode regions, which are identified via various in situ introduced a widely adopted solution to this challenge.
sequencing chemistries or via hybridization or readout probes, as above. Combination After in situ cDNA synthesis, specificity is provided by
with immunofluorescence and multiplexed RNA FISH was also possible with these padlock probes64,65, where the required ligation of these
methods, as was volumetric reconstruction of individual labelled regions via probes highly favours properly bound probes, and
super-​resolution microscopy. These approaches have been used to map many tens amplification is provided by RCA64,66,67, which replicates
of loci in cell culture201.
one padlock probe into many concatenated copies of that
In contrast to other genomic tracing methods, the second in situ sequencing
technology, termed in situ genome sequencing183, is untargeted and is capable of
probe, termed a rolling circle product (RCP) or rolony
tagging random genomic loci in individual cells. In this approach, fixed samples are (Fig. 3d). In ISS, optical barcodes were then generated via
treated with the Tn5 transposase to incorporate priming regions for sequencing into sequencing by ligation of a short DNA region unique to
random locations in the genome. These fragments are circularized and amplified via each probe. First used to distinguish 39 RNAs in breast
rolling circle amplification. In situ sequencing is performed on short unique molecular cancer slices63, ISS has been extended to the profiling
identifiers (UMIs). Rolling circle products (RCPs) are then removed and sequenced of hundreds of RNAs in brain68–72, spinal cord73, heart4,
ex situ using standard next-​generation sequencing approaches, revealing the UMI lung74 and tumours63,75, and has also been adopted to
for each RCP as well as the genomic sequence it contained. The combination of in situ profile RNA editing76 or circular RNA expression77.
and ex situ sequencing allows short in situ reads and long ex situ reads to co-​register Although the signals produced by padlock probes
genomic identity and location but of course requires co-​detection of individual RCPs
and RCA are specific and bright, the fraction of tar-
via both modalities.
geted molecules present in the sample that generate a

748 | December 2022 | volume 23


Box 2 | Applications of image-​based spatial transcriptomics in neuroscience

Cellular atlas building is one of the most promising aspects of spatial clustering in inhibitory neuron types that was not apparent in the
omics methods. As many of the image-​based single-​cell transcriptomics 8 μm-​thin sections.
methods were first established in the brain, here, we highlight illustrative In another recent MERFISH study of the mouse motor cortex110 — part of
examples of cellular atlas building in a neuroscience context. the larger, multi-​laboratory, multimodal motor cortex atlas202 driven by the
In one early illustrative example, multiplexed error-​robust fluorescence BRAIN Initiative Cell Census Network (BICCN) — the authors profiled
in situ hybridization (MERFISH)109 was used to profile the preoptic region 258 genes in the mouse motor cortex, measuring ~300,000 cells in two
of the mouse hypothalamus (Fig. 1d–f). In total, 155 genes were imaged in adult mice. These measurements defined the expected complexity in the
1.1 million cells across tens of mice, highlighting the throughput potential motor cortex, again producing measurements in high concordance with scRNA-​
of image-​based transcriptomics. Single-​cell clustering of MERFISH- seq and cementing the notion that targeted panels have cell type discov-
​derived cellular expression profiles matched those of companion ery potential that is comparable to that of untargeted measurements.
single-​cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-​seq) measurements, confirming Interestingly, owing to the ability to precisely define the location of each
that, indeed, targeted measurements can recapitulate cell types and cell within individual cortical layers, MERFISH was able to link subtle vari­
expression profiles. In fact, the increased sensitivity of MERFISH (for any ations in gene expression to tissue location or cellular neighbourhood, a key
given gene, approximately sevenfold more copies per cell were observed promise of spatial transcriptomic methods. Finally, this work also exempli-
in MERFISH relative to scRNA-​seq) allowed the discovery of cell type fied the ability of image-​based methods to overlay transcriptional informa-
divisions, defined, in part, by lowly expressed neuropeptide and hormone tion onto the wide variety of image-​based characterization methods that
receptors, not found by scRNA-​seq, illustrating the discovery potential already exist. Performing MERFISH and fluorescent imaging in mice in
offered by the high detection efficiency of image-​based methods. The which three distinct fluorescent retrograde tracers had been injected into
inclusion of an activity-​dependent gene further allowed cell types to be three different brain regions not only revealed the transcriptional identity
associated with specific hypothalamic circuits. of each neuronal cell type in the motor cortex but also allowed detailed
In another illustrative example, in situ sequencing via spatially resolved mapping of their project patterns to these three brain regions.
transcript amplicon readout mapping (STARmap)79 was similarly used to Illustrating the multi-​omic potential of image-​based methods, Cai and
identify cell types, map their spatial organization and provide functional colleagues121 combined image-​based proteomics, transcriptomics and
annotations in the mouse primary visual and prefrontal cortex. This work genome tracing to characterize the correlates of nuclear organization in
illustrated the ability of image-​based methods to provide deep functional cells of the mouse cerebral cortex with sequential FISH (seqFISH). The
insight into the transcriptional response of different cell types by mapped organization of the 3D genome agreed well with sequencing-
including a panel of genes with activity-​dependent transcription. ​based measurements (Hi-​C) and recapitulated the known compartmen-
Moreover, this study addressed a crucial question for targeted methods. talization of chromatin states. First seen via chromatin tracing with
Namely, how many genes are required to capture cell type diversity? MERFISH in cell culture203, this work further demonstrated that, in tissue,
Extending STARmap to 1,020 from 160 genes increased the number topologically associated domain boundaries, which emerge clearly in
of defined cell types in the visual cortex only modestly, from 12 to population average, are far less defined at the single-​cell level. Finally, by
15 types. Clearly, the number of appropriate genes for cell type discovery leveraging RNA and genomic structure information, the authors could
will be gene and tissue dependent, yet this study and the MERFISH109 show that distinct cell types have distinct nuclear organization, which
work provide support for the notion that thousands of genes may suggested that the organization of chromosomes around nuclear bodies
be unnecessary for cell type definition in some cases. Finally, the and regions of distinct chromatin marks correlates with the differential
authors demonstrated one of the potential strengths of image-​based gene expression of different cell types. These and other highly
methods — the ability to extend to three dimensions. By leveraging multiplexed, multimodal measurements108,117 raise the possibility of new
a non-​combinatorial barcode to profile 28 genes in 30,000 cells from mechanistic insights into the determinants of genome organization and
150 μm-​thick samples of the visual cortex, the authors revealed spatial its consequences for genome maintenance, replication and expression.

detectable signal — that is, the detection efficiency — in cell culture79,80, mouse brain80, placenta80, gut80 and
was modest for ISS (the exact value was unreported, cardiac organoids80 with a reported detection efficiency
Detection efficiency
Capacity to capture or label
but is likely in the order of ~5%)63. One possible reason of ~10%79.
RNA, DNA or protein mole- for the low detection efficiency could be the low effi- The crowded cellular environment may also chal-
cules to allow subsequent ciency of in situ cDNA synthesis. As cDNA synthesis lenge in situ enzymatic steps. To address this challenge,
quantification. was used to allow DNA-​templated ligation of padlocks, targeted expansion sequencing (ExSeq)81 combines
BOLORAMIS78 introduced one potential solution by expansion microscopy 82,83 with in situ sequencing by
SNAIL probes
Probes that contain a primer using an RNA-​templated DNA ligase, SplintR ligase, anchoring RNAs to an expandable hydrogel, removing
probe and a padlock probe, which increased detection efficiency to ~20% and cellular components and expanding the gel before bind-
both of which hybridize to allowed profiling of ~100 RNAs in neuron–microglial ing, ligating and amplifying padlock probes, and using
the same RNA, placing both cell culture. sequencing-​by-​ligation to generate optical barcodes.
probes in proximity such
that the 3′ and 5′ end of the
Spatially resolved transcript amplicon readout Targeted ExSeq has been used to detect tens to hundreds
padlock can hybridize to mapping (STARmap)79 introduced another approach of genes in the mouse primary visual cortex, hippocam-
the primer probe, allowing the to bypass cDNA synthesis with a two-​c omponent pus and human metastatic breast cancer biopsy sam-
circularization of the padlock padlock-​probe variant termed SNAIL probes 79. The ples, with ~40% detection efficiency81. Coupling in situ
via DNA-​templated ligation.
key insight was the use of a second supporting probe sequencing to expansion microscopy offers the addi-
Expansion microscopy for each padlock, which provided a DNA template for tional benefit that RNAs can be registered with other
An effective super-​resolution padlock ligation. Optical barcodes were then built from cellular features at sub-​diffraction-​limited resolution.
optical microscopy technique a short DNA sequence unique to each targeted RNA In each of the targeted methods above, the RNA is
that increases effective optical with a novel sequencing-​by-​ligation approach termed identified by a short synthetic barcode on the padlock.
resolution by attaching the
signal of interest to a charged
SEDAL sequencing79 that allowed the detection of one However, there are instances where it is useful to directly
hydrogel that is then physically corrupted barcode element. STARmap has been used to measure the sequence of short portions of the targeted
and isotropically expanded. map hundreds to around one thousand different RNAs RNA. Gap-​filled ISS63 addresses this need by separating

NATure Reviews | GenetIcS volume 23 | December 2022 | 749


Combinatorial barcoding
the hybridization sites for the 5′ and 3′ ends of the pad- historically been modest, limiting transcriptome-​scale
This process involves the use of lock and using a gap-​filling polymerase to fill this gap, investigations with this powerful technique to massively
barcodes in which the value effectively copying this portion of the target molecule parallel, single-​plex screens90. Early multiplexing efforts
of individual barcode elements, into the sequence of the padlock. Selective ligation of focused on using different colours of fluorophores with
e.g. ‘1’ values in individual bits
of binary barcodes, are shared
complementary short oligos can also fill the gap84. colorimetric combinatorial barcodes to identify RNAs,
between multiple targets with Gap-​filled ISS has been used to distinguish oncogenes but were limited to tens of RNAs91–94. Exchanging color-
targets discriminated by the in breast cancer samples63 and extended to 12 nt regions imetric barcodes for sequential barcodes, built through
unique combination of barcode to empower all-​optical pooled CRISPR screening58. successive rounds of smFISH, was a key insight that
elements, e.g. ‘101’ versus ‘110’.
Gap-​filled ISS has also been recently extended with allowed substantial expansion in the multiplexing of
Error-​robust and correcting
BaristaSeq85, in which improved gap-​filling enzymes smFISH. This concept was developed and introduced in
barcoding schemes were used to increase rolony production efficiency, and parallel by two techniques: sequential FISH (seqFISH)95
Barcoding schemes in which used in BARSeq56 or BARSeq2 (ref.57) to map the pro- and multiplexed error-​robust FISH (MERFISH)49.
extra barcode elements are jections of neurons uniquely marked by synthetic RNA In a first proof of principle, seqFISH95 identified
added that allow the detection
of barcode elements corrupted
barcodes. 12 different RNAs by staining samples with probes that
in the measurement process assigned each RNA one of four colours. The sample was
and, for some errors, the Untargeted in situ sequencing methods. In situ sequenc- imaged to determine the colour assigned to each RNA;
identification of the correct ing can also be performed in an untargeted fashion by FISH probes were removed by digestion; and the sample
value for the corrupted
using the sequence of the RNA itself to generate the opti- was re-​stained to assign each RNA a second of the four
cal barcode. The first method to take this approach was colours. Thus, individual RNAs could be discriminated by
fluorescence in situ sequencing (FISSEQ)86,87. FISSEQ the 42 = 16 possible two-​colour optical barcodes (Fig. 3c).
begins with an in situ cDNA synthesis reaction, and In parallel work, MERFISH showed that this con-
then short cDNA fragments are circularized to produce cept could be used for transcriptome-​scale profiling,
an RCA template. Incorporation of a common priming characterizing ~100 or ~1,000 RNAs in cell culture49.
region during the circularization allows the production Individual RNAs were assigned a binary barcode, and
of rolonies and provides a sequence from which to prime a set of DNA-​encoding probes was created to imprint
sequencing-​by-​ligation chemistry. FISSEQ has been representations of these barcodes onto target RNAs via
used to detect thousands of different transcripts and in situ hybridization (Fig. 3c). Barcodes were represented
distinguish splice variants within human cell culture86. via a unique combination of readout sequences, with one
The ability to directly identify RNAs from their readout sequence assigned to each bit, and the presence
sequence promises many benefits, including untargeted or absence of that readout representing a ‘1’ or ‘0’, respec-
detection of RNAs, splice junctions or single-​nucleotide tively. The sample was stained with encoding probes and
variations (SNVs); however, the required in situ enzy- then with a fluorescently labelled readout probe comple-
matic reactions and chemistries seem to be relatively mentary to a readout sequence, imaged and the signal
inefficient: less than 0.01% of the RNA content of the cell removed with photobleaching49 or, in later protocols,
is detected with the FISSEQ protocol78,86,87. Untargeted chemical removal96. By repeating this readout-​probe
ExSeq81 combines modified FISSEQ protocols with staining process, the presence or absence of fluorescence
expansion microscopy to improve efficiency. Detection in each smFISH image revealed the barcode for each tar-
efficiency is also increased by reducing in situ sequenc- geted molecule, bit by bit49 (or in groups of bits when
ing read length. In situ reads are long enough (20 nt) to multicolour imaging was used96,97).
be unique among all measured RCPs but perhaps too While combinatorial barcoding allows the rapid
short to uniquely identify some RNAs. However, RCPs generation of massive numbers of unique barcodes,
are then captured and subjected to longer-​read ex situ barcoding capacity was not the only challenge to
sequencing, which registers ex situ and in situ reads, pro- transcriptome-​scale multiplexing. First, rare smFISH
viding unambiguous RNA identification and defining measurement errors compound quickly in combi-
features such as splice junctions or SNVs while simulta- natorial barcodes, severely limiting measurement
neously re-​registering ex situ reads in space. Untargeted accuracy. First introduced with MERFISH 49, error-​
ExSeq has been used to profile gene expression in robust and correcting barcoding schemes have become
the mouse brain, Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila a widely adopted solution to this challenge 51,98–100.
embryos and cell culture, with improved but still modest Second, slow probe hybridization to cellular RNA can
detection efficiency (also unreported)81. also challenge long-​barcode readout with direct RNA
labelling 95,98. As readout-​probe binding to readout
Fluorescence in situ hybridization methods. In FISH, sequences is orders of magnitude faster49,96, the two-​step
individual RNA or DNA molecules are labelled by hybridization process — with one slow hybridization
hybridizing them to fluorescently labelled oligonu- effectively imprinting barcodes on RNAs, followed
cleotides of complementary sequence. When coupled by a series of fast readout hybridizations to determine
with bright fluorophores and tens of unique probes per barcodes — has also become a standard solution51,98–100.
RNA, the signal from individual RNA molecules can be Third, smFISH typically leverages tens of probes per
robustly observed as diffraction-​limited spots, allow- RNA to provide binding redundancy and signal ampli-
ing individual molecules to be localized and counted. fication; unfortunately, standard synthesis of the tens to
This approach, termed smFISH88,89, is the gold standard hundreds of thousands of unique probes required to tar-
for gene expression and spatial distribution measure- get thousands of RNAs would be prohibitively expensive.
ments in fixed cells. However, smFISH multiplexing has Building on the pioneering oligopaints protocol for DNA

750 | December 2022 | volume 23


FISH probe construction101, MERFISH49,102 introduced a tens to hundreds of genes in brain100,127,130,131, kidney127,
Collections of tens to hundreds widely adopted51,98,99 high-​yield protocol to inexpensively ovaries127, liver127, lung128,129 and trachea128.
of thousands of unique, custom amplify such probes from complex, custom oligopools103. In parallel, there are biological questions for
oligonucleotide sequences Nevertheless, arguably the greatest challenge to the which the measurement of hundreds or more genes
generated inexpensively but in
small quantities by array-​based
highest degree of multiplexing is RNA density. To define is not necessary, and several groups have introduced
methods. optical barcodes, the signals from individual RNAs must non-​combinatorial methods that leverage sequential
be spatially resolved, which becomes more challenging rounds of smFISH to identify RNAs, with each colour
Pseudocolours as the number of RNAs and, thus, the labelled RNA channel in each round of imaging associated with a sin-
Collections of images in which
density, increases. The use of signal absence to denote gle RNA (Fig. 3c). Multiplexing ranges from ~10 to ~100
each molecule is fluorescent in
only one image with that image
a barcode element (for example, no fluorescence repre- RNAs. Examples of such methods include osmFISH132,
representing the pseudocolour, sents ‘0’), as introduced with MERFISH49, provides one ExFISH83, clampFISH126, par-​seqFISH133, EASI-​FISH134,
i.e. n pseudocolours can be solution, as the number of ‘1’ bits can be fixed and sig- spatial genomic analysis (SGA)119 and contempora-
thought of as n-​bit barcodes in nals diluted across more images by increasing the length neous unnamed methods135. The major advantage of
which only one bit contains a ‘1’.
of barcodes. The generalization of colorimetric barcodes these methods is that RNA density does not pose the
Hybridization chain reaction to barcodes based on pseudocolours by the seqFISH51,99,104 same challenge for these methods, as dense signals
(HCR). An amplification team leverages this insight (Fig. 3c). Similarly, the RNAs from one RNA cannot corrupt those of a different
approach in which two themselves can be physically diluted with expansion RNA. Indeed, this approach has been routinely com-
meta-​stable, fluorescently
microscopy82,83, as demonstrated with MERFISH50,105. bined with combinatorial barcoding to allow some of
labelled DNA hairpins are used
to polymerize a repeating
By leveraging these advances, transcriptome-​scale the most highly expressed genes to be included in these
structure from these hairpins. measurements are now possible: the seqFISH team has measurements98,109,110.
measured ~10,000 sites of nascent transcription99 or RNAs Advanced computational approaches can also infer
Branched DNA in cell culture and mouse brain51 in a protocol termed RNA abundance from images in which individual RNAs
(bDNA). An amplification
seqFISH+, and MERFISH was used to measure ~10,000 are not resolved. For example, in corrFISH136, spatial
approach that leverages a DNA RNAs in cell culture50. Crucially, these measurements were correlations are used to extract the abundance of RNAs
oligonucleotide ‘amplifier’ that made with high detection efficiency in cell culture (50% assigned combinatorial barcodes. In parallel, in com-
contains a targeting sequence for seqFISH+ (ref.51) and 80% for MERFISH50). Targeting pressed sensing approaches137, machine-​learning-​based
in combination with multiple
hundreds to thousands of genes, MERFISH has been methods are used to reconstruct the abundance of RNAs
copies of a secondary binding
site, effectively amplifying
used to profile gene expression in cell culture49,50,96,97,105–108, from measurements of the total fluorescence signal gen-
fluorescent signals by brain97,109–112, glioblastoma113, fetal liver114,115 and gut116, erated by specific combinations of RNAs measured in
converting one binding site into and to measure synthetic RNA barcodes, empowering each round.
multiples. Iterative rounds of all-​optical pooled screening52,53. Similarly, seqFISH and its
amplification are possible.
recent variations have been used to profile gene expres- Image-​based spatial proteomics technologies
sion in cell culture95,99,117, dissociated lymphocytes118, In imaging-​b ased methods for spatial proteomics,
brain51,98,119–122 and mouse embryo123. signals are generated from proteins in their native
Another challenge that FISH-​based methods face in situ location through specific targeting by antibod-
is fluorescence background. To overcome sample aut- ies. Although most methods for spatial proteomics are
ofluorescence, FISH-​based methods have turned to similar in principle, differences emerge in the approach
signal amplification: seqFISH was combined with to visualization and discrimination of the antibodies,
hybridization chain reaction 98,124, and MERFISH was as well as properties for signal amplification. These
combined with branched DNA amplification106. In paral- differences, in turn, determine the range of biological
lel, FISH-​based readout of optical barcodes has been questions for which different techniques are best suited.
combined with RCA by leveraging padlock probes Imaging proteins in their native tissue context offers
for the encoding probes in HybISS 100. Additional many complementary advantages compared with
forms of smFISH amplification, such as SABER125 and transcriptomics methods. Similar to the image-​based
clampFISH126, could be attractive amplification meth- ST methods, there are many advantages of using an
ods. The nonspecific binding of FISH probes is another imaging-​based readout, including possibilities to map
source of background that becomes increasingly impor- the subcellular distribution of proteins while tiling
tant as the number of genes and, thus, FISH probes, images to map large tissue regions and a high number of
increases. Binding to non-​RNA cellular components is a cells. Also, access to the wide variety of cellular and tis-
major source of such background, which the MERFISH sue phenotypes that are accessible via optical microscopy
team solved with matrix embedding and clearing97. provides ample opportunities for multimodal biological
Inspired by expansion microscopy82, this more widely applications, as outlined in the preceding section.
adopted and modified protocol51 anchors RNAs to an Whereas ST methods offer significantly higher mul-
embedding hydrogel film and then digests all unneeded tiplexing and provide detailed insights into cell types
cellular components to remove off-​targets for FISH. and their gene expression patterns, spatial proteomics
In parallel, split-​FISH127, HybISS100, SCRINSHOT128 technologies are limited in their multiplexing capabili-
and PLISH129 reduce such background by generating ties (currently around 50–100 proteins) but offer other
detectable fluorescence only if pairs of probes bind adja- advantages. For example, protein levels serve as a better
cently on each RNA (split-​FISH), padlock probes can proxy for cellular activity, and it is well known that RNA
be ligated (HybISS/SCRINSHOT) or a combination of levels do not always correlate with protein levels138. Also,
both approaches (PLISH). Together split-​FISH, HybISS/ some proteins are very stable, whereas the correspond-
SCRINSHOT and PLISH have been used to characterize ing RNA levels can be very low and difficult to detect

NATure Reviews | GenetIcS volume 23 | December 2022 | 751


with transcript-​based methods. Other advantages of As DNA conjugation can interfere with antibody func-
detection at the protein level include precise subcellu- tion, this requires further validation to ensure that anti-
lar localization to organelles, studies of the extracellular body specificity is maintained and that the oligo can be
environment and its impact on tissue architecture, and properly detected. Therefore, one needs to be aware of
detection of specific proteoforms or post-​translational the particular considerations required for preparing anti-
modifications such as phosphorylation. For these rea- body panels for multiplexed experiments, as reviewed
sons, spatial proteomics methods offer unmatched in detail elsewhere146. In addition to different strategies
opportunities to map cell states, signalling activity and for visualization, there have been developments for
cell–cell interactions, as well as higher order spatial improved tissue preservation and uniformity of staining
organization. For example, several spatial proteom- across many cycles using tissue clearing techniques152–156
ics methods have been applied to study the structured (reviewed in ref.157). In summary, the performance of
organization of the tumour–immune microenvironment these methods is limited by the antibodies used in them;
of breast cancers139–141. although many methods have used the same antibodies,
The methods for image-​based spatial proteomics are often targeting immune cells, we are likely to see more
in general applicable to both fresh-​frozen and FFPE sam- differentiation as the pool of antibodies validated for
ples and can be grouped into two categories: cyclic fluo- multiplexed use continues to grow.
rescent approaches and one-​step mass-​tag approaches.
For details on subcellular spatial proteomics methods Cyclic fluorescent approaches. Similar to image-​based
based on cell fractionation142 and mass spectrometry ST methods, fluorescence-​based spatial proteomics
imaging143,144, we refer readers to other reviews. All these approaches achieve multiplexing by adopting some ver-
methods rely on image alignment, cell segmentation and sion of a cyclic protocol that circumvents the issue of
downstream spatial analysis, as reviewed elsewhere. fluorescence spectral overlap. It generally includes the
following steps: first, immunostaining with oligonucleo-
Targeted highly multiplexed antibody-​based imaging tide or fluorescently labelled antibodies; second, fluores-
methods. To study the expression of proteins in situ with cent image acquisition, either directly or after addition
single-​cell or even subcellular resolution, highly multi- of fluorescently labelled complementary oligonucleo-
plexed imaging methods have recently been developed. tides; and third, fluorophore inactivation or removal of
These methods take off from classical immunohisto- hybridized oligonucleotide probes or bound antibodies.
chemical (IHC) or immunofluorescent (IF) strategies The first group of fluorescent cyclic approaches
whereby proteins of interest are visualized through spe- employ a cyclic strategy of ‘staining–imaging–bleaching
cific antibodies, as developed already in 1941 (ref.145). or antibody removal’ using either fluorescently labelled
There is a plethora of such highly multiplexed methods primary antibodies (direct immunofluorescence) or
and the key difference between them is that they employ secondary antibodies (indirect immunofluorescence).
different detection strategies to overcome the spectral Key considerations for such cyclic methods relate to tis-
limitations of conventional fluorescence microscopy and sue degradation, proteome loss and epitope destruction
thus allow simultaneous probing of typically 20–60 pro- due to the stress of repeated fluid exchanges, as well as
teins in FFPE or fresh-​frozen tissue samples146. Highly incomplete fluorophore removal between cycles. Direct
multiplexed antibody-​based imaging methods can be methods include SWITCH154, multiplexed immunoflu-
classified on the basis of the mode of antibody tagging orescence (MxIF158), tissue-​based cyclic immunofluo-
and visualization technology. The antibody tagging can rescence (t-​CyCIF159,160) and iterative bleaching extends
be based on either fluorophores, DNA barcodes, multiplexity (IBEX161). These methods mainly differ in
enzymes or metal tags, whereas the visualization strategy the way that the fluorescence signal is removed and basi-
is commonly fluorescence imaging or mass spectrome- cally represent incremental developments that allow more
try (reviewed in refs.147–149). These differences are what efficient bleaching while minimizing tissue destruction
provides the methods with their respective advantages and protein degradation. MxIF is based on chemical
and disadvantages and are important to consider for bleaching (alkaline oxidation chemistry) to eliminate
different biological applications. cyanine-​based dye fluorescence. t-​CyCIF further devel-
Crucially, all these methods rely on the use of anti- oped this to a combined chemical and light bleaching pro-
bodies, which poses limitations and makes antibody tocol (hydrogen peroxide, light and high pH) compatible
validation key to obtaining reproducible and accurate with Alexa dyes. IBEX introduced lithium borohydrate
results150. For regular IHC experiments, antibodies are to bleach fluorophores in a short time, thus reducing the
normally validated in terms of specificity, often using overall cycling time to better preserve the tissue and allow
a negative and positive sample, but other approaches up to 20 iterative cycles. Iterative indirect immunofluo-
such as paired antibodies, immunoprecipitation and rescence (4i162) uses an indirect approach whereby the pri-
gene silencing are available151. As antibody performance mary antibodies are visualized with fluorophore-​labelled
can differ based on the context of its usage, including secondary antibodies. By introducing a novel buffer to
the type of tissue used, experimental parameters such as prevent covalent light-​induced crosslinking of the fluoro-
antigen retrieval protocols are commonly optimized for phores to the tissue sample, a cyclic approach of antibody
each sample (for example, pH, heat treatment and buffer staining, imaging and antibody elution can be used. An
composition). This is where multiplexed antibody-​based advantage with using secondary antibodies is that no
imaging applications encounter additional constraints, antibody conjugation is needed, making the method
as all antibodies need to work under identical conditions. more applicable to a variety of biological applications

752 | December 2022 | volume 23


using off-​the-​shelf available antibodies. Another advan- that of fluorescence microscopy, all these methods will
tage includes the signal amplification obtained owing require careful consideration of how best to design anti-
to multiple secondary antibodies binding each primary body panels and iterative cycles to allow visualization of
antibody. Cyclic methods often employ autofluorescence targets with both high and low abundance.
registration between cycles for computational subtraction Exciting developments in this space include multi-
to improve the signal to noise ratio, and recent work has omics methods for simultaneous image-​based ST and
demonstrated feasibility of 21 iterative cycles without proteomics, whereby RNA detection maps cell types
significant tissue destruction163. Key considerations in while protein detection maps the extracellular matrix
cyclic methods relate to maintaining tissue integrity and and specific cell states, for example.
optimizing the order of antibodies in the cycles to ensure
optimal detection of each epitope. One-​step mass-​tag-​based approaches. A separate group
Early work exploring such approaches allowed visu- of methods represent a ‘one-​step approach’ in which the
alization of 10–20 target proteins in cultivated cells164,165, capture of multiparametric data is performed without
whereas current methods routinely allow multiplexing cyclic imaging, thus avoiding all the crucial issues of
of more than 60 target proteins in a tissue section and tissue destruction owing to the many cycles and focus
have been used to study tissue architecture, tumour drifting between cycles. In these methods, antibodies
heterogeneity and states of signal transduction networks. are conjugated with ionizable metal mass tags (mostly
The second group of fluorescent cyclic approaches from the lanthanide series) and mass spectrometry is
is based on DNA barcoding of antibodies. These meth- used for readout (Fig. 4). These methods allow visualiza-
ods were also developed to circumvent the spectral tion of more than 40 proteins in a tissue section based
limitations of fluorescence, with the advantage that on one-​step immunostaining and one-​step detection.
they provide faster cycling than the bleaching protocols Examples of such methods are multiplexed ion beam
mentioned above. They overcome the speed restrictions imaging (MIBI 139,175) and imaging mass cytometry
by allowing for a single round of immunostaining, fol- (IMC176). In IMC, the tissue is ablated with a laser with
lowed by sequential readout of the DNA barcodes by a 1 μm spot size, which rasterizes over the selected region
rapid binding and unbinding of fluorescent imager of interest, where tissue is then aerosolized, atomized
strands using DNA-​exchange imaging (DEI166), by in situ and ionized, and fed into a time-​of-​flight mass spec-
polymerization of fluorescent dNTP analogues using trometer for analysis of isotope abundance. In MIBI,
co-​detection by imaging (CODEX167,168) or by DNA an oxygen duoplasmatron primary ion beam rasterizes
concatemers in signal amplification by exchange reac- over the tissue, ablating a thin layer of the tissue sur-
tion (immuno-​SABER169), offering programmable signal face, liberating antibody-​bound metal isotopes as ions.
amplification without in situ enzymatic reactions. The These secondary ions are fed into a time-​of-​flight mass
main advantage of these methods is the simple one-​step spectrometer for analysis of isotope abundance. In both
immunostaining, which leads to faster assays and fewer IMC and MIBI, the isotope abundance of each spot can
issues with sample loss and epitope destruction given be mapped back to the original coordinates, produc-
that all antibodies are bound in one step. Drawbacks ing a high-​dimensional image qualitatively similar to a
include the need to make and validate antibody–oligo fluorescence microscopy image. A key advantage is the
conjugates. Of these methods, CODEX is by far the most robustness of the one-​step approach, the high dynamic
applied to date, likely owing to the commercial availabil- range (quantification over a five-​log dynamic range175),
ity of an automated instrument for the cyclic imaging as and low background signals (that is, no issues with aut-
well as validated antibody panels. ofluorescence). Unlike for the other fluorescence-​based
The dynamic range of the cellular proteome approaches, the samples must be vacuum stable, and
approaches seven orders of magnitude and ranges antibody signals cannot be amplified146. Both IMC and
from one to ten million copies per cell170. To visualize MIBI also require specialized instrumentation that is
low-​abundance proteins, such as certain transcription expensive and not readily available to most labs.
factors or phosphorylated signalling proteins, signal Exciting new developments include high-​definition
amplification is essential. Amplification methods, such MIBI (HD-​MIBI), which allows multiplexed imaging
as immuno-​SABER169, immunosignal hybridization in three dimensions of both targeted proteins and exo­
chain reaction171,172 and enzymatic amplifications such genously added structurally unmodified small molecules
as horseradish peroxidase173 or tyramide signal ampli- with resolution down to 30 nm177. The authors demon-
fication (TSA)174 approaches can improve the signal to strated the power of this novel method by mapping the
noise ratio. Until recently, TSA methods such as Opal chemotherapy drug cisplatin with proteins in various
IHC have been restricted to simultaneous detection subnuclear structures and showed that selective subcel-
of up to eight proteins as the tyramide-​linked fluoro- lular drug relocalization may modulate resistance to this
phores remained bound to the tissue despite antibody important chemotherapeutic agent.
removal. Recent advances in the development of the
IBEX protocol have shown that lithium borohydride Future perspectives
can be used to eliminate the signal from several Opal The promise of spatial profiling is clear, and past and
dyes, providing a means for the highly multiplexed continued improvements in resolution, sensitivity,
imaging of low-​abundance proteins in heavily fixed multiplexing, throughput and access have resulted in
and autofluorescent tissues161. With the dynamic range the broader implementation of these respective tech-
of the human proteome being significantly higher than nologies for basic research, such as neuroscience and

NATure Reviews | GenetIcS volume 23 | December 2022 | 753


a Fluorescent cyclic approaches b One-step mass-tag-based approaches

Staining Imaging Extinguish

Stacked image
Antibodies labelled with
Fluorophore labelled (direct immunofluorescence) elemental isotopes

Cyclic IF

Imaging Antibody removal


Imaging Bleaching

Fluorophore labelled (indirect immunofluorescence)


Primary antibody Imaging Antibody removal

staining Laser ablation or ion beam gun



Primary antibody HRP-conjugated Tyramide–fluorophore

staining secondary antibody activation and binding
TOF mass spectrometry

DNA labelled


An 4

Primary antibody Hybridization of

An 3

fluorescent probes


and imaging


Primary antibody Concatemer Hybridization of

staining hybridization fluorescent probes
and imaging


Primary antibody Barcode Hybridization of

staining amplification fluorescent probes
and imaging

754 | December 2022 | volume 23


◀ Fig. 4 | An overview of imaging-based spatial proteomics methods. Methods can detected molecules (capture or detection efficiency), or
roughly be classified into two main approaches: ‘fluorescent cyclic approaches’ or antibody validation data, are crucial metrics for compar-
‘one-​step mass-​tag-​based approaches’. a | Schematic depiction of fluorescent cyclic ing technologies and judging the proper technology for
approaches and the creation of fluorescent signals from individual proteins through the a specific set of questions. Yet, there are no commonly
repetitive process of single or multicolour fluorescence generation, imaging and signal
agreed-​upon methods for quantifying such values,
removal. There are versions of this approach that differ in the methodology for fluores-
cence visualization and removal, including the use of direct immunofluorescent methods nor is it generally accepted that such values need to be
with fluorophore-​labelled antibodies, indirect methods with fluorophore-​labelled sec- reported. For example, current high-​resolution spatial
ondary antibcfodies and methods that use DNA-​conjugated antibodies. b | Schematic indexing technologies have much lower molecule cap-
depiction of one-​step mass-​tag-​based approaches in which antibodies labelled with ion- ture rate per unit than lower-​resolution methods, but
izable metal mass tags are used for labelling. The tissue is ablated with a laser or ion beam, their systematic comparison is impeded by the lack of
liberating antibody-​bound metal isotopes as ions for subsequent detection using time-​of-​ standardized performance metrics. This includes the
flight (TOF) mass spectrometry. 4i, iterative indirect immunofluorescence; HRP, horserad- absence of standard samples and targeted gene or pro-
ish peroxidase; IF, immunofluorescence; MxIF, multiplexed immunofluorescence; m/z, tein sets, which could greatly facilitate cross-​modality
mass to charge ratio; t-​CyCIF, tissue-​based cyclic immunofluorescence. comparisons. Similarly, among the image-​based tran-
scriptomics methods, detection efficiency is most often
developmental biology, or translational efforts in the measured relative to single-​plex smFISH of the same
area of cancer or autoimmune disorders. Especially for RNA in matched samples, but other metrics, such as
translational research and in the clinic, spatial profiling comparison with scRNA-​seq, are also used, or in some
has already been standard practice for decades through cases no measurements are provided. Given the ease
histopathology assessment for disease diagnosis and with which smFISH can be performed in a range of
treatment decision. However, current pathology meth- samples, we encourage the field to adopt this common
ods rely greatly on the manual assessment of cell and benchmark for estimating RNA capture or detection
tissue structure (mostly through H&E tissue staining) efficiencies for all ST methods.
and modestly multiplexed marker measurements.
Established features have enough discriminative power Technological innovations to come. Beyond the exciting
to distinguish healthy from diseased tissue and, thus, are array of capabilities of emerging techniques, further
often sufficient for broad diagnostic purposes. However, developments are likely around the corner. For example,
measures of tissue morphology alone lack the molecular although multimodal measurements are possible, with
depth promised by this new toolbox of ST, proteomic increases in the multiplexing in all modalities, it could
and genomic techniques, combining deep molecular and be possible to leverage spatially resolved genome-​wide
spatial profiling to better predict patient prognosis or the measurements at cellular resolution to derive single-​cell
success of therapeutic intervention. The spatial omics phenotype atlases with spatial information from a single
technologies reviewed here have the potential to trans- experiment. Similarly, metabolic profiling of small mol-
form current pathology practice into high-​precision ecules, lipids and drugs has yet to be incorporated with
readouts through the digitalization of molecular pro- emerging spatial profiling techniques, although imaging
files and the associated increase in the feature space by mass spectrometry offers this promise. Finally, the vast
orders of magnitude. However, to achieve its transform- majority of tissues are 3D structures, and extending spa-
ative potential many aspects of this field must continue tial profiling, be it via consecutive 2D sections182 or 3D
to mature. imaging177, offers the opportunity to build 3D atlases of
cells183 and tissues81. On all of these fronts, novel com-
Data and performance standards. A key requirement putational methods will be needed to integrate data
on the roadmap towards broad use and clinical imple- across multiple modalities and length scales184 to provide
mentation will be the standardization of data generation access to the insights provided by such comprehensive
and file formats178 through automation and consistent measurement of the molecular architecture of cells and
processing pipelines179. Not only will such standards con- tissues.
tinue to drive computational innovations, they would
also facilitate the large-​scale integration of spatial omics Data and clinical integration. As single or multimodal
and existing pathology imaging data. In turn, this may spatial profiling techniques become increasingly avail­
promise the ability to extract crucial insights from rou- able, we envision that such methods will greatly inform
tine or lowly multiplexed images, reducing profiling clinical diagnostics and prognostics. However, first
requirements back to standard imaging, minimizing informative features must be learned through the inte-
costs, facilitating accessibility and, ultimately, democra- gration of high-​content screens (for example, ST pro-
tizing health care. Indeed, such a reductionist approach filing) with clinical metadata (for example, survival
has been successful with H&E using computational or response). Here, in addition to omics information,
histopathology180 and contrast-​enhanced CT181 images spatial context provides an additional layer to increase
for features such as immune cell infiltration or association predictive power through cell- and tissue-​scale features,
with genomic and transcriptional aberrations. such as cell–cell interaction or invasive cell behaviour,
Standardization of performance metrics and stand- respectively. For example, in a single test, spatial tran-
ards for the reporting of such quality control metrics scriptome analysis could enable the identification of
will also be an essential step to maintain the rate of cancer gene signatures (for example, PAM50 for breast
development and adoption of these profiling tools. For cancer), the proliferative and invasive potential of a
example, quantities such as the fraction of captured or tumour, as well as the degree of stromal and immune

NATure Reviews | GenetIcS volume 23 | December 2022 | 755


cell infiltration for cancer subtyping and distinguishing or dissociation-​sensitive (for example, neutrophils) cell
immunogenic from cold tumours, respectively. Applied types, or from increased sensitivity, for example, the
across large cohorts and including additional genetic ability to profile lowly expressed but functionally rele-
modalities (for example, T cell receptor and B cell vant genes, such as those encoding receptors or tran-
receptor sequencing for clonal amplification of tumour-​ scription factors, and define subtle differences in cell
reactive immune cells or the identification of tertiary type and cell state defined by these genes. Given the
lymphoid organs) and epigenetic markers (for example, respective promise of these techniques, it is paramount
spatial ATAC185 or CUT&Tag for histone186 profiling), it to find ways to merge dissociated-​cell and spatial profil-
becomes an iterative learning process, in which increas- ing methods. Integrative genome-​wide single-​cell and
ing amounts of data gradually increase predictive feature spatial approaches range from the screening of gene
numbers for improved prediction. markers and signatures to the spatial projection of cell
types and states191. Furthermore, single-​cell atlases are
Reference atlases. A key requirement for the charting a resource for the design of targeted panels for image-​
of diseased tissues will be the precise characterization of based transcriptomics or spatial protein approaches to
healthy tissues to distinguish healthy from diseased areas generate integrated spatially resolved atlases.
and normal from altered cells. In many ways, providing
these healthy reference points is the ambitious goal of Conclusions
the Human Cell Atlas project, which aims to provide With spatial methods gaining robustness, scalability
a catalogue of all healthy human cell types in terms of and access, we foresee their broader implementation in
molecular composition, morphology and location187, many areas of life science, from basic to clinical research.
and is just one of many ambitious cell atlas projects. To Eventually their application in areas such as pathology or
date, such efforts have largely been powered by massive drug development can further contribute to modernize
application of dissociated single-​cell techniques (for and personalize health care. Until then, the diverse land-
example, scRNA-​seq) on tissues and organs188–190, with scape of technologies and modalities will require coor-
efforts to represent the global human ethnic diversity. dinated efforts to benchmark and standardize processes
As spatial profiling techniques mature and are more to ensure reliable and reproducible results. Although
widely adopted, we fully expect that these approaches such efforts have been undertaken for single-​c ell
will play a pivotal part in such atlas-​building efforts, methods192,193, their application to spatial and multi-​omics
as single-​cell and spatial profiles synergize through methods will drive future informed decision-​making
the high-​throughput molecular phenotyping capacity processes. Together, spatial profiling is being estab-
of the former and the conserved cell and tissue archi- lished as a major player in the research and clinical
tecture profiling of the latter. Beyond spatial context, communities and, no doubt, will further revolutionize
spatial profiling methods offer other advantages that our understanding of the complexity of life.
derive from the lack of dissociation, including the abil-
ity to profile tightly connected (for example, neurons) Published online 20 July 2022

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sequencing protocols for cell atlas projects. reveals domains and cooperative interactions in single
Nat. Biotechnol. 38, 747–755 (2020). cells. Science 362, eaau1783 (2018). © Springer Nature Limited 2022

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